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Post-natal clubs

July 2016

994 replies

primarynoodle · 08/07/2016 06:28

Hopefully this works...

So we can keep in touch and pass on words of wisdom!

Perhaps someone clever could link to the stats?

OP posts:
dats · 12/07/2016 13:41

I will definitely need help if I have to bottle feed, excellent!

limeandsoda93 · 12/07/2016 13:51

Can I join? I had Tessa a week ago today. I was just wondering when everyone is planning on bathing their babies as there's so many different opinions. She hasn't had any poo explosions yet so we haven't felt the need yet.

July 2016
Marquand · 12/07/2016 14:01

I've just seen this thread for the first time. I'm 43, DC3 (a boy) is due on the 28th (c-section). DD is 6 and a half, and DS will turn 4 early in August.

I'm working until the 22nd - what was I thinking?! I'm really struggling at the moment. But I'll get there. Not so long until work is over for today Smile.

I think the older kids might be taking more strain than I am at the moment (they certainly are acting up). We told them when I was 3 months pregnant, and it is a very very long wait for the poor pregnant woman smallish children. They know their lives will change, and I think the uncertainty and grumpy mother is getting to them.

beckslovestimmy · 12/07/2016 14:16

Welcome lime and Marqu. Lime we were talking about baths not far up the thread. We bathed at just over a week old with a tiny amount of johnsons baby bath. Just do it when you feel ready. It's quite a nice thing to do and my little one seems to enjoy it. He's only in it for about 5-10 mins max.

Well done for still working Marqu. Not too long now for you. There is a July 2016 antenatal thread going that we've all moved over from. Most of us are still following it. Lots of labour and pregnancy talk with an amazing bunch of ladies. Of course your still welcome here too.

primarynoodle · 12/07/2016 15:13

Love the sling lime. I bathed annie yesterday for first time but im too scared to do the proper bath yet! I think i will do that when i am having a bath so i am in with her and then pass her to dh for drying off etc when shes done

I top and tailed her lying on the change mat with a towel wrapped around whichever bit i wasnt washing, had a jug of warm water (with a tiny bit of baby wash for the tail) and some cotton wool/soft wash cloth for wiping

OP posts:
Cookiesandcoffee · 12/07/2016 15:43

beaut I was having to use my pump to express the first bit of milk a few days ago. Otherwise was really affecting latch as they were so big and oh so hard. I only took off a couple OZ (but again, good supply) and helped loads. Other than my infected boob the other has now settled much better.

Agree with primary about water. I'm downing nearly a litre with each feed. Also yes the last week has gone SO fast. George already doesn't fit Into the babygrows he wore in hospital ! Shock

indians good luck with tongue tie. It really does effect the nips and isn't nice. All 3 of mine have had one. It was snipped really quickly and it wasn't too traumatic

Welcome lime and mar !! Totally up to you on the bathing. We waited a few days. I'm not an over bather though as my others have quite sensitive skin

Confirmed mastitis here. Went to the docs and have two weeks of antibiotics. 4 x a day on an empty stomach?! 1) how am I going to be able to remember and 2) I don't have an empty stomach 4 times. Blush
Oh and to add to the glamour I'm also in the hemoroids club too. Oh so owy. Hope the cream clears that up pronto. Bit of a pity party here today I'm afraid

Ellizardo · 12/07/2016 16:06

We'll no doubt end up mixed feeding for sanity/convenience and 'good experience with DS1' reasons. Boob is brill for all obvious reasons but we were never militant about it.

Beaut - I remember bowling ball boob phase to last only at the beginning and only when thered been several hours' build up

How's hailllie's hair today Indians?!

Thanks for the bathing advice folks. Still haven't gone for plunge yet but think tmw on her week's birthday!

IndiansInTheLobby · 12/07/2016 17:05

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limeandsoda93 · 12/07/2016 17:30

Well dp has always had eczema and is desperate to do anything we can to reduce the risk of developing it. We read somewhere that leaving it as long as possible reduces the risk! Might be a load of rubbish but it's not going to hurt I suppose.
How is everyone feeling down below (if you had a vaginal birth obv)? I'm still really achey and nobody tends to talk about how long it takes to feel normal. Looking forward to walking without a waddle Blush

beckslovestimmy · 12/07/2016 17:44

Lime I had a quick vaginal birth with no tears and I feel back to normal and have done for a few days so it was around 2 weeks after birth. I've got really minimal blood loss now too like the very end of a period.

limeandsoda93 · 12/07/2016 18:25

That's promising becky. No tears here either but a pretty deep graze that's still very stingy. I am feeling better everyday so I suppose that's the right direction!

primarynoodle · 12/07/2016 19:25

I had a small tear and a graze and get sore if i do lots of walking... infact i may have overdone it a bit as im very sore today! On the whole ok though! Anybody else had an increase in lochia?

