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November 2012 - Lots of mummies going back to work

999 replies
OP posts:
fruitpastilles · 06/06/2013 13:40


fruitpastilles · 06/06/2013 13:40

Will I........

GTbaby · 06/06/2013 13:39

No fun with no one else to race with.

GTbaby · 06/06/2013 13:39

What timing. My new anti natal thread never gets finished. I go back and end them.

ValiumQueen · 06/06/2013 13:38

Fuck it, baby crying.

GTbaby · 06/06/2013 13:38

U n me VQ

GTbaby · 06/06/2013 13:37

Gogo. The race is on

ValiumQueen · 06/06/2013 13:37

I have sold three pairs of toddlers shoes today, pending collection.

ValiumQueen · 06/06/2013 13:36

I wonder who is posting a long heartfelt post, and who will feel utterly pissed off when they lose it due to mindless rumblings.... Been there, done that, know better Grin

ValiumQueen · 06/06/2013 13:35

I wonder who will get this one?

ValiumQueen · 06/06/2013 13:35

I haven't finished a thread in a while...

ValiumQueen · 06/06/2013 13:34

I did cry my eyes out at the end of season 4, just in case you think I am a sicko.

ValiumQueen · 06/06/2013 13:33

Pikz hope the dr is helpful x

Stunt series 4 of Dexter is the best! Best ending too. Wow! I so get the feeling teary and rejected with bf too, so big hugs. Thankfully with J I just had the 'I'm making him ill with my bad milk' rather than rejection Smile but you know he isn't rejecting you. He loves you, but something is not quite right in his world.

J has had a couple of tiny mouthfuls of chicken dinner. Not impressed. Hoovered down the pear again, and is demolishing a rusk, so he can eat, just doesn't like my cooking. Little sod.

PetiteRaleuse · 06/06/2013 13:30

Yes that Dexter is hard to watch isn't it. Brilliant season though.

PetiteRaleuse · 06/06/2013 13:29

Thanks! Could that explain the gross poo?

StuntNun · 06/06/2013 13:17

PR cheese and yoghurt are easier to digest than milk because the milk protein is partly broken down in cheese and yoghurt. They also contain less lactose.

Deffo no CMPI here thanks VQ, the ebm and formula milk's going down fine - it's the breastfeeds he doesn't want so I'm all teary and rejected. There's a sharp bit of tooth coming through at the top so I think it may be painful to feed plus it's a bitch getting the Gaviscon into him at just the right time during a breastfeed whereas when he gets a bottle it's premixed in. He's sleeping better today so hopefully tonight won't be so bad.

I did get to the end of Dexter season 4 which was pretty traumatic too! Don't want to spoil it for anyone that hasn't seen it but some of the content, amongst other things a ten year old boy being kidnapped (FFS I have a ten year old boy) was a bit difficult for me to process. I am full of admiration for John Lithgow though, what an impressive performance.

Many (((hugs))) for Pikz, sounds like you're having a tough time.

Don't forget to join the new fred, this one's nearly done!

OP posts:
ChasingDaisy · 06/06/2013 12:51


Yep PR it seems to be ok to comment on a thin persons weight. I am naturally small but used to look healthy. Now I don't. I am making an effort to eat more but I find it very difficult to gain weight. I think you are right in that it is a stress/emotional thing. I loved my body in the first few weeks post-pregnancy. I was carrying some extra weight, actually had boobs for the first time ever and I looked really well. Lack of sleep isn't helping. I know we always think the grass is greener but I would much rather be carrying an extra stone.

itsnotyouitsMeals · 06/06/2013 12:48

Sorry to hear of temp pr. stunt sounds very hard work. DD1 reverse cycled when I went back to work so I was working almost ft and up all night. Not fun.

vq I stress eat too and have two stone to lose. Also not fun.

luis was not sleeping just going mad with sleep deprivation. Am going to start logging wake ups to see if I can figure out what's going on. and go to bed before 1:30

pikz hugs.

Pikz · 06/06/2013 12:05

Thanks all. Had a good cry in car on way home from dentist to find DP has disappeared with LO I think to give me a break bless him.

Mouth completely numb but seems fixed. Am just exhausted after two nights with no sleep. LO is just so upset all night, going to get him checked over by doc this Arvo when I go for his gunky eye as am very worried how my 11/12 hour a night baby is not sleeping at all.

PetiteRaleuse · 06/06/2013 12:01

I think that feeling like you are too thin is as demoralising as feeling too fat. For some reason people seem to think that it is ok to tell thin people they look anorexic, or are too thin, and it is horrible to hear that.

PetiteRaleuse · 06/06/2013 12:00

VQ :o about not being let out of the safari park.

The temperature is slight, and she is generally just over 36.8 anyway. She spent about half an hour running round the garden earlier before the sun got too strong and it is very hot here, even in the house. I'm going to take my own temp and see if mine is slightly raised too.

I'd bet it is.

ValiumQueen · 06/06/2013 11:46

PR I think cheese is easier to digest than milk, but I may be wrong. I bet YW is in her garden again. Just when she is needed! That would not explain the temp though.


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ValiumQueen · 06/06/2013 11:44

(((((((((((((Pikz))))))))))) is there anyone in RL who can come and visit you? I am concerned x

Stress makes me fat. I have often been jealous of those who lose weight when stressed, but Chasing and PR have given me an important insight. At my thinnest I was frequently mistaken for a boy so bought chicken fillets for my bra. I was still mistaken for a boy from behind. The crew cut probably didn't help though. I am concerned now about going to the Safari Park as they may not let me out again.

PetiteRaleuse · 06/06/2013 11:41

Just realised something. The last time this happened with DD1 I was trying to wean her off formula milk and onto cow's milk. It cleared up when I let her drink formula again.

This week she has been drinking LO's formula as a stopgap as there are stock issues for hers. That could bugger up the digestive system couldn't it?

She eats lots of cheese though so I don't see why some dairy would be ok and not others?

Clarella · 06/06/2013 11:32

sorry if I've missed loads of stuff I really am the most sleep deprived I've ever been. however lo made progress from hourly wakes to doing a 3 hour stint an then two hourly last night Grin

I've found he's tiring every 1 and half hours in day and needs a nap or is getting over tired and over stimulated. cot is out at mo, wakes too soon in a state - sleeps longest in pram and seems happiest in sling so mixing and matching at moment. anyone else had this? wondering if early onset separation stuff?! anyway I actually think all naps in sling yesterday plus early bed time might have helped night time?

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