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July 2016

994 replies

primarynoodle · 08/07/2016 06:28

Hopefully this works...

So we can keep in touch and pass on words of wisdom!

Perhaps someone clever could link to the stats?

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beckslovestimmy · 18/08/2016 06:07

Woo hoo Ben has just gone 9-5:40 and is back asleep now. DD won't be up until about 8. Just what I needed to help me face today. Ben has got his first set of immunisations today and I'm dreading it. Mum is having DD so I don't have to worry about her. I'm sure I'll be a blubbering mess. I hate seeing one of my babies hurt and it's horrible when you can't explain it to them. Confused

AnnaT45 · 18/08/2016 06:10

blue I was going to say. How old is Ru now? Your nipples should only hurt the first couple of weeks I think so if they're still hurting it could be worth getting the latch checked. Is there a breastfeeding support group near you? If not ask your HV to point you in the right direction. I saw someone from ours with DD1 and they were brilliant.
Ha I like super mum! It was definitely a one off. I was really nervous about it especially bath and bed as Grace cluster feeds then but I think mum was looking down on me and sent me a lucky day! I too have woken up covered in milk just now!

tams13 · 18/08/2016 06:49

That's brilliant news bluebell. Glad the lump is nothing to worry about.

anna I agree - you definitely sound like supermum!

socktastic · 18/08/2016 07:35

becks hope all goes well today - we've got our jags tomorrow. Not looking forward to it.

bluebell what a relief!! So pleased it's all ok.

Past couple of days now after his feed, Adam has been throwing his head around quite a lot. Any ideas what this could be. He ends up head butting me and it bloody hurts!!

Bluebell20 · 18/08/2016 08:14

becks good luck with the jabs!

Anna I have just found a support group I can attend next week so will definitely be doing that.

sock Ru sometimes does that too - does Adam just want winding maybe?

Cheery I have been googling cracked / bleeding nipples and annoyingly all the advice is that if this is happening after more than a couple of weeks in (as Anna says!!!) then something is definitely wrong. I'm frustrated because I've had my latch checked at least ten times in hospital and out, and have always been told it's good. Clearly it isn't!!! I can't remember, have you seen anyone in person about it? (We don't count the unhelpful NCT helpline lady!!)

Rubytuesday2980 · 18/08/2016 09:16

After yesterday's moment of respect for our nipples, I think today's should be for Anna, two children and fish pie? Wow.

sock I agree, maybe winding?

Seems that reflux often becomes a bit of an issue around the 5-6wk point, but I always assumed that just meant being sick. Clearly am new to this as apparently it can just mean sort of unsettled stomach acid causing a bit of tummy ache and things like a raspy throat - fits with a few symptoms here, including looking a bit uncomfortable after feeding. I'm making a bit more effort to keep H upright for at least 10 mins after feeding now and trying different winding positions.

Good luck with the jabs becks and a hug for poor Ben.

rosegold absolutely tell them what you need, especially if they're staying in your house - temporary visitors being annoying is one thing, semi permanent ones is another.

After yesterday's chaos, today I am going nowhere except Waitrose - less chance of crazies in there!

The 'air nips as much as poss' suggestion is constantly running through my head Cheery, I just know the postman is going to get an eyeful one of these days!

Cheery1 · 18/08/2016 09:17

bluebell - I'm seeing a lady on Sat am about latching as right boob still getting mauled on a regular basis. Same as you was absolutely fine in hospital but had problems on and off since we got home. I spoke to bf lady on phone and she said that it might be worth looking at cranial osteopathy as Mo had a traumatic start and might be a bit out of whack. I'm a bit skeptical usually BUT it makes sense if his wriggling while on the boob if he's a bit uncomfortable and in pain....think Ru had a similarly rocky start....Anyway seeing bf lady on Sat so I'll keep you posted. Solidarity with your poor nips xx

Cheery1 · 18/08/2016 09:19

ruby the postman already got an eyeful because he decided to knock on the window rather than ring the doorbell, poor man looked devastated...might be time to get net curtains......

Cheery1 · 18/08/2016 09:20

Good luck becks! Hope Ben is ok x

Anna you Bloomin super hero! I'm smug if I manage to wash!

