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Plonkysaurus · 21/02/2014 17:18

New thread ladies...

OP posts:
yummychocolate · 25/02/2014 04:16

aldan welcome to the thread. We are a bunch of friendly ladies with lovely babies! Ds loves to put potatoes in the washing machine.

worse peanut butter is my current fave thing to eat. Straight from the jar. I can't imagine it in curry though. I read the article. Why is palm oil a bad thing?

eco great work on the sleep. I bet you feel better for and dh are 100% speaking and we 100% love each other. I blame pmt. I felt so down and no emotion. It is hard to describe.

plonky is the seating plan complete? We never did a seating plan at our wedding. I think I would have collapsed from the stress of it. Its really hard when people don't talk to each other or they request to sit with the person they want to.

stormy its nice he seems to be communicating better with you. Goes to show he can do it. I still think what he did at the weekend was unforgiveable. I think he was trying to guage from your reaction when you saw them together if you still had any feelings for him. Pretty immature but pleased you are both civil to one another. Anger and hurt are soul destroying emotions to carry with you.

I forgot some people.

gerry i have a feeling you are not the only one who will have to do this in the future at some point. Needs must. Its not as if she can stay home alone or take her with you although the kids will adore her. Its a shame there is no option to wah.

Where are you wingd, eig and any other lurkers I have missed out?

Plonkysaurus · 25/02/2014 07:27

Aldan a great way to recycle the many toys from DS1. What's the age difference between your boys? We've also gone back to early waking for milk. I've been giving him a bottle between 5 and 6 most days, but i secretly enjoy the post milk snuggles before we get up, especially if I'm working that day.

Yummy you sound a wee bit discombobulated :( how long have you felt like this? Do you think it's possibly related to returning to work? It's good you're communicating and 100% in love though, cling to it! Hormones are evil.

My main reason for doing a seating plan is that several large groups of people know each other and are prone to being clique-y. I hate cliquey. Last time dp's extended family got together one household broke off and occupied the conservatory. We really don't want that to happen, and if it does I'll be pissed out ma head yelling "splitters!" at them.

DS is being particularly lovely right now. Except I think his molars are coming through, so he goes from being the happiest go luckiest little soul to behaving like the worlds about to end in a split second.

OP posts:
StormyBrid · 25/02/2014 08:24

Welcome Aldan and waves to everyone else.

I slept for eight unbroken hours! It was glorious.

yummychocolate · 25/02/2014 08:29

plonky I have to admit I had to look up what that word meant. Smile I am looking forward to going back to work, so I don't think it is that. I don't know what it is. I think I need a holiday!

somethingbeginningwith · 25/02/2014 08:37

Hello aldan nice to have ya here! Smile DS likes to put himself in things.

eco well done on the sleep. Have you managed to convince her that it's a great idea every night? DS is feeling better thank you, he's still on his medicine but it's nearly done. DP, on the other hand, is not so well. He spent most of the night running to the toilet for one or the other. And DSis has been in hospital since Sunday night when she went to a & e for, what we now think, is suspected gall bladder problems. Everyone is poorly!

stormy has the sleep helped? It's surprising how well we can deal with things after a good sleep. And I'm so glad that you were talking. Is there hope?

plonk that's exactly why I can't bring myself to watch OBEM. This time last year when it was on, I was too scared to watch because I didn't want to know what happened, now I don't want to watch it because I'm scared it'll make me want to do it again soon. Crazy what these babies do to us!

Well, I should probably go as DS seems to have wedged himself between a chair and his rocking aeroplane. All I can see is bum...

worsestershiresauce · 25/02/2014 15:03

Hi Aldan Welcome! I'm the old lady of the thread. I'm very proud of this self anointed title. What is more I even have the grey hair and saggy knees to support it. The rest are well jealous Wink

Plonky satay is just wrong. This could possibly be down to the addition of garlic and coconut (two very wrong food stuffs), but until I have tried chicken dipped straight into the jar I can't be sure. Now I come to think of it that might not be such a bad idea. Meridian almond gets a look in here as well, but it just doesn't match up to to the peanut version. Too salty for my palate.

