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July 2016

994 replies

primarynoodle · 08/07/2016 06:28

Hopefully this works...

So we can keep in touch and pass on words of wisdom!

Perhaps someone clever could link to the stats?

OP posts:
Rubytuesday2980 · 09/07/2016 18:26

Congratulations to all who've had their babies in the last few days, will catch up properly when I get a chance. But in the meantime, here is Huey Jack who arrived at 9.44am today!

July 2016
beckslovestimmy · 09/07/2016 18:51

Congratulations Ruby, so cute. I had an uncle Huey, haven't heard that name in a long long time. Makes me smile as he was a lovely chap.

tams13 · 09/07/2016 20:11

Congratulations ruby! What a lovely looking little boy!

Cookiesandcoffee · 09/07/2016 22:39

Wow even more babies!! Congratulations so many gorgeous babies!! Love Penelope.

We dropped 5oz but it was only 3% so they were happy. Think he's making up for it he's barely come up for air the past 2 and a bit hours!! He's not done this since being born!

becks I think you're right! Most of it was easier. I did have a cry around tea time as my older two were being so naughty. Wow that's amazing!!

primary how did it go? How was Annie with the heal prick test?? We've had quite a few instances where he keeps falling asleep and then loses his latch- I think that's why I've gotten so sore. I had a blood in milk moment earlier it was horrible

hopes Yey go you and your boobs! He must have been a hungry Harry!!

ruby he's gorge !! Congratulations !

primarynoodle · 10/07/2016 02:45

ruby awww what a cutie

hopes yay for harry! How much had he lost at thd first check?

cookies shed only lost 2.5% so really pleased! I know what you mean about latch, annie falls asleep at the boob at almost every feed.. hoping she just grows out of it as she starts to wake up over the next few days. She didnt really cry at the hpt though! Did george?

indians i cant believe how much hair hallie has! :O bertie looks like a very proud big brother.

bel congrats - does baby boy have a name yet?

OP posts:
IndiansInTheLobby · 10/07/2016 06:29

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IndiansInTheLobby · 10/07/2016 06:31

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HopesAndDreams15 · 10/07/2016 06:36

Cookies Unfortunately my boobs can't take the full credit as I'm mixed feeding. His glucose levels dropped in hospital so they had to introduce formula along side breastfeeding. Unsurprisingly he then got lazy and wouldn't latch so I have to express my beast milk at the moment and feed alternatively with formula...we're working on it though!

Primary he'd lost 5% at his day 3 weigh in, went from 7lb 5.5 oz to just over 7lb. Back up to 7lb 7oz by day 11 Smile

Welcome Ruby and Huey!

HopesAndDreams15 · 10/07/2016 06:38

Indians what a great head of hair, lovely!

Ellizardo · 10/07/2016 18:55

Hi all!

Haillie's Hair should have its own thread! Spectacular!

So lovely to read new born news and the realities of the first days/weeks. Haven't had Claudia's 2nd weighing after her hefty 8lb7oz arrival so let's see. MW visits tmw to remove my dressing and weigh her etc. She feeds well but sleeps so much, just a tiny bit worried about jaundice. In a few weeks I'll rue ever complaining about it I know!

Ellizardo · 10/07/2016 18:57

Indians - first poo was Friday, 48 hrs after birth. Had lactulose to help and the relief was instantaneous and immense. The actual 'product' however was top five things I'll happily never see or smell again in my life!

Good luck with yours!

Ellizardo · 10/07/2016 19:01

Question : when did you give first baths? And did you use any soap / shampoo etc?

beckslovestimmy · 10/07/2016 19:55

Hi Elliz Ben was just over a week old when he had his first bath. I used a tiny bit of johnsons baby bath (we got it in a hamper from DH's work) I would usually use something for sensitive childrens skin like oilatum but I haven't bought anything yet. I also used I tiny drop of johnsons baby shampoo. I've since given him a bath every 2-3 days, he's only in it for about 5 mins as in worried he'll get too cold.

