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Jan '07 part 7: This time last year it was all beginning - good luck to the Jan 08-to-be's

587 replies

2Happy · 16/04/2007 16:26

Clearly I'm feeling nostalgic! Just think, some of them even had heart beats this time last year!!

OP posts:
Nemo2007 · 16/04/2007 20:52

Jodie your little one really is doing C was just under 11lb at 12wks and has dropped from 50th to the 9th or something..I dont know she looks well enough to

annieapple7 · 16/04/2007 21:00

Poor you Dragonhart, I had a day like that on Sunday. Took the 3 out for a walk on my own; really sunny and the sunshade for my Mamas and Papas pramette does not fit, despite being a Mamas and Papas sunshade! WTF??? And it was not cheap. And taking it back will be such a faff....

So it kept falling off; baby crying with sun on her face; DS2 fell over and badly grazed his knee so cried all the way round...arrrgh!!! Had the dog as well. must have looked like a bloody lunatic.

Re: jobs, as laughalot knows, my DH runs an er...meat processing plant and butchers
Me: PR consultant dahhling..mwah mwah...not really, run it from home with a partner

Wilkie...a little bit of grizzling is OK for them to settle themselves, but if it persists (say 10 mins) I would pick up to comfort, then put down when they settle. As my mum always, always says: It might be wind!

LTH - I found the first few weeks a bit trying with Rose crying when I was trying to get boys ready in the morning to get out for school. I had to let her cry because otherwise we would never have got out of our pjs. She just wanted to be held all the time.

Now I know her better I know if she is tired and needs to be put down to sleep.

Does George love his brothers attention? I am always saying, "Be careful, be gentle" with the boys as they minister to her, but then notice she is grinning and laughing! She was fussing this morning because DS2 was sitting next to her but ignoring her, when he talked to her she was smiling again!

And lastly, got my BFP on 26 May, apparently I conceived on 11 May (a Thursday??? Must have been watching old re-runs of ER with George Clooney in).

Took a week to tell DH as I was scared about what he would say. We were watching the boys play in the garden and I said "We are having another one" and after a stunned silence he said "Well there's no point saying how did that happen". All's well that ends well!

carrotcake · 16/04/2007 21:21

I agree, controlled crying is pointless and a bit harsh at this age but it doesn't sound like that's what you're doing, Wilkie, you're just not rocking/feeding him to sleep? I put Felix down sleepy, but not asleep, and he grizzles, and shuffles or smiles and burps, sucks his fingers etc but I don't let him cry. I mean actually cry rather than grizzling. I'll get him up and give him another cuddle, even feed him a bit more until he drops off, but not on the breast. I did that with dd and it was a nightmare tbh, I used to feed her lying down and then creep away, if she woke up did the same thing again, and again, and again. Makes me knackered thinking about it. And I don't drop everything the minute he cries in the day either, with two other kids I can't always but I don't leave him screaming for ages. I think you do get to know their different cries. You have to trust yourself. They can't 'learn' any lessons but also you can't carry them constantly. It's a balance I think.

carrotcake · 16/04/2007 21:54

and Dragonhart, have you tried ginger oil? I keep getting recurring mastitis, mildly compared to the first time but I think massaging as you feed and using ginger oil in the bath really helps to warm and get the circulation going.

RGee · 16/04/2007 22:18

Sorry to those I just abandoned on MSN. PC keeps playing up again (am sure it is to do with DH's online Xbox playing), then SIL rang. I have such nice il - it's MIL 60th birthday at the end of the year, and for her present FIL is sending her, my SIL and me away on a spa break!

2Happy - any news on being an auntie yet?

Wilkie - sorry to say I can't offer any advice to help persistent crying, but just a instead. Better now I'm sure!

Dragon - hope today was a better day. You can have a too. Although you probably will be laughing about the bed/mattress saga before you know it.

Annie - loved the G Clooney reference although I have to say he does nothing for me.

Hmmmmmm...celebrity crushes? Anyone? Me and DH have a 'celebrity shag' each where if we had the opportunity, we would allow each other to cop off with our chosen celeb. Mine is Phillip Schofield and Dh's is Liza Tarbuck

Wilkie · 17/04/2007 07:45

RGee - NICE!!!!!!!! Mine is Jeremy Sheffield and DHs is the woman from the BT advert (WTF?????????)

Thanks for advice everyone - he slept through until 4.45am after finally going off and would've gone right through had it not been for the fact that his cold has now moved to his chest and he woke himself up with some seriously violent coughing. I take it there are not baby cough medicines?? He is really wheezy and raspy on his chest (sounds like there is loads of gunk in there).

2Happy - Any news on dsis??????

JodieG1 · 17/04/2007 08:10

Wilkie might be best to take him to the drs in case it's a chest infection developing, can be quick in small babies. Glad he slept for you.

Rgee online xbox doesn't interfere with msn

JodieG1 · 17/04/2007 08:15

Annie I daren't take all my 3 out alone yet as ds1 is a spirited little thing and tends to leg it lol, I keep telling myself it's age appropriate behaviour and won't last long hehe.

Dragon sorry you had a crap day. Ruth sounds a lovely litte weight

Nemo I think the same too, as long as they look ok then stuff the centiles hehe. My dd was small weighing 9lb at 3 months.

