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Anyone else 39+ weeks?

514 replies

Bobian123 · 06/07/2015 12:18

I'm due on Sunday and thought it'd be nice to see if anyone else is due soon?

How are you all feeling? This will be my second and we've been told it's a girl. If anyone's around and fancies a moan chat about this last stretch, step forward!!

OP posts:
coneywonder · 09/07/2015 13:14

As soon as I posted that it started moving haha

NKfell · 09/07/2015 13:19

It was my due date yesterday- nothing happening at all!

coney that was funny! Baby's already proving you wrong!

coneywonder · 09/07/2015 13:20

It was mine yesterday too. Fingers crossed something happens for us both soon.

Haha I know what a tinker!

Ahardmanisgoodtofind · 09/07/2015 13:22

Congratulations berry!!!!
Just been back to the hospital after phone call from community midwife this morning to get up there asap for my scan, Still no scan (No spaces)but exam showed 3cm and had another sweep. Still no real pain just very tight, midwives are now taking bets that I'll be back up there between 5-8 tonight!

coneywonder · 09/07/2015 13:23

Haha that's funny. Fingers crossed you are.

When do you get a scan then?! They don't seem too concerned which is good?!

DulcetMoans · 09/07/2015 13:33

Yeah, telling you that you need am emergency scan and then not giving it to you doesn't seem fair!

Sounds like you are on the count down though! Tick tock baby!

Bobian123 · 09/07/2015 13:35

ahardman you are well on your way now surely! I was admitted first time round at 3cm and progressed pretty quickly after that. Fingers crossed same goes for you!

coney glad baby is wriggling again!

I just caught up with last nights don't tell the bride...did anyone else see it Shock

OP posts:
coneywonder · 09/07/2015 14:38

Yes I did!! I have never cringed so much in my life Bobian

Bobian123 · 09/07/2015 15:03

Awful! All that fuss for 12 guests...and don't get me started on the "entertainment". Frank spencer impersonation?!!

OP posts:
coneywonder · 09/07/2015 15:05

I literally couldn't watch that bit I covered my eyes and told my oh to mute it hah

LostSoulsForever · 09/07/2015 15:09

Mine has started wriggling a bit more as well Coney. They do like to keep us on our toes :) The ice lolly helped I think...

Pepperonipeteczar · 09/07/2015 15:23

Hello! I was swept this morning and I'm 4cm with a favourable cervix. Let's see what happens next!

LostSoulsForever · 09/07/2015 15:24

Fingers crossed it won't be long pepperoni! Good luck :)

coneywonder · 09/07/2015 15:33

So jel pepperoni haha

Is anyone nervous? I am but I think the excitement outweighs the nervousness!

I thought if you were 4cm you were in active labour?!

Pepperonipeteczar · 09/07/2015 15:37

Yes so did I! The midwife is coming back at the end of her shift as I'm a planned home birth, she wasn't 100% about leaving me after the sweep. I'm not contracting though (just feels like Brixton hicks)

DulcetMoans · 09/07/2015 15:38

Wow, everyone is cracking on! Good luck pepperoni!

My nerves probably still outweigh excitement a little bit coney but the balance to defo tipping to be more equal!

coneywonder · 09/07/2015 15:47

Yeah I'm with you dulcet if I think too much I totally freak out.

Keep us posted pepperoni!

Bobian123 · 09/07/2015 17:31

Good luck pepperoni! I've been contracting for the last few hours but still not getting hopes up! If they increase in strength will go in and get seen.

OP posts:
Pepperonipeteczar · 09/07/2015 18:10

I'm in the second stage of labour now and it's very painful! I'll keep you all updated

villainousbroodmare · 09/07/2015 18:37

This is all v exciting! Congrats Berry and welcome Benjamin Arthur! I am due Sunday and am no further on. Only thing swept round here is the kitchen floor. Repeatedly.
But am belatedly realising that in South Africa (where I'm living but I'm not from here) what almost everyone does is to book an elective CS for their due date or the closest weekday. CS rates 80% +.
I hope to go natural and had booked an epidural but now thinking of cancelling that after reading someone else's thread on forceps and tears and misery. I fear I may be a substantial thorn in the side of the slice and dice medical team.

coneywonder · 09/07/2015 20:35

Ah I can't think about all that forcep malarkey or ill have a breakdown.
I'm still having the off twinge and the lovely cervix stabbing is back.

Good luck pepperoni very exciting

Pepperonipeteczar · 09/07/2015 22:23

I had her at 8:23 and she's beautiful, gas and air for pain relief delivered Her in my lounge


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villainousbroodmare · 09/07/2015 22:26

Woo-hoo! Grin

Ahardmanisgoodtofind · 09/07/2015 22:27

WELL DONE Pepperoni!!!im completely jealous I won't lie!enjoy you're new bundle of joy!!Grin

DulcetMoans · 09/07/2015 23:00

Wow! Congrats pepperoni! Sounds like it went well.

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