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August/ September 2019 babies #2

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kyles101 · 24/11/2019 01:25

Thread number 2 for our August / September 2019 due date babies.

DS is having a regression on nighttime sleep since moving over to combi - seems to want to wale at 1am whereas before would always go through until 3am...

OP posts:
DustyDoorframes · 07/12/2019 21:05

That sounds really positive @Horehound ! And yay nappies!

Dyra · 07/12/2019 23:42

That sounds like a huge improvement Horehound. Hope you and Arthur are feeling much better now. I swear the colds going around this year are more wretched than usual.

Had a big scare this morning. Woke up feeling incredibly nauseated and my sense of smell had gone into overdrive... Uh oh... I have the implant, exclusively breastfeeding and not DTD much since DD was born, but stranger things have happened.

Fortunately I had one stick left from TTC and in a complete reversal from 11 months ago (is it really nearly a year already?...) I was extremely happy and relieved to see a negative. I do want a sibling for Alice one day, just not so soon!

Speaking of Alice. For the past few days, when she's napping (not all naps though), she'll suddenly start crying. And it's her 'I'm scared/very unhappy' cry. And she only does it when sleeping on me. I can soothe her back to peaceful sleeping with cuddles, shushing and if that didn't work, a quick bout of nursing. She doesn't do it during her main night sleep when she's in her basket (I still can't put her down to sleep in the day 😔). Does anyone else's baby do this?

Geegrl19 · 08/12/2019 01:24

Hi @Dyra. Nate does this sometimes too. It's a real sad scared cry, normally when he's napping (on me of course). Don't think he's in pain. Seems more like a bad dream cry. Do babies dream? What would they dream about, hmm Confused

DustyDoorframes · 08/12/2019 10:07

Phew @Dyra I'd have been terrified with those symptoms! It would have had to be immaculate conception though... anyhow, congrats on your bfN Grin
My eldest used to wake up suddenly in great distress like that sometime, if I had him in the sling and was sitting down for a while. I'm with @Geegrl19 might be bad dreams. Poor wee things! DC3 whimpers in her sleep sometimes, which I think must be that.
How are you today @Horehound ? I hope you are feeling better!
I'm still in digestive disarray. Stupid dairy.

DustyDoorframes · 08/12/2019 10:08

Ps @Geegrl19 dreaming about being born might be pretty alarming!

Horehound · 08/12/2019 10:21

I think my cold is still manifesting and turning into something chesty. I feel really worn down. I had a cry yesterday because I had spent ages with Arthur playing and singing then a bath and when it came to putting jammies on he started to cry and then I realised the best I out in him had a wet bun I had to get it off and a new one in. By this time he was really screaming and my husband appeared just as I had finished, woken up from his nap (husband nap) and then I went to our Arthur in his basket to sleep he was crying and refusing the dummy and DH became the hero who lifted him up and settle shim. I knew he wa about to fall asleep so I just felt utter shit that I had spent the evening having a nice time with my baby only for him to then become upset and my husband soothing him. Made me feel crap but I realised after I'm just exhausted.

Right sooooo last night we were up four or five time for feeds and this is not normally the case so now I'm wondering if I reduced my supply so that he isn't being as full as before?
God I feel so stupid. Always on here with my problems..I'm sure I come across as a loon but I promise I am "normal" I'm just second guessing myself!
Can you tell me if you are breastfeeding does your baby feed from one side or both sides usually or a mix of both? Is it different at night than it is at daytime?

@Dyra Arthur sometimes let's out a cry or whine type thing in his sleep but it's usually just one and then he stops. I thought it could be a fart or a bad dream but I think it's normal.

Horehound · 08/12/2019 10:24

@Dyra oof bet that was touch and go!
I think we will have another and it probably will be year maybe but yes..bit soon now lol

Oh sorry your still suffering :(

DustyDoorframes · 08/12/2019 10:36

Awww @Horehound poor you!!! I think that sounds like a lovely evening for Arthur, a lovely play with mum then a nice cuddle with dad, winner!
Remember that babies just have weird nights/days every so very often, it sometimes helps not to read too much into it.
Re feeding, everyone is different, so whatever works for you. I've always fed one side per feed, and alternated. I can't always remember which side I last fed on though, so go by which feels fullest! If baby is happy and growing, and you are not in pain or too sleep deprived to cope, then it's fine. Try to follow your gut if you can.

