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August 2008 - Warning! Stunt Babies At Work

1000 replies

cyteen · 16/06/2009 22:07

Here we all are

OP posts:
Miamla · 18/06/2009 11:58

sazz i'm pleased they've contacted you to apologise! at least they realise they're muppets!
re lunch.. i was thinking lost luggage would be better. i think he might get a bit hot in a locker.
re sewing machine.. you see this is why my DP is a little bit different.. he's been going for machine demos in his lunch hours! He was so excited this morning, telling me what it can do and how to change the fonts etc I walked past it earlier and can't quite believe its mine!
re my work..he's said all along that the choice is mine but yes, the new machine is going to be amazing on next project!

vg thanks for jam recipe. you're right, does indeed sound v easy!

well i've managed to design and paint a t-shirt for DP so that's another pressie for him. in the process though i've lost a large piece of charcoal. i'm really hoping that i find it before DS does!

Miamla · 18/06/2009 12:05

"my birthday your birthday" explained!

DP and I first started 'going out' in approx sept/oct (we're not entirely sure!). So a couple of months later we had christmas and obviously exchanged presents. its then my birthday at the end of Jan and DP jokingly said something along the lines of "if we don't make it until my birthday, you'll have had an extra round of presents, doesn't seem fair" So, when it was my birthday i gave him presents as well to make it fair
And we've kept it up since. Its really cool because i get a summer birthday as well as my winter one so i get cool things like gazebos and garden chairs that he wouldn't have got me for my 'real' birthday iyswim.

so, in short DP and I are like the queen, we have our official birthday and an unofficial one! albs mentioned earlier about what did we decide to do about DS. at the moment we're having 'my birthday your birthday his birthday' but this will definitely change once he's an older brother and not an only child!

so, does that all make sense? i haven't read back so apologies for typos!

VintageGardenia · 18/06/2009 13:38

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Miamla · 18/06/2009 13:49

of course you can my dear

RedLentil · 18/06/2009 14:15

Hello all,
DD2 has two teeth and don't we all know it. Five wake-ups a night, plus a morning of baking a birthday cake while singing endless rounds of 'walking on sunshine' and 'if you're happy in your nappy'.

Gin anyone?

One brand new three year-old girl here sharing a birthday with MrMiamla. She got some pink lego, a collection of bouncy balls and sand shape thingies as well as a 'my little pony' skinny and- bony which she has named biscuit.

She wants a birthday cake shaped like a triangle.

As she was born on father's day 3 years ago I never have to come up with a startlingly original father's day gift ever again.

I'm adding a pic of DD2 to my profile in a mo. As DH says, we've given birth to a cleudo piece.

My first post is below ...

Watching for a while and thought tonight would be a good time to join in. Apparently, there is a 2lb margin of error in the weight predictions which seems a bit mad. I had a scan with DD at 39.5 weeks and she was supposed to be 7.5 lbs --the consultant boomed to his student through a closed door that he thought the child might be growth retarded and she was born a week later at 8lb 13.5. I think the .5 is important having put the work into getting it out!
My DS was 9 and half pounds exactly and 62cm. When he was fully engaged he could still boot me in the ribs. I'm 5 ft 4 so there wasn't a lot of room left for me. Now I'm 31 weeks again, the advantages of having a tall, broad husband are beginning to fade again ... Both children are tall skinny things now.
Sorry to introduce myself with such a ramble.

Me apologising for rambling, and Sazz with her two penn'orth. Start as we mean to go on eh?

Steaknife · 18/06/2009 15:17

No idea what is going on on the thread so I'll just wave and throw croissants from the sidelines.

Apologies in advance for dodgy spelling as I a, on a funny frenchy keyboard and the letters are in the wrong place wich plays havoc zith ,y touch typing: see

I can hear the grandpqrents trying to spoonfeed co,pote to iwwy I ,ight have to go qnd shoz off the fact she can eat q nectqrine: qrse you get what I mean doncha??

As you ,ight have guessed, my laptop is still dead so I a, qt the french-in-laws.

Things been not so good chez steaky, actually been pretty blardy narsty. But fool that I may be I'm not without hope that if we both commit to change then our fa,ily has a future together.

so wotchoo all been doin??

RedLentil · 18/06/2009 15:25

Sorry to hear things have been nasty Steaky.
You deserve all good things.

The desire to sort things out is a wonderful one, but knowing when to draw the line is important too.

I thought you were Cod there with that dodgy typing.

Steaknife · 18/06/2009 16:03

Thanks red I just figure that however it works out it will be okay.

Izzy update
Teeth = 2
crawling = she assumes the position, revs up and....falls flat on her face.
standing = yes please and she can pull herself up by any convenient support , usually me
eating = mostly sticking to juicy fruit (the real stuff not the gum) and bread but was quite keen on salmon this lunchtime. still having lots of milk feeds but I think that is the heat
talking = making lots of noise but still prefers da da da to ma ma ma
sleeping = back on track at nights and sleeping through. Also managed two naps a day this week but requires either a walk in the buggy or an hour of soothing into her cot. I think that is progress.

Steaknife · 18/06/2009 16:05

well times up here.

