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March 2018 babies due? How is everyone!

996 replies

Potteryprincess30 · 09/01/2018 08:30

Can someone direct me to the March thread please? Or shall we start a new one? I feel like the old one has completely disappeared into the depths of the mumsnet sea.

We're getting close now and wanted to see how everyone was as I'm due the 7th Smile

All the best to you all lovely pregnant ladies

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Meash82 · 24/01/2018 13:24

@potteryprincess30.... the pillow definitely helps! I won't want to get rid of it after! How long till you are due now? Xx

Potteryprincess30 · 24/01/2018 15:28

I'm due on the 7th of March @Meash82 , Thiis last month is going to start going slow again though now babies imminent. I hope your work are being understanding about your SPD, it's a wonder you don't take that pillow to work with you! (it's a wonder your even at work Smile) xx

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teabagfreak · 26/01/2018 16:36

How's everyone feeling? I have been signed off work this week due to PGP and was at doctors this morning got another three week line to work mornings only as I am so fed up sitting around the house although the rest has really helped.

Potteryprincess30 · 26/01/2018 16:56

Hello @teabagfreak when are you due? What is PGP? Hope you are ok Smile

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MrsL2016 · 26/01/2018 20:28

It is my understanding that PGP (pelvic girdle pain) and SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction) are very similar. Had a little Google and most people seem to use them interchangeably. My hips really ache in bed because of having to side sleep but it goes off pretty quickly once I am up and moving about and I have been given at extra supportive chair at work which has really helped with aches and pains too. I am just really starting to struggle with tiredness this week. Starting to realise I can't keep up my usual pace for much longer. Glad I will be going on leave in a few weeks.

Meash82 · 26/01/2018 23:31

Yes...SPD is what it used to be called (which is why I keep referring to it as SPD out if habit😀) but it is now referred to as PGP which includes all pelvic pain, front, back and hips. My first 2 pregnancies it was the front of my pelvis so SPD was accurate name but this 3rd time it is all of it. Feels like I have been kicked in my nether regions, pain in the pelvic front, hips, lower back and buttocks at times....
Third trimester is so uncomfortable and tiring, even at the best of times but meanigful sleeping with SPD/PGP is practically impossible! It should go pretty quick once baby is here though 😍

teabagfreak · 27/01/2018 03:35

Thankful to hear it goes when baby is here as it's unbearable. Feels as though I have been kicked in the vagina, a sore muscular pressure feeling constantly down below - started off with sore hips in bed at night but I seem to have sorted that out with a good maternity pillow but god forbid I need to turn in the night - even turning round feels so sore down below. Anyway - hoping working mornings only will help me reach my maternity leave so I don't need to finish up too early.

Apart from that all going well and very organised 😊 Nursery finished and the only thing I really need to buy is bottles/steriliser and breast pump. Not too worried about this though as they advise not to express straight away when breastfeeding.

Still having trouble sleeping between 3-5am (Baby must be warning me that they are going to be up at this time lol)

Meash82 · 27/01/2018 08:28

Oh I recognise all those feelings Teabagfreak! You can onky do what you can do and if you need to be off sick and can afford it than do it. You might not be sick but not fit to work necessarily either.... You really have to take care of yourself and listen to your body x

Potteryprincess30 · 27/01/2018 10:15

Hi ladies, if anyones got any advice on this I have started a thread

The minefield of sleeping arrangements Confused

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HazyDays81 · 27/01/2018 10:19

teabagfreak I sympathise with what you’re going through. I had severe SPD/PGP in my first pregnancy & ended up on crutches. The pain is awful. On the plus side it did go not longer after having baby. Be kind to yourself. I kept struggling to work & I really should have finished early. In my second pregnancy I didn’t have it at all! Now on pregnancy no.3 & so far so good & now 33weeks so really hoping it’ll stay away.

MrsL2016 · 27/01/2018 12:22

33 weeks today for me and I was thinking earlier that I tend to focus on the downside of pregnancy and have a good moan (we are British after all). But I tried thinking of the perks of pregnancy, other than getting a baby at the end of it of course. For the last 10 weeks or so I have had amazing clear skin and only have to wash my hair once a week because it isn't greasy at all. Anyone else?