IndiansInTheLobby · 10/07/2016 20:29

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julfin · 10/07/2016 20:48

Ha ha yes I'm glad I'm following this thread already, even if just for the poo chat! Grin

Hope you're all settling in ok. Please keep the pics coming! Looking forward to joining you properly x

julfin · 10/07/2016 20:53

Btw how many nappies would you recommend packing in my hospital bag? And same question goes for nursing pads and maternity pads. Thanks!

IndiansInTheLobby · 10/07/2016 21:02

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IndiansInTheLobby · 10/07/2016 21:04

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Ellizardo · 10/07/2016 21:46

Julfin - took a 20x pack of tesco maternity pads (our hospital provided some too), a 22x pack of pampers size 1 nappies and 7x pack high waisted black cotton granny pants. Should be plenty! Had loads spare. No nipple things here either, milk not in until Friday but I don't really use them anyway.

Thanks for bath advice will go for it tmw I think with just water and hope for the best. Not as hirsute as Haillie so hair doesn't need special treatment!

July 2016
Rubytuesday2980 · 10/07/2016 21:51

Julfin as Indians says, as an idea of what loads means - I packed two packs of the boots massive ones 'just in case' and am glad I did as in hospital for a second night.
Indians - that hair!

Does anyone have any inverted nipple experience? Have one on one side and he just does not get it...

Cookiesandcoffee · 10/07/2016 23:09

indians that hair is incredible !! So much character you must love it. My poo story ... Think it was day 3. Awful experience but the relief after was oh so amazing. I think after my last it took me something silly like 6 days. Water and extra fruit/flaxseed helped this time!! I was in so much pain beforehand though it was giving me worse contracting pains. Good luck!!!

julfin I also took a 20 pack of maternity pads, pack of nappies and a pack of 5 black granny pants. Also took disposable Tena
ones but forgot about them! Our hospital provided a load of pads too. I took breast pads in because my boobs already leaked during pregnancy.

I've invested in better pads today as my poor boobs are so sore and the pads kept moving. Layering Lanolin and lots of warm flannels. Swollen lumps and raw nips here.

ruby I know there is different advice attached but a nipple shield might help? I don't know anything about inverted nipples but mine aren't very 'pointy' myself and I have used them to success. I would ask your MW or seek out a lactating specialist at the hospital?

elliz oh my goodness Haillie looks absolutely gorgeous there!! I bathed George on day 3 but just with some water. Despite making it relatively warm he still hated it and was out within a minute!

primary that's really good! Ouchie with sleeping baby/latch issues. Mine are no better today. Yey go Annie, brave little things. He didn't cry on the hpt he literally screwed his face a little and carried on feeding.

hopes I'm sure if it's what you want you can get it established :) if it doesn't work out then I really wouldn't beat yourself up. Great efforts on the expressing - it's tough work in my experience!

Went shopping today and bought some NON maternity clothes. Made me so happy. However the changing room mirrors were not kind. I keep getting milk all over my clothes and can't get them washed in time- I feel like a smelly sticky mess constantly Blush

Ps took 5 days and I've been weed in the face and he's pooed in my hand. Learning the differences with a boy very quickly!!

IndiansInTheLobby · 11/07/2016 07:38

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primarynoodle · 11/07/2016 08:20

cookies i am going non-maternity shopping tomorrow im so excited!

indians my nipples are the same and i had really spine tingling pain for the first 30 seconds of latch on for the first 4/5 days and now it is completely pain free.. maybe its normal?

Annie has a cold :( dont know what to do.... so fucking pissed off at MIL who knows she has a cold but thought her excitement at holding a baby was more important than not infecting a baby who cant allieviate any of her symptoms.. i know you cant protect them from everything but jesus christ Angry any tips? Are those snot suckers any good?

OP posts:
beckslovestimmy · 11/07/2016 08:43

Primary I would be so angry at your MIL!! What was she thinking!!! Not sure about the snot suckers but pharmacist recommended saline nasal drops and you can get something called snuffle babe which is like Vicks but suitable for babies, I got both in the chemist. Also if she's in a Moses basket you can slightly prop up the head end to help the snot drain.

Ellizardo · 11/07/2016 08:49

Primary - agree with becks. Snuffle rub is good (check its ok for newborns) as are saline drops but nasal aspirators don't work imo

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