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Anyone else 39+ weeks?

514 replies

Bobian123 · 06/07/2015 12:18

I'm due on Sunday and thought it'd be nice to see if anyone else is due soon?

How are you all feeling? This will be my second and we've been told it's a girl. If anyone's around and fancies a moan chat about this last stretch, step forward!!

OP posts:
LittleMiss77 · 06/08/2015 16:24

Thanks NK - I was lucky enough to get some freebies so givjng them a go today and if they work will be placing an order for some more...

He's had 2 feeds so far using MAM and hes like a different boy (hope i havent spoke too soon!)

NKfell · 06/08/2015 13:10

Littlemiss with DD I used MAM Anti Colic bottles and if this doesn't work out I'll use them again.

LittleMiss77 · 05/08/2015 21:30

Can i ask what bottles everyone is using for feeding? We've just had our second evening of screaming and general unsettledness coupled with an arching back and kicking legs...

My worry is that this is the start of colic so want to try nip it in the bud now. We wind throughout and after feeding and get some quite impressive burps, but ive heard that the MAM anti colic bottles are good... can anyone shed any light on this?

We're currently using the bog standard Tommee Tippee bottles.

Whatabout · 05/08/2015 16:27

Coney - can you switch to a comfort formula and keep him upright for twenty minutes after a feed? Winding part way through a feed helped here too. Don't feel helpless, it's a tough time with a newborn and I'm sure you are doing great Flowers

NKfell · 05/08/2015 15:40

Here, here coney it's crazy how hung up everybody gets on bf. Everyone has an opinion on it- DPs brother chirped in the other night about how formula should be banned! This is the same man/boy (he's a 30yr old manchild) who thinks breastfeeding should only be done in private.

DP's daughter who is 12 is coming to stay until Sunday and I really don't want her to! I know that makes me a terrible person but I keep thinking, I've just had a baby, I have a pox ridden toddler, a 6 yr old (who has been fantastic in fairness) and DP will be working at least 6 hours tomorrow, Friday and Saturday. I'm aware that it's just a reason and not an excuse but...eurgh. Moan over.

coneywonder · 04/08/2015 21:18

Arthur is also projectile vomiting and I took him to the gp today he told me that all seemed okay and doesn't want to treat him for reflux at such an early age but I feel helpless.

clara I can't believe how similar things have turned out for us. My OH has been an absolute superhero as yours sounds we are very lucky! Arthurs tongue has healed already and it does seem to have helped his feeding somewhat.

I was really feeling shitty about stopping the BF but I think we all have to remember one thing. Happy mummy happy baby

clarabell4680 · 04/08/2015 18:17

Thanks NK :) makes me feel better knowing that... He is so content bless him so think we're doing alright. But we'll see what he weighs tomorrow. He has upped his milk intake last two days so hopefully he will have put on a bit more. Xx

NKfell · 04/08/2015 16:59

Honestly littlemiss and dulcet please don't get too hung up on bf, like I've said before, with my first 2 (can't believe I have 3!) I breastfed one and couldn't the other, it's fine and both are strong and normally not pox ridden children! I'm going for now but, I won't be disappointed if I can't continue and I don't think anyone should.

clara I just wanted you to know because I remember how worried we all were with my nephew but it's like you say, if he's conent, don't worry- babies have a knack for letting us know if they're not happy! Plus I'm really not just saying this to make you feel better, nephew really is a little/big bruiser now! taller and stronger than other children his age and fit as a fiddle.

clarabell4680 · 04/08/2015 10:44

Thanks NK...reassuring to know. I just wish we could read their little minds! He's getting weighed again tomorrow so we will see if he is back to birth weight yet. He was 4lbs off yesterday. But he is happy and content and feeding fine so i just go with my instincts.
I praise all you BF's I am bottle feeding as I was too poorly to BF...I managed to do it for 3 days in the hospital so at least he got something...

LittleMiss77 · 04/08/2015 07:11

Sleep? Whats that then?!!!

I do try to get some sleep when LO is spark out, but by the time ive finished feeding, changed a nappy, settled him, put him back down, expressed, washed and sterilised ready for the next feed.... i have about an hour before he's hungry again Confused

DulcetMoans · 04/08/2015 06:14

Feeding has been the hardest part for sure. I am still BFing but it has had me in tears numerous times. I have a breastfeeding consultant coming round today actually to talk about it all and look at options. Started expressing Friday but not used it yet. Hoping to do first one tonight (well DH to do it) but not sure how much to give. Don't know if I can do it 6mnths!

How is everyone's sleep?

LittleMiss77 · 03/08/2015 23:32

NK - I was expressing as my little one (Zachary) didnt want to know when it came to BF. Would fight - turn his nose up, scream... properly kick off when it was time to feed...