Horehound · 08/12/2019 10:41

Ok thank you. And maybe also because he has the cold and his nose is blocked maybe that's why he woke more too I suppose.
Yes, you are right it was a nice evening for Arthur in that he got both of us. That's a nice way of thinking about it!
I'm in bed and dh has taken Arthur and the dog for a while so I can just "switch off" for a bit.

Megan2018 · 08/12/2019 11:39

I offer both boobs at daytime feeds as I have a teeny baby that we want weight on, so try and feed her as much as poss. Sometimes she feeds from both equally, sometimes not at all and if she has done both but less on the second boob then I start with that one at the next feed.
At night though I feed lying down so only one at a time usually as we just fall back to sleep.

iano · 08/12/2019 17:03

@Horehound I feed from one breast each feed. I have an oversupply and this seems to work best for me.
Babies sometimes have off days and feed more/less. Could he be teething? Maybe that's why he woke... carry on as you are. You're doing a fab job!

Horehound · 08/12/2019 18:51

Thanks both. I don't think he's teething although he is sucking his fist a lot. Pretty sure he isn't though
This afternoon he fed from both sides and has been sick. Last few days we had no sick at all.
He drained both breasts in ten mins. I used a pump for 3 mins in my right breast to see if it was properly drained (cause I'm not used the the feeling at all!) and what the milk looked like after sitting a while. I also did left breast for 4 mins. In total got 20ml and then the breasts were absolutely drained and currently looking at it, it's not separated at all! When I was pumping before I'd say 80% was watery and 20% was cream on top. This stuff still looks like caramac cream!
And his nappy early afternoon was full of seeds which had really dwindled a lot.

yevans · 08/12/2019 20:30

Ruth feeds from one boob and I alternate but like @DustyDoorframes, often can't remember which one she fed off last. I must look like a right weirdo as I'm constantly touching and squishing my boobs in public to try and work out which one is fuller 😂

We've been battling trying to get Ruth to sleep not being held by someone and really struggling. But today we were doing some tummy time on our bed and she fell asleep so quickly and deeply...I'm now desperate for her to start to roll over so she can choose to sleep on her front because she seems to settle so well as opposed to her back!!

iano · 08/12/2019 21:30

@Horehound That all sounds pretty normal to me. What are you finding concerning/worrying?

iano · 08/12/2019 21:35

Sorry I'm not being clear... very tired!
I mean: are you concerned he is ill or is it more a concern about a feeding issue?
If it's any help none of what you describe sounds unusual to me. Changes in milk, poo and feeling full are pretty normal I think.

Horehound · 08/12/2019 21:53

@iano not worried about anything in my last post more that it seems to me my plan worked because I think I had oversupply it meant he got less good creamy milk and I think he might be getting it now.
But, I also think I got myself all worked up and focused in the fact he wasn't sick at all certain nights and have searched for answers in why that happened rather than just think he maybe had some fluke days.
God knows. I'm not sure if I have done the right thing with my milk but I do think it has helped a bit.

Horehound · 08/12/2019 22:02

I was concerned initially that my diet was making him sick but actually I then thought because if the very fast feeds, milk dribbling down cheeks, coughing etc and after speaking to HV and the breastfeeding network person both said it could be oversupply and on looking into it, it seems true.
I'll just give this a go now I seemed to have reduced my supply very quickly but because I'm not used to it Im just second guessing the feeding now because it's different to the last 15 weeks!
I know I probably sound crazy and reading into things too much.

iano · 08/12/2019 22:55

Makes sense. It sounds like you're doing the right thing.
Tbh I wouldn't worry too much as long as he's putting on weight and happy in himself. The older he gets the more he'll be able to manage the extra milk pouring out.
I tried all sorts of things with my first and was really concerned as he seemed so overwhelmed by the amount of milk and talk of hind milk. Once DS1 learnt to just come off before being overwhelmed my supply settled quite quickly. Please don't worry too much!