OP posts:
IndiansInTheLobby · 12/07/2016 19:29

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IndiansInTheLobby · 12/07/2016 19:34

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primarynoodle · 12/07/2016 21:25

Omg just had a lavender oil bath and the soreness has completely disappeared. That shit is magic Shock

OP posts:
Cookiesandcoffee · 12/07/2016 21:34

Ooo primary I might invest. I feel like my stitches are healing well. I kept thinking I was still really sore sitting etc but it wasn't it was my piles. However blood loss has really come back the last day or so? It had tailed off but is back with a vengeance. Definite TMI but where I'm also bleeding elsewhere (cough) it's just horrid! And worried if I have a bath it won't be nice?! Blush

indians I am so in love with that mop of hair! And good news on the appointment

lime less frequent bathing always helped my dds dry skin. And I don't use any product in the bath when they're babies as I worry it irritates the skin. Not sure if there's masses of truth in it

BeauticianNotMagician81 · 12/07/2016 23:12

Primary thank you. I've tried more water today and it's definitely helping.

Indians I'm trying to fit in a regular time for expressing as I'm giving one bottle a day.
Wow Hallies hair is gorgeous.

Dats thank you for the reassurance. I hope it settles soon.

Becks agreed I've formula fed all of my previous three children. Breast feeding is definitely more challenging but I'm determined.

hi and congratulations. I gave my baby a bath today. Day four. I figure he was a water birth anyway so it wouldn't make much difference.

Cookies how did you know you had mastitis . What were your symptoms?
For piles I've always found Sudocrem helps.

I am still waddling around with a sore back and bits. No stitches or tears but they said the complications with the placenta coming out may have caused grazing inside. I also passed a huge clot in hospital on day 1.

So I think my left breast is really engorged hoping it's not mastitis. It's rock hard and sore. I've expressed to comfort and I read online that I should offer the opposite breast for a few feeds as its possible over supply on the other boob. I'm going to try that just hope my left boob doesn't explode.

limeandsoda93 · 13/07/2016 11:09

Ouch beaut, it's so horrible when you get engorged. It's a bit confusing this whole expressing thing, I nearly had to pump for comfort as hand expressing wasn't really working but I'm so nervous about causing over supply!

BeauticianNotMagician81 · 13/07/2016 16:41

Lime it is confusing isn't it. Hoping my boobs settle soon.

Well Monty-Beaus day 5 check today and my little milk monster has gained 4oz up to 7 lb 11oz. I've never had One gain before Grin

July 2016
beckslovestimmy · 13/07/2016 18:14

Wow beaut! What a little trooper! Very cute!

dats · 14/07/2016 08:07

Go boobs! Well done Monty-Beau and beaut, that's an impressive gain! Should give you a nice boost when bf is being tricksy Smile

dollydaydream84 · 14/07/2016 12:47

Hello can't seem to find the June post-natal thread! Please can I join in? I had a baby girl at the end of June.

We can't get her to settle on her back after a feed, we wind her, keep her upright for half an hour, lie her down, she is sick, gets the hiccups, gets annoyed and then by the time we have settled her it is time for the next feed. She will sleep in a bouncer or lying on her front on my chest, neither of which are suitable. Trying her on ranitidine for reflux but it hasn't done anything up to now.

Can anyone suggest anything to help?

Beautician - hot flannel before you express/feed or something like this (hot) will help to get milk out, use them after a feed (cold) to reduce swelling. Horrible feeling being engorged, I was in agony but it did go in about 36 hours so fingers crossed you will feel better soon x

Cookies - my blood loss slowed down by day 5 then came back with avengence and is still ongoing 3 weeks PP.


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BeauticianNotMagician81 · 14/07/2016 13:34

Dolly welcome. A few of our mummies had their babies in June and lots had them at the very beginning of July including me on July 8th so you should fit in fine.

Can you sleep baby on her side at all? I had to sleep one of my sons on his side. I used to put a towel behind him to support his back. Failing that I used to have to raise one of my sons due to reflux so I put a blanket under one end of his Moses basket. Both things would be frowned upon by midwifes.

Is it reflux or maybe colic. With reflux its usually projectile vomit. Gripe water is fab for colic have you tried that?

dollydaydream84 · 14/07/2016 13:53

Thanks Beautician! Not tried it yet as not suitable for babies under a week to go! We have tried raising the moses basket but unless its 90 degrees (!) its no use. I don't think it is colic but the "reflux" isn't projectile either so I've no idea. Side sleeping I could try but am terrified in case of suffocation but then letting her sleep on my chest isn't ideal for that either. So hard to know what to do for thebest! Congrats on your little one :)

dollydaydream84 · 14/07/2016 14:02

Indians have you tried feeding with nipple shields? My DD has tongue tie but its a 4 week wait to get it snipped so I have been expressing in the day to give my boobs a rest and feeding with shields at night, they are literally the only things that have allowed me to continue breast feeding, pain is reduced so much. Some babies don't take to them but thankfully DD has! Good luck for the snip! Also used Multi-Mam compresses (Boots, Amazon) for "repairing" sore nipples which I found better than Lasinoh cream. x

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