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Jan '07 part 7: This time last year it was all beginning - good luck to the Jan 08-to-be's

587 replies

2Happy · 16/04/2007 16:26

Clearly I'm feeling nostalgic! Just think, some of them even had heart beats this time last year!!

OP posts:
hattie2 · 27/04/2007 22:09

Ooooh, you don't know what you're missing UD!

All together now: "Blue, blue, blue, blue ....."

JodieG1 · 28/04/2007 07:43

Morning all Ethan slept from 7.30pm-7.20am last night just waking for feeds Very pleased with that. We're getting ready to go to the shops to get some food for a picnic now. We'll be having a picnic lunch at the lakes behind our house and then probably into Cambridge after that or a bit further afield for some big parks or woods for the children and maybe take their bikes too. Hope you're all well and planning something nice for the lovely weather.

theUrbanDryad · 28/04/2007 08:16

how often does ethan wake for feeds jodie? Zac's gone from one feed at between 5-6 to 2, 1 at 3 and one at 6! is it a growth spurt?

we're off swimming today, then my brother and SIL are coming for tea. they won't believe how much Z has grown - the last time they saw him was my birthday!!

LadyTophamHatt · 28/04/2007 08:19

My brother and SIL are coming today too UD....

we are cosmic twins aren't we???

I've got to go shopping in my lovely car first though...I bet you'd like to come too wouldn't time you're up the long man I'll meet tyou there and let you touch it.

My car I mean...

let you touch my car.

JodieG1 · 28/04/2007 08:30

UD - Ethan still wakes 3-4 times a night hehe but I feed him half asleep most of the time A lot of it is comfort feeding after he's taken the milk too so feeds last longer for us at night. During the day he's a very efficient feeder. Could well be a growth spurt for Z

2Happy · 28/04/2007 08:30


ds1 finally dropped off at 9.30 last night.

ds2 woke up at 9.30 last night.

ds2 went to sleep at nearly 11pm.

dh ws called out at 1.30am.

ds1 woke up and got out of bed at 1.30am (think there was a reason for that? )

ds1 went back to sleep at 1.50am

I got back to sleep after 2.15am

dh got back in at 3.30am

ds1 woke up at 3.30am (again, reason??!)

ds2 woke for feed at 5.30

ds1 woke up at 6.30.

Why doesn't MN have an eyes-propped-open-with-toothpicks emoticon??!

OP posts:
theUrbanDryad · 28/04/2007 08:33


Wilkie · 28/04/2007 09:25

Hello Laydeez - I see you really mourned me whilst I was gone - the thread was SOOOOOO quiet

I have literally skim read the posts as have a mountain of things to do but....

Lizz - yes my hair is falling out too, blocked plug hole this morning

RGee - PMSL at the dead mouse - you are a treasure

UD - yes that text pic was my LO with a pink bow in his hair that his favourite Auntie Zoe put in, took a pic of and sent to his daddy who then rang her very cross

LTH - P&T places, I get so so so with stupid arse people that park there with no kids in the car that I nearly rammed an Audi A3 the other day when this stupid bint came flouncing out of Asda without a child and clambered in. I hooted her and she went bright red and drove off. Grrrrrrrr.

EAH - hows the drive doing? Can we see photos please

Laughalot - sorry to be ignoring your texts but was all a bit hectic. Nothing personal

I will be on MSN tonight cos DH is on a stag doo.

Had 11 hours sleep last night cos I was knackered after spending 3 days with 14 month old twins and J. DH did all the night feeds which was bliss!! I nearly fell asleep on the motorway, my eyes started rolling/closing uncontrollably so I pulled over at a garage and got a drink and some chocolate. Frightened me!!!!!!

J is currently taking a huge bowl of rice and a 8oz bottle for breakfast then rice and a 6oz bottle for tea. Fat bugger

ellieandhattie · 28/04/2007 12:09

Hello just a quick one as need to pack e and h things for the weekend and Hattie screaming the place down!!

Wilkie mwah mwah welcome back and what a little rice/milk monster!!

Just uploaded some new pics on profile one from wedding, one of house (cant see drive that well) and some of Hattie munching away on some food!

laughalot · 28/04/2007 14:50

Ooh eah we have matching weaning spoons

ellieandhattie · 28/04/2007 15:47

what great taste you have laughalot (pots and spoons!!!)

ellieandhattie · 28/04/2007 15:50

laughalot you would sooo love the outfits I have just bought e and h I was very tempted to buy another 3-6 month and post it to you

Wilkie · 28/04/2007 18:55

Hrmph - here I am on MSN and MN and none of you buggers are online. Very unhappy

Lizzzombie · 28/04/2007 19:09

I have incredibly painful hayfever, my I want to take my eyeballs out and wash them under icy water.
AND I have incredibly painful let down due to introducing another formula feed.
So, which are going to explode 1st? Eyeballs or tits????? NOT HAPPY! x

Galmum · 28/04/2007 19:14

Lizz - I don't envy you!

