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StuntNun · 17/02/2014 15:08

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ValiumQueen · 19/02/2014 19:09

I agree YW a double is essential, especially with a winter baby. I would still use by double just for J now if I were not working full time as mine fits a 7yo comfortably and I could carry my shopping in the second seat if unoccupied. B was 2.5 when J was born, and she is still a bolter, bless her.

TheDetective · 19/02/2014 19:34

DS1 tidies the toys away. Every night.

One night a week he is at his dads. Me and DP fight like cat and dog over who is tidying them every single time. Grin

O won't tidy - he doesn't understand Hmm. No point in pushing it right now, it makes both of us cross.

YW When I was looking at double buggies (for MIL not me!!) she wanted a side by side. For our lifestyle, a side by side would be no good. I couldn't get in to a lot of shops/doorways, not even my own. I like the look of the Oyster Max. But then I like the different combo options they give. Just give really good thought to where you go and what you do before making a decision. The BJ looks good, but there is a lady with twins at one of the groups I go to, and she really struggles getting it in the childrens centre.

Oh, MIL got the Maclaren techno in the end. Fucking awful! Don't get one! I pushed it once. I wanted to cry. It was impossible!

I'm weighing up the options for age gaps. I will start a thread later if anyone wants to contribute! But, I'm trying to decide 2.5 years (ie April 2015) or 3.5 years (April 2016).

Heart or head!

I really want to talk it through. DP doesn't care when it is, as long as it involves shagging, and lots of it. Oh, and another child. At some point! Grin

Kyz · 19/02/2014 19:56

Hi all, here I are! I will keep up I will keep up I will! Been manic today though and tomorrow will be much the same! More vet bills, more of E not listening to anything and throwing everything he gets hold of. Not sure what to do about that.

E still has a dummy to go to sleep for naps and night time. Not sure when or how to deal with this. He doesn't have it otherwise unless he is poorly. He still sleeps in a sleeping bag though, no pillow or anything.

Yay for J sleeping vq, sorry you were up with dd2 though - hope tonight is better! Also hope tis not another chest infection :(

Eek sorry to you too stunt

lily we also put spinach in a nice chicken potato and spinach curry, it's rather lush if I do say so myself

hugs isles

aww bless him chasing I'll hunt for the fb pics

yaaay for freelance project pr

I've missed you flouncy! Apologies if i've complained about early starts and pissed you off, I haven't meant to. Sorry to hear that J isn't sleeping any better but it's brill he's eating really well :D Sounds like you have a lovely rest-of-the-week planned :) Hope you enjoy it. Also hoping you have a lovely holiday!

Bless her lily hope she feels better soon, glad the teeth have come through!

WOOOHOOO Pass for p being discharged, that's brilliant :)

yay for med free O det that's great :)

hugs bplp

gosh ditsy hope he gets better soon bless him

I try tidying up with E, but mostly he throws things i'm sure i've mentioned this, i hope it's just a phase!

Hmm, that didn't take too long to get through, I have a feeling i've missed something! :S

E banged his ear today, and has bruised it. He fell sideways into the coffee table, bless him. He seems ok now but boy it must've come keen!

ValiumQueen · 19/02/2014 20:21

I found a side by side much easier to manage as the in line ones are so fucking long they end up getting whacked. I agree that the techno double is shite, and big enough for twig babies only, not fat little cherubs like mine. I never found a door I could not get mine through either, and having fixed wheels was great, if a bit heavy at times. At least it went in the direction it was meant to.

Det 3.5 was much easier than 2.5, although it could depend on the baby and toddler, and their characteristics.

ValiumQueen · 19/02/2014 20:22
YellowWellies · 19/02/2014 20:27

Kyz J is still in sleeping bags and has for nearly six weeks, refound his previously AWOL sleep groove so I'm in no rush to change anything. I know we are on borrowed time though as he always lulls us into a false sense of security by sleeping well for a while then it all goes pear shaped in a hideous fashion.... I can feel PR's Countdown timer in my head!!!!!

Det we were planning a 2.5 year age gap but thanks to long dark winters nights and shit TV (and the bear's current sleep ruse) we're looking at 2 years or maybe just under if this one arrives early too. We figured it's manageable, you haven't started to get your life back and the wee ones have more in common playing / amusing each other than if they were 3.5 years apart. But its horses for courses.

