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Pregnancies April 2018 - #3 the babies are nearly here !

865 replies

DaisyLand · 05/03/2018 20:35

So we’ve nearly finished with thread 2! Just on time for the babies joining us !

OP posts:
dkb15164 · 16/03/2018 08:19

@amysaurus87 unless something goes wrong and I'm stuck in hospital for a few days, we will be keeping it all top secret until we return home and then immediate family (parents, siblings and our respective best friends) and the midwife and health visitor allowed only for the first week (no social media announcements/posts/photos/hints or anything as I hate the blasted thing). Partner has 2 weeks off work after birth so want to spend that time with him bonding with our first baby and trying to settle into a routine rather than catering to visitor's needs (luckily our flat has a mute button on buzzer system for when my mum inevitably spills her big mouth to her friends). No cups of tea (I don't even drink the stuff!) shall be offered by me in my recovery I've decided! I don't want to worry about tidying or putting on makeup on for guests at all. But then I'm a very private person who has put up with a very loud invasive extensive family over the years and wants this to be different.

@HarryHarry Have a midwife appointment on Monday so will ask her what the common protocol for our area is. It would be easier of course if we could get the lift from DP's sister but if I'm late as I've been told first babies often are it might not work out that way. Our car seat is the one that the seatbelt has to be wrapped around so can take a few minutes to set up so I think it's the same as yours - no isofix base thing right? Will put a link below.

dkb15164 · 16/03/2018 08:20

@rosegarden45 also welcome to the thread! 15th of April due date over here as well

Bez9087 · 16/03/2018 08:55

@emchapman there’s lots of nasty viruses going round at the minute. Iv got the same bunged up feeling, sore throat etc. But my kiddies have had the same so presume I have caught what they had.
@anna good luck can’t believe you get to meet your beautiful baby today. Hope all goes as well as it can.
@dkb we drive so not much advice but with ours we left car seat at home and hubby brought it when I was getting discharged. I had dd on the Friday at 7:14pm and got discharged Saturday 7pm. So be prepared may need to stay overnight.
Me and hubby was talking about babies and announcements etc and have agreed we will text close family to let them know they have arrived but no pictures etc are going to be sent out until we have had chance to show our children. Whether that’s through FaceTime or them coming up to visit in the evening then so be it. Most have been understanding but not told my mum yet Hmm then when we get home we are limiting visitors too only one at a time and not long because our dd and ds are off all week after on half term so it’s our time and theirs to bond. So making sure we get our time.

rosegarden45 · 16/03/2018 09:19

I'm worried about the whole announcing birth thing. My mum is very intense and put a lot of pressure on us to get pregnant in the first place (We went through fertility treatment after 6 years ttc). When we found out we were expecting my husband was so excited he wanted to tell everyone at 8 weeks. I really wanted to keep it to ourselves for a bit but he was so upset that I didn't want to share that we ended up telling parents at about 8/9 weeks and then he did a social media announcement after our first scan - I was totally against this but again it upset him that I didn't want to share and in the end after talking it through I let him do it. Since this he has luckily left Facebook because I was really hating all of the social media attention. We haven't officially discussed our plans for birth announcement. My mother originally said she wanted to be present for the birth but I've totally put my foot down on this and haven't told a single person our due date as I don't want people turning up or making plans to visit. Both sets of parents were due to be abroad but have both rearranged holidays to be around in April for when baby is born so I feel like we will have to be welcoming if they want to come over but I really would like to keep the news to ourselves for a couple of days. From previous experience, when my sister in law gave birth, my husband didn't tell my mother until the next day and my mother was so offended it caused a huge family argument and they didn't speak for months. So as much as I want to keep everything private I don't think I'll be allowed to due to the risk of upsetting my mother and causing unnecessary stress 🙈

Rae2017 · 16/03/2018 09:50

Welcome @rosegarden. I'm due a day later 16th!

I've been thinking about how we let people know. Think we're going to let grandparents and our siblings know through text and when he is born grandparents to come and visit. However I was chatting to partner about this and I want to make sure the 3 of us get quality time together before thr madness begins. Ive said I don't want any announcements going Facebook straight away. Not until we've been home for a few days and been able to have those days just as a family.
Think partner is a little upset as earlier in week his parents told him they've booked holiday on 14th April for 2 weeks so if he comes on time then they won't see him for a while anyway.

I just want to make sure they when he is born we have those first few hours just us 3 bonding without worrying about everyone else

amysaurus87 · 16/03/2018 11:21

Thanks guys! We've avoided announcing the pregnancy on social media (much to my dad's upset!) But are planning on putting something up once baby is born, it's our 1 year wedding anniversary on 29 April so we were thinking of doing something on that day, assuming baby has made an appearance!

AnnaMadden · 16/03/2018 15:07

Well we are delighted to introduce you to our beautiful new daughter! Áine Rose Madden born today at 11.58 weighing 6lb 9oz. She's doing great...currently in SCBU so they can keep an eye on her but she should be with us again soon. She's a beauty! Xx

Pregnancies April 2018 - #3 the babies are nearly here !
DaisyLand · 16/03/2018 15:15

Congratulations! Hoping she's not in SCBU for long and you can take her home soon!
She looks cute!

