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August/ September 2019 babies #2

999 replies

kyles101 · 24/11/2019 01:25

Thread number 2 for our August / September 2019 due date babies.

DS is having a regression on nighttime sleep since moving over to combi - seems to want to wale at 1am whereas before would always go through until 3am...

OP posts:
Stroan · 28/11/2019 09:14

I am definitely done. I couldn't do pregnancy again, doctors and midwives warned me against it so even if I was tempted, that would put me off.

DD had a terrible time and DH was very, very worried. I couldn't put my family through it again.

We always wanted two. We can have a nice lifestyle with two, but three would involve compromises.

DustyDoorframes · 28/11/2019 09:49

I'm done, but can't quite bring myself to pass on my maternity clothes... they might have to lurk in a "sentimental" box for a few years first (when I eventually stop wearing the jeans!)

Dyra · 28/11/2019 13:12

Another reason for waiting is because this one is quite clingy. I still can't put her down for a nap during the day. Sling only works for DH. She's tolerating her gym a bit more, but I need those precious few minutes to get stuff done. No way I could be handling a toddler 24/7 on top of that.

Getting less sure I want a second now.

Had DD weighed the other day. Just over 5kg now, but it still struck me. I've seen newborns the same weight (and heavier) than her. Triggered a massive surge of sympathy

iano · 29/11/2019 10:17

We're done mainly cos DH is clear he doesn't want anymore. Tbf we agreed to have 2 and now I'd like more. The thing is I'd probably not want to stop after 3 either. Blush
I feel a bit sad, but I've got two healthy boys so I should be grateful really.

DustyDoorframes · 29/11/2019 12:40

@iano if you still feel that way a few years down the line you can always talk about it again...
@Dyra outside of your line of work people are not seeing many 5kg newborns!

kyles101 · 30/11/2019 08:14

William has put on 950g / just over 2lb!! In 2 weeks. Combi best decision I think!!

What classes as constipated for ff baby though? Since going combi he's gone every day, Thursday (day after jabs) he went 3 times but nothing Friday or today yet...but he's acting like he wants to go - some wiggling and straining... when bf he used to go once a week. Those were the days 🙄

OP posts:
Dyra · 30/11/2019 17:26

GJ kyles and William. That is an impressive amount of chunking up.

No idea about the poop thing I'm afraid. Maybe William is having a growth spurt? Absorbing so much of that good stuff that there's very little waste.

yevans · 30/11/2019 21:26

Any tips on getting a baby to take a bottle of expressed milk? Tried for the first time today and she just sat with it in her mouth looking confused and didn't know how to suck it at all 🙈

Horehound · 30/11/2019 23:08

@yevans I find Arthur takes it if I'm not in the house. Rarely takes any if I'm around!

Horehound · 01/12/2019 04:53

Jeez Arthur slept most of the day and most of the night. Through day he woke for all feeds thought but he's slept from 10pm up to now (4.45am) I don't think he is I'll but not sure. Will keep an eye on him but my main question is ..what do I do with my massively Rick hard boobs? When I woke up hearing him move around u gave him the boob which was biggest and also feeling hard and lumpy and he did feed for a good while from it but I'd say it now only feels like a full breast rather than engorged!
Wtf do I do and my other boob is Gina be the same. He is sleeping again

IVEgotthetinselBITCHES · 01/12/2019 05:26

Found you! (DECAF on a name change)

Sorry to hear of poorly babies Bear

We are done here. 5dc is ALOT and i literally dont get two mins to myself some days. My maternity clothes and babies newborn clothes have already gone to charity

kyles101 · 01/12/2019 09:57

@Horehound a little bit of hand expressing to take the worst away. In the shower works well. Your boobs will get used to it eventually if he starts sleeping through.

Hello @IVEgotthetinselBITCHES 5 is an off number, I think I'd have to go for 6 Wink

OP posts:
Littlehouseinthebigcity · 01/12/2019 13:57

I agree with @kyles101. The first few times Catherine slept for longer stretches at night I was waking super engorged and soaked in milk but my body adjusted pretty quickly. Hand expressing can help take the edge off, and if you're really engorged then use a hand pump (I emptied one boob once - 8.5oz! - cos it was so uncomfortable.)

Dyra · 01/12/2019 18:02

Agreed. Hand expressing the excess off is the way to go. Such relief.

Horehound · 01/12/2019 20:27

Yep I did it in the shower and worked a treat!

KnobJockey · 02/12/2019 08:33

Good morning everyone! Off to look at our first nursery today 😭 that has a waiting list til Jan 2021, so already behind- we need June/ July!

Dyra · 02/12/2019 09:11

Wishing you all the luck with your search. Always amazes me that the waiting lists. The babies aren't even born yet!

DustyDoorframes · 02/12/2019 09:36

Eeep KnobJockey scary biscuits!!

Dipsy77 · 02/12/2019 20:01

Thanks for new thread Smile

KnobJockey · 03/12/2019 08:47

Well, as expected, that nursery was amazing. It's set on a working farm, has a complete outdoor ethos, has the kids involved with growing their own lunch and walking their own wooded area to collect things before going to collect the eggs from their chickens. Now I suppose we have to figure out whether it's right or wrong to use a childminder while a space becomes available.

IVEgotthetinselBITCHES · 03/12/2019 09:07

How many days a week would it be knobjockey and how long for?

DustyDoorframes · 03/12/2019 09:08

Wow @KnobJockey !!
That sounds like an amazing nursery, especially for a preschooler. Littler ones often do really well with a childminder, so your plan of childminder first then that nursery sounds perfect (and potentially really useful long term too, as the childminder might then come back into her own for school pickups, especially if you keep the childminder on for a day once nursery kicks in)
I've just had a Christmas panic. It's sooooooooon!!!!!


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Dyra · 03/12/2019 09:20

It's far too soon. It sneaks up on me every year.

Poor Alice has no presents from her ~parents~ Santa yet, as her poor parents have no idea what to ask Santa for. And she's been such a good girl all year. Especially the first 8 months of it.

That nursery sounds amazing knobjockey.

IVEgotthetinselBITCHES · 03/12/2019 10:44

Dyra Grin
Baby has mainly clothes for christmas here, couple of books, rattles and a tummy time toy and mirror.

db92 · 03/12/2019 20:59

12 weeks injection question.... are they as bad as the 8 week? We're booked in for tomorrow 😬

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