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August 2008: Coffee's On. Pull up a Chair and Chat a While.

994 replies

TwilightSurfer · 17/02/2009 00:54

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SazzlesA · 17/02/2009 21:30

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hotterpotter · 17/02/2009 21:30

Miamla I'm amazed at how mobile your DS is, and not at all ! DS is good at rolling and can push himself if he gets to the sofa or the fireguard but he hasn't yet worked out that he needs to get his bum in the air if he wants to be off properly. He can't sit up yet either but I expect it won't be long.

Yes we definitely need to organise another meetup, another one here who didn't get to chat to enough of you, will be much braver next time too as I think I know you all so much better

Cyteen you are one ahead of me in the job stakes. Our small team's jobs have all been regraded so we all need to reapply. They're on promotion now which is a good thing but there are two new posts for three current team members and they'll be open to others to apply for too so am v nervous I won't get it as am the main (currently only) wage slave in our family. Eek. Luckily am a civil servant so they'll have to find something for me to do. Really should get on and prepare my application but I'm so tired all the time I can't think straight...

No1 glad you're out and about again

SazzlesA · 17/02/2009 21:33

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no1putsbabyinthecorner · 17/02/2009 21:36

sazzles you have every right to. I would demand referrral, and dont let them fob you off. How is she feeling today bless her.??

yeah another meet up

AM I the only lazy slattern not going back to work.
However I did ask mum for my job back the other day.

hotterpotter · 17/02/2009 21:38

PF sorry I meant to say there's no harm whatsoever in a petit filou once they're six months old after all, what is fruit sweetened by if not sugar
Can you tell what kind of a mother I am though, I picked up the rice cakes in the supermarket but when I saw they had about 7 calories each I put them back and got the farleys rusks instead , and my DS has already had cake even if it was wrapped around some blueberries. He's been tucking into satsuma segments today with great gusto so not totally bad

no1putsbabyinthecorner · 17/02/2009 21:38

Ooh chocolate mmmmmmmmm...
I have been very good since sickness.
I have had None of the following
I have had breakfast,lunch,tea.
No snacks in between, just satisfied hunger pains with water.
I have not eaten after 6 for a week.

No crisps for me is unheard of.
I had no cravings at all after about day 3.

hotterpotter · 17/02/2009 21:45

No1 I'm very impressed with your willpower. I'm supposed to be on a mission to lose weight in time for my birthday as don't want to be fat and 40 but just can't seem to leave the crisps/biscuits/cake/cheese alone

SazzlesA · 17/02/2009 21:45

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VintageGardenia · 17/02/2009 21:51

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ataraxis · 17/02/2009 21:52

sazz, my excuse is I only managed to post on it twice! But I am v impressed with the spinach/potato idea. Am going to try it for all of them.

I have just been reading the disposable nappy appreciation thread, and have remembered why I was so keen on real nappies. Dammit.

no1, I am really impressed too. BIL wedding in April. I will be svelt by then. I will be svelt by then

hotter & cyteen, what a horrible situation for you. I hope it works out ok.

pertelote · 17/02/2009 21:54

Wow Miamla crawling! How exciting! DD loves to stand up holding hands but is nowhere near doing it on her own...

One fun thing I've noticed since we've been giving her food in the last week, she's getting better at manipulating it so quickly! Speaking of which today we have carried on just as before - bit of porridge, bit of cheese, bit of cucumber - so however worried the dietician made me yesterday I am clearly in no hurry to take her advice. We have a great cardiologist at GOSH and he is very happy with DD's weight gain. To those who wondered whether the dietician knew something about DD's particular needs that we don't, the only requirement is to maximise her calories. Which I still think we can best do by keeping up the BFing and gradually introducing high-calorie foods. I don't know why I let her get to me really, I am fairly confident about what we're doing most of the time!

