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January 2014 babies - The Teething Twilight Zone

999 replies

beccajoh · 20/08/2014 14:39

New thread!

OP posts:
FelixFelix · 22/08/2014 08:31

Nice to hear from you Mythree! Poor lucy Sad

Nature is your head feeling any better this morning?

Million what the hell! What a nutcase Confused hope your review goes well.

Toby good luck at the clinic!

Well, we had a sleeping baby from 8pm until 5.30am!!!!!! HALLELUJAH! After 4 whole months of mostly hourly wake ups! I could cry. DP woke up and fed her at 5.30 then she went back to sleep until 7.30. What a sweetheart. It's probably a fluke though Grin

I have my driving test this morning Blush

TobyLerone · 22/08/2014 08:52

OMG felix, that's amazing! Just in time, too. You needed a good night's sleep. Good luck today!

AMillionNameChangesLater · 22/08/2014 09:29

Felix congratulations!!!

Sunshineseeker80 · 22/08/2014 10:29

Felix - Well done to sylvie! ! It's like she knew you needed a good nights sleep :)

Good luck with the driving test later. I have been mulling over lessons but I am too scared to get behind the wheel so am very impressed with you.

Million - cross stitch and TV sounds like a much better option. In a strange way I like hearing other MIL stories as it puts mine into perspective. Mine is just annoying in a faffy / kill you with kindness way.

Emily was signed off by the sleep coach today - hurrah! She is down to 1 wake up every couple of nights and that seems to be teething related. (Touch wood / fingers crossed / I even dress her in the same pyjamas every night now in case that was what cracked it....)

She has developed a rather annoying habit of stopping feeding staring at my nipple and then flicking or pinching it. I am finding it a little weird...

It is now officially the weekend here. Hurrah! Wine time

FelixFelix · 22/08/2014 13:06

I PASSED WAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Grin

TobyLerone · 22/08/2014 13:21

Yaaaay! Well done!

FelixFelix · 22/08/2014 13:39

I'm so excited! And I'm going on holiday this afternoon! And had a full nights sleep! Shit the bed, this is a good day Grin

Sunshine, nipple flicking is so funny Grin

alteredimages · 22/08/2014 14:40

Congratulations felix! Grin Enjoy your holiday and I hope S keeps up her new sleep routine for you.

AMillionNameChangesLater · 22/08/2014 15:21

Well done felix!

beccajoh · 22/08/2014 16:15


OP posts:
alteredimages · 22/08/2014 16:49

N is definitely teething. He is trying to eat the bed and now he is going for the floor too. Not interested in teething toys though. Hmm

alteredimages · 22/08/2014 17:45

Toby how have the clinic and the long drive gone? Hope your headache is better. BrewBiscuit

Angelesque · 22/08/2014 17:47

Hooray Felix! Well done!! Smile

Mythreeknights · 22/08/2014 20:48

Well done felix!
Quick update from me...following a totally terrible "night" I have had a quiet day at home, giving Lucy as much sleep and rest time as she needed. Off food but had some lunch, not keen on milk, still v upset, voice starting to get took her to the gp as we were supposed to be heading to Cumbria to stay with friends this afternoon...and turns out she has viral tracheitis...inflammation of the trachea. Explains why she has been so rigidly uncomfortable and crying so much...he said it is quite painful in adults so definitely not nice for babies. Have scared myself silly reading google, but most info is about bacterial tracheitis which looks pretty nasty. My dh has helpfully gone to Cumbria without me, so fingers x I don't need any midnight trips to the local a and e. On top of this, and please don't judge me on this, our hens have become infested with Northern fowl mite which apparently comes via swallows and other song birds, which number hundreds in our garden and nesting in the eaves of our house right now. Each time we touch the chicken run, hundreds of grey lice / mites run up my arm. I now feel like my skin is crawling despite showering about twice a day. On crawled over my iPad earlier today and I nearly cried. Sellotaped a couple and took it to the vet to get a diagnosis of exactly what the buggers are, but planning an expensive trip to the pet shop tomorrow to stock up on sprays new pet beds and anything I can get my hands on to exterminate the fuckers. In short, were I to be a smoker and have some fags on me, right now I would be chain smoking them.

Swannykazoo · 22/08/2014 21:21

Bloody hell mythree. And well done felix
Little puggle has three teeth - two on the bottom just before 6 months, and top one about 7 and 1/2 months. Second top one on its way...
Am thinking might need to try putting little puggle to sleep in cot in the evenings rather than just letting him crash out on my lap but will need a baby monitor and probably a warmer bedroom (bloody freezing in the Highlands just now) However we have cot as co-sleeper and as he have a crawling baby I'm a bit worried he'll wake up, not cry and do a header out of the bed. Sigh. Maybe inertia is a good thing

TobyLerone · 22/08/2014 21:26

Oh, MyThree, you poor thing. That sounds crap. Hope you can get it sorted soon.

