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November 2012 - Lots of mummies going back to work

999 replies

StuntNun · 29/05/2013 12:05

Previous thread:

OP posts:
Elizadoesdolittle · 06/06/2013 08:28

(Whispers) E went down at 7:30pm and is still asleep. 13hrs and counting.

(Runs off to wake her up before quiche expell me from the group.....)

Elizadoesdolittle · 06/06/2013 08:31

Sorry stunt I posted that before I'd caught up on thread. Very insensitive of me. If its any consolation, E cried pretty much from 3:30 till she went to bed so I was more than ready for a break. Think she has a cold and is teething too. Seems both of my children when poorly just shut down systems for the night and sleep. Right, really must wake her up otherwise we will be late for preschool run.

Pikz · 06/06/2013 08:42

Well done E!

I saw every hour from10.45pm. Can they really cry this much with teeth?

Evilwater · 06/06/2013 08:47

PR oops, never mind.
stunt I hope you have an easy day.
luis hope you have sleep soon. I'm also interested in this game, where do I find it?
lilly I'm glad to read your Lo is getting better.
bryzon I hope things are sorted with the scientists.
catbag your amazing, looking after twins and doing your dissertation

To anyone else I'm sorry if I've missed you, have his and a Brew

Passmethecrisps · 06/06/2013 08:52

Hoorah eliza! I don't think it is insensitive - provides hope I reckon!

But stunt your night sounded horrendous.

Ok doke cat I hear everything you are saying and I think you do need time to think about what happens now. However, you have proven yourself exceptional by both your achievements in your personal life and your academic so your place within the profession is certainly deserved in my opinion. Practically, I would have thought that there would be scholarships aimed at people in similar situations so that avenue is probably still open to you.

I find it bizarre how many of us have said we aren't overwhelmed with pals on this group. I have decided it is because we are too awesome for face to face people.

I received CEOP training some years ago and we were encouraged to avoid referring to 'Real Life' when talking to children about their online presence. The reason being that for some the lives they lead online can be just as fulfilling, secure and positive as the one they lead in 'Real Life'. I think you can actually see that evinced on this thread.

Evilwater · 06/06/2013 08:55

It should read - have hugs, and Brew

MadamGazelleIsMyMum · 06/06/2013 08:56

catbag The question that leaps out of course is 'should someone without outstanding marks even be thinking about this career'? And further still, 'should a woman with a family of five children be looking to spend potentially £20000 to try and start a career that she may not be clever enough to do, or never find pupillage in?'

It is a very difficult decision to make, and I do not envy you having to make it. The law is more competitive than ever. Only 1 in 4 LPC graduates are getting training contracts. Retention rates after the end of training contracts arent great. My firm used to proudly boast 100% retention rates. Now, we are taking half the number of trainees, and offering about 50% of them NQ jobs, but often as fixed term jobs initially. The Bar is much worse. None of my friends who intended to practice are doing so. Some have cross-qualified as solicitors with higher rights. Some have gone in-house. Some managed pupillage but not tenancy. I don't want to sound un-encouraging, both because I have absolutely no doubt in your capabilities, and because the law (both paths) has the potential to be a great career, but it is a lot of debt to take on in an area of increasing uncertainty about the future. Was it the criminal or commercial bar you favoured?

If you really want to give it a shot then do - I think we regret the things we don't do more than the things that we do. You can judge best whether you have the funds to invest. You clearly have the dedication to achieve a great degree in an academic subject in your circumstances, and as for being clever enough, firstly you clearly are, and I've said before that the best lawyers are not necessarily the cleverest people. A first would be no guarantee of success in obtaining scholarships, pupillage, tenancy etc. My Dad used to say that qualifications are never wasted, and I do think that is true, even if not ultimately used for what they were initially intended.

Before I derail the thread completely, if you would like to chat off board about this then am happy to listen.

stunt rubbish about sleep/teething. We have teeth erupting here. DS has two bottom teeth coming through, and at DD's first dentist appointment yesterday, the dentist said she had 2 molars coming through. Marvellous.

PR ouch for DH!

Passmethecrisps · 06/06/2013 08:56

pikz that sounds shite. Poor you. P doesn't seem to have had more that slight glizzles thus far. I suppose teething has the potential to be really painful - think wisdom teeth. Would it be possible to alternate calpol with ibuprofen? Sounds like he is really suffering.

evil how's things with you? Is your DP not completing a degree at the moment?

Evilwater · 06/06/2013 09:09

Pass- yes, he's done his exams and he is just waiting on the results. He is much less stressed after wards. He is starting to discuss things, rather than telling me how I should do things.

He still thinks his mum (65) can look after N, and work for him too. Hmm of course she wouldn't take him to groups. I asked him to pick N up from nursery, but no he won't. His mum dosn't drive in the dark. FFS but I'm working on it. Perhaps MIL can drop him off and my mum could pick him up?


izzybizzybuzzybees · 06/06/2013 09:18

Shite night again, is that any surprise?! He was up unsettled but only lifting and cuddles would calm him. Every time I put him back in cot he started up again. I gave up and brought him into our bed but he still woke screaming. He's so loud too I worry he'll wake DD.

How long do I give the gaviscon to work? And is it even likely too?

StuntNun · 06/06/2013 09:59

Izzy I found the Gaviscon stopped the vomiting and improved mood and sleep as soon as J started it but it all went to shit again with teething (J has both top front teeth coming through together just like DS2 did). He is on ranitidine as well but I'm not convinced it's doing anything for him, could be the dose isn't quite right. J won't feed at all during the day, he pulls away, arches his back, cries etc but bizarrely feeds find lying down in bed with me at night time.