Cheery1 · 18/08/2016 09:23

sock the wriggling - hmmm sounds familiar. Particularly annoying when he's latched on...ouch! Defo connected to wind and if he's squeezing out a poo. Also looking at seeing a cranial oesteopath as think poor Mo might be a bit out of whack after his shaky start. I've got friends that say it's nothing short of miraculous

MrsRolly · 18/08/2016 11:02

Blue - glad your lump was nothing suspect!

Anna- BF and swing pushing is an incredible feat, have you mastered sling feeding or just a one handed extraordinaire?

Giggling at the postmen getting an eyeful and visitors/oh that think they are giving us a'break' last night DH cooked tea (for the first time in ages) used up all the milk then told me I could drive to the garage to get some and he would keep Raff at home.. He honestly thought I would view the 15 minute round baby free trip as a treat GrinGrin when I laughed and explained this to him that actually another job is not necessarily a treat (although I had to pay on card so got three bars of chocolate to make up the £5 needed)

I was going to head to Bf group today but haven't bothered to shower in time so will go next week. Nipples are surviving ok but we too have the pulling/thrashing around which is definitely associated with wind and he is far better on one boob than the other, does anyone else have a baby with a crazily gargly tummy?? It's obviously wind pain poor boy but it's really loud my DD never had it but Raff does seem far windier.. We are still having days where he is quite sickly and other days not so much!

We are on two or three feeds a night still but that's ok I think although the last one always seems to be longer/more fussy than the previous, I think he must just really like 4-6 am

I am off to buy a swaddle blanket as my poor attempts at swaddling have made a difference and meant he sleeps in his basket as oppose to on me which means I sleep better. Anyone else had swaddling success?

Hope everyone has a good day.

MrsRolly · 18/08/2016 11:11

Good Luck Becks, just seen your taking Ben for his injections.. Ugh I am not looking forward to it. Hope it goes ok and you get a good nurse CakeFlowers

socktastic · 18/08/2016 11:24

Makes sense for it to be wind, he really doesn't burp easily and only poos once a day too.

cheery the postman should consider himself very lucky!!

beckslovestimmy · 18/08/2016 11:58

Bloody doctors have cancelled his jab appointment because we've not had our post natal checks yet!!! I psyched myself up for it!!! They tried to offer me an appointment in September when he'd be over 10 weeks and then id have to get a nurse app which would have been at least a week later!! I kicked up a fuss and now have an appointment for next wed for checks and Friday for jabs. What a nightmare. GrrrrrAngry

AnnaT45 · 18/08/2016 12:33

Well I shouldn't have been so happy about my day yesterday. Grace refusing to be put down and just wants cuddles. I was so hot last night and need a nice shower to feel fresh!! Wanted to go register her at GP surgery today but will see how the afternoon goes!

Ah becks that's an absolute pain. I'd be cross too.

rolly no need to master feeding in the sling. I did it one handed. I've become very good at feeding and doing other stuff. Poor grace gets covered in food though Blushwe also have the same period of fussiness. She feeds, then drops off so I get ready to sleep she wakes up wants more. Repeat for 2/3 hours! They're still really little so trying to be paitent with it!

blue\sock we had cranial with dd1 it did help actually. It's sounds a bit hippy but she had a traumatic birth and he said it had affected her head shape etc. Worth a try! Blue great news on the meet up. I think in hospital it's hard as its early days. Is your nipple coming out lipstick shaped? That can indicate bad latch. Things I find that help us make sure you hold back of baby's neck and bring baby to you not your boob to them, make sure their mouth is really open wide and then really get them on your boob. I'm sure you know that but I found it helps. Maybe look at YouTube etc too? Painful nipples are awful so I feel for you

I'm bloody starving and want lunch now but it will probably not happen for ages at this rate! Ah well back to cuddles and Netflix!

AnnaT45 · 18/08/2016 13:40

Update! Got her to sleep! Have showered and had lunch. About to have a brew and hobnob.
My bloody cleaner has quit and I can't find another one! I know first world problems. But not only has she quit when I'm recovering from a section with two little ones.. She used all the products up and didn't tell me they were empty! So I've just tried to clean the bathrooms and can't. Anyway back to hobnobs...

sundaysunday · 18/08/2016 14:08

Glad all was OK re breast lump bluebell I had to go to breast clinic at the beginning of my pregnancy but turned out to be a cyst. Always a worry though when you have a family history.