Yummy palm oil is bad for three reasons that I can think of. 1. Rain forests. The huge commercial demand for it has resulted in further reduction of rain forests to increase farming land. 2. It is usually hydrogenated, i.e. converted into artery blocking heart attack inducing trans fats. This is a bad thing. Obviously. 3. It converts what is a delicious product into a sticky cloying mass that is best used for gag practice. If you don't believe me eat one spoonful of a palm oil-free peanut butter, such as Meridian, and follow it up with one of something like SunPat. The difference is marked to an obsessive connoisseur such as myself and Mr Slater. There ends the sum of my knowledge of palm oil. Others my add, if they can be ar5ed. I suspect they can't Grin

Eco now that you are a fully refreshed sleep enabled person how's the move going? Any exciting developments? Please tell me you have exciting developments. I am bored and need to be amused.

As for me, it's been another manic day, rushing from A to B, and then A again, with a bit of singing and dancing in between. Somewhere in the middle of all that I did manage to get my back x-rayed. Which was fun. They were v nice at the hospital. They gave me a choice of changing into a standard issue backless gown at the end of a v long corridor and walking down to x-ray past the waiting room, flashing my pants at all and sundry.... or changing in the x-ray room. They appeared to be of the opinion changing in x-ray was the worst deal Confused, and were almost surprised at the alacrity at which I jumped at this option. It's not like my pants aren't nice or anything... but....

Anyway, to cut a long story short although I won't have the results until at the earliest tomorrow I am fairly sure I am not at imminent risk of spinal collapse. It would not reflect well on them if they sent me home and I broke in two messily and decided to sue. I'm gunning for a 'she's being a drama queen madam' diagnosis and I have no more than a minor twinge. Drama queen madam I can deal with. 12 weeks in a brace would be more of a struggle.

Phew, that was long. I obviously don't have enough to do. Well actually I do... I'm just ignoring it.

Stormy hugs. Just because. Hope you're having a lovely day with dd.

ecofreckle · 25/02/2014 19:56

Evening all.

Plonky happy one minute and end of the world the next you say? That sounded familiar today so I had a poke around with a brave finger. We have molars just broken through too. Bed was a bonjela and granules laden affair tonight. And I put her in the cot awake and sitting up and she went to sleep! Same at morning nap time! Smile We're doing some learning here this week.

Worse I am glad you'd clearly listened to your mother and had worn decent pants to hospital. Glad also that your back is erring on side or mechanical rather than crumbling. Hurrah!

I'm wondering how shattered is. And poor pud, but face book suggests your run of bad luck with illness continues pud? Rubbish. Thanks This time tomorrow you'll be enjoying a nice Brew I hope.

Did we decide what Tuesday was? I think it's Wine tomorrow? Something am I right?

Another night where we didn't have to go into her last night but she did do a lot of chatting and playing. I lay awake for three hours in middle of night thinking about all sorts of horrible random stuff. Why do we do that? Was thinking of lost love, heartache, critically poorly babies, slavery, global warming (worse you get eco geek points with your palm oil chat) and it was dire! I think it was knowing I needed to be up for work today. I haven't had enough work days for it to have become a habit yet.

I seldom moan about my dh but will have a minor rant today. I left for work before eight and was back for her at noon for the hand over ready for dh to go to work. The baby was happy, fed and clean. But he handed her back to me in our rendezvous car park with no thought about her lunch which was due then o'clock. He sees me every day before breakfast or at nap time prepping her lunch. That's minor in this universe of men moans but it does feel better for having a moan. Especially as it seems so petty when written down and I'll now give him a lovely cuddle when he arrives in from work Grin

Boring day of work, making chicken soup, entertaining the boiler man so I'll sign off and bid ye all a good eve.

No house to go to yet worse btw. Can't find the right combination of things and the compromises have all been too big thus far. We'll be living apart now. Boo. But there are many worse situations I could be in so I'll go and count my lucky stars.

yummychocolate · 25/02/2014 20:34

Silly me made pancakes today thinking it was shrove Tuesday. Doh! How on earth did I get this stupid.

worse thank you for your helpful explanation. I hate sun pat. It just tastes of sugar. For me whole earth one is nice. However it has palm oil in.

