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August 2008 - Warning! Stunt Babies At Work

1000 replies

cyteen · 16/06/2009 22:07

Here we all are

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SazzlesA · 18/06/2009 21:54

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pertelote · 18/06/2009 21:57

Sazzles I should have said of course that she is also very very cute! Hope she had a fun day

SazzlesA · 18/06/2009 22:01

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VintageGardenia · 18/06/2009 22:10

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pertelote · 18/06/2009 22:21

Hi VG! LOL at blah blah DD doesn't have very many words yet, only really dada and hiya, though they are coming I think - for instance we saw my god-daughter today and tonight we had quite a good attempt at 'Sarah' (good vowels, that is, but more like rarah really) - which is cute but slightly odd as they weren't that interested in each other during the day! Similarly she shouted 'ca' in the middle of the night the other day - yes we had seen a cat that day but she hasn't said it since...(need I add, 'despite considerable prompting' )

VintageGardenia · 18/06/2009 22:30

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SazzlesA · 18/06/2009 22:33

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TwilightSurfer · 18/06/2009 23:14

Sazzles that picture made midiSurfer's day. Very cute!

Off to tai ji and then maybe to watch a school mate sing at a local pub.

ALERT: Me & the girls napped from 2pm until 5pm!!!

RedLentil · 18/06/2009 23:41

VG - I'll check that mail tomorrow.
So excited about meeting you.

I spent this evening at DS's school concert. I may now burst with pride. He was on with all the other little ones and they sang their songs beautifully. He was dancing away and doing big thumbs up signs all the way through.

He came down and sat on my knee and I could feel the adrenalin pumping through him. He kept asking 'Am I a star, mum?'

For him, the best bit was when DD2 started clapping and waved. He saw this as a bona fide critical response to his excellent performance and thanked her all the way home.

The triangular cake was very triangly thanks. I have eaten too much of it.

Expectant · 19/06/2009 03:19

Red DS definitely a star and great that DD2 appreciated the show too

VG DS still a dedicated thumbsucker but more so whenever I'm around and he's hungry or tired. When I get home from work he crawls over and pulls himself up on my legs then snuggles in with his thumb in his mouth.

Miamla glad you've got some sleep and what a wonderful DP - so much effort and thought going into your present buying.

Re vocab - don't think DS doing so well on this front at the moment - been concentrating on moving around too much! He says mama & dada and bye bye (a bit more ba ba though if I'm honest) but this does happen when he's waving and has just started saying Gok a lot which we're not too sure what he means but he does it when pointing so maybe look? He had a good go at quack last night too when in the bath with his rubber ducks.

TwilightSurfer · 19/06/2009 03:57

RED that is an incredible story. I love when kids realize their INCREDIBLE!!

to Expectant as we pass in the night/day.

I am home from a GREAT evening. After tai ji I walked across the street to a small "pub" as you ladies would call it where an classmate of mine was doing an impromtu performance. SHE ROCKED THE HOUSE! It was awesome. You can check her out here if you like but the tracks she has posted just don't do her justice. It was just her and the guitar. Blues to Head Banger Rock. AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! I do believe I'll be showing up in at least one FB posting before tomorrow's over because another old classmate of mine was there too. It was a great night for all of us.


TwilightSurfer · 19/06/2009 03:58

CRAP their should be they're! MY GOSH!! MY GRAMMAR SUCKS when I type fast and don't proofread.

Expectant · 19/06/2009 04:46

Hi TS will have a listen later - at work at the moment

Miamla · 19/06/2009 06:31

morning all

red that is so sweet about your DS..i concur what the other's said..of course he's a star! And so lovely about DD2!

expectant yet again, our boys are in synch!! Although sounds like S ahead of DS, we've only got mamamamama and dadadadadaaaaa. Occasionally he says something and DP and I turn to each other and say "ooh, did he just say 'i know'/'yes' etc"
What amazes me is his understanding..a friend asked if he could walk to the end of the room and back. He got up, crawled to his walker and did exactly as she'd ask! He's less compliant with me though!

