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November 2012 - Lots of mummies going back to work

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StuntNun · 29/05/2013 12:05

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fruitpastilles · 30/05/2013 17:35

Actually she'd probably take 12, but I'd be watching her all night for vom!

PetiteRaleuse · 30/05/2013 17:36

fruit I wouldn't worry unless she seems unwell or dehydrated, or unless it gies on for a while.

pennie all is not lost but I was blindsided by kindness.

GTbaby · 30/05/2013 17:52

I just had to play the word OR! Lol
Technically I'm loosing all the games n can no way win. However I ain't giving up. Luis told me its not skill , just need to practice more. Just added u stunt and petite

PetiteRaleuse · 30/05/2013 17:54

I'm crap at wwf. It's nice though. Except for the stupid adverts.

ChasingDaisy · 30/05/2013 17:58

I'm crap too but I like to play. I'm UnnaturallyBlonde if you want to a guaranteed win Grin

GTbaby · 30/05/2013 18:03

I'm gtmummy. Need more games.
Stunt realised I've played you before (and lost).

ChasingDaisy · 30/05/2013 18:14

Weaning poos are gross. Give me meconium any day.

Aren't all of the quiche babies gorgeous?! I love all the fb pics.

Have we heard from VQ or pidj today?

fruitpastilles · 30/05/2013 18:15

I've just started a game with you gt
pr the adverts done my head in so much I got the paid app, how sad haha. S has been drinking water out of her sippy cup so I don't think she will be dehydrated, although saying that I think she dribbled most of it back out! I will keep an eye on her though.

fruitpastilles · 30/05/2013 18:20

pidji was around this morning, but no, we haven't heard from vq at all, hope her and J are ok.

ValiumQueen · 30/05/2013 18:27

thank you sweeties, I am here Grin

Took me a while to catch up, and the girls are being little sods as daddy is working late. J is finally asleep for his first nap of the day.

He had 4 cubes of pear purée for lunch, and was very grateful. Will give him something a bit more substantial tomorrow and increase quite rapidly as he is a big boy.

Detective, so if it isn't CMPI, what the fuck is it? And why is he better on the Nutrimigen?

PurplePidjin · 30/05/2013 18:57

Thanks I'm here, been in softplay hell with a mate. Her 10yo is a huge fan of R so we said if he made a good effort at his SATs they could have a trip to softplay in half term. Then her 13 and 14 yo's tagged along and much noise was made! Shattered now, R had 3 mouthfuls of dinner and nearly fell asleep in his highchair :o

BigPigLittlePig · 30/05/2013 18:57

Detective what a total crock of shite. Did they suggest why he was a total menace on regular formula?

VQ glad J is enjoying his grub, it must be such a weight off your mind after all the illness. How are you doing now?

Thankyou for the reassurance about the sippy cup. I shall keep battling on and hope she picks it up quickly.

DH is in a foul mood tonight. He and dsd are clashing big time. I think I may go slowly insane.

MadamGazelleIsMyMum · 30/05/2013 19:07

detective Angry Sad for you and O.

DS launched himself at our spag bol for tea. Literally dove headfirst into my plate. Gave him a little bit of the sauce and he cried when I put the spoon down. So the rest went in the blender for the freezer.

GTbaby · 30/05/2013 19:07

BP. I'm gona start trying the sippy cup again after advice given to you. LO grabs it and chucks it Hmm

VQ. Lame Q. But how do u do pear puree? I mean how do you stew them?

ChasingDaisy · 30/05/2013 19:18

Yes detective, did they suggest what the issue is if it isn't CMPI? Or is there supposedly nothing wrong with him? Hmm

Well the jumperpoo lived up to its name...O luffs it too.

My friend is potty training her 16month old. Successfully. Is this very early?

pidj soft play hell sounds....hell. Have some Wine

pig does your DSD stay with you often? How is she with F?

MsJupiterJones · 30/05/2013 19:22

Hi all. We have slow progress on the sippy cup. He likes holding it but doesn't get the tipping. But when I tip it he can drink quite well.

Detective we are in a similar situation. L had the blood test and he was found not to have sensitivity to CMP, yet he was in agony on normal milk and great on Nut AA. The way our paed explained it was that the blood test can only ascertain anaphylaxis, so he could still have a milder response. Nut AA is so broken down that any baby will improve on it if they had any symptoms. I guess the difference is that your dr is saying there is either allergy or nothing, whereas it seems obvious (as in adult life) that there will be gradations of intolerance and allergy. We were also told to try normal formula, which I have not done. I have however tried a few things that contain cooked milk products as this can be easier to tolerate. I'm hopeful L will grow out of it but I am not taking the chance of having the poor screaming boy I had before.