Molars? Oh hell. Smaller teeth are a pain in the butt never mind molars.

I got a lecture from dm today about giving into ds night wakings with milk. Its all my fault and now I am making life harder for myself especially when im going back to work soon. She is absolutely right but it pains me to hear him cry and unsettled. Also, I am just desperate to go back to bed before insomnia kicks in. I give water but he cries.

eco i find the world a lonely place at night and it makes me think of negative things like World hunger, war around the world etc. You are very kind towards your dh even when you rant about him. He is very lucky to have you.

any happy birthday to your dd or have I got that date wrong too.

stormy how are you feeling?

Aldan · 25/02/2014 21:56

Love potatoes in the washing machine yummy Grin and somethingbeginningwith I bet he makes you laugh Grin

Plonkysaurus DS1 has just turned 6, and is a total drama queen!

Worsestershiresauce obviously more people opt for flashing Shock

Eco DS molars are on their way - I hate the big teeth, DS1 fitted when he was getting his so scary Hmm

Never mind about the pancakes yummy, consider it a practice for NEXT WEEK!

Better go get DS2 fed again Smile

Cantturnleft · 25/02/2014 22:16

Hi, sorry to utterly change the tone of this thread but in hospital with a sleeping DS2 and feeling very scared and alone. He was admitted today following some dodgy chest x-rays, had a CT scan and is having an MRI tomorrow. They are talking about a possible tumour near his spine. He's not even 11 months old. DH has just left and I'm beyond terrified. Can't call anyone as I'll wake him but mind is racing and I'm desperately trying to prevent myself from Googling.

Pudtat · 25/02/2014 22:19

Hello ladies. Sorry for leave of absence. I've been lurking but any time I went to post it was all too self pitying for words. I am ill again, on a 10 day course of abs for sinusitis (again) and then spent last night praying to the porcelain god. I feel like there's nothing left, I can't think at all, poor dh is not a1 but is having to pick up everything cos I've fallen apart. Could not feel more rubbish at the mo Hmm. There... That's why I haven't bothered posting.

Glad birthdays are getting underway. No plans here but we have two and a half weeks to go.

Great news on the sleep training... So glad that's working out.

Much love to you all. Sorry to be such a misery.

ecofreckle · 25/02/2014 22:21

cantturn, hello love. Sounds awful. Why has dh left? I'm up. Going to read message again. In the meantime, don't Google. You have doctors who are much much better than Google and they know the individual case. Thanks And plenty of hugs x

Pudtat · 25/02/2014 22:21

Worst cross post ever! Can't you poor thing, you must be worried sick. At least they're on the case with scans and things. Don't turn to dr google now - the dark of the night is no place for that. Big big hugs. Thanks

ecofreckle · 25/02/2014 22:29

Poor little petal. It's good he's sleeping. Can you text a close friend or family member and request they join you now dh has had to leave. It'd be best to have some moral support. I forget where you are geographically speaking Blush
Has ds been poorly in himself today? It's great that they're being thorough. As they say, you're in the best place.
Keep us updated. If you need something to do to keep busy you can just write on here. I'd love to be able to suggest something useful but am failing a bit. Make sure you eat and drink and try and rest is the motherly, sensible, very valid thing to say so I'll say that. Go get a nurse to bring you a coffee and pack of Biscuit
If you need anything that I might be able to assist with from afar then let me know. I'll be thinking of you and your little boy.

Pudtat · 25/02/2014 22:34

I'll try to check in later. Suspect I'll be up. Thinking of you.

