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November 2012 - The exciting all new all singing all dancing fred

999 replies

StuntNun · 17/02/2014 15:08

Previous thread:

OP posts:
Kyz · 17/02/2014 20:49

So cross. Just written a MASSIVE epic post to trump all previous epicness, and the bastard cunting wanking fucking interwebs fucking badgering ball arsing twatting ate the bastard thing. Goodbye long post! I could cry!


also good luck with the move eliza and yaaaaaay pr

will try again tomorrow. Grr!

Passmethecrisps · 17/02/2014 20:51

The interwebs couldn't handle your awesome kyz!

Pikz · 17/02/2014 20:56

Love the Fred ending!!

L has snuggle bunny at night and first thing in the morning. That is all.

I think he is allergic to sudocream... Is that possible?

PetiteRaleuse · 17/02/2014 21:03

kyz that sucks. Twatting internet.
evil if he doesn't want or need a soft toy then I am guessing your mum is basing her idea on a well most babies use a comforter thing. DD1 was about 16 mo too actually when she suddenly got attached to her stuffed dog thing.

YellowWellies · 17/02/2014 21:05

Awww Kyz even just a few short lines from you is super awesome! I hope life is treating you, MrKyz and E well xx

Jonas won't take any form of comforter. Though when he feeds down for the night he does stroke his fingers up and down my dressing gown or the fluffy blanket I put over him if its chilly up in his room, so I'm thinking he might have a comforter blanket when I wean him. His few soft toys that I am remotely attached to, have had to be put up in his cot as the dog fishes them out from his toy box and sleeps with them in her basket or takes them out to play in the garden. I'm cool with this but not with the ones he was given when first born. She loves soft toys. He's pretty indifferent.

Pass I find slow cooked food a bit bland and season it massively before serving (yes I do have the f*cked tastebuds of an ex 20 a day girl). The trick is to add virtually no liquid if you want to avoid watery mush. Curry spices in particular seem to die in my slow cooker.
PurplePidjin · 17/02/2014 21:56

Love it, Dexterella :o

R has Ewan, Puppy (M&S one attached to a blue blanket), the Aptamil polar bear because I figured it was safe to put in from birth and a rattly crinkly giraffe (known as Girafa) that I bought him. He's particularly fond of Girafa but doesn't seem to need the comfort of them, just likes something to occupy him in the morning while I drag my sorry ass out of bed Hmm

Pikz try a very thin layer. If you slather it on it traps too much wet next to the skin, or Metanium does anyway so I assume it's the same with any barrier cream? Do you wipe at every change? I occasionally miss a nook or cranny most recently his ball sack which then gets sore because the wee is still on it. It's hard, I'm not used to boy bits Blush

I massively drop the amount of water when I slow cook, or chuck in a handful of pearl barley. Tonight's jerk beef stew only had a tin of tomatoes in, no stock, and looks lovely.

TheDetective · 17/02/2014 22:12

DS1 never had a comfort thing. Ever.

He still has his blanket the same as O's! from his cot. I think he just likes the thought of it as a cape. He doesn't use it as a comfort thing, more a memory thing? If that makes sense!

Can't bear to get rid as it holds sentimental value perhaps?!

Am quite glad that O is happy with any muslin. Saves worrying about lost and damaged ones. All his are now brown in the corners - he used to suck any bit of them, but has progress to only the corners. Hmm. I am going to get some new ones. They are disgusting.

I am going to keep the old one's in the car/pram/nana's house etc for emergency use only Grin.

Sophiathesnowfairy · 17/02/2014 22:13

O has Snoop dawg and will not let him go even when he is trying to eat cereal.

I am really trying to make my slow cooker stuff tasty but Johan e been suffering like you say yw glad is not only me. I will keep going though.

Long happy day, tired now and ready for sleepy.


BigPigLittlePig · 17/02/2014 22:28

Oh kyz, gutted for you! Epic sweary skills though.

Hoping that Elizas move went smoothly and that Sophias big babies are tucked up in their lovely bedroom. Love the thought that all your babies have been reunited under one roof.

VQ that made me lol. You have to love what kids say. I can remember inadvertently dropping my parents in it one summer holidays. The innocence of babes eh.