2Happy - your night sounds rubbish - make dh sleep downstairs when he's on call!!

Wilkie · 28/04/2007 20:37

Don't tell me you all have lives on a Saturday night that would take you away from MSN??????????????????

Wilkie · 28/04/2007 20:58

I'm so booooorrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeedd!!! Come out to play with me. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssseee.

Wilkie · 28/04/2007 21:19
Wilkie · 28/04/2007 21:23
Shimmer · 29/04/2007 04:42

Poor bored headless Wilkie...hope someone turned up to entertain you
We're still in HK - enjoying the sunshine and swimming (will post pics of freddie in a floaty ring thing in the pool soon!) and haven't been driven completely insane by my mum just yet. Don't know why but when she vists me in england we always get on great and have a fab time together but when i'm over here we seem to get on each others nerves a bit. Think it may be because this is where i lived when i was young and grew up here and we kind of revert to me being 16 again and mum having to incessently nag me DP's leaving today but F and I are here for another week.

Right....more to read what you've all been up to....

ellieandhattie · 29/04/2007 08:12

Morning, cant believe I havent got the girls and I am up!!! Had a great nigt last night really good laugh and meal was lovely, we got home around 11.15 I went to bed and crashed out till 8 this morning. Just spoke to my mum and dad and the girls were fine both slept 7pm to 6.30am so my mum and dad had a decent nights sleep they are off to the beach today for a picnic and we'll get e and h back at bed time tonight so not sure what Dh & I will do today.

Wilkie hope you had a good night and dh head isnt to sore this morning

Shimmer I couldnt stand living with my parents again albeit even for holidays so sympathy with you hope you enjoy your last week.

As its been so quiet on here this weekend I ama ssuming everyone is doing something interesting

Wilkie · 29/04/2007 10:20


Please tell me if I'm being unreasonable.

I asked my mum to look after J Fri day and night cos DH and I are going to a wedding. I asked her before J was born.

My sis has now decided to go to mum's too on the Friday with her twin daughters and stop for a couple of days.

I feel really really annoyed cos the twins are REALLY hard work (14 months) and I know that J will just get stuck under his mat or in his chair whilst mum helps sis with the twins.

The twins are a nightmare at night too (as is J at the moment) and I just feel really concerned that mum won't give J her full attention (I know he won't be neglected or anything but STILL...).

I have spoken to mum and she has spoken to sis who still really wants to come on the Fri.

My MIL has offered to have J instead but that would really upset my mum.

Now, instead of looking forward to a child free day and night I am worried about it.

What would you do?


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theUrbanDryad · 29/04/2007 10:32

right - if i was in your position i would take MIL up on the offer of looking after J for the night. i know it would upset your mum, but at the end of the day, she promised to look after J before she said about the twins, so IMO she's let you down a wee bit. but that's just me and i don't know the full situation. will catch up with you on MSN later. xxx

shimmer - we've got a floaty thing on order too! will try and take some pictures at some point.

no time for personals today...the hunt for the new car continues! (or i could just carjack's not like she uses her car, she blardy walks everywhere!)

ellieandhattie · 29/04/2007 11:03

pmsl UD at the LTH comment

Wilkie I am tending to agree with UD and go with IL's you'll feel happier knowing he's getting one on one attention or the other alternative is to speak to your mum again and just say you are worried about the twins and J being to much it's a hard one BUT you have to do what you feel is best for J and to ensure that you and DH actually enjoy the wedding and know that J is ok will make you so much more relaxed.

DH finally got up (didnt moan as I chose to get out of bed at 8am) but I have got loads done this morning all the 0-3 months clothes boxed and in loft and sorted out some of ellies winter stuff and put them in loft for Hattie plus done the ironing wasin on and sorted some paperwork so may now have to persuade dh to go and do some shopping child free with me

Lizzzombie · 29/04/2007 14:45

Wilkie - Sisters can be very thoughtless and selfish sometimes...especially ones with twins (yes - I don't care if you see this darling sister - you can be!) I would try the old "I asked Mum first" line, and then cry about how you feel like she has a trump card which she always plays as 2 are harder than 1, and it seems you are not allowed to have a break just coz she has it hard. Put her on a guilt trip. I bet you helped her out miles more than she has helped you with J. (I know, I know, I sound evil, but am speaking from experience)
If it helps we took DJ to a wedding last weekend, and he was as good as gold all day and we stayed until about 9.30pm. He slept through a disco (!?!?) and also a firework display.

can I have some advice from FF's please.
How many (and at what times) do your LO's feed.
DJ was on 6 boob feeds a day every 3 hours, with 8 hours sleep at night. But I am not sure if FF will work the same?

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