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Pregnancies April 2018 - #3 the babies are nearly here !

865 replies

DaisyLand · 05/03/2018 20:35

So we’ve nearly finished with thread 2! Just on time for the babies joining us !

OP posts:
laura1306 · 05/11/2018 03:53

@amysaurus87 aww no! I hope you manage to get some rest! I'm currently awake and have not yet slept because of that one tooth he is sprowting! I'm beginning to miss the early days again. So on edge I don't even want to shut my eyes because it's false hope!

amysaurus87 · 01/11/2018 21:30

I'm still here! Grumpy 6 month old who is still refusing to nap!

We have 2 teeth though, they cut at the same time...that was fun...not

laura1306 · 31/10/2018 22:55

Anybody still on here? Currently got a grumpy 7 month old just cut his first tooth! 😬

AnnaMadden · 16/07/2018 09:57

Hi I was just thinking of this thread the other day lol. We're great...Áine is 4 months old today. I can't believe how fast it's going. She has a third injections on Weds ☹

Hope everyone and their babies are doing well xx

Pregnancies April 2018 - #3 the babies are nearly here !
Rae2017 · 16/07/2018 09:44

Hey everyone. How is everyone getting on?can you believe how quick the time is going! My son was 3 months last week! He's got his 2nd set of jabs today!

kirta · 02/06/2018 09:21

Cluster feeding is definitely a thing and always has been! You definitely did not invent it @Fieau My PIL have some very strange ideas! Mine are convinced I am trying to freeze him to death because I don't have him in 46 layers of clothing! HmmMy daughter cluster fed and was really calm, and I just sat up for hours and drank tea, ate biscuits and fed her. It was a lovely time. This time with my son, I don't actually think it's cluster feeding. He wasn't napping brilliantly in the day, therefore not feeding well, which culminated in hours of screaming. I resisted the dummy (stupidly, as my daughter hadn't had one) and didn't really persevere with it. Now he has accepted it, he settles quickly for a nap and stays asleep for much longer. Fed more efficiently yesterday and went down at 8pm. Woke twice, fed, and then was up at 7.15am. Very early days, but I think lack of decent daytime sleeping is/was the cause of my particular issue.

It's is so hard not to compare to your other children! I constantly have to remind myself that he's a totally different baby! My daughter lulled me into a false sense of security! Grin

Loosemoose28 · 02/06/2018 07:19

You cannot spoil a baby argh. I was told I was making a rod for my own back using a sling to settle her and allowing her to nap in it by my OH friend... good job its my back not hers then Hmm

Cluster feeding is hard- I jusy keep reminding myself its normal and many women accross the world are going through the exact same thing.

Fieau · 02/06/2018 06:31

@loosemoose28 I think my PIL think I have invented cluster feeding.... They keep asking loads of questions about it as though they don't believe it's a real thing, or that I'm spoiling the baby. Drives me insane!!

Loosemoose28 · 01/06/2018 23:34

Thought I had lost this thread. Hello everybody.

Kirta its really normal to have fussy evenings its called cluster feeding they basicallu are tanking up for the night x

kirta · 01/06/2018 20:38

@PinkRose24 been at my mums the last few days and we have tried a dummy again. My dad actually walked up and down the garden with him and encouraged him to take it. He actually started using it and we have had the most settled evening for the last 3 weeks! He is very chilled. Fed well and has actually napped in a cot during the day. We tried the Avent dummies and they seem to be working. May be worth trying again??

PinkRose24 · 01/06/2018 20:18

Thank you @@AnnaMadden I'll give it a read. I don't go overboard on the water I tend to just give it him as a last resort to try and soothe him I never give him more than 1-2 onces but only maybe 2x a week or less depending how unsettled he is

AnnaMadden · 01/06/2018 10:22

Reading up on the fourth trimester helped me understand my baby and her needs in the first few weeks so I'd highly recommend that.

Be careful offering water under 6 months as this can cause water intoxication x

Fieau · 31/05/2018 16:45

It sounds like your babies all go to bed much earlier than mine.... I'm lucky if he's asleep for the night by 11. Up until then he's feeding on and off for about four hours. Plus he still refuses to sleep in his cot and just wants to be held constantly

PinkRose24 · 31/05/2018 10:50

@kirta Omg they sound like the same baby. No mine doesn't use a dummy either, we've tried him with one but he hates it. Has been so good but then this week he's been a nightmare bless him..I'm thinking it may just be a phase they may be going through. I will speak to the doctor when he has his 6 week check just to rule out colic ECT...Have you tried grip water or anything like that? I tried infacol just in case and he hated that too so never given it him again. I've also given him cooled boiled water and tbh it does help him bring up his wind better but doesn't settle him any better

kirta · 31/05/2018 10:31

@PinkRose24 that's exactly what it's like! I'm breastfeeding too, and he fusses about! I know supply is not an issue. I'm lucky to make plenty. I'm also worried that he is using me as a dummy at time (he doesn't actually have a dummy). Some nights he can be as calm as you like, down at 7.30 then wakes st 11.30 for a feed then goes through to 3.30. Then 5.30/6am. Does then like a big morning nap around 8.15. It's literally those few evening hours thy are driving me around the twist!
Agree with the googling! I'll never learn. He was a bit pale the other day (or so I thought) by the time I'd finished, I'd truly terrified myself. Ironically, by the time I looked up from my phone his colour was fine. Grin

