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Sept 2010- Making our way through the terribles two, with some new siblings along the way :)

190 replies

cinnamongreyhound · 31/05/2013 17:25

New thread for us long standing Sept 2010 mums and anyone who want to join us. Anyone want to add any stats or summaries please feel free!

Old thread

OP posts:
Dixiebell · 17/01/2014 22:48

cinnamon, you sound like there is a slight possibility of another? I thought it was a definite no-no with DH? Do you still hold hope of changing his mind? I think about it daily Blush. I almost wish I could persuade myself that we're done - we could sit back & enjoy life, things getting easier as the boys grow up, go on holidays, trips out etc, not have to go through hip pain, labour, sleepless nights again...but but but.... I can't stop thinking I'll never have the pregnancy, tiny baby, one yr old again.....argh! My sister being pregnant also brings it home. I feel I could persuade DH if I tried... But not sure if I should... But also feel more likely to regret not having one than having one too iyswim!!

newmum001 · 20/01/2014 14:45

I'm also considering having another, I never ever thought I'd say that but me and dp have been discussing it recently. I don't want grace to be too much older before we have another so probably going to start trying this year. It's a scary thought!!!

cinnamongreyhound · 23/01/2014 18:12

That's exciting newmum001!! I was pregnant with Luke when ds1 was Luke's age. So I know how you feel about them getting older.

I also think the same dixiebell! I rarely take the pushchair out now, you can do almost everything without having to prepare a lot. My two get on so well and I worry what a third would do to that equilibrium. We do things now without dss as he doesn't want to do the same as the other two because he's that much older and ds1 will be in that situation but he won't have anywhere else to be so will have to dragged everywhere with his little brothers.

Dh said no more because of money and him not getting any younger (he's 48 Monday) but I had a huge cry fest a while ago when I just couldn't hold it in and he said he hadn't seriously considered it because he didn't realise how much I wanted it. He did say because of my income we could consider one due around when Luke starts school so I can still have the same number of minded children but we would have to buy another car and just don't have the money to do that!!!! If house prices increase reasonably we could put some of our debt into the mortgage and finances wouldn't be so tight but I feel like time is running out to decide, I don't want to be considered a geriatric pregnant lady, it was a pain being an obese one!

And my mums response...... you don't want another one after losing all the weight as you'll put it back on again Angry. Ah well I won't bother then as my weight is obviously the most important thing in my life!!!

OP posts:
Dixiebell · 02/02/2014 17:45

Nice one, mum. ??

Really, I have all the same practical considerations, but then I kinda feel that a decision about having a baby should ultimately come from the heart, rather than from economics. And that you can always find ways of overcoming obstacles...

Is nice that DH has realised your feelings, cinnamon, let us know what you decide!

Dixiebell · 02/02/2014 17:46

Oops, keep messing up emoticons, I meant Hmm.

cinnamongreyhound · 03/02/2014 11:31

Definitely agree you wouldn't regret having one but my regret not having one. I just don't want my poor 60+ year old dh being knackered having a teenager around and him hating me because he can't enjoy his retirement. Plus we had very little time together with dc and I'm also looking forward to that time :)

OP posts:
cinnamongreyhound · 03/02/2014 11:31

Without dc!

OP posts:
lumpylumps · 22/02/2014 19:40

Evening all!! I'd lost you! How is everyone?

We're just adjusting to our new arrival. Trying to bf. He's actually latching and feeding. Neither of the other did. I'm just really struggling because I'm really really sore. I'll go one day at a time but I'm not sure if I'll succeed. I've already had to give him a dummy. He's definitely a sucky baby!!

beady and debs if you do decide to meet at the deep let me know. It's only about an hour from me too!

cinnamongreyhound · 23/02/2014 09:58

Hi! Congrats on your new arrival :)
Good luck with bfing, the best advice I think is to make sure he's latching well bottom lip covering nipple was a good indicator and be strict with taking him off if not. I was sore with Luke but not too bad and it lasted two weeks with James is was unbearable within a few days so there is a big difference. Take care x

OP posts:
lumpylumps · 24/02/2014 20:03

The breastfeeding failed. We've just got home from an extra night in hospital because he'd lost too much weight. I've put him on the bottle. It's what I know, what I'm comfortable with and I can see what he's getting.

cinnamongreyhound · 25/02/2014 20:10

Hope you're not too disappointed lumpylumps x

OP posts:
cinnamongreyhound · 08/03/2014 16:57


OP posts:
cinnamongreyhound · 24/05/2014 23:07

How is everyone doing?

So after all this time dh has finally agreed to a third! Having my coil removed 10th June, pretty excited!!!!

OP posts:
cinnamongreyhound · 26/06/2014 07:27

Me again, talking to myself! Waiting until Sunday to do a rest!

Luke is having settling sessions in the school nursery from his preschool and loving it :)

OP posts:
SilverBirdie · 15/09/2014 22:52

Just thought I'd pop on to keep you company once in a while cinnamon

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