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Anyone else 39+ weeks?

514 replies

Bobian123 · 06/07/2015 12:18

I'm due on Sunday and thought it'd be nice to see if anyone else is due soon?

How are you all feeling? This will be my second and we've been told it's a girl. If anyone's around and fancies a moan chat about this last stretch, step forward!!

OP posts:
Ahardmanisgoodtofind · 06/07/2015 16:31

Im 38+5, this will be number dc2. Been getting lots of tightenings with a bit of back pain quiet regularly since yesterday,but starting to think baby is just lying on a nerve.was in hospital last weekend(blood clot on lung) and even the midwives thought something was happening....then nothing.had no build up with ds just hopped out of bed (5days over due) and bam 2cm.just want to know if I'm right (boy) or if everyone else is right (girl)!

Pinksuitcase · 06/07/2015 16:33

Im 40+3 and fed up, had a sweep this morning, and cervix was headed in right direction and midwife could get 1 finger inside (grim!) However DD who is nearly 2 has just been sent home from nursery with suspected chicken pox! Flipping brilliant, hopefully baby stays put until she scabs over. Midwife has booked me in for induction on the 15th if nothing has happened and will give me another sweep next Monday. It's all excitement isn't it!

ScorpioMermaid · 06/07/2015 16:37

I'm 39 weeks today, due Monday. It will be our 9th baby. its a little girl making it 4 girls and 5 boys for us.
I feel like im going to pop, literally. shes quite a big baby and I'm in hospital wednesday to see the consultant, my midwife thinks they will have me in Thursday or Friday for induction. shes been a bit of a monkey if im honest these last 8 weeks or so. shes not engaged which is common after having a few babies so is right up in my ribs and as a result likes to keep turning sideways resulting in me having to have lots of presentation scans. shes currently cephalic and I hope she stays that way Grin ive had my show coming away for a few days now and lots of tightening but nothing concrete. I hope she hurries along as DM is going on holiday on Friday night (shes just told me this today - im normally early. so she thought it would be fine! oh well!)

leanne963 · 06/07/2015 16:41

coney Haha Tea is like gold dust now :P

The labour was not what i had 'planned' i.e water birth, oils and all that malarky. I was induced 15 days overdue and my body didn't agree with the propess so after 10 hours of minor contractions my uterus went into over stimulation and i had contractions on top of contractions with no break :S NOT fun! But had my waters broke at 10pm and my daughter was born at 11.46pm. Gas and Air was a saviour that is all i had towards the end. While the contractions were in overdrive i had pethidine to relax me, i didnt initially want it as i heard it made baby drowsy but the midwife informed me that it wouldn't affect the baby as i was no where near giving birth ha!
Have you had a sweep yet? I had two but unfortunately did nothing!

coneywonder · 06/07/2015 16:47

At least she is here safetly leanne you got there in the end! I'm also hoping for a water birth, just shows you doesn't it.

I have a sweep booked for Wednesday that I am quite nervous about but just gonna do it I reckon. Did yours hurt? I keep asking everyone that but I think I'm more worked up about a sweep than the bloody birth! Haha.

Wow scorpio 9 babies! Impressive! You have definitely made me think "we'll it can't be that bad!" Haha. I think I'm carrying a whopper too! I was quite big and I'm 6ft to begin with so was expecting a big baby but have only put around a stone on so who knows! Bump is massive though!

leanne963 · 06/07/2015 16:59

Haha Coney I was the same, i was worried about the sweep. It isn't 'nice' but its not painful, its just weird! And it only lasts 30 seconds too, so just focus on breathing and before you know it it is over! I think with the birth it is also kind of exciting as you know the end result is near! The actual pushing her out part was fine, i could do that again in a heart beat, it was just the contractions and them telling me 'Oh you are still 1cm' after 10 hours of contractions....that was annoying to say the least ha!

coneywonder · 06/07/2015 17:09

Haha I can imagine. I am strangely looking forward to the birth I think it's because I know I'll be meeting the baby I say that but like I say I am really nervous too.

I just want to get up to go to the loo in the night and my waters go and then it all just happen haha.

leanne963 · 06/07/2015 17:15

Ohh coney you sound just like me!!! Every morning i would wake up feeling gutted that my waters didn't break in the night haha! Although by the amount of waters that came out in hospital i am glad it didnt happen at home, i think i would have had some serious water damage haha!

coneywonder · 06/07/2015 17:26

Haha really? Oh my god. Ah it's the un known! It's killing me x

Bustherb · 06/07/2015 22:01

I'm 40 weeks! Had a sweep last Thursday and then a show on Friday apart from a few period type pains I've not had anything! Went to hospital yesterday with reduced movements, Dr wanted me to be scanned today.. All ok but now I have to go in every other day for monitoring Hmm but I'll have another sweep on Thursday (Dr offered to do another one today but didn't fancy his big fingers ShockBlush) so I'm seeing midwife on Thursday! If nothing happens will be induced next week! I'm so ready to have the baby but I'm feelin very emotional, scared, excited, teary, moody. How's everyone else?xx

Pepperonipeteczar · 07/07/2015 06:29

I'm 40 +5 with my second and can't really take much more! So fed up Angry

coneywonder · 07/07/2015 06:30


I am the same as you bustherb very tired, teary, impatient.

