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Anyone else 39+ weeks?

514 replies

Bobian123 · 06/07/2015 12:18

I'm due on Sunday and thought it'd be nice to see if anyone else is due soon?

How are you all feeling? This will be my second and we've been told it's a girl. If anyone's around and fancies a moan chat about this last stretch, step forward!!

OP posts:
berrypicking · 07/07/2015 12:55

hey update here! had my sweep and 2cm dilated and starting to efface. got high blood pressure though and swelling so off to triage to get checked out. Hope I don't have to be induced! but I might. Wish me luck!

coneywonder · 07/07/2015 13:19

Ah hopefully you'll won't have to be! How high was your blood pressure?

Good news about bring 2cm dilated! Exciting stuff! Keep us posted and good luck :)

Bobian123 · 07/07/2015 13:25

Good luck berry! Hopefully you'll meet your little boy soon!

OP posts:
HarvestMoon9 · 07/07/2015 14:18

41+2 weeks with DC3 here and am going crazy! I was up most of the night with contractions which eventually faded away, so am pinning my hopes on a sweep this afternoon. Really hoping I don't have to be induced as I had an induction with my DD and it wasn't fun... Hope everyone else is coping with the waiting!

Sausageypyramids · 07/07/2015 15:21

Hi, am due today and very fed up. Get lots of tightenings and cramps in the evening which then go away overnight (sounds familiar!)

I'm hoping for a VBAC so really don't want to go too far over- having a sweep on Thursday but other than that there's not much they can do to induce me due to risk of scar rupture etc. Have a last ditch c-section booked for the 20th but it would be very frustrating to have to have it simply as I won't go into labour! Have a 3 year old and work starting on a conservatory beginning of August so recovering from surgery was not part of the plan!

Good luck everyone and any positive overdue VBAC stories welcome!?

clarabell4680 · 07/07/2015 15:23

I am 39+6 today and first time mum and just ready to meet my little boy now! I do think he will be late though, as no signs at all! Other than a funny tummy last few days, not had any period pains or braxton hicks at all! I really don't want to be induced though!! Is everyone still fairly active, I just want to walk a lot and can't sit at home on the sofa as it bores me and I am just restless!

coneywonder · 07/07/2015 15:33

Hi clara we are due date buds! I know what you mean about the staying active. I'm going a bit stit crazy!

harvest i can't imagine being 41 weeks plus! Even though it's only a week away! I feel for you.

clarabell4680 · 07/07/2015 16:19

Hi Coney :) oh you're due same day as me then...i so want him to come on time but I don't think he will! I am going stir crazy's hard to know what to do for the best...and I feel so lazy just sitting in front of the TV even though everyone keeps telling me to 'make the most of it' aghh!!!

coneywonder · 07/07/2015 16:47

Yeah I do think we need to listen to that advice so many people tell me they felt the same and made sure they did loads but regret it now hah.

I have a sweep tomorrow so gonna see how that goes. Feels all too real now even though I'm so desperate to find out if I have a boy or a girl!

berrypicking · 07/07/2015 17:02

went to triage and blood pressure bow fine! so weird. anyway sweep seems to of done something as getting regular strong contactions which have been totally different to the practice contractions I was having. much lower and like the worst period pain ever! back home till things progress a bit more or my waters go. sweeps do seem to work!

clarabell4680 · 07/07/2015 17:08

True Coney! Good luck with sweep tomorrow..! I'm seeing midwife Friday if no appearance so see what she says but I don't really want a sweep!

coneywonder · 07/07/2015 17:18

I don't want a sweep either but only cause I'm worried about it hurting which isn't a valid enough excuse haha.

Ooo berry did you have yours today? So exciting keep us posted if you can

Bobian123 · 07/07/2015 18:06

Oh that's exciting berry!! Fingers crossed for you, will be lovely to start hearing of some babies being born!

Quite a few of us get the cramps in the evening, then disappearing overnight. Mine come on about 5.30 until I go to sleep. I wonder why that is?!

OP posts:
laura825 · 07/07/2015 20:52

Oh how exciting Berry hope all is going well!