ts that sounds like my kind of evening I love acoustic sets! I'll have a listen when DS napping (if i play it now he'll hear the music and want to 'help' me on the computer)
you had a 3 hour nap??

sazz thanks for squashing me last night! Agree, DD1 looks alot older than her years in that photo!

pertelote will you let me know if you find someone to swap sleep/teeth with? thanks

argh..ds on table to drag him off. sorry if srceams wake anyone up

Miamla · 19/06/2009 06:38

Welcome home dizzy! oops what a lovely idea for DH. obviously can't get it to you in time for father's day but if you'd like a footprint tshirt for him, i'd be happy to do the painting

no1putsbabyinthecorner · 19/06/2009 07:55

morning all.
Been up since 4.20am with dd shouting 'ear' 'ear' and tugging at it. Bless her was so upset.
she is now asleep.
Only one wake up and small bf from ds at 4am.
Off to catch up.........

oopsacoconut · 19/06/2009 08:31


DD seems to be going through a growth spurt and is obviously processing things in the night so we had a rough night going in to find her fast asleep standing up talking and then crying when she woke up and was crying because she didn't know how to get down.

We are off swimming and to sort out the NCT birthday party.

Miamla - thanks for the offer I will mail you.

Have a great sunny day everyone

cyteen · 19/06/2009 09:55

Hello all

RedLentil your kids sound so lovely, always looking out for each other I hope everyone enjoyed much cake.

TS most of your night out, it sounds like great fun. I need more live music in my life.

So everyone else's LOs are walking and talking, are they? Whereas my DS:

  • is not crawling, walking, pulling up, bum-shuffling or anything else (although he's not far off)
  • has no words
  • has no teeth

    But he is very cuddly and has been holding his arms out to us for ages.
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SazzlesA · 19/06/2009 09:59

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CaptainCaveman · 19/06/2009 10:07

Ahh red that bought a little tear to my eye reading about your ds How cute! Have you actually burst yet?

cyteen Oliver is not making words either. He does plenty of 'bah bah bah's' but never when there is a sheep in sight . When I say "mum, mum, mum, mummy" to try and get him to copy me he just laughs!
He has 3 teeth
Crawls commando style
Can move from his belly up to a sitting position
Makes a beeline for any electrical points on display
Is gorgeous (obviously)...
Still hasn't slept through the night

Spoke to my manager yesterday about deferring my masters and she is very supportive . I feel like a big weight has been lifted.

CaptainCaveman · 19/06/2009 10:08

Hi sazz

SazzlesA · 19/06/2009 10:17

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no1putsbabyinthecorner · 19/06/2009 11:43

good deed done for today, I have just drove to meet someone off [ssshhhh whispers] netmums.
I advertised a buggy free for collection but I was too far for her so met her half way.

I drove to my nearest Ikea yesterday which is supposed to be half hour away. Took an hour to get there and 1hr 15 to get home traffic/roadworks.
I have been sucked in by the antilop fans on this thread even though I have 2 highchairas already. I just wanna be sazzles really and have a collection like hers.
The photo of your dd is gorgeous,very natural and a cheeky grin.
red how adorable, that would have had me in tears. Bless them.
steaky sorry to hear things still shite, but admire you for keeping on trying.
ts that night sounds great, I agree with cyteen I too need more music back in my life, I am going to make more effort to get back singing and playing at the buskers nights.

ds update
3 teeth at bottom, but can see some at the top.
crawls very fast, pulls up on furniture and tries to walk length of sofa holding with one hand.
says mama,dada, hi,hiya. could just be random noises though.

no1putsbabyinthecorner · 19/06/2009 11:47

expectant and vg I love thumb suckers I agree it must give them great comfort, aswell as looking very sweet.

pertelote I thought that was lovely, when you said you were saving the pages of support for M to see. Bless you.

cc glad to hear that you feel a little lighter and you have great support at work.

hotter I hope you are getting on ok, been thinking of you.
miamla hope you had another good/better night.

no1putsbabyinthecorner · 19/06/2009 11:55

oops sorry to hear of the rough night, I hope you manage to get some rest. How is MROOPS diet going then??

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