Horehound · 08/12/2019 23:31

Yes he is putting in a pound every two weeks
He dropped slightly off the curve at the last weigh in but HV wasn't concerned.
I'm sure I'll be fine with a second baby I just have my L plates on for Arthur!

How's everyone finding their reusables?
I have bumgenious elementals, elemental joys and now the totsbots easy fit. I have to say j really like the tots bots nappies by far. They are so easy to use and look and feel good. Next would be the joys because they are so easy to dry and easier to put on than the elementals and I find the elementals a but too thick.
I'm Gona buy more tots bots!

DustyDoorframes · 08/12/2019 23:50

Totsbots are based in Glasgow too, what's not to like? Although I find the all-in-one I have leaks once the big old toddler pees hit (but I think mine is an older version?)
I love the neatness of Charlie bananas, and very reliable and easy to use (but only last 1.5 children...). I have mixed feelings about the Bumgenius pockets I have, I don't love the look of them, and the label wicks?! Which is a bit of a design flaw!!! But I really like the inner lining, and they work pretty well. I'm quite enjoying some little lambs sized shaped bamboo nappies, with mother ease wraps over. The fit is very neat, and they seem quite indestructible but I'm not keen on having to get more in a bigger size.
DD is getting nappies in her stocking!

Geegrl19 · 09/12/2019 02:29

@Horehound sounds like you're doing a fab job. Is so easy to over analyse everything. In on my third and still do, think it's just natural.

Ooh @DustyDoorframes imagine dreaming he's being born again - horror movie 🤣 or perhaps he's dreaming that the milks run out 🤔😆

Megan2018 · 09/12/2019 05:33

I had totsbots teenyfits (newborn easyfits) but I’m not a fan of AIO, or velcro fastening. I have totsbots night nappies (bamboozles) but can’t use until Felicity is a bit bigger. They are meant to be bombproof though.

I have 10 Elemental Joys which I really like. Fit well considering how tiny she is and dry fast. I also have 5 Little Lamb pockets (cheap and cheerful) and 5 Baba and Boo pockets (which are absolutely beautiful) but they are too big for us yet so untested. I literally love the Baba and Boo ones on looks so I hope they are great to use!


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Horehound · 09/12/2019 11:51

Yes, I like the fact tots bots are Scottish. Even more eco friendly not being shipped from USA!
These are the new tots bots and the other photo is the elemental joy version I have.
I'm opposite to you, Megan, I hate the poppers and prefer the velcro!
Dust the label of my Hiya are on the outside...where are yours?

Well, we went to bed at 12am and he woke up at 5am for a feed and the back to sleep until 9am.
We are in such a bad pattern of going to bed late but I'm not sure how to get him ready for his "big" sleep earlier say from 8pm? He usually just wants to play then! Would I just have to gradually go to bed earlier? Say by 15mins a day until I get to 8pm?!

August/ September 2019 babies #2
August/ September 2019 babies #2
August/ September 2019 babies #2
Horehound · 09/12/2019 11:55

Bloody hell my keyboard is just typing utter shite ...
"Dust the label of my Hiya" should say "Dusty, the label of my joys..."

Dyra · 09/12/2019 16:25

Equally wanting advice on how to get babies to sleep earlier. Alice rarely settles before 11pm. Wakes for a feed somewhere between 5-6am. Then will sleep as long as I let her, usually waking by herself around 11am.

To add to my usual worry about her, Alice has dropped more centiles again. She only put on 210g this fortnight. HV at the drop in wasn't worried since, as far as I can tell, she's feeding well. Producing wet and dirty nappies, and is bright eyed, active and meeting development milestones.

But now I just don't know if I'm missing something or if I'm doing something wrong in ignorance. No matter what though, she's heading towards the 9th centile line now, down from the 50th at birth.

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