Am also in awe of your fish pie efforts Anna! I'm currently working my way through my stash of freezer meals from my pre baby cooking marathon!

Baby E has been really unsettled during the day recently and will cry unless being held. I'm not sure whether to pick him up all the time or leave him to cry a short while? Just can't get a chance to eat otherwise.

socktastic · 18/08/2016 15:20

sunday Adam is similar. If he's not wanting to be put down, he will cry. I've started just leaving him to it but sometimes he gets himself into such a state he's almost inconsolable! But like you, I need to eat and put on clothes! I've found he likes being in his rocking chair though so I can at least eat standing up, rocking him with my foot!

Bluebell20 · 18/08/2016 15:28

cheery I had heard of but forgotten about cranial osteopathy. Shall def look into that - I am willing to try anything. I actually rang the NCT helpline and had more success than you - I got a v helpful lady who talked me through latching techniques and answered my questions well. She said that I could pump for 24 hrs and bottle feed him that without cocking up my milk supply, to give my nipples a rest - so that is what I've been doing today. God it is such a faff! But worth it.

becks argh GPs!

Anna argh unreliable cleaners!!!! And I shall pay attention to my nipple shape next time I feed and see what is going on there.

Expressing is a bit of an eye opener. I produce so little in the afternoon compared to the morning! I got 130ml in ten minutes from one boob this morning. Now I'm doing fifteen minutes on each boob combined in one bottle and only getting 80ml all together.

sundaysunday · 18/08/2016 15:46

Typical. MIL has come round to give me a helping hand and E has been fast asleep in his bouncer since she arrived! I need to be a bit braver sock and leave him too it a little longer. Managed to have breakfast yesterday by putting him in the sling but I'm hoping it just a phase.

Bluebell the best time to express is during the night for max productivity but I found it too difficult to find time to do it as my DH doesn't really help with night feeds. Hope the nips heal quickly.

I have given up (hate that phrase) with expressing, it just isn't working for me and I'm happier for it. Still breast feeding before giving the formula, though Im not sure I'm producing much milk.

Bluebell20 · 18/08/2016 20:10

Ive now spoken to a breastfeeding consultant too who recommended laid back feeding or biological nurturing. Spent 30 mins watching videos online, had a go, Ru did OK the first time although I couldn't work out how to stop his nose being buried in my breast. Second time was a shit latch and I couldn't make it work. I then tried expressing because he was still crying and got absolutely nothing.

I feel like a total failure and I am so pissed off. My body wouldn't go into labour naturally, then the induction didn't work, and now my latch is crap. After all the videos I've watched of people's perfect looking pointing nipples and calmly latching babies I feel totally and utterly inadequate. Ugh.

Rubytuesday2980 · 18/08/2016 20:21

Bluebell you are absolutely, completely and utterly not inadequate. Your body grew and nurtured a whole human being and that same little person is now growing and thriving in the world because of you. Nobody is perfect and the Internet is full of crap to make us all feel like s^!+ and unfortunately, it's so immediate that it's where we all go when we're feeling crappy. Take a look at your gorgeous boy and feel proud of yourself.

How often are you trying to express? If you can, leave a good 2-3 hours between each attempt to give your body a rest and a chance to build up your supply.

And in my most 'mumsy' voice - have you eaten properly today and have you drunk enough water.

Deep breath lovely lady xx


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Cheery1 · 18/08/2016 20:53

Oh bluebell don't beat yourself up! You're doing so brilliantly - you've fed Ru until your nipples were bleeding for crying out loud! Ok so laud back feeding...that's what NCT suggested to me. First time we did it, Mo kicked me on my scar and bit my nipple really hard - was so awful it was comedy! Also my body didn't go into labour and my placenta basically fell off mid labour hence emergency c section. You're okay, we did okay. Our babies are here safely and we're doing our best. Really hope you get some support. Sending virtual hugs xxxx

Cheery1 · 18/08/2016 20:54

laid back not laud!

Cheery1 · 18/08/2016 21:10

Also Mo so unsettled these last few days, so clingy. Apparently it's a developmental leap thing but crikey it's hard work! He only sleeps in the sling with me moving around and does marathon feeds but is never satisfied. Tearing hair out slightly!! Hoping he calms down soon - hate to see him so distressed, also my poor boobs are crumbling under the pressure!

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