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Anyone else 39+ weeks?

514 replies

Bobian123 · 06/07/2015 12:18

I'm due on Sunday and thought it'd be nice to see if anyone else is due soon?

How are you all feeling? This will be my second and we've been told it's a girl. If anyone's around and fancies a moan chat about this last stretch, step forward!!

OP posts:
coneywonder · 08/07/2015 19:03

Yes it does! Honestly I threw myself out of my chair and it made me wince and then I cried haha. It makes sense that it's baby's head on cervix. It happens when baby moves anyway.

LostSoulsForever · 08/07/2015 19:08

I hope it is a sign things won't be too much longer - I am ridiculously impatient! It gave me a right old shock the first time it happened!

Ahardmanisgoodtofind · 08/07/2015 19:27

I had that horrible stabbing pain on the way into my local shop this morning got a few funny looks dancing around/trying to stay up right!
Just back from hospital,went up there because babies movements felt a little lack lustre and fewer than normal plus still not heard off community midwives about my "urgent" scan. Turns out im 1cm dilated, so they gave me a sweep,try get things moving, got home and had my show. Midwife seems to think it'll be TONIGHT. I am now panicking.

coneywonder · 08/07/2015 20:12

Ah ahardman how exciting. I would be the same but try and relax and post a juicy birth story for us ;)

Did you mention your urgent scan at the hospital?

lostsouls I honestly thought the baby had a pin in my cervix!

Bobian123 · 08/07/2015 20:41

Ooh ahardman that's really exciting! Can totally understand your panic though. Every night I go to bed half hoping it'll happen and half not! Really, really good luck - please keep us posted!

OP posts:
coneywonder · 08/07/2015 20:44

I think we are all the same. Half excited and hopefully half scared and nervous be good if we could all press go and do it together haha

Ahardmanisgoodtofind · 08/07/2015 20:52

Thanks everyone-Tightenings are getting closer but still not really any pain-im sure it'll come quick enough!going to try and get some sleep soon if i can-need all the energy i can get

coneywonder · 08/07/2015 20:58

Yes have an early night! I'm having pains coming closer together too but they don't feel at all like contractions or what I'd imagine them to feel like. They just feel like period pains?

DulcetMoans · 08/07/2015 21:05

Good luck ahardman! Get some rest as it could be soon even if it's not tonight!

Ahardmanisgoodtofind · 08/07/2015 21:25

Coney could be the very start,fingers crossed for you!I've not had any pain as such just very tight and some back pain with it Confused

ScorpioMermaid · 08/07/2015 21:25

I've had a sweep today, now I have a heartbeat right up my fanny haha Grin dh is laughing at me. Booked in for induction on Monday.

coneywonder · 08/07/2015 21:27

I thought I was having tightenings but I think I imagined in. Haha. I've not had a show or anything either have you?

LostSoulsForever · 08/07/2015 21:40

Good luck ahardman! I hope you manage to get some rest in before it all gets going.
Coney, it is frustrating how easily tightenings seem to come & go isn't it?! When I had my first I had what felt like period pain, then a show, then contractions in my back then finally my waters breaking but from what I have read some people don't have shows/waters breaking until the very last minute and sometimes people miss the show altogether. It seems it is all just a guessing game...

coneywonder · 08/07/2015 21:42

Yeah your right. I think a show or something would just make me believe it more maybe. The pains seemed to be dying down now :(

Ahardmanisgoodtofind · 09/07/2015 07:47

I've had nothing but a good sleep over night!now just waiting for 10 to come so I can ring up and see what the next move disappointed Sad

Bobian123 · 09/07/2015 08:50

Ahh ahardman that is disappointing. Only silver lining is that you've had a good sleep. It could all happen today and you'll have decent energy to deal with it!

OP posts:
berrypicking · 09/07/2015 10:21

hi all! the sweep worked! I had sweep at 12 pm on the 7th July and went into labour about 3 hours later and gave birth to our little boy Benjamin Arthur at 2:20am on the 8th July his due date! so happy! good luck to you all!

coneywonder · 09/07/2015 10:31

No way berry! Congratulations I wish I'd had the sweep now! Haha. I'd love to hear what your birth was like when you have the time or energy! I'm getting nervous!

Bobian123 · 09/07/2015 10:56

Wonderful news berry!!! Hoorah, one baby down Grin. Hope you're feeling well and the birth was all ok xxx

OP posts:
DulcetMoans · 09/07/2015 11:29

Great news berry! So pleased it worked for you!

It's my due date today... Nothing happening.

laura825 · 09/07/2015 11:41

Congratulations Berry! Let's hope the rest of us start popping soon too!
Nothing new few me a few twinges here and there but that's all!! :(

berrypicking · 09/07/2015 12:40

thanks all! great birthing experience. quite quick too! went from 3cm to 10cm in 2 and a half hours. Pushing for 20 mins and no stitches. Feeling great right now :)


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coneywonder · 09/07/2015 12:49

Wow berry you super woman! I can only hope for a labour like that! As can we all! Haha when do you get to go home?

LostSoulsForever · 09/07/2015 12:52

Congratulations Berry! Sounds like a nice birth too :)
Nothing happening here, baby is very relaxed today so hoping she gets a wriggle on this afternoon to assure me everything is ok.

coneywonder · 09/07/2015 13:13

My baby isnt moving too much today either. Gonna go triage if it doesn't start wiggling soon. It did for an hour this morning but died down a bit down

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