No comforters here, although like VQ, I am the ultimate comforter. She loves to stroke my fingers though, when having her bedtime bottle, or to sooth herself if she wakes in the night. If!? Who am I kidding - when.

Raining again here. It was sunny yesterday but I spent the day at work, big chunks of it on a ward with vair few windows. Bleak.

BigPigLittlePig · 17/02/2014 22:30

Det when I was a baby, I had a beautiful hand made cot quilt, from my great aunt. Even as a teenager, if I was poorly, it got brought out of the airing cupboard to go on my bed. It now is in Fs cot Smile

TheDetective · 17/02/2014 22:50

It's not scabby though is it?! Grin

Today I've discovered that learning to self spoon feed is best done with weetabix. It sticks to the fecking spoon. Grin

applepieinthesky · 17/02/2014 23:08

C has a dummy at night time but one day very soon it's going to go poof!

PennieLane · 18/02/2014 00:37

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Lily311 · 18/02/2014 04:48

Rushes in thread, twirls and hops, I am dexterella Grin.

We have Brunyo, a pink elephant with a male name. She is kind of famous, O would not go anywhere without it. She calls her BuBu now and only adults are allowed to touch it as kids neve give it back, she learnt it the hard way. I don't mind her having a comforter, she is too cute when stroking brunyo's nose. We have 3 of them, 2 are constantly in the washing basket. She is famous of sitting in front of the washing machine watching Brunyo getting cleaned.

Lily311 · 18/02/2014 05:25

I have a bag of spinach. What's your favourite recipes involving spinach?

ValiumQueen · 18/02/2014 06:49

I wish J had a comforter.

But he did sleep last night! All night, in his cot!

Shame I was up most of the night with DD2.

I am now trying to work out if it was something different last night, or just a fluke. I guess time will tell.

StuntNun · 18/02/2014 07:34

Snap VQ, J was only up once about midnight for a feed but DS2 was sick four times. Confused

OP posts:
applepieinthesky · 18/02/2014 08:37

lily I love spinach and ricotta cannelloni. Or how about a quiche?

Pikz · 18/02/2014 08:59

Or a curry lily. I always add spinach to our curries

ditsygal · 18/02/2014 10:11

F doesn't have a comforter - he has had stripy horse (that goes with a set of books) since birth and has always had it in his cot in the hopes he might start loving it and using it to self sooth, but he really couldn't care less. He used to suck on it as a little baby but now doesn't pay any attention.

applepieinthesky · 18/02/2014 10:42

Quick question. If the name on my bank amount is Jane Smith-Jones and I pay in a cheque made out to Jane Smith it will clear ok won't it? Both surnames are actually forrin extremely uncommon.

PetiteRaleuse · 18/02/2014 11:03

That would work here apple I get cheques made out to my married name or maiden name depending on who the cheque is from. Sometimes hyphenated.


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StormyIsles · 18/02/2014 12:29

Marking place.

Shite day. Massive car bill and still mounting, total cost tbc tomorrow. Fml

ditsygal · 18/02/2014 12:48

apple hmm when I got married and hyphenated my name, we got cheques at our wedding in a combination of names and had to go through a complicated process at the bank to cash them all, so putting some in before the change i.e just in jane smith, then some in after jane smith-jones or any for jane smith-jones and mr jones. and then we added me to my husbands account at his bank as Jane jones as we had some cheques in mr and mrs jones.
Anyway that's a long winded way of saying the bank didn't want to accept a variation of the names and said they wouldn't go through. However since then I have put cheques in that weren't quite right into the hole in the wall thingys and they have always gone through. I always think if you put them in those hole in the walls they are more likely to go through as it would be a hassle for them to send it back to you etc as opposed to a cashier saying no.

ChasingDaisy · 18/02/2014 13:21

Hello quiche

Took O for his first haircut today. He cried the whole way through and clung to me for dear life. I now have to get used to my baby having short hair Sad At least my stepmum can stop moaning that he looks like a girl now Hmm Will post some pics on FB when he wakes up.

He was very cute on the way there. He decided that he wanted to walk. So it was a very slow walk. And every time we saw a cat, he stopped at pointed at it until it disappeared. We also got accosted by Jehovah's Witnesses and I got 'accused' of being a teenage mother HmmGrin

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