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August 2008: Coffee's On. Pull up a Chair and Chat a While.

994 replies

TwilightSurfer · 17/02/2009 00:54

OP posts:
dizzydixies · 17/02/2009 20:08

Ann he sounds like Dylan, try rubbing his hand on a blown up balloon - should set him off in fits of laughter!

AnnVan · 17/02/2009 20:09

ooh - will try that

dizzydixies · 17/02/2009 20:10

oh and DD2 told me I sucked tonight - charming from a 2yr old eh?!?

pf how lovely your mum has come to stay, I hope you manage to relax and enjoy her company and that your cold doesn't ruin her visit - echinacea is the way forward to ward off the sniffles - see I can recommend something other than arnica

SazzlesA · 17/02/2009 20:21

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dizzydixies · 17/02/2009 20:22

sazz I'm of the let them go and learn mentality too - the travel cot is more for Dyl's protection from DD2!!!

SazzlesA · 17/02/2009 20:23

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SazzlesA · 17/02/2009 20:24

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no1putsbabyinthecorner · 17/02/2009 20:26

evening everyone.

Both dc fast asleep, had a lovely day today with sis and her 3 dc and one of my nephews. Went for a lovely walk round a place called Wentworth, with lovely grounds and farm shop. Sister bought some lovely outdoor pots and compost, and flowers. I however thought about it and then decided I will by some already made again
Marcus had some Avocado today, after pulling some amzing expressions, I think he liked it.

miamla I had a travel cot for dd1 the soft mesh sided ones. Put her in with some soft toys and let her move around. Peace of mind all round.

cyteen · 17/02/2009 20:30

miamla clearly your DS wins the FBG award What a very advanced young man. Joe has at last worked out that there's a point to being on his tummy, he just can't quite make the crawling/rolling thing work yet - he sticks all his limbs out stiff and then gets angry and starts crying

Sazz my work are restructuring and thus everyone must apply for their own jobs I'm kind of a research assistant...the whole thing is rather tedious but needs must.

albs the christening sounds lovely, I bet you and your DH fairly swelled with pride

Can I just say to all the London meet-up ladies, I'm really sorry I didn't get the chance to speak to many of you. Joe fell asleep on my lap for quite a lot of it and so I was trapped in my seat and couldn't mingle. For some reason it's been playing on my mind that you might all have thought I was being unfriendly but I wasn't! Just pinned down by slumbering boy, and then of course dealing with shouting boy...

no1putsbabyinthecorner · 17/02/2009 20:36

aww cyteen I am sure noone would think that, I wish I had got to talk to everyone more too.
We will def have to have another, a picnic type one would be great. Weather too bloody unpredictable though isnt it?

LoveBuckets · 17/02/2009 20:36

A cloth nappy is sufficient padding for a bum - any tears will be embarrassment rather than pain. Am also of the head-injuries-must-be-good-for brain-development-because-they-can't-be-prevented school of thought though. If Theo's standing up in his cot, are you going to put the base down soon?

Kurt has been really good today, he's just sooo polite and seems so grateful when anyone talks to him! Today he had a few crusts to gnaw on and sucked on a clementine segment (thanks whoever that was.)

LoveBuckets · 17/02/2009 20:38

And for anyone who didn't go to the meetup, Cyteen looks just like Katy Perry!

cyteen · 17/02/2009 20:39

Joe is mad for rice cakes at the moment (although I've been eating them quicker than he can get to them ). He also gets quite excited by papaya and makes angry noises when it squishes in his fist!

no1putsbabyinthecorner · 17/02/2009 20:51

buckets do you know anything about Kooshies nappies or is it Kushies??

ataraxis · 17/02/2009 21:02


ann, glad that you managed to get one at a decent price. Hope he likes it .

Started dd on mashed veg over the last couple of days. She holds the spoon and puts it straight in her mouth , and then the food stays there . Well, with the exception of banana which she spits straight out. I have to say, if nothing else for the waiting longer, it is a lot less messy (so far, I have no illusions about in the long run).

I am soooo pleased to hear that everyone else's house isn't spotless. I constantly walk around thinging gawd, what a shithole mess. Think a cleaner may become a necessity to avoid a hazmat inspection .

MiamlaHasADaffodilBehindHerEar · 17/02/2009 21:05

yeah! lets have another meetup

albs don't be , i wouldn't have said it if it wasn't true. Your DH on the other hand needs to refrain from mentioning that i wasn't dressed the first time he met me! Especially when we're in a packed church!!!!

buckets base is down and side is up! has been for a few weeks

i've had a culinary success tonight.. DS has eaten a ton of a spinach, potato and herby mixture that i made for him. i really love cooking for him, makes me feel all motherly!

hmm, we've got a travel cot but its a pop up bubble thing that he needs to lie down in (2nd hand from a colleague). I reckon the play pen/travel cot thing is what we're going to have to do.

sazzles worry not, i'm of the same frame of mind as you but thought i'd better check because my mum went like this when i told her i thought he had to learn how to fall safely!
my cunning plan at the moment has been to put him in the middle of the room, run to the kitchen, do what i had to do, and run back before he's had time to crawl to anything he can pull himself up on. The flaw in my plan is that he's getting quicker at crawling!

dear goodness, DS is currently on his hands and feet with his legs straight
whoops! DS was on his hands and feet!

LoveBuckets · 17/02/2009 21:09

No1 Was Kooshies, now Kushies. People either love them or hate them so don't buy more than one! I never got on with them myself. I wouldn't recommend the Motherease OneSize you can get in Waitrose either, the Onelife clone of it is much better quality and stretchier round the waist. I swear by Motherease wraps though, wouldn't settle for anything less.

LoveBuckets · 17/02/2009 21:13

Miamla Babyproofing your lounge is probably the only way forward actually, and is easier without lego and puppies-in-my-pocket everywhere. More shelves! With DD I had a stairgate across the kitchen and one at the bottom of the stairs so she had freedom of lounge and hall. But then she learnt to crawl backwards first and used to get wedged backwards in the fireplace LOL so you can't win basically.

no1putsbabyinthecorner · 17/02/2009 21:15

thanks buckets I also love my ME airflow.

SazzlesA · 17/02/2009 21:16

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MiamlaHasADaffodilBehindHerEar · 17/02/2009 21:17

buckets we're as baby proofed as we can be here. DS has learnt how to crawl backwards on his hands and knees, but forwards on his tummy (commando stylee) so regularly gets stuck in corners because he hasn't got enough room to get down onto his tummy. i do obviously always rescue him but its very funny!

another vote for motherease wraps here

ataraxis · 17/02/2009 21:21

@ nappy sazz


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no1putsbabyinthecorner · 17/02/2009 21:23

sazzles I have appointment next week, so hopefully get some answers.

ataraxis · 17/02/2009 21:27

and the babyproofing requirement doesn't stop at babies. Last night, after being told countless times not to put them in his mouth, DS2 (4 in 2 weeks time) nearly choked on a marble . I had my back turned, heard the choking noise, turned around and grabbed him, and thankfully it flew straight out. Don't know who was more scared, him or DS1. After promising me that he wouldn't put toys in his mouth again, guess what I had to spend today reminding him several times

I used to swear by Motherease wraps too. Now I look at the clothies with guilt, but just can't face the extra washing

petitfilowersandchocolates · 17/02/2009 21:27

miamla I was also going to say that you could also go for the just let him fall over and he'll learn option

but then sazzles was rude about petitfilous so I won't

pf goes off muttering 'never did the other two any harm' and gets out Greggs sausage roll and a fruit shoot

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