Passmethecrisps · 19/02/2014 20:41

Yep kyz. P sleeps in a bag with no pillow, Ewan on and a dummy. I see no reason to worry. P moves so much in her sleep I can't see anything changing any time soon which is fine. P has a dummy available to her during the day as well. I am starting to take it off her unless she is upset but there is so much else to worry about that I can't bring myself to be too concerned. She also still has three bottles a day. Meh

P has learned Daddy. She says "daaaaDaaaaiiiii" or "daaaaaaDeeeee" very cute.

ChasingDaisy · 19/02/2014 20:46

O is still in a sleeping bag but I am introducing a pillow soon. He rolls his muslin up and sleeps on it so I figured he might like a pillow. Also still on three bottles of milk a day.

Pikz · 19/02/2014 20:49

L has a pillow and a duvet and a sheet sleeping bag whilst he gets used to duvet.

Det I am hoping for a 2.5 age gap or sooner but it is in the hands of the pregnancy gods.

Pikz · 19/02/2014 20:49

L has a pillow and a duvet and a sheet sleeping bag whilst he gets used to duvet.

Det I am hoping for a 2.5 age gap or sooner but it is in the hands of the pregnancy gods.

applepieinthesky · 19/02/2014 20:54

That's the same dilemma I have det. We initially agreed we wouldn't have another until DS is 3.5-4 years old. That would be the sensible thing to do but my heart has other ideas. DP would like another now too but wouldn't push it if I said we should wait so it's down to me.

We're not using any contraception because it took nearly a year to conceive C after coming off the depo and I'm hoping next time it will happen quicker. That's another reason for not wanting to wait until he's 3 before ttc, in case it takes a year again which would make him 5. That's too big a gap for my liking.

The plan at the moment is to go on a strict diet and exercise regime for the next 2-3 months, lose some weight and ttc when we go on holiday in May.

applepieinthesky · 19/02/2014 20:55

You're right pikz. Ultimately we have no say in it and it will happen when it's supposed to.

ValiumQueen · 19/02/2014 21:15

With age gaps it is worth calculating childcare costs. With DD2 we only had two months when we were paying full time childcare for two. With DS it is really quite crippling, and nearly two more years before DD2 starts school.

ValiumQueen · 19/02/2014 21:17

J has a duvet under his sheet, and a duvet over him, sensitive soul that he is. Alternatively he uses my head as a pillow.

Passmethecrisps · 19/02/2014 21:26

He is the prince and the pea! Actually, have you checked for errant pulses?

ValiumQueen · 19/02/2014 21:29

He sure is. There are no peas, but no doubt some pee. DH thinks it might be because he is used to our memory foam mattress.

ValiumQueen · 19/02/2014 21:31

Not much swearing today! I will address this.

I work for a bunch of twattish cunts who don't know their fucking arses from their elbows.


Passmethecrisps · 19/02/2014 21:31

Could be right enough. I have never slept on one but I hear they are fab

Passmethecrisps · 19/02/2014 21:35

Fucking sweary Wednesday?!?!?!??????? How could I have forgotten that?

I have had a fucking fucker of a week and am fucking fed up. You know all our angst and questioning of our abilities and our holding our breath until your hear them shuffle over the monitor and the peeling of fucking grapes? You know all that? Why doesn't every baby get it? Or why does it seem to stop?

ValiumQueen · 19/02/2014 21:39

Eh? Not sure I understand Pass ((hug))

ValiumQueen · 19/02/2014 21:43

I need to sleep Pass, but feel free to vent. I am sure someone will be around.

I have never peeled a grape in my life. I still cut them into eighths though

PurplePidjin · 19/02/2014 21:44

Because not bastarding everyone is a fucking awesome as this twatweaselling quiche Sad

Turn off the news, it's not worth the agony Sad


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Passmethecrisps · 19/02/2014 21:46

Sorry ladies. Not even news worthy. Just day to day shite

YellowWellies · 19/02/2014 21:48

Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Thanks Pass

PetiteRaleuse · 19/02/2014 21:59

Sounds like you have had to deal with some crap pass - sorry to hear that :(

I don't peel grapes, just halve them. Actually I hardly ever get them. I feel bad eating them, seems to me that they would be much happier being turned into wine or champagne.

I've had a good day. Tomorrow I am going to drop off my work crackberry then have lunch in town with a friend. It will be nice to go out for lunch.

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