AnnVan · 18/06/2009 17:01

Hi Steaky. So sorry to hear things aren't good. D'you want me to come over there and sort him out?? I'll even fake a mafioso type accent if you like.
Ahem: Me and Vinnee we been wutchin yoo

Seriously though, it's tough having a baby, and there's bound to be arguments and strain. But you have one baby to look after, he should shape up, be a man,and be supportive. Thinking positive thoughts for you.

Miamla · 18/06/2009 18:22

sorry things not going well steaky, are you both seeing the counsellor still?

redlentil happy birthday to dd2
how's her triangle cake looking?

Miamla · 18/06/2009 18:27

day so far..

  • done
    tshirt painted for dp - done
    tshirt made for ds - done
    ds tshirt painted to match his daddy's - done
    ds naps - done
    miamla naps - hmmm, i wish
    cupcakes bought lovingly made - done
    presents wrapped - done
    ds asleep - done
    dinner prepared - done

    time for a nice cup of tea

    oh and i'm happy to report that my new sewing machine doesn't sew...instead she sings a beautiful song. i think i'm in love its made me realise quite how awful my old one is!
TwilightSurfer · 18/06/2009 18:45

Steak your cookie's not crumbling nicely is it.

Miamla goodness!

Reporting In
Subject: Nightly Feeding Habit Change
Bottle/Bed @ 9pm
Loud as HELL storm 12am

cue awake baby & the addition of dd1
Bottle/Bed @ 12:30am
Awake @ 5:30am
opted to forgo this feed
cue me & reese moving to guest bed
cue me doing LOTS of deep breathing
ASLEEP @ 6:30am
I woke HER @ 8am for food & day.


SazzlesA · 18/06/2009 18:50

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oopsacoconut · 18/06/2009 18:50

Steaky - sorry to hear things are not great. {{{{HUGS}}}}}

Miamla - sound like a veryy productive day!

I was going to print DD's feet on a t-shirt for DH but not sure how it will turn out so have opted for plaster of paris feet instead which I will put in a box frame. There is nothing he wants as such but as a surprise I have upgraded the Sky to HD for him.

DD's update:

  • Crawling like a spider - bum in the air on hands and feet, stands alone for a little while, walks around furniture, climbs up anything that stands still long enough to get on her feet.
  • 6 teeth
  • eats everything and everything but for some reason mash makes her vomit
  • says nooooooo mama, paba, cat, hello, byeeee, was-a whilst pointing so assuming whats that and today's new word is dog.

Here come the IL's

Back later
TwilightSurfer · 18/06/2009 19:09

Oops very impressed with lo's vocabulary. Reese says loads but one four things resemble words.

Sazzles congrats on 10 incredible months!

Reese is 10 months today!!!
I was attempting to sleep while five nurses flip flopped me from left to right a thousand times at this exact moment 10 months ago. Pretending to enjoy the air the forced me to wear. Working through contractions WITHOUT pain meds because I allowed it to wear off so I could help the situation. The whole time wondering WTF, the 10 hours prior to this moment were rosey, why o why wasn't this baby COMING OUT!?!

dizzydixies · 18/06/2009 19:11

my first post - I could waffle on too much even then

By dizzydixies Thu 03-Jan-08 12:00:10 Add a message | Report post | Contact poster

Hi all
am sorry to barge on so late in the day but I have been tentaviley reading the thread.
Have been to GP and just waiting on date for appt at hosp for first scan - have no idea of dd because am having a COMPLETE blank over first day of last period. I'm not particularly regular and I always write it down - needless to say when I've needed to I haven't done so!

I'm guessing am due somewhere at beginning of august, I always measure bigger though as have big babies!

dd1 was 10lb4 after induction and assisted high forcep delivery
dd2 was 11lb1 after 29hour labour and eventual emcs
must be mad!


dizzydixies · 18/06/2009 19:12

new charger purchased £50 which we could have done without but I apparently cannot function without the internet

off to do bath and bed battle then am spending the night with DH so sorry to be absent, wheech on and wheech off lovely ladies

dizzydixies · 18/06/2009 19:15

and am all emotional and hormones all over the fecking place so I think I'll miss out on the reading back through this time last year, apart from Dylan arriving safe and well it was a bit of a rollercoaster

forgot to say all well with us, having been keeping up using DH's iphone but my hammyfingers patience didn't tolerate typing replies

good grief listen to me, you'd think I'd been away for weeks lol

miamla soothing thoughts to your bot - hope the cream helping

SazzlesA · 18/06/2009 20:38

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SazzlesA · 18/06/2009 21:11

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Miamla · 18/06/2009 21:21

aah! v sweet photo Sazz (is that what you wanted to hear? )


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SazzlesA · 18/06/2009 21:26

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oopsacoconut · 18/06/2009 21:38

Sazzles - she looks so grown up!

pertelote · 18/06/2009 21:48

Oops that's what I was just thinking - 'have I got the right one, I thought Sazzles' DD1 was younger than that!' How are you this evening btw? Hope the throat is not too painful, annoying to have a reaction to your medication though.

Good to see you Dizzy! TS last night sounds tough. Hope tonight is better whatever you decide to do...

Steaky your DD sounds pretty much the twin of mine - except DD has four teeth and ISN'T sleeping through Would gladly swap teeth for sleep, what do you say?!

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