Thanks for asking, altered. The drive went fine, although it does mean that M has only just gone to bed. Maybe this'll mean she'll sleep better? Chance would be a fine thing!
The fracture clinic went not so well :( The angle of the break has become worse, so the consultant has decided that she's to have a general anaesthetic next week, they'll manually manipulate it to try to straighten it, and if that doesn't work they'll pin it while she's under. Poor thing :(

MerryPops · 22/08/2014 22:16

Good to hear from you both mythree and sunshine! Sorry things are crap mythree, hope you manage to sort it out.

Toby not good about dd, poor thing.

Felix well done! Passing your test is pretty life-changing, you and S will be all over the place now.

Dalby Forest for us tomorrow, minipops has been quite sicky the last couple of days, hope he is better tomorrow so he doesn't yak on the back of dh's head when in the baby carrier!

Have a good bank holiday weekend all.

alteredimages · 22/08/2014 23:38

Oh no toby. Sad Hope the resetting goes as smoothly as it can.

mythree great to have you back, but sorry to hear about poor lucy and the lice. Hope L is on the mend soon. I totally relate about the crawling insects after our bedbug adventure last year. It is horrible never being able to relax. Birds are dirty fuckers, aren't they? Does the council's environmental health team offer any sort of pest control stuff? Don't know anything about lice but DIY is IME not worth the hassle.

puggle it's 40 degrees here most days. I wish I were in the Highlands! I miss Scotland so much, weather and all.

AMillionNameChangesLater · 23/08/2014 08:23

mythree you poor thing! There's a lot going on, so please be kind to yourself.

toby that doesn't sound good either!

I'm at work today, fun, and then off for two days. I can't wait!

Gettingthroughthis · 23/08/2014 09:02

mythree of course no ones judging, that sounds awful.

felix woo how exciting! Well done!

becca I had no idea how much salt was in stuffing! Also shocked myself looking at bread, 1.2g a slice! He only has about 1/3 but still! Think I need to be a bit more careful

BookTart · 23/08/2014 09:02

mythree that all sounds horrible. Poor you.

Also poor DD1 toby - is she really worried about it? Tell her anaesthetic is awesome, best sleep I'd had in ages Smile

Well done felix!

puggle we've got the same cot set up and are thinking about the same thing. I'll put the 4th side back on the cot before I try it though, because she's a proper little escape artist.

P's stomach might be getting better. Saw mum yesterday, who has money on it being more teeth, but I can't see any yet. She's fine in herself, so I'm confident it isn't an infection or anything, andit is using up my stockpile of size 3 nappies nicely Wink

DH is off for a week now. He has a mild cold, and has already pissed me off so much that I'm hiding upstairs for P's nap. This could be a long week!

AnotherStitchInTime · 23/08/2014 09:37

my three poor Lucy , I hope the tracheitis eases quickly :( Yuck at the mites, I am itching at the thought. Put me off chook keeping.

Toby that is not good, how long will the recovery be if they have to pin it?

Well done Felix!


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TobyLerone · 23/08/2014 10:20

DD1 is a bit worried. Anaesthetics scare me, but I'm being all jolly about it on the outside. She'll be fine, though.
Not sure how long the recovery will be. I don't think they like to put a time on it, but the consultant said it'll be plastered again either way, and the plaster will come off sooner if it's been pinned than if they've only had to manually straighten it.

M has had some vile nappies the last couple of days too, but no sign of any teeth yet.

Sorry to hear DH is being a knob, book. Hope he pulls his finger out and takes you to buy jewellery soon!

Mythreeknights · 23/08/2014 10:55

Well, we had a four am panic race to A & E after all...Lucy woke gasping for breath and no voice...couldn't even cry out, so called NHS Scotland, tolerated the incredibly patronising fuckwit asking me to confirm my postcode about eight times "I am just following procedures, if you will just be patient..." God I wanted to scream! Anyhow, her whole windpipe, trachea (is that the same thing?) epiglottis, throat...all swollen and listening to her breathe in was terrible. Anyhow, managed to get her brothers into the car (4 and 5) and bombed off. Lucy was given steroids, good oxygen levels in blood thank goodness so no need for anything else. Come home by five am, up again at half eight am, (I bribed the boys with offers of tv if they came down and switched it on quietly). Lucy seems smilier this morning, but still off food. I went out and one of the boys had let the infected chickens out. Went to give them some grain which we keep in there shed. Went outside to hang washing and a fucking mite was crawling up my arm. So, our shed is infested too. Holding it together only by thinking of how this might relate to a good comedy which may earn me millions in years to come. Having said that I think I will buy some cigarettes today. Spoke to dh, still in Cumbria. Coming back after the kids will have gone to bed tonight. I told him to go yesterday and I encouraged him to enjoy it, but I am wondering whether he might have said, you know what, you are more important to me than this, I am coming home. Which he hasn't. Not sure how I feel about that, other than too sleep deprived to really think about it.

Mythreeknights · 23/08/2014 10:58

Ps toby, sorry to hear about your dd...anaesthetics are no fun. Am sure she will be fine, if groggy and wierd for a day or so after. Good luck!

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