OP posts:
Bez9087 · 16/03/2018 16:03

Congratulations @anna she is beautiful. Hope she’s not in scbu too long.
How did the section go? Hope your recovering well.

amysaurus87 · 16/03/2018 16:07

Congratulations @Anna she is beautiful, hope she's not in SCBU for to long and you can take her home soon

Loosemoose28 · 16/03/2018 16:19

Oh she is so scrummy Flowers
Massive congratulations and well done mumma @Anna x

HarryHarry · 16/03/2018 16:19

Congratulations AnnaMadden - first of the April (well, March, really!) babies!

Rae2017 · 16/03/2018 18:32

Congrats!!!! She's adorable

dkb15164 · 16/03/2018 18:38

Congratulations @AnnaMadden ! What a beautiful baby and such a good weight for 36 weeks too! Hope you're resting for now as little one will be home before you know it.

My mums a midwife and she says the biggest cause of trouble on the maternity ward nowadays is facebook announcements - a visitor always posts before the parents do or somebody posts the wrong thing etc etc (grandparents are the usual culprits for causing upset as they don't know facebook etiquette). Make sure to make sure your family are clear on the rules of who is to post what when before you go into labour.

WonderfullySunny · 16/03/2018 19:39

@AnnaMadden congratulations!! Thanks Great news that she's doing well, hope you're feeling alright after the section let us know how you get on!

Fieau · 16/03/2018 21:21

@annamadden congratulations! Beautiful baby girl Flowers

My OH is determined for us to enjoy as much time with just us and the baby as possible. We aren't planning on telling anyone when I go into labour, then we will wait and see how long after the birth we will be staying in hospital before we call our parents. Then we plan on just having our parents, and brothers and sisters visit at the hospital so that when we get home we can have a few days to ourselves before telling anyone else. Not sure whether this will work in practice though!

Loosemoose28 · 16/03/2018 22:36

I love the feeling that for a while only those people in the room know this whole new human being exists in the world- I plan to hold onto that feeling for as long as I can.

Parents and our siblings will be first family to know our mums will spread it to the rest Wink no one is disrespectful enough to put on facebook. Prob won’t tell anyone else until home. Lucky that no family live close enough to turn up unannounced and all my friends are mums and we have always been to visit with food/ doing housework etc I am dreading one neighbour and thats it reading what some people are worried about with over bearing MILs and risk of announcement on facebook etc I feel really lucky.

MadRainbow · 17/03/2018 12:43

Congratulations @Anna she's so perfect and at that weight fingers crossed she'll be home very soon

SBDB · 17/03/2018 12:52

Congratulations AnnaMadden! First one!

I haven't been around much recently so I've had a mammoth catch up and it's so great to see the first baby here safe and sound! I feel like I'm such a long way behind you all as I'm not due until the 24th of April but I'm starting to get really excited.
I can certainly identify with the tiredness issue but I've only got 9 days left of work and then I can relax a bit.
We are currently converting our bungalow to a house (poor timing!) and I don't think it will be finished by the time little one is here! I think other people are more stressed about it than me though - we'll just wait and see what happens.

Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend.

AnnaMadden · 17/03/2018 13:18

Afternoon ladies, we're doing great! Section wasn't too bad to be fair...Very efficient and about an hour start to finish although Áine was out within 4 mins! The first time you move during the day is quite painful but once you keep moving it's bearable! Just need to keep on top of pain meds. I've been hand expressing colostrum for her but we've just moved ward so that she can leave SCBU and settle with me...even though she's still under the photo therapy lamp. I can't wait to have her with's been hard being apart!

Hang in there girls...every ache and pain you're feeling now is so worth it! 😍

emvy · 17/03/2018 16:50

Congratulations Anna she is absolutely gorgeous and what a perfect weight! Great news that they’re moving her in with you and you’ve been able to express some of your colostrum. It sounds like you’re doing incredibly! So so exciting our first little April bubba (okay so technically March) is safely in the world!

I have one more week at work and I’m SO ready for a rest. Staff are throwing me a baby shower on Thursday and 4 girls in my class organised a class baby shower yesterday, which was just the cutest thing and made me properly choke up. They of course had to rope in the help of their very kind and generous parents and my TA to get everything organised but I had no idea and it was such a lovely surprise. One of the mum’s even made an incredible cake. Suddenly feeling very sad to leave my little bunch of lovelies!

The painful Braxton Hicks have begun as well, which is new. Had them since about 22 weeks but not painful. Hoping it’s a sign he won’t be arriving 2 weeks overdue but I know it doesn’t mean anything really. 4 weeks left to go - due April 13th.

Welcome rosegarden Smile lovely to see a new face join us.

We’ve not talked about announcing to family, I guess we probably should! My mum is going to be there through the labour so I’m assuming both sets of parents will know when I go into labour and knowing my family at least, the entire lot will know before the baby even arrives. As long as they don’t visit for a week or so I don’t mind too much them knowing I don’t think.

Sorry for the mammoth message 😬🙈

FHNick · 17/03/2018 18:35

Hiiii, can I join you ladies. Due 24th April with my second baby. I've been feeling terrible the last 2 days and can not wait to finish work. I work as a restaurant manager so it's pretty tiring. Only 2 weeks left at work! Xx


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Pumpkinma · 18/03/2018 08:48

37 weeks today! 😳 Can't wait for my little pumpkin to be out! Anyone else feeling quite fed up of being pregnant now?

DaisyLand · 18/03/2018 09:26

Me ! 36+4 so not long before you.

Been having strange discharge but think it’s normal. And snow today so hoping I don’t need a trip to hospital !

OP posts:
laura1306 · 18/03/2018 10:45

Anybody has there babies yet? I'm due to be induced Wednesday!

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