FatimaLovesBread · 30/05/2013 19:42

That's shit detective what does she suggest it is if not CMPI then?

Might have to start some wwf again, I have up after going on holiday and not having wifi.

M has had natural yogurt mixed with apple purée for lunch and minced beef and onions with mash and Yorkshire pud for tea. At the moment I'm trying different things, tend to give her purée for flavours for lunch or breakfast and a bit of what we're having for tea.
I might by some Ella's kitchen for if we're out and about.
What about the baby cereals? I was planning on just giving porridge or weetabix or toast with something for breakfast.

I agree we've got some beautiful babies, love the FB group. Mine isn't working properly, I want to put some camping photos on and it's playing up

Lily311 · 30/05/2013 19:48

O is on antibiotics. You have to pay for medicine here, so expensive.

I discovered Pinterest. I'm in trouble. Enough said.

YellowWellies · 30/05/2013 19:53

Det that sucks hon. I echo Jupiter's wise words. Also there is no rush to introduce dairy so long as he's getting vitamin D and calcium from other sources. I'm trying soy traces in my diet in June. Eeeek. Am shitting it. Paed reckons with gradual introduction of soy traces, then soy, milk traces then cheese, yogurt, butter and milk - first into my diet then into his - he could be two before he's even ready to try milk and older before it stops hurting. Stupid fucking god complex ignoramus doctor Sad Sad Sad. I'll pass on the info we've been given for weaning if that helps - can scan and put on FB?

Swimming lessons are going well. Jonas is now used as the demo baby every week by our teacher as he is, proud Mummy, "superbly well attached" to me and "a natural in the water" Smile Smile Smile Smile he floats around giggling, sucking his thumb and chewing my hand. I had to let go of him underwater for the first time today - I was Shock Shock Shock Shock but he was like a fat wee seal pup with this face Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin - you can tell his Dad is a marine biologist. I know this is nauseatingly smug but what she said brought a tear to my eye. He's often in the ergo at home whilst I potter and I love to feel his pudgy fingers stroking my face, holding onto my neck or grabbing my hair.

We've gone in a fortnight from sippy cup being used as a beater to him drinking out of it so well he shuns all help. I've given him water with a wee bit of prune juice to help with constipation so that probably encouraged him. He's also so much better with BLW I'm starting to relax - he used to choke sooooo much so Kyz just keep doing what you're doing. Tonight as well as 5 cubes of puree, baby rice /BM mush - he had bagel and hummus, olives, cherry tomatoes, banana and slices of apple. He is going to be wider than he is tall at this rate. Wink

ChasingDaisy · 30/05/2013 20:01

Oh YW how wonderful is Jonas Smile Sounds like weaning is going extremely well. Do you give the bagel toasted? You have every right to be so proud of the wonderful bond you have.

YellowWellies · 30/05/2013 20:12

Yes toasted - he likes the cinnamon ones (not with hummus!) and the onion ones send him into a frenzy. He's very lovely at the moment so smiley and nosey - he follows me round the room with his eyes. It makes me feel so loved. Am entirely biased but he is the mutt's nuts. DH gave me a teary eyed cuddle last night after bath time to thank me for doing such a good job in raising a happy little boy. Which set me off.

Oh god these hormones.... I hope my period isn't about to arrive!!!!!

ValiumQueen · 30/05/2013 20:13

GT I peel and core the pears, and chop roughly, then put an inch of water in the pan and heat until boiling. Then cool. Then blend. I am being extra cautious with Js tum. I am sure this is not necessary really.

Lily glad she is on meds, but sorry about the expense. We are very lucky here. Hope she is soon better. J was much better 2 days in. I love Pinterest too Smile although they have got very lax about the rude pictures. Every now and again there will be a pic flash up that really should not be there.

YW aww


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ChasingDaisy · 30/05/2013 20:15

Aww YW that nearly made me cry! You sound so happy and your family unit sounds wonderful and so loving Smile

ChasingDaisy · 30/05/2013 20:15

Oh and I have just eaten a cinnamon bagel Grin

ValiumQueen · 30/05/2013 20:20

J is still asleep. He went down for his first nap at around 5. Hmm. I thought about waking him, but he looked so peaceful I did not have the heart.

YW enjoy it. It won't be long before he is a toddler Grin

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