LTH I'm the same, I know right away what sort of cry it is but you have one more than me Makes it easier once you get that sorted.

2Happy · 17/04/2007 08:17

No time to post properly (sorry, dragon - really want to give you lots of sympathy etc, hope today goes better)... just wanted to say

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bloody dsis went only 3 days overdue, went into labour herself no induction, had a 4 hour delivery, 20min 2nd stage (so fast the 2nd midwife didn't get there in time and my mother had to help !) perfect home delivery!

So jealous....

...and a little bit pleased for her!

OP posts:
laughalot · 17/04/2007 08:29

2happy did she have dd/ds weight, names ect
congratulations !!!!

Morning everyone hope you are all ok we are fine lauren still not sleeping great oh well it can only get better. If I could have a night of passion with someone it would be David beckham yummy yummy however when I was about 13 I loved Jason donavan .

RGee · 17/04/2007 08:39

Ah, Auntie 2Happy! Many congrats. Makes it sound so easy. Sigh...Agree with LL - more details needed please!

EAH - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! (think I'm on the right day now). Are you older than me yet?

Wilkie - J Sheffield has nice eyes. He is that Holby City actor isn't he. As for the BT woman....I wonder what goes on it blokes heads...

RGee · 17/04/2007 08:40

Jodie - I think we've just got a rubbish computer then!! Sometimes it's fine and sometimes it's not.

Lizzzombie · 17/04/2007 08:49

Crikey you lot can chat! I took 2 days out and suddenly theres a whole new thread!
EAH - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a great day today.
Wilkie - You are not alone in your dirty little secret. I wondered out of Tescos with a 12 pack of Andrex attached to the trolley still the other day. I didnt realise at all, until I mentioned to DP how great I was at housekeeping as we still had change from our budget and he started laughing and pointed at the £5 worth of loo paper we had smuggled out. I am turning into a chav! At least shoes would be more fun than loo paper! Careful you dont twist your ankle when wearing them...karma etc..!

JodieG1 · 17/04/2007 08:50

Rgee - have you done all the latest updates and installed latest drivers etc? Dh works with computers and always keeps ours up to date, never seem to have any problems with ours.

laughalot · 17/04/2007 08:51

Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear michelle eah happy birthday to you !!!!!!!!!!!!

What did you get then my lovely

ellieandhattie · 17/04/2007 09:28

morning, thankyou for my bday wishes.

Its been a normal day so far up with kids etc etc but I got perfume and flowers from e and h and Chris bought me a lovely necklace and a book (that I happened to mention about 2 weeks ago I wanted and he remembered he has given me £75 towards my spa day in august

My mum and dad have pre paid for a cut and colour at my hairdressers so doing to book an appt for May (and going to go back to blond) got £145 cash from family so going to go clothes shopping one day (and mil made me a little voucher with her cash offering one child free shopping day as she'll have dd's!)

Got a small bday cake well sponge with candles) as Ellie thinsk everyone should have a cake and candles on their bday, she also sang me happy birthday wich bought a little tear to my eye.

Later on we have got to pop to town as need Chris to sign something in the bank and he is off today and popping into work to pick my bday present up! Not sure what else we are doing but will take e and h out somewhere and have a 'family' day

pinkcandyfloss · 17/04/2007 10:04

Happy birthday EandH! Hope you have a lovely day!
Nothing much to report really other then my period still hasn't made an appearance. Will test again in a few days cos sure it's just my body being mean to me!

Hope everyone is ok!

JodieG1 · 17/04/2007 10:19

Happy birthday eah, enjoy it and enjoy your gifts.

Pcf - how can you wait!! I remember having to test even before my peroid was due lol. Go on do a test I still have 4 ebay tests if you want those to use? Supposed to be the ultra sensitive ones that detect 10 hcg, I can get them in the post today if you'd like them.

pinkcandyfloss · 17/04/2007 10:40

Aww thanks Jodie but i've just brought some cheapy ones off ebay so they should arrive soon!
I had 10 of them last week and I used them all by testing early and on Sunday . Got the faintest faintest line Sun but I think it was an evap line.
Hopefully if I am preg then when the other tests arrive it will show up clearly.
I'm still not convinced though as my last period was my first since having Max so think my cycle might be a bit messed up!

JodieG1 · 17/04/2007 10:51

pcf - if the line was within the time limit then it's supposed to mean a real positive and not an evaporation line so fingers crossed for you

hattie2 · 17/04/2007 10:53

happy birthday eah - v impressed your dh remembered something you mentioned a couple of weeks ago, i'm lucky if mine remembers what i said 5 mins ago!

pcf - don't do this to us!!! we can't wait even if you can

laughalot · 17/04/2007 11:30

Pcf oh my goodnight how can you wait get down to boots and buy a digital one im so excited for you but very


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pinkcandyfloss · 17/04/2007 11:41

I don't want to get my hopes up too much! We are in the middle of nowhere and dp at work til 10pm so will have to wait til tomorrow at least!

laughalot · 17/04/2007 11:53

Pcf hitch hike

pinkcandyfloss · 17/04/2007 12:04

I don't think i am preg. Just gonna wait for the other tests to come and try to forget about it

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