I had midwife appt, she sent me to the hospital as baby's heart rate was 200 for around 15 mins. Went for monitoring and everything was fine, just hoping she was getting excited to come out. So didn't get to discuss anything about a sweep or when I would be induced. Can't get an appointment now until a week Thursday which will be 5 days past my due date. Keeping everything crossed that she's here before then!
As baby is 2/5 down, midwife said she can't go any further down until
In established labour so has suggest bouncing a lot on my ball and sitting backwards on a chair she said sofa is a no no for getting the cervix ready!!

Hope your sweep is successful 2moro Coney and Bobian lets hope our cramps continue tonight!!

DulcetMoans · 07/07/2015 21:46

Hope you've kept progressing berry, you might be well on your way now!

My next appointment is Friday too clara, but no one has mentioned a sweep.

Does anyone know if they do a sweep at home? Appointment is at home so not sure it would even be an option!

Keep bouncing laura!

Not sure why that is the case bobian but mine is worse in the evenings too. Maybe because we are more relaxed?

clarabell4680 · 07/07/2015 22:12

@dulcetmoans - the midwife said to me I can have one at 41 weeks if I want to! Which I probably will now if he doesn't come before as I don't want to be induced!

coneywonder · 07/07/2015 22:40

dulcet they definitely do sweeps at home so you may get one!

Come on babiesssss

Ahardmanisgoodtofind · 07/07/2015 23:31

I had midwife today,No growth over two weeks so have to go for a scan...except she never called!was meant to ring Me after 1.30 with a time for scan and for my next appointment and just hasn't. Hmm
Don't have a number for her as she's meant to be a temporary midwife while mines off sick. Hopefully I hear tomorrow,wasted day waiting for that call though!does your/has your midwife discussed birth plans with you?I've had nothing at all, vaguely remember a discussion when pregnant with ds,but that was 5years ago, do they only do it with the first?hope things start moving for all you due ladies!!

coneywonder · 08/07/2015 07:59

Oh that's helpful ahardman! I wonder what she's playing at?!

I got told that midwifes were being paid now extra to collect birth plans. They should do it at your 36 week appointment. They did with me anyway. Did you have a straight forward birth with your son?

Ahardmanisgoodtofind · 08/07/2015 08:59

I know-im hoping she remembers today and calls, but im not holding my breath.
Needed ventouse (sp) and episiotomy with ds as his heart rate dropped suddenly. With this one i wanted to try water birth before I make any decisions about chemical pain relief (epidural last time), but I have no idea if it's even offered at my hospital.

Pepperonipeteczar · 08/07/2015 09:27

Are we all still here? I'm 40+6 today and the midwife will want to sweep me again tommorow, really hoping to avoid that!

coneywonder · 08/07/2015 10:31

I have decided against my sweep. Just waiting for my midwife now and going to tell her I don't want one. You can refuse any kind of intervention if baby is okay and placenta functioning well. I'm going to see if my body will do it alone!


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WiIdfire · 08/07/2015 10:44

41+0 today and still waiting. One sweep attempt failed (closed), one sweep attempt successful, but no result from it. Will try and book in a third before I hit induction date next week.

Ahardmanisgoodtofind · 08/07/2015 11:38

Getting some (more)tightenings with some lower back pain which comes and goes,sometimes with tightening,and now the odd sharpish pain under bump-is this it or another false alarm/baby sitting on sciatic nerve?
I've done this before and feel like an idiot asking but first time round i literally woke up stood up and AGONY, so I KNEW straight away. HELP

LittleMiss77 · 08/07/2015 11:46

Im due Friday. Have a midwife appt in a few hrs, last time i went she said i could have a sweep today if i want...

I'm struggling to put my shoes on, i can only sit comfortably in 1 position - bolt upright, a lot of my maternity clothes no longer fit and i refuse to buy any more!

DP keeps ringing me up asking me if anything is happening and does he need to come home from work (impatient & excited), as is my DM and a number of friends...

Ive had the odd period pain type cramp and thats it - no show, no braxton hicks... im going to go over arent i?

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