Expressing is exhausting work - i brought a manual then electric pump (which was rubbish) and after 3 weeks, i just cant continue so now we're FF instead.

I feel gutted that i cant BF, however Zach is now more content and im not as tired. My HV has been wonderful - really supportive and has pointed out that an exhausted mum is not good for baby.


NKfell · 03/08/2015 22:14

Thanks coney I think we've all picked lovely names!

DD is alright, a nightmare bless her but, alright. It's just been difficult trying not to let little Dominic catch it.

I'm managing to bf so far but tbh I don't think I'm going to last, even expressing it im finding it all very tiring.

clara Its lovely your husband is being so good. DP has been dealing with 'the pox' as DD is now known and DS is being an amazing big brother helping me. They always have days like that, my nephew used to vomit after feeds and he didn't seem to keep any down but, he gained weight and now he's a big strong 7 year old.

clarabell4680 · 03/08/2015 21:06

Hi all...congrats NK! I hope your little daughter is better now too.

Coney... Yes I got a full debrief and they were so lovely but I still get emotional about it all and still so poorly from the blood loss too so it has been bloody hard if I'm honest!! Husband has been amazing though so I'm lucky but little Oscar is content and quite good at night at the moment...he has a very slight tongue tie too. I'm formula feeding too and have zero milk too! How weird that we are so similar!
Bad day today as he projectile vomited and was very upset and he has gunky eye poor sausage. Hope you're all OK x

coneywonder · 03/08/2015 20:54

Hi everyone.

Congrats NK. Gorgeous name.

I really struggled the first week then we discovered arthur had a tongue tie which is why I was so sore. I decided to start formula as on day 8 my milk still hadn't come in. I think I'm slowly starting to feel a bit more human!

clara I had flashbacks and nightmares that have only really recently stopped about the labour. Have you asked for a debrief?

NKfell · 03/08/2015 20:30

Congrats everybody! Just a quick message to say baby Dominic arrived on 25 July at 2:20am 8lbs 10oz... and then my 2 year old got chicken pox- she's never been one to be upstaged!

clarabell4680 · 28/07/2015 04:53

Hey littlemiss...glad you're getting on OK... I am too except baby Oscar has decided he is nocturnal and last 2 nights has just stayed awake all night...last night screaming a bit, tonight just won't settle in his crib! & is cluster feeding but only at night! So frustrating. Got to sleep at 7am this morning for 4 hours.
How's it all going for all of you? X

LittleMiss77 · 27/07/2015 13:51

ah! the swollen feet... no one told me about that. i looked down when we got home and thought WTF?!..

We are struggling to BF, so im expressing and topping up with formula where needed as hes so hungry, i cant keep up. all i feel like im doing is feeding, washing/sterilising and pumping... I need to sleep but cant find the time .

Apart from that - its great!

clarabell4680 · 27/07/2015 05:25

Ha ha Coney I similar. We'll have to discuss our birth stories one day. I'm too traumatised by mine still...can't talk about it without crying! Just so glad he's OK that's the main thing!
Having such a bad night with him tonight...think it might be colic he has been screaming place down on and off for since 10pm....literally had no sleep. I feel pants, got swollen feet, and still very anemic... So just shattered! But all to be expected I suppose .

How are you all getting on?? X

coneywonder · 25/07/2015 09:09

Clara why has this been so such a similar experience for us? Congratulations.

Look it's all over now and we have our boys. Rest if you can whilst your at hospital. Imhome now and had about 3 hours last night which has made and difference.

Ahardmanisgoodtofind · 24/07/2015 23:12

Congrats Clarabell!hope you're getting some rest!!

Bobian123 · 24/07/2015 21:01

Congratulations Clarabell! Does he have a name? Sorry you've had a traumatic time of it, hope you manage to get some rest soon x

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clarabell4680 · 24/07/2015 18:56

Hello all...finally had my gorgeous little boy at 11.41pm yesterday 8lbs 6oz.. Traumatic birth story so won't fill you in on full details but ended up rushed to theatre for emergency forceps birth. Lost a lot of blood so still in hospital and same as you Coney...I havent slept for 3 days...shattered...x

Bobian123 · 24/07/2015 09:26

Coney-I would take the counselling if you can. I ended up going over my first birth far too much in my head and it impacted the first few weeks with my son a bit. Had a session before baby 2 arrived and it really helped x

OP posts:
coneywonder · 24/07/2015 08:45

Laura I got a debrief and offered counselling which I'm seriously considering. The debrief helped me understand what happened. I also have slept since monday and feel like I'm loosing the plot a bit!

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