Haven't slept a wink as my spd has suddenly got ten times worse I couldn't get comfy and turning over was making me want to scream. It normally gets better when I get up and start moving but I am struggling to walk like I was 20 odd weeks ago :(

Also in two minds about whether to have this sweep even though I want to have this baby sooner rather than later I know somehow it's going to make me think labour will happen when quite clearly it might not! Any advice there? Shall I just go for it?

Cannot wait to back up for a nap later will definitely need it

DulcetMoans · 07/07/2015 06:31

Morning all! Great reading where everyone is up to and how they are feeling!

39+5 here so due Thursday. I'm another that thought I would be early but the closer it gets to due date the more I am worried about being late and needing induction! Will be starting on the curries this week.

Feelings are mostly terrified! I can't imagine this baby being a real person and the thought of it existing is scary. Does anyone else get this?

Have had lots of movement, pretty sure it's trying to suss out the exit. Had cramps but nothing regular. Hoping I will know when it happens but not done this before so maybe not!

Pepperonipeteczar · 07/07/2015 06:33

I've been 3cm for 2 weeks and have been having a show for 2 weeks with blood and all sorts. 2 sweeps. Just so over this now!

coneywonder · 07/07/2015 07:14

dulcet I hear ya! I still can't believe there is a human in my belly and it will have a face and hands...and feet haha Blush

I'm also scared of being induced. Getting a lot of cramps and things but nothing that's even worth noting really.

Ah pepperoni I feel for you. I'd be the same if I knew that! Every cloud though because apparently if you have a very slow latent phase of labour your active phase should be very quick!!

villainousbroodmare · 07/07/2015 07:27

I'm due on Sunday with my first, a little boy. No signs whatsoever. Not a bloody thing. I suspect I am going to be pregnant forever.

coneywonder · 07/07/2015 07:30

You and me both villainous

Bustherb · 07/07/2015 08:29

Coney, it's up to you if you have the sweep. I personally didn't find it painful whatsoever and I normally bleed quite a lot after a smear! I personally think for myself to try anything before having to be induced, I'm the same where I'm terrified of having to be xx

Bobian123 · 07/07/2015 09:22

Another night done everyone! One step closer. I'm massively frustrated (again) because I had four hours of cramps last night, they woke me twice, and this morning....not a lot. Gahhhhh. Have midwife this morn, wonder if she'll be able to see if things are happening.

OP posts:
DulcetMoans · 07/07/2015 10:11

Oh pepperoni, that sucks. Hopefully can't be too much longer.

Hope the midwife has good news for you bobian!

I've been considering the sweep thing as well coney, I haven't been offered one but thought I could be by the end of the week. I did google it and it seems to be useful if cervix is already softened so only want it if that is the case. But then I don't know if they can tell that without starting it!

laura825 · 07/07/2015 10:13

Ahh I know that feeling Bobian! I was having cramps before bed and for a bit when I got into bed but again nothing apart from an awful night sleep!

Soooooo frustrating, all I feel today is fed up and people keep texting/ringing any movement yet!! Which irritates me more haha!!

I also have midwife this afternoon so hoping she may make me feel more positive! She mentioned she would book me in for a sweep next Tuesday but I am very reluctant as I have trouble when it comes to smear tests!

Bustherb · 07/07/2015 10:53

Awww I'm the same with the cramps, have them and they never go into anything Angry I think the midwife will be able to check your cervix first and then if it's favourable she will then sweep. I believe it's only supposed to hurt if the cervix isn't favourable otherwise would only be a bit of discomfort xx


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coneywonder · 07/07/2015 10:53

I think I'll go for the sweep it will be over and done with before I know it I just won't get my hopes up.

I cant believe how much I want to be in pain. How crazy is that?! Haha. Sorry you had a shit nights sleep laura let us know how you get on at midwifes and you bobian

Bobian123 · 07/07/2015 11:30

Uneventful mw appt-they don't check the cervix as a matter of course, even though I've been cramping. So I just have to wait and see sigh. Good luck to the rest of you with mw appointments and sweeps coming up!

OP posts:
coneywonder · 07/07/2015 11:34

It really does make me wonder why rules and protocol differ from region to region. Surely the NHS should have one blanket rule for all their services if that makes sense.

Here you are offered a sweep at 40 weeks and you can't use a pool for birth if your bmi is over 39.9 (Manchester) but if your in Liverpool you can use a pool for birth as long as your bmi is not over 45 but your not offered a sweep until your a week over. I don't get it at all

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