PinkRose24 · 31/05/2018 10:24

@kirta Congratulations to you too :).Thank you for your reply, I remember my daughter crying real tears fairly early...I googled so got myself all worried!! I will never learn lol. Your little sounds just like mine.. Very relaxed up until 6/6.30 then trying to settle him is so difficult...we've try everything feeding him,changing him,singing to him,putting more layers on him in case he's cold and taking layers off in case he's to hot. I was thinking it could be colic but like you not 100% sure.He also feeds a lot during during this time too im breastfeeding so weather it's a comfort thing I don't know. @AnnaMadden I didn't realise you could use breast milk I'll try it whilst I feed him to see if it helps,

kirta · 31/05/2018 10:08

@PinkRose24 he is absolutely gorgeous! My little boy is 6 weeks on Saturday and no tears yet. Not worried, as I am sure my daughter was much older before we saw real tears.

On another note, does anyone else have a very placid baby, that when goes down in the evening only wakes once for a feed and then goes straight down again, but screams bloody murder between about 6pm and 9/10pm?! I know it's a flag for colic, but I'm not totally convinced this is the issue... not particularly interested in cluster feeding during this time, just winds himself up and screams! I know it will pass and he is an otherwise very contented little soul. But the couple of hours screaming in an evening is getting a bit wearing! Confused

AnnaMadden · 31/05/2018 09:33

Congratulations PinkRose24 babies are born with underdeveloped tear ducts and it will take 6-8 weeks for them to be able to produce real tears so there's nothing to worry about. If Ezra has gunky eyes you can clean these with breast milk if your breastfeeding and gently massage the ducts at the same time.

Gorgeous baby! X

PinkRose24 · 31/05/2018 06:57

Hi all hope you and your new little bundles of joy are all well :) I havnt been on here a while due to being so busy...My little boy was born on 23rd April at 10.54 so only minutes before the new prince!.weighing a healthy 7lb 6oz.weve named him Ezra after my partners great grandfather, I do have a slight concern though so hope you don't mind me posting here..He is yet to cry real tears has almost 6 weeks...He cries(obviously) but no tears come from his eyes, he has had sliglty gunky eyes too which I've been cleaning with cooled boiled water. I will be taking him to see the gp if this continues I'm also going mention it to my health visitor when i see her. Has anyone else experienced this?

Pregnancies April 2018 - #3 the babies are nearly here !
Bez9087 · 19/05/2018 20:04

@anna oh no bless her 😢 I’m so dreading them.
@harry I do. I sit in the evenings and just want to cuddle one without any distractions usually Imogen as she’s so chilled she’s happy to lay down and play etc in the day where as isobelle is more hard work and needs that reassurance so the minute someone’s home to cuddle isobelle I make the most of it with Imogen. Parenting is hard work. Biggest challenge yet.

AnnaMadden · 19/05/2018 14:00

@Bez I hope the girls cope better than Áine! She had hers yesterday and has not stopped crying...her poor little voice is's heartbreaking! 😢

HarryHarry · 19/05/2018 13:59

I did tell them what the rules were but didn't realize that they didn't actually wash their hands when I asked them to. They've gone now, thankfully, but have said they'll be back again in a few months for an even longer visit!

Does anyone else feel like they hardly spend any time with their baby even if you're with him all day? I have permanent guilt about it.


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amysaurus87 · 19/05/2018 11:36

@Harry you haven't failed your baby at all, I totally agree with @bez tell all visitors they don't handle baby until they have washed their hands, I've done this with Joshua and no one has had an issue with it.

Bez9087 · 19/05/2018 11:10

Oh @harry you haven’t failed your baby please don’t think that. I would be giving your visitors a stern warning of washing hands etc is compulsory or do not hold him if that’s what you wish and it’s your house and your rules and most importantly he’s your baby. I was so strict who I allowed to hold the girls the first few weeks with them being so tiny and vulnerable still slightly picky now but who care we are our babies mummies and we are the ones to keep them safe. Hope they don’t outstay their welcome and you have a lovely weekend.
We are watching the royal wedding today my daughter is also called Megan and at school this week they re enacted the wedding and she was Megan Markle at school so had a mini hen party and then a mini wedding with cake lol! She’s loved it (she’s 8) so informed me we are watching the wedding today so I have made a proper little afternoon tea for her to watch it with.
Girls are 8 weeks old now and have their 8 week check next week and jabs. I’m dreading them already 😫

HarryHarry · 18/05/2018 13:50

Congratulations @WonderfullySunny - sorry it's a bit late, I haven't had a chance to catch up on the thread for a few days as we have the first round of visitors with us. It's an absolute nightmare as they don't seem to understand the seriousness of the baby's condition - asking to hold him after being on the bus all day, without washing their hands, and stinking of cigarettes. They also say they don't expect us to 'entertain' them when they clearly do. I feel like I've failed my baby by allowing them to be around him.

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