OP posts:
ValiumQueen · 06/06/2013 10:10

Stunt can you feed him in bed during the day?

Hugs to all with sad babies.

I think people have different ideas on what makes a friend a friend. I know lots and lots of people, but would class very few as genuine close friends. Someone else though may have 6000 friends according to FB. I have moved house many many times, and have lost so called friends as distance was a barrier, but my best friend moved to Canada 10 years ago, and we do not communicate much, but when we do, we are right back where we were.

ChasingDaisy · 06/06/2013 10:20

Sounds like some synchronised teething going on. Sad baby here too.

VQ I have one real friend. My 'best' friend. Haven't seen her in years but she was still the first person I told about my pregnancy.

Just weighed myself. Lost more weight. 6st 13 FFS. This really isn't a stealth boast. It's disgusting, I look disgusting.

Think I am PMT-ing too. Tired and pissed off Chasing today.

StuntNun · 06/06/2013 10:29

Nope VQ he won't take any milk at all during the day and makes up for it with long night feeds. After my exams next week I'm going to give him water for his 4 a.m. feed (cruel mummy that I am) to try and get him to at least take a feed in the morning. Otherwise I'm getting to 6 p.m. in the evening and ready to explode after 14 hours without feeding him.

OP posts:
MadamGazelleIsMyMum · 06/06/2013 10:36

chasing Sad

VQ I know waht you mean. My grandfather told me once that if, over the course of a lifetime (and he is 90 still going strong), you could count 5 true friends, then that was a rare achievement. Despite the fact that I have lots of good acquaintances and friends, I always think about that. I also think it is natural for friendships to wax and wane due to distance, circumstances etc. I am very fortunate to have some very good friends, some local, some far away in distance but very close in my heart, like your friend in Canada.

MadamGazelleIsMyMum · 06/06/2013 10:51

And on the subject of good friends, my very best friend, who has been TTC for over three years, has had her first cycle of IVF and this morning got her BFP!!!! Woooo-haaaa. I just burst into tears at my desk. Smile Am so bloody happy for her.

ValiumQueen · 06/06/2013 10:58

Oh Madam, that is lovely about your friend x

Stunt that does not sound good at all. Have you looked into possible CMPI?

Chasing, I need to lose more than you weigh. That probably does not help, and it is far easier for me to lose weight than you to gain probably. Are you eating properly? Big hug x

ValiumQueen · 06/06/2013 11:01

And Chasing, you are not disgusting. You are very beautiful inside and out. You just have less padding at the moment, like I have more. I wish there was a fat donation scheme. I would be a frequent flyer.

MadamGazelleIsMyMum · 06/06/2013 11:17

VQ I'd sign up for that in a heartbeat. I have around 2 of chasing to donate!

PetiteRaleuse · 06/06/2013 11:23

Chasing I used to be like you. I struggled to maintain 7st and frequently dropped to 6 and a half. I ate plenty, exercised but not to extremes, stuffed myself with junk food. There was no reason for me to weigh so little. I even stopped going to the pool as people, complete strangers, would say things like, "you disgusting anorexic". I was so slef conscious it was unreal, and having boyfriends who didn't treat me well further impacted my self confidence.

Then I met DH, settled into a happy life and piled the pounds on. Within a year I was 8st, in two I was 9. It was pure stress, which started in childhood, improved slightly for about 6months when I first left home, then got worse again as I was in unhappy relationships.

I noticed the same issue during my pregnancies. The first two trimesters I put on weight as normal, then as the third trimester started I began to get stressed, and in both pregnancies put on no extra weight in the last trimester.

I would guess that when you are happy in yourself your weight will no longer be a problem to you.

Pikz · 06/06/2013 11:25

I can't do today

Clarella · 06/06/2013 11:26

stumbling onto thread extremely sleep deprived AFTER A FUCKING CHAI LATTE AT 4 PM KEPT ME HIGH TILL 3 AM. and lo woke hourly there after.....

stunt just hand holding - sounds soooo similar to what I've had for months. I found omeprozole worked wonders BUT gave him wind till we lowered the dose right down. and now he's not on it at all, though I do wonder if there's still a bit of an issue in the early morning, nowhere near as bad as it was though. until the last couple of weeks I've pretty much been feeding lying down since he was 10 weeks old, occasionally feeding upright but not often. I find its my let down as it's slower lying down and they don't have to make such an effort to bob away on the bed.


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Clarella · 06/06/2013 11:28

his tongue tie snip did help a little with latch also and so less air swallowing.

PetiteRaleuse · 06/06/2013 11:30


DD1 seems to have an infection. Very slight temperature - 37.3 so nothing to scream about, seems perfectly well other than a little irritable. No mucus in pee this morning (lucky iPhone) but musousy runny poo. And not much appetite.

Will call the paed at 2 when they reopen from their lunch break. Better be safe than sorry with two long journeys planned for Sunday and Monday.

Thing is they will want samples and there is no way we'd get results before we leave.... I assume if it was serious she would be in pain? I remember a few months ago she got mucousy stool but it cleared up. Anyone any idea?
Clarella · 06/06/2013 11:32

sorry if I've missed loads of stuff I really am the most sleep deprived I've ever been. however lo made progress from hourly wakes to doing a 3 hour stint an then two hourly last night Grin

I've found he's tiring every 1 and half hours in day and needs a nap or is getting over tired and over stimulated. cot is out at mo, wakes too soon in a state - sleeps longest in pram and seems happiest in sling so mixing and matching at moment. anyone else had this? wondering if early onset separation stuff?! anyway I actually think all naps in sling yesterday plus early bed time might have helped night time?

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