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August 2008: Coffee's On. Pull up a Chair and Chat a While.

994 replies

TwilightSurfer · 17/02/2009 00:54

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AnnVan · 17/02/2009 11:08


SazzlesA · 17/02/2009 11:10

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AnnVan · 17/02/2009 11:15

sems like it! Really need to figure out how to get him to sleep from an earlier time.
Ouch, he just dropped a knife on my foot. And now he's going for the fork as well.

SazzlesA · 17/02/2009 11:24

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AnnVan · 17/02/2009 12:19

it's so quiet on here today.

dizzydixies · 17/02/2009 12:24


I am officially on fecking strike! the house is a bomb, I've soup to be making etc but DH is asleep, the sun is shining and I'm not lifting a sodding finger

sod it, the world won't end because the hidying isn't done frankly!!!

oh oh oh AND our Scotland v Ireland tickets have just arrived!!!!!

AnnVan · 17/02/2009 12:33

Dizzy my house is also a bomb. I'm not lifting a finger either, although that is in part because Seb won't let me put him down for a second. And when I do manage to put him down for a bit, I just want to sit and recover.
Go for it!. Ooooh, I'd love to actually go to a live rugby game. Very

dizzydixies · 17/02/2009 12:39

if you ever get a chance Ann I'd highly recommend it, the atmosphere is brilliant and everyone is sooooooo friendly. we go when its Scot v Ireland every 2yrs at Murrayfield which is 14th March this year, infact if you all want to see me we could come up with something I can wear and you can try to spot me int he crowd

is Seb not enjoying being put down at all? wee lamb and tiring for you? I have a variety of things to try to soothe Dylan but sometimes being held is the only option.

sitting in her high chair/bouncy seat/swing
lying on her mat on her back/front
in her standy thingy which is like a walker but not iyswim - if all else fails, sling it

AnnVan · 17/02/2009 12:44

Bouncy seat is out - he used to love it but seems to have gone off it entirely. Play mat - sometimes he'll be ok there if he has his nappy off. When he wees though it's instant stress. Swing chair sometimes works although he cries for a couple of minutes. If he then sees me he wants to be picked up straight away.

dizzydixies · 17/02/2009 12:50

Ann I've had one of these for all 3 of mine and they've all loved it, very handy for a few minutes peace

my friend had this for her wee one and she seemed to love it, I have no experience of it though and I know you can get them cheaper than that - was just to show you the pic

a few ideas to mull over

AnnVan · 17/02/2009 13:18

Dizzy I think something along those lines would be good. Just wish I could afford it. I think half the problem is he now wants to be upright so he can be nosy see. I also would like to get some kind of door bouncer so he could bounce in the doorway while I try get some cleaning done.
Money sadly does not allow.

sambo303triesforScotland · 17/02/2009 13:31

ann could you try freecycle? I've got quite a few things off that and they're ok. We got a high chair so DS can slump sit and watch me in the kitchen on freecycle cos he was getting bored of his gym and he loves his bouncer, a good investment.

no1 thanks for asking and I did have a good night - ds up at midnight then 3.45am then 7.20am. Sorry to hear you were up so often. Was going to do lots but have been surfing, then could not find wallpaper scrap (was going to go out for curtain material) so now making myself useful in the kitchen - cabbage leaves stuffed with rice and nuts and candied orange peel dipped in chocolate

ataraxis · 17/02/2009 13:38

dizzy/ann, I have a jumperoo for dd - she LOVES it and is happy in it for ages (probably leave her in for dar too long)
! Yes it is expensive, but we don't have any doorframes (and even if we did, after all the work that has been done on the house I don't think DH would have been too happy). Ann, dd has a similar thing about wanting to be upright (can't wait til she can sit up alone, it will make such a difference).

ataraxis · 17/02/2009 13:44

ann, there is a door bouncer on ebay for 99p with 1 hour to go... link here

ataraxis · 17/02/2009 13:45

and that's what happens when you have two boys on top of you - is actually £9.99, sorry

ataraxis · 17/02/2009 13:48

but there is this one if it doesn't go too high?

alittlebitshy · 17/02/2009 14:37

just checking in...

Baptism was fabulous. Too much to say - but perfect Lovely music ( i chose it all but music group did me proud), so mnay friends and family, brilliant food (caterers were ace!) and so many kind, generous presents. SOme lovely ppl even got dd some things which was above and beyond and so thoughful. People really surprise you sometimes: a lovely single guy -early 20s - from church got ds a voucher from our local independednt shoe shop which will MORE THAN cover his first pair of shoes whenever that will be to "help with his first steps in the world". how thoughtful is that? If you want an objective viewpoint of the day ask miamla as her and her handsome Theo came to support ds

ann my ds is an 11 hour guy - even if he wakes in the night he still needs (mostly) 11 hours altogether. Last night all in one chunk though - bliss!

Must catch up on thread(s) properly but pertelote grr at your dietician.

AnnVan · 17/02/2009 14:43

Thanks ataraxis I have bought the second one - got it for 6.50 (had to register with ebay first though as I have never signed up
ALBS so glad H's christening went well!

alittlebitshy · 17/02/2009 14:50

what've you bought ann?

AnnVan · 17/02/2009 14:56

Lol I've bought at door bouncer for Seb - hopefully it'll mean I can get a few things done, and he can bounce up and down and still see mummy.
That's the theory anyway - we'll see if it works in practice when it actually arrives.

hotterpotter · 17/02/2009 15:39

Ann we have that exact bouncer and DS loves it! Plus if you keep the box you can sell it on again once your DS has outgrown it (unless you decide to save it for no2 baby)

Albs so glad the Christening went well Get some pictures up, we want to see your swishy hair, and your adorable boy too of course

Sambo at Yorkshire hot pot! I guess I'll keep my new name then...

VintageGardenia · 17/02/2009 15:39

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cyteen · 17/02/2009 15:39

dizzy as an unreformed slattern I say fuck the hidying. my house is strewn with half-chewed rice cakes, crumbs and dirty clothes (and that's just from me, lol). i like to tell people it's because DS never gives me a minute to myself, but you know the truth

Ann Joe loves his door bouncer. There's a picture of him in it on DP's FB page; i've commented so you might be able to see it...

AnnVan · 17/02/2009 15:48

cyteen Iuse the same excuse
We're going to get a cleaner when I go back to work.
Just ben hatting to Steaknife on fb
I have an official invite to try her MIL's superb cooking

AnnVan · 17/02/2009 15:50

sorry for typos - boy upside down hanging off lap - hanging desparately on to his nappy so he doesn't fall in his head.
And speaking of nappies...

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