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November 2012 - Lots of mummies going back to work

999 replies

StuntNun · 29/05/2013 12:05

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horseylady · 29/05/2013 22:13

I went back to one at the beginning of December. Only 10 hours a week. Occasionally more or less but on average 10 hours.

Dh asked what was wrong and I said my pelvic floor :(

evil as others have said, there is nothing wrong with feeding pouches but you have to do what you feel is right.

Just thought I felt and saw flutters in my pelvis????? This has been happening for a few days now? It's just wind. I can not possibly be pregant. I'm on the pill, we've dtd about twice. I've had a period!! Several in fact to feel flutters lol

PurplePidjin · 29/05/2013 22:16

Evil, why don't you serve him all his meals pureed and strained for a few days and see how he fares? Babies need strong muscles to be able to chew, swallow, talk, kiss, blow, drink, smile... All that shizz. How does he think you teach that on a liquid diet? There were people on dp's ward who had lost those abilities. Not pretty Sad

TheDetective · 29/05/2013 22:23

It's normal to feel flutters. You just don't notice them until you have had a baby! They were there before...!

It's wind. :)

I've been getting them for 11 years now. Grin

GTbaby · 29/05/2013 22:29

4weeks till I go back to work. With a couple keep in touch days Hmm
Thankfully only for 3weeks. Then summer holidays start. I am not looking forward to it at all.
Pls pls pls lottery start.

Elizadoesdolittle · 29/05/2013 22:32

I've been a SAHM since DD1 was born. My last day at work was November 2009. Jesus that sounds so long a go when I write it down! I was made redundant when preggers with DD1 but wasn't going to go back anyway so worked out well for me! WIll have to return to work eventually but fuck knows what I'll do. I worked in finance/banking before and don't want to go back to that as I want a nice stress free job. There is a waitrose opening on our high street soon and I said to DH last night I could good a nice little job there. He just laughed!!

TheDetective · 29/05/2013 22:33

Can't you be signed off GT because of the SPD?

BigPigLittlePig · 29/05/2013 22:50

Evil sounds as though he's being a bit of a nob tbh. Presumably he wouldn't consign himself to eating one brand of ready meals for the next however long perhaps he would, but it's daft

Chasing no. Just no.

Horsey flutterings here too. Defo wind though!

Pidj that's the most wonderful news, you must be over the moon. I'm delighted to hear some good news for you - it's long overdue.

PR I am a jack-of-all-trades general physician in training. Lovely level to be at, not too much responsibility, none of the dogsbody shite.

Kyzordz · 29/05/2013 23:11

missed the end of the last fred so will reply on this one. ..

thankyou all, you always make me feel better! I guess we did get off to a rocky start mostly because of my incessant worrying and paranoia but it was helpful to go back through my posts and see just how far we have come since we started!

det im not willing o to choke for the camera bless him but a video would be gratefully watched by me over and over to convince myself they are usually fine!

pass if e is anything to go by p will pick it up, I have learned and am still learning so much and I think the most important thing is not to get hung up on amounts. I am having to do this with bottles too. if e says 7oz is enough I leave him be, for example, and he will regulate himself. when I am no longer needed to go to work for mum and elyza is in a better routine ish I am dropping the df and going from there. it means 4 x 8oz will still be offered which should be plenty and I tenatively hope he will increase his solids in his own time, perhaps coinciding nicely with this. obv if he still needs his df I will give it back!

chasing as if you'd move in with them! !!! nutters.

evil why does he want n on them? he must realise n will need to eat real food sooner or later? does he not take real food well? I would keep offering it alongside what he is used to, he will take it eventually. think the key is to offer a variety, including the odd packet or jar or whatever if it suits you to, and see what n wants to do. keep it stress free and he will get there.

hey pp, that's fantastic news! woohooo!

I keep picking up those organix pots and other things, mostly fruit purees or finger food giant crisp things but I put them back again. can't hurt to try I guess!

also, when is 7 months? I know it isnt rocket science but I am confused as 6 months was 26 weeks not 24. alot of packety cereals or finger foods say 7 months but I dont know exactly when that is. mind you its not far off so im sure it would be fine, e is 29 weeks now.

LuisGarcia · 30/05/2013 00:30

Congratulations PP.

LuisGarcia · 30/05/2013 01:23

snotbucket spirit level L is not going to go to bed, is she? I'm in for another all nighter, aren't I?

Anyone who WWF's me please play a move if you read this.

itsnotyouitsMeals · 30/05/2013 01:40

I'm up with a snot bucket too luis. Don't usually mn in the night as am too cross eyed from tiredness to read. Sleep little people, sleep. Snot do one....

itsnotyouitsMeals · 30/05/2013 01:41

Congrats to dp pp btw

LuisGarcia · 30/05/2013 01:49

L is asleep. She's been mostly asleep since 7. She just howls and wakes everyone else up the moment she's not asleep on me. I am thankful for this. Really I am. Lookit how thankful I am. This is my thankful face.

I actually am thankful. J didn't sleep even this well and that was worse

LuisGarcia · 30/05/2013 01:51

holds Meals hand

LuisGarcia · 30/05/2013 02:28

I am thankful for my MIL. They have a bad rep but I really lucked out

StuntNun · 30/05/2013 02:34

Must be on the fifteenth wake up here so I'm joining the wideawake club.

OP posts:
LuisGarcia · 30/05/2013 03:00

I desparately want to pull off an amazing wwf move on you right now Stunt. I don't have one.

How is Magellannun coping tonight?

StuntNun · 30/05/2013 03:10

He's great Luis, he's in Sweden. He cracked up at the Magellan comment as well. I could have the best letters in the world and still not manage anything better than 'cat'. J is singing a lovely song about how great it is to be awake in the middle of the night. I wonder what's wrong with him. I have a horrible suspicion it's a tomato intolerance as he had pizza today. He sooked and sooked it then spat out a soggy piece of pizza base! It was very cute at the time. But now he's crying and writhing and very sniffly.

OP posts:
LuisGarcia · 30/05/2013 03:15

Poor J, and poor you.

YellowWellies · 30/05/2013 03:18

Helloooo Smile

Got offers to return to doing some freelance now but am going to wait until MA is over and then probably do 10-15 hours a week. I've informed my clients I intend to put my rates up 20% to cover childcare and they're cool with this. In reality I'm going to work these hours on evenings / weekends as I don't want someone else looking after Jonas him to accidentally eat dairy eating kids food at a nursery as they scatter crumbs everywhere just yet. I might go back 1-2 days a week once he's eating normally or I find somewhere I trust. I know I'm lucky to have this flexibility - I also know I can't work at home if he's awake - without either working or parenting badly as both need my full attention. Only one whinges for it though Grin Grin Grin

MM Did you apply for that job in NI? Would your qualifications be OK over there - given you trained in Scotland? Are you still planning a move?

LuisGarcia · 30/05/2013 03:20

Dilemma: Do I try one more transfer or do I break out the pringles?

ChasingDaisy · 30/05/2013 03:27

The answer is always Pringles Luis. Always. Whatever the question. What flavour?


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ChasingDaisy · 30/05/2013 03:29

Unsettled baby tonight. Coinciding with the introduction of wheat. Do I give him a break from it tomorrow or keep going?

LuisGarcia · 30/05/2013 03:33

There is only 1

Salt and Vinegar

ChasingDaisy · 30/05/2013 03:50

Nom. I love a Pringle.

I am thankful that my baby appears to love me so much that he will only sleep clinging on to me Hmm

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