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July 2016

994 replies

primarynoodle · 08/07/2016 06:28

Hopefully this works...

So we can keep in touch and pass on words of wisdom!

Perhaps someone clever could link to the stats?

OP posts:
primarynoodle · 14/07/2016 16:20

Welcome dolly and congrats :)

More breastfeeding issues - when the engorgement went down so did my nipples - now they seem quite flat and dd struggling to latch on Angry so annoyed by lack of support! Will health visitor support me with this?

OP posts:
SpeakNoWords · 14/07/2016 17:03

Primary, I've got a handy thing called a Latch Assist to help with this exact problem. It pulls the nipple out before you want to latch the baby on. You can get the same effect by using a breast pump briefly to do the same, but the latch assist is quicker and easier to do.

primarynoodle · 14/07/2016 17:20

That looks good speak - ive tried a makeshift one with a big syringe but the moment i remove the syringe it sinks back to being flat again!

How is everyone finding sleeping?

OP posts:
IndiansInTheLobby · 14/07/2016 21:02

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beckslovestimmy · 14/07/2016 21:05

Indians she's beautiful. What a good girl with her feeding. Her timings similar to Benjamin's and he's on the bottle. Long may it last!!!

IndiansInTheLobby · 14/07/2016 21:16

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IndiansInTheLobby · 14/07/2016 21:29

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dats · 14/07/2016 22:12

Indians yes and yes Blush

dollydaydream84 · 14/07/2016 22:13

Thanks Indians I am hoping that once the tongue tie is sorted she will be better and not struggle
So much.

With co-sleeping, is sleeping with them on your chest safe?

Yes black poo is always surprising but normal with iron, they can also constipate you so you may need something like lactulose if that happens xx good luck tomorrow!

dollydaydream84 · 14/07/2016 22:18

Thanks primary! You will be lucky to get decent support from HV I would ask midwife or La Leche League or lactation specialist. KellyMom website is also helpful x

IndiansInTheLobby · 14/07/2016 22:41

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julfin · 15/07/2016 01:47

My little boy, born in a rush this (Thursday) morning. Seen here chilling with the iPod Smile

July 2016
primarynoodle · 15/07/2016 02:03

Thats great re:night feeds indians and becks - annie is similar but add in time for a bum change/burping/settling then each episode takes 1-1.5 hours. Althougg i know im lucky really and compared to some babies shes a dream!
Been wondering about safe cosleeping as an answer to the settling problem, didnt realise they ciuld safely sleep on your chest! Thats dd's favourite position. Will have to look it up

OP posts:
Ellizardo · 15/07/2016 04:30

Julfin- whassup little one! What's he listening to? Like the 90s hat too! So pleased you're both safe and sound! Dare I ask about names?

We have the sleepyhead on bed between me and oh and Claudia sleeps there safely half the time and the rest on my chest. Then we'll gradually get her to spend 100% in sleepyhead.

Re lochia, thought was over the worst then day 8 and it was like a torrent, bah. Last time with Ted it took me a full 6 weeks to disappear. Maybe it's because I usually have v heavy periods? Anyhoo had coil fitted during the ELCS so hopefully that will affect things positively too.

Iron black poos like ancient beach driftwood here too

primarynoodle · 15/07/2016 05:09

julfin missed that fabulous photo. What a cutie! Loving the headphones Grin

elliz do you think a co-sleeper is worth it? Im now 80% sure im gonna modify the crib and make it a cosleeper this weekend... night feeds are killing me!

OP posts:
dats · 15/07/2016 07:09

primary we used an IKEA Gulliver cot modified and bolted to our bed which we will use again this time round. Was brill for me and would def recommend. There's a little gap left by the mattress but you shove that up against your bed and plug the gap on the other side with a rolled up towel or blanket.

This time round we're going to use a borrowed Cocoonababy in it, too.

BeauticianNotMagician81 · 15/07/2016 08:46

My boobs are soft yippee. Hope it lasts. Woke up in a puddle of milk this morning and I've had sleep. Feeling much better considering yesterday I cried with exhaustion.

Indians sounds like you are doing really well hope the tongue tie is sorted soon. I've been slathering on the Lansinoh and so far my nips are ok. Just a 30 second pain when he first latches but I presume that's normal.
Hallie is so beautiful. I love her hair. What does she weigh now? I don't remember you posting a birth weight.

Julfin massive congratulations. He looks gorgeous. How are you feeling after a quick birth?

Primary the same here. Monty-Beau is feeding well and I got some sleep but it's the winding that takes forever.

Anyone else still sore. I feel sore really deep inside I presume it's the bruising the midwifes discussed after difficult removal of the placenta. My tummy is hurting too. Have you all been given post natal exercises. I usually always get a sheet of exercises to do but nothing this time.

dollydaydream84 · 15/07/2016 09:47

indians that's exactly how I've been sleeping with DD, I didn't realise it was actually safe to sleep like that with them being on their tummies so by saying the midwives suggested it to you made me feel better!

beautician good news for soft boobs!

Cookiesandcoffee · 15/07/2016 16:46

beaut Yey for soft boobs! My non infected one is good now! That's amazing weight gain well done!!!

indians yes to giving you black poo! No one warned me first time I had them. Second lactulose!

Massive congratulations julfin !! He's gorgeous! Well done you! Any closer to a name?!

dolly 4 weeks! You poor thing! That's a long wait :( Second your advice on nipple shields. I've aways had success with them while nipples heal.

Huge rows with DH today. Anyone else's driving them mad?! Partly hormonal, partly bitter he's sleeping downstairs and getting a great sleep. However today in front of his sister and with screaming baby turns to me and says 'just give him a bottle,
I don't understand why we just don't bottle feed him'. I've told him over and over not to make such unhelpful comments and he did it anyway knowing full well I would flip. SIL knows nothing about children and they are probably discussing how crazy and awful I am. We've spoken about it loads and I can't believe he would be so unsupportive. I'm raging ladies, sorry!

IndiansInTheLobby · 15/07/2016 17:30

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IndiansInTheLobby · 15/07/2016 17:35

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IndiansInTheLobby · 15/07/2016 17:36

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dollydaydream84 · 15/07/2016 20:17

Aww cookies that is rubbish, certain people who I have mentioned the tongue tie to have subtly suggested bottle feeding baby rather than "struggle on" - even though we aren't struggling, its just less than ideal (but most early days of BF aren't exactly ideal are they!), would be furious if it was my DH. Sounds like you are doing a great job big hugs x

IndiansInTheLobby · 15/07/2016 21:36

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Ellizardo · 15/07/2016 23:20

Aww Indians she's a dream and you're looking suitably insouciant yourself!

Can't believe folk have an opinion on feeding and sleep in week 2. That's nuts! Give yourself time everyone! No one knows what the eff they're doing! Would love 4-5 hours uninterrupted but it won't happen for a while yet. So sorry cookies your OH is being an arse IN PUBLIC,grrr. Tell him you'd appreciate some patience and parental solidarity.

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