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August 2008 - Warning! Stunt Babies At Work

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cyteen · 16/06/2009 22:07

Here we all are

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SazzlesA · 05/07/2009 20:04

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RedLentil · 05/07/2009 20:11

Then they do that funny 'furious, flat on face, snooze, furious' cycle thing.

Apparently. Not that I would know Sazzles obviously.

Not that I've tried it on the littlest small here. If she thinks she is being abandoned she has this new little angry, snarly cry which I'm powerless to resist.

oopsacoconut · 05/07/2009 20:13

Miamla - I am fortunate enough that she just lies there with her muzzy in her mouth and goes to sleep. She now has her bottle (finally up to 5oz) when we are dressing her after bath then we sit on the chair in her room, I sing to her then put her in bed and that is all we hear from her until 45mins later when she groans and then at 10.30 she whinges for 10 seconds (both like clockwork) BUT this is only in the last 2 weeks before then she needed singing/cuddling/feeding to sleep.

TS - we could have won the Tip of the Year award here but DH just hoovered and got a whole bag of dirt

Miamla · 05/07/2009 20:29

sazz i tried your way but he resisted for a long long time!

red lol! she's got you just where she wants you!

oops ah, sounds sweet! and easy!

well, i'm happy to announce that DS is asleep, in his cot and he actually fell asleep in his cot tonight!!! woo hooooo!! It took almost an hour and a half and i've lost my t-shirt in the battle (DS is currently clutching it like the trophy it is!) but I won this one! My cunning technique was to lie him down again every time he stood up. He started getting really screamy so i walked out, posted a message on here and went back in again. I gave him a little cuddle and then lay him down again. This happened a million few times until eventually he gave up and just lay in his cot giggling at me. I managed to resist smiling, continued humming his lullaby to him and rubbing his back. His eyes started getting heavy and hey presto!

woo hooo i'm about to have a celebratory pimms

i'm sure my method breaks all the settling rules but hey, its worked and i figured it can't get any worse than having to rock him every night so cheers

ps reason i asked what others were doing was to see if the continual lying him down from standing was actually worth persevering with, it would seem it was.. for tonight anyway!

TwilightSurfer · 05/07/2009 20:32

Miamla I put Reese's dummie in her mouth, lay her down, drape her fuzzy blanket across her (making sure it touches her face) then I walk away. Sometimes she'll fuss enough that she looses her dummie. I'll go back and reinsert it...maybe rub her back a little and speak softly. She'll mumble, roll around and then be out. I have often put her down and she closed her eyes immediately going to sleep. I never rocked her to sleep. I hold her all the time while she's awake, I figure that's enough.

TwilightSurfer · 05/07/2009 20:35

Miamla I just uploaded a picture of Reese to FB for you. This is how she wakes up every time. All Cheery!! I guess we have our system down pat by the looks of things with her.

{{{twilight wanders off scratching head about the system that seems to be lost for dd1}}}

SazzlesA · 05/07/2009 20:39

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Miamla · 05/07/2009 20:39

TS ah ha! i wondered why the photo was for me! I pinched the idea of rubbing T's back from you! i remember you mentioning it a little while ago. it really seems to help calm him down. we did try a dummy with him but he was having none of it. he usually took it out and put it in my mouth!

perhaps my t-shirt is proving more of a comfort to him than i was appreciating. i guess it smells of me, is nice and soft, its a familiar texture for him

Miamla · 05/07/2009 20:42

sazz i'm really hoping he will! in fact he has to... he's too heavy for my mum to rock him so when she looks after him ie last friday, he's not having any naps. this doesn't bode well for man nor beast!

i'm quite surprised how calm i managed to stay during it all tonight, i suspect this may have had a big effect on T too

oopsacoconut · 05/07/2009 20:43

Miamla - I am really lucky with bedtime as she is rubbish during the day, she sleeps in the car, on me or with me and if I put her down she wakes up and yells.

TwilightSurfer · 05/07/2009 20:46

Miamla the tshirt bit is one of the top settling tools for both kids and pets. Odd how yet again I've tied the two together today.

Sometimes is Reese won't settle quickly I will hand her a non-noise making toy for her to fiddle with until she's ready to doze off on her own. She's sat up and played for as much as a half hour before falling asleep on her own. With the toy she doesn't fuss, just plays till she literally falls over.

Miamla · 05/07/2009 20:51

arse! he's awake already

SazzlesA · 05/07/2009 21:00

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Miamla · 05/07/2009 21:02

thanks Sazz, i'm having a screaming break already. he's got himself so worked up already. i find that if i leave him to scream for a minute and then go back in, he calms down. but if i stay in there he gets more and more worked up

right, keep those pom poms moving, i'm going back for round two....

ps really appreciate the support, i know i'm not providing the most scintillating conversations at the moment on here!

SazzlesA · 05/07/2009 21:09

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Miamla · 05/07/2009 21:11

stop the clock! he's asleep again!!! only 20mins this time!!!

Miamla · 05/07/2009 21:12

how very clever of little E!

SazzlesA · 05/07/2009 21:14

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Miamla · 05/07/2009 21:15

think you'd better keep quiet about your danger stairs otherwise you'll have the stair police round!

SazzlesA · 05/07/2009 21:19

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Miamla · 05/07/2009 21:22

you have concrete stairs???

we have a horse that we know can bolt but still the barn door keeps getting left open

Miamla · 05/07/2009 21:22

not by me i might add!


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Miamla · 05/07/2009 21:23

DS awake AGAIN!!!!

SazzlesA · 05/07/2009 21:26

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no1putsbabyinthecorner · 05/07/2009 21:27

Evening all.
miamla well done getting ds back to sleep, I sympathise I am having trouble at the moment/again with both mine, nightime routine getting harder. I won't go on about it agin on here, have started another thread for more tips/advice.
sazzles great to hear the camping trip went well, sorry dd2 didn't like the travel cot.
my dd had one of them blow up ready beds. ITNG she loved it but we made the mistake of letting her have it out and she broke it after already doing around 10 puncture repairs.
at E climbing stairs, dh pointed out to me that ds climed a few the other day.

Ds also stood up and took his first few steps yesteday [sob] [soppy proud mummy] he just seems to small/young to do this.

I am very tired after 'race for life' and mammoth walk after that with dh dc's and dog.

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