Mugglenet · 27/01/2018 12:41

I love being pregnant. Bar this hip pain and feeling like I've been hit with a baseball bat in my lady garden 😂 I live that my skin is fabulous and the fact I've such a special bond with a little baby that I'm the only one in the world can feel. These aches and pains will be so worth it. X

Meash82 · 27/01/2018 13:16

Absolutely ladies! There really is nothing like it xxx

Mugglenet · 27/01/2018 13:38

Does anyone else keeping it as a surprise or do they know what they are having x

Iwantaunicorn · 28/01/2018 11:29

We know what we’re having, I never wanted a surprise but my DH did until we went clothes shopping and he realised that gender neutral was a bit hard to find, and then changed his mind!

Iwantaunicorn · 28/01/2018 11:30

I’m now 35+1, and have 3 weeksto go until they whip these bubbas out of me. How’s everyone doing? I’m fall8ng apart, and counting the days!

Potteryprincess30 · 28/01/2018 14:19

@Iwantaunicorn lol, I am pretty keen to have my baby too (though need to get to 37 weeks so I can have her in a birth center)

I'm 35 weeks tomorrow, time is dragging now and although I'm feeling physically good, mentally I'm ready not to be pregnant anymore.

I want to pound the treadmill again, drink the wine and have the face treatments you can't have when your preggers Wink

Ready to meet her too obviously!

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Lavenderdays · 28/01/2018 14:47

I am 31+4 and completely had enough (4th pregnancy), 3rd DC. We know that we are having another little girl (dd3) and this will definitely be my last pregnancy.
I am repeatedly being told how huge I am and although physically, no major problems apart from breathlessness which has been put down to baby being high up - checked for low iron levels etc. no major complaints...but this leaves me sometimes struggling to get around. I also have the added complication of experiencing a late loss (22 weeks) so psychologically this pregnancy has been very testing - just want the baby to arrive safely in my arms now! The novelty has definitely worn off! Due late March but dd2 arrived two weeks early and hoping this will happen again. Looking forward to baby arriving and getting back (after breastfeeding) to my wine and long walks!

Lulu2515 · 28/01/2018 14:50

Hey! Can I join in? 32 weeks tomorrow.

I'm glad I've read some of you describing fanny muscle pain... such a weird and horrible feeling!

Also very jealous of lovely skin and hair.... mine is very much as spotty/greasy as usual.

I do enjoy the special pregnancy feeling though and having people who wouldn't normally show an interest talking to you.

On a side note... I'm slightly worried that my vagina is falling out.... is this a thing? What's a prolapse? dont think it's that panic about everything

teabagfreak · 29/01/2018 00:13

@Lulu2515 Welcome and congrats - I sometimes feel like my fanny is going to fall out too but it's just the pelvic pain causing that.

I am 33wks, FTM and don't know the gender, excited for a surprise. 😍

Abitnutty · 29/01/2018 00:23

I'm 35 weeks on weds.. Due 7 march
Hope everyone is well xx

Potteryprincess30 · 29/01/2018 08:38

Monday morning is getting harder each week. Cannot wait to actually get to February ladies. These sluggish days I swear are twice as long as they used to be Confused

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Potteryprincess30 · 29/01/2018 08:40

@Abitnutty I'm due the 7th of March too! But they say I'm 35 weeks today so don't know how they work that one out Grin

My last was early though so could have a late February baby (she prays!)

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Mugglenet · 29/01/2018 12:25

Got a lovely wee scan this morning cause I've been swelling like a balloon the past few days. Then I took a terrible itch in feet last night. Had liver function test done this morning and will get results tomorrow to rule out preeclampsia. I'm pretty sure its all just part and parcel and nothing to worry about but I feel bad bothering midwives when they are so busy.
Has most people finished up for maternity yet.

Potteryprincess30 · 29/01/2018 13:10

@Mugglenet that must have been so nice seeing a scan at this stage. Good luck for tomorrows results, let us know what the outcome is

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