Sorry - that's another long me me me post. ALBS so glad the christening went well! Bad move agreeing to a chocolate-less Lent though

Ann snap on all the favourite toys except the last one of course! How do they know to be fascinated by the exact things we don't want them to chew?!

hotterpotter · 17/02/2009 21:59

Thanks Ataraxis, better get working on my form

Pertelote good to hear you sounding more positive about DD's weaning. You really are doing a grand job

Better get to bed now, hope to goodness we don't have another night like last night

Sweet dreams all xxx

SazzlesA · 17/02/2009 22:10

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SazzlesA · 17/02/2009 22:13

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dizzydixies · 17/02/2009 22:21

VG I'm coming although not at the rate this holiday cottage search is going

Dylan sounds at the same stage as E with the almost sitting up, is it cruel to laugh when they do the really really really slow topple over thing

no1 did I miss something when you said you've asked your mum for you job back? well done on the food willpower, I have none am hoping that when I stop feeding hungry horace my relentless need for food will lessen BUT that would mean stop feeding and I'm SO not there yet

pertelote am glad you're sounding more positive, Cyteen and I always ready to rumble if you need us though

that goes for you too Sazz with the need for L's skin - back up where required!!!

no news from CC on the house offers? hope someone has swooped in with a huge amount of money and she's off out drinking celebrating

VG enjoy your stay at your mum's I hope you get a wee lie in or something am now an expert on the geography of Co Wicklow so if you get lost give me a call

right am off for dream feed and some sleep hopefully. night all

cyteen · 17/02/2009 22:34

albs if you want help giving up chocolate for Lent, do what I just did and scoff half a Cadbury's easter egg in one go [blee] Was in job application-related fit of boredom and despair, but still, I feel rank and prickly with shame.

ataraxis thanks It's made more complicated by the fact that I can take or leave my job really, so not exactly motivated by a burning desire to secure that place for myself...have very mixed feelings about it all, on the one hand I hate not earning and being financially independent, on the other I mostly find the idea of leaving DS very hard - I think I would like half the week as an adult but at the same time can see the benefit of not going back...oh well, we'll see what happens.

pertelote glad that you are happier, and I agree that it's fascinating how quickly their eating skills improve!

Anyway, that's me off for the night so see youse all tomorrow

MiamlaHasADaffodilBehindHerEar · 17/02/2009 22:35

dear goodness! DS has just done his first proper poo

dizzydixies · 17/02/2009 22:49

sambo OMG have just remembered I promised to look for reins for you, had totally forgotten - HUGE apologies shall look in the morning for you - don't let me forget again

MiamlaHasADaffodilBehindHerEar · 17/02/2009 22:52

dizz if you happen to find my mind whilst you're looking for yours, would you post it to me please, thanks

TwilightSurfer · 17/02/2009 23:07

hi (insert one of dizzy's meeps)

first i must say to buckets, i think you have something with this constant sex thing. i'll say no more.

sazzles may i give credit to oops for being able to translate the crazy word i gave you. i can't say it or spell it BUT put every ounce of faith in it. last year when the doctors gave dd1 two rounds of anti-b that threw her gut into a terrible mess the pediatric gastro doc told us to never ever take anti-b without the probiotic. i have learned so much since and we take it almost daily in this house.

albs how wonderful things went so well for you and that miamla joined in the festivities.

OP posts:
AnnVan · 17/02/2009 23:20

Oh no1 I loooove Wentworth. Had a lovely picnic there with my mum and brother a few years back! Have some lovely wine glasses from there as well, and the farmers market there is great.

AnnVan · 17/02/2009 23:26

OK little man of mine has been asleep over 1 1/2 hours. How much longer before he wakes up?
Might go to bed soon actually, but don't really feel that sleepy.


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Expectant · 18/02/2009 04:42

miamla Sam is also pulling himself up. I was a bit about this as it seemed v.early and some of my mummy friends here think I'm bragging when really I'd rather he wasn't quite so active IYKWIM. We lowered his cot to the lowest level at the weekend but five minutes afterwards he still managed to pull himself up using the bumper which we have to have attached for his protection!

I would also be of the leave him to work it out for himself school except for the fact that we have marble floors (carpets being way too hot). I bought the largest playpen I could find and also found some great foam/rubber tiles that fit together like jigsaw pieces - I'm sure they must sell these in the UK as well if you have wood or laminate floors - they're also very easy to clean so would protect the carpets as well.

Would love to get a door bouncer because I took him to a Baby Gym and he went in a swing and roared with laughter so thinking he'd like a bouncer too.

AnnVan · 18/02/2009 07:27

Morning all. Freshly brewed fairtrade coffee and toast on the table, as well as blueberry pancakes with maple syrup for those of you who fancy a more US style brekkie.
We had a a good night here last night. Don't want to say too much in case I jinx it. DP's sodding alarm woke little man just after 6 - he blimming snoozes it ten zillion times between 6 and 7, and the only person still asleep by 6.30 was HIM. Grrrr.

VintageGardenia · 18/02/2009 08:10

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