Aldan · 25/02/2014 22:44

Canturnleft I can't imagine what you are going through just take each day at a time and hope for the best. Where are you?

somethingbeginningwith · 25/02/2014 23:40

Oh cantturn you poor thing. At least you're in the best place for him and they'll do all they can to find out what's bothering him. How is he in himself? What caused him to have the chest scans? We're all here, that's what this place is for Thanks

Cantturnleft · 25/02/2014 23:51

Thanks for replying and sorry for slow reply-he's an awful sleeper at the best of times but really fighting it now so was trying to settle him. DH had to go as DS1 was at home and they only let one parent stay overnight. Family are great over text and phone but they're also very worried so think we're upsetting each other.
Eco, he actually wasn't unwell or at least this unwell. He had pneumonia a few weeks ago and has been coughing and wheezing since. No indication it was anything this serious though.

I'm not in the UK but just across the water (rubbish effort to stay unidentifiable). Staff are lovely here but almost so lovely that it's panicking me. I actually work here so that makes it stranger in good and bad ways. I'm sorry again add such a gloomy tone and thanks for replies.

Anypants · 26/02/2014 00:13

Oh pud - feel better soon Thanks

cant how unthinkable. I hope you get some answers soon (not from google, from medical humans) and that your poor wee lamb is bouncing around again in no time. Be strong, and if you can't, just take a deep breath and think of all the wonderful things you've been through in the past year. It may help take your mind of the sleeping patient.

yummy DD's birthday was today so thanks for the wishes (you are not wrong, obvs). She had a lovely day - couldn't give a hoot about the pressies (except she hasn't got the swing yet so she's possibly saving her excitement) but looooved the fairy cake I made her.
Got a bit emosh at 22.21, sharing a glass of Wine with DH at the time she was born. Also when my DSis gave me Thanks because 'people always forget that you did all the work so it's your "birth day" too'!
PN mums round tomorrow. Party on Sunday. Think I might cry through both. Blush

Hugs to those that need it Smile

yummychocolate · 26/02/2014 02:17

cantturnhow horrible. We are always here for you. Don't look at google. It won't be helpful at this stage.

any your sister is so thoughtful. You and cantturn posts have made me emotional now.

pud I can't believe how unlucky you have been recently. Get well soon.

ecofreckle · 26/02/2014 04:58

Has he settled now cantturn? Like you say it's good you are somewhere familiar and that you know the ropes. You've nearly made it through a long night and am hoping that you're a few hours closer to your dh returning and your boy feeling better. What time is his MRI scan and will you be seeing a consultant soon after?
You must be worn out by now. We're all sending ripples of love and luck over the channel towards you both. Keep going, sun up soon!

Cantturnleft · 26/02/2014 05:15

Thanks Eco, you're very kind. A lovely nurse has just brought me tea and toast-the cure all for nighttime tears. He's asleep but woke three times-still bf at night (and right now very glad he is!) MRI is sometime this morning, hopefully asap as he's fasting from now. My mum and DH will be in as soon as DS1 gets off to montessori. I just can't believe this is happening. Thanks for all the kind words.


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Pudtat · 26/02/2014 07:31

Just wanted to say morning and Brew for Cantturn and DS. Hope they get the scan done swiftly so they know what they're dealing with ASAP. Always easier to have facts and the ability to plan rather than uncertainty I find. (Not good with uncertainty).

I have woken up feeling slightly better. I should still take today off, I have been so battered recently, but can't bear the thought of everything stacking up on my desk so am now intending to go in. My dm will kill me!

But if I'm leaving the house then I must shower...

Thinking of you today Can't.

Plonkysaurus · 26/02/2014 07:45

Oh Cant I really hope you get a good result. It sounds like they're taking fab care of your boy and I hope you can all go home soon. I'll be thinking of you all day.

Pud get back in bed missy!

OP posts:
BettyOff · 26/02/2014 07:49

Cantturn well done for getting you little man settled & comfy through the night. Hopefully today will bring some answers & hopefully it won't be as bad as you're worrying about. As someone else said, it's much easier once you've got answers because you can get on with sorting it rather than worrying about all the worst case scenarios. Lots of love to you both.

Pud, stay at home!!!! You've been so ill & I know it's crap leaving things but you don't want to rush it & go one step forward, two steps back.

Any I'm glad the birthday was a success! I need to get sorted for ours tomorrow but it's a bit difficult getting anything done with grumpy miss in tow!

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