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August 2008 - Warning! Stunt Babies At Work

1000 replies

cyteen · 16/06/2009 22:07

Here we all are

OP posts:
SoNotExpectant · 06/07/2009 05:44

Yay Miamla more furious shaking of pom-poms! May I be the first to congratulate you (and T of course) Hopefully you've cracked it now.

Yes it does mean we can stay put. Our lease is up in January/February time but I think I'll be ready for a move - would like somewhere a bit bigger (just in case no 2 puts in an appearance) and would love some outside space or a balcony at least but will have to see what rental prices are doing then.

Miamla · 06/07/2009 05:23

good morning
he slept from 10.40pm until 4.30am
longest he's ever slept!!!!!
my first thought when i saw the clock this morning was 'oooh, i can't wait to tell the girls!'

oops Thanks for the pom pom waving

TS its amazing how different your girls are! what do you put it down to?

notso shame your picnic was rained off. good news re DH's job. Does the 'new team' option mean that you have to move or can you stay living where you are now?

SoNotExpectant · 06/07/2009 03:42

No1 forgot to say congrats to DS on the walking. DH most annoyed that our picnic got rained off yesterday afternoon as he was looking forward to playing proud Dad with walking boy

SoNotExpectant · 06/07/2009 03:37

Miamla glad you finally appear to be winning the battles.

TS hope you have a good day today for your belated 4 July holiday.

DH been in more discussions at work about his next move. These were the offers on the table - stay where he is and probably not get promoted till 2011 or 2012, move to new team (still in Singapore) and hopefully get promoted if not this year definitely next year or move to NY in 6 months time and promotion a bit more difficult to say as he'd have to prove himself again. Anyway although I had my wobble last week I'm not sure moving in 6 months time to another new country is really right for us but we have both talked about going to NY before as something we wanted to do so plan at the moment is for him to change teams, get promoted as quick as possible and then look at moving to NY in maybe 18 months to 2 years. At least then the flights home will be shorter and cheaper

TwilightSurfer · 06/07/2009 00:46

woo hoo miamla
i'm guessing you won the battle.

speaking of battles...
dh is in with dd1 now. she is screaming, "I DON'T WANT TO GO TO BED!" over his attempts to read Madeline to her. she's a fitting fool tonight.

on the flip side, reese has been watching her sister fit with the look of . and to prove how OPPOSITE they are i just handed reese her pacey, took her to her bed, laid her down, handed her the blanket and walked crying...she's on her way to dreamland.

all this talk of race for life makes me want to attempt it. off to google....

night night all

oopsacoconut · 05/07/2009 23:10

Miamla - I think if you carry this on for the next few days you may well crack his sleeping. It will be difficult though but we will all be here cheering for you

Miamla · 05/07/2009 23:07

lovely photo oops

he woke up as i stood up earlier! only a 10min settle though

DP back now

RedLentil · 05/07/2009 22:27

Excellent work Miamla.

Great work No1, and all credit to your stepmum.
And yay for No3-DD2 took her first steps a few weeks ago and has refused to do any more since though she was threatening again today.

VG- I have secured a pass out with DD2 only for Tuesday at a time of your choosing if that suits, and am free on Wednesday too. Let me know what is best for you. I'll call tomorrow.

I've had a sore ear all day. Hoping it is gone by tomorrow. The pain, not the ear.

pertelote · 05/07/2009 22:27

Miamla can I shake a quick pompom in your direction too? Fingers crossed that DS stays asleep. I can't believe how much stamina you have to be lucid and generally cheerful here every day when you're in pain and getting no sleep. I doff my cap to you, madam.

Well done on the walk No1 and for supporting your stepmother. Hope your sleep issues can be resolved too...

I can't put DD down to sleep without feeding her. (Except she will nap in the pushchair.) Which is fine, though once I go back to work DH/DM/MiL will have to hope for nice weather on all the walks they will have to take! Or perhaps they will have more willpower luck in getting her to settle

oopsacoconut · 05/07/2009 22:26

Just to say new piccie on my profile of DD

Miamla · 05/07/2009 22:17

oops hmm, tricky question that.. i reckon the answer is 'your ILs'? am i right? am i? am i? what's my prize?
i did think i saw a pom pom over your way but i wasn't sure

hmm, ds is still asleep, its almost been an hour..better go and check he's ok

oopsacoconut · 05/07/2009 22:13

Miamla - well done for persevereing - I was rooting for you but the IL's interupted my posting, who comes visiting after 9pm on a Sunday night???

No1 - well done to M the boys are leading in the walking stakes! Well done on the RFL I did it in 33 minutes 2 years ago - when I was fit and babyless.

Hi Sazzles

Miamla · 05/07/2009 22:08

its good to hear that the op works at least

SazzlesA · 05/07/2009 21:50

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Miamla · 05/07/2009 21:47

good grief, your poor step mum

Miamla · 05/07/2009 21:46

hmm, i will add lemon verbena to my list of things i want to grow. be warned, i will never be able to find this post again so i will be asking you for a reminder!

no1 how far is it?

re knee.. i'm on a 10 week waiting list which i think brings me to mid sept ish. it really gets me down most days. i hate not being able to walk far and its really restricting me especially on stairs. to be honest i'm fed up of moaning about it which is why i haven't mentioned it for a while but thanks for asking!

no1putsbabyinthecorner · 05/07/2009 21:43

I saw so many with crutches doing it, and felt so bad that I was walking.
My step mum was run over by an Ice cream van when she was oyunger and was in hospital for a year. She only has one kidney now and has huge scars on legs and struggles sometimes with walking and needs a wee very frequently, so I felt obliged to walk at her comfortable pace. Was proud of her for doing it though, and she lost her rescue remedy on the way round too, which she needs to calm her down.(as she panics about needing the loo)

SazzlesA · 05/07/2009 21:39

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no1putsbabyinthecorner · 05/07/2009 21:35

I am doing it agin next year,but on my own so I can just go for it.

SazzlesA · 05/07/2009 21:34

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no1putsbabyinthecorner · 05/07/2009 21:34

I like that bed.

I did it in 50 min, but didn't run as felt guilty leaving little sister and step mum behind, however me and my dsis decided to run last k.

Miamla · 05/07/2009 21:34

ooh i love DD1's bed!


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Miamla · 05/07/2009 21:32

No1 well done for doing the race for life!! can't believe you went for a walk after it!
sorry to hear you're having sleep problems too. it would be so much easier if the DCs understood that life will be happier and filled with more activities if mummy isn't so tired. i'm not even going to attempt to offer any advice but you sure do have my sympathies and i'll share Sazz waving her pom poms with you

sazz ooh i've got some strawberries.. off to add one to my pimms

SazzlesA · 05/07/2009 21:32

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Miamla · 05/07/2009 21:29

stop the clock!
woo hoo 4mins that time! i like this game! he had a bit of a whinge, rolled over and went back to sleep! didn't even need to rub his back this time

he may be starting the battles but i'm winning them!

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