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November 2012 - Lots of mummies going back to work

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StuntNun · 29/05/2013 12:05

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ChasingDaisy · 30/05/2013 13:30

Oh yeah, my point was, stick to the sippy cup and I reckon she will get there quicker than you think. I was going to add 'if she's anything like O' - which of course she is Grin

FatimaLovesBread · 30/05/2013 14:02

Thanks for the advice about rolling on to her tummy when sleeping.
WRT cot height, have most people got cots with three heights? How far is the middle one down? As FIL made ours it's only got two and the second seems too low, he did mention putting a middle height in so might see about doing that.
M can sit up really well but can't get herself from lying to sitting just yet so we should be ok for a bit longer.

It seems today that M only wants to nap on me, so much for getting jobs done.

Is anyone not giving any baby type foods? So far we've only given normal food, by normal I mean food we eat either mashed or finger food. But I was wondering whether we should get any packet or jar type things? Is there any that we'd definitely need?

PetiteRaleuse · 30/05/2013 14:07

Since she's sitting and a good six months I would go straight to the lowest level. They can be quite surprisingly quick to pull themselves up from sitting to standing once they get the hang of it. She won't try and climb out but you need to be sure that if she does suddenly pull herself to standing she won't topplebover the edge.

Agh. Both kids wired, refusing to nap and my boss is calling soon.

MadamGazelleIsMyMum · 30/05/2013 14:09

What you're doing sounds fine fatima, I dont think there is any specific need to use baby food. DS has only had stuff I have made, but I might buy a few packets of things we wont all eat, just so he can try them and I can tick them off the sheet nursery need as he is supposed to have tried everything at home before nursery are happy to give it.

PetiteRaleuse · 30/05/2013 14:26

Oh and the feeding sounds fine. If she likes normal food I'd stick with it.

fruitpastilles · 30/05/2013 14:29

So far S has only had normal food, I have ordered some Ella's kitchen pouches on this weeks shop, just for when we are out and about as I think it would be easier.

Kyzordz · 30/05/2013 15:51

After everything I said yesterday I lost my cool at lunch and let myself get frustrated. Fucking dickhead. Me that is.

going to go and sob into a coffee and catch up with this mornings posts from you all :(

MadamGazelleIsMyMum · 30/05/2013 16:13

kyz dont beat yourself up. Some days it works, some days it doesn't. It will be ok. Thanks Brew Wine

Kyzordz · 30/05/2013 16:17

That feels better. I didnt shout at him or anything I just started to get a bit pleading, I don't usually try to encourage him to eat but I felt myself getting annoyed that he wasnt. Stupid especially because he ate loads after he had a yoghurt first.

spent ages pureeing today. Broccoli looks rank pureed! Least I finally got round to it though!

Baby food wise e enjoys the cereals. Only other thing I tried was a jar and he wouldn't touch it. Will try the organix fruit pots though. E usually has what we have mushed or in stick form. Plus hummus which is foul but he likes it!

Erm.... what else?

hope it goes well at the dieticians det

mm sounds like you feel like shite, hope you feel better soon

ChasingDaisy · 30/05/2013 16:18

kyz massive hugs.

Kyzordz · 30/05/2013 16:22

Thanks madam, I meant he ate loads that wasnt to do with me pleading. Sat him in his chair and he moaned and whined so I took him out after trying to get him to eat, he wanted his yoghurt 20 mins later because he saw it, then ate that and massacred lots of broccoli and a little courgette which is new to him, and ate butternut and parsnip with chicken, about 3 cubes I think! Not sure what the problem was initially.

Kyzordz · 30/05/2013 16:29

Thanks chasing. I don't deserve them.

sippy cup wise, I would keep offering it bplp. E can use his now very well when at first I had to hold it for him. He does it all himself now. He is distracted by it at first so I give it about halfway through his puree. I always start off by giving him puree then if he gets a bit whingy or distracted by surroundings often does he has sticks of stuff and then his sippy cup. F will get there with it :)

fruitpastilles · 30/05/2013 16:31

S is currently nomming scrambled egg and toast, the egg is a bit tricky for her to put in her mouth though, when she gets it in her hand she just squishes it so I have been helping her along, fingers crossed she won't have a reaction.
How is p now pass
kyz glad e had something in the end. I agree with broccoli looking vile puréed, cauliflower is the same.

Kyzordz · 30/05/2013 16:52

Shit yes pass how is p?

Fruit it does indeed. Ewww. I have pureed veggies separate to do various combinations in case I do something and he doesn't like the combo.

when do I move from pureed veggies as a ..'meal'? :s

PetiteRaleuse · 30/05/2013 17:08


I need to gve myself some assertiveness training.

TheDetective · 30/05/2013 17:12

Detective is Angry.

Apparently O doesn't have CMPI. Apparently there is no such thing as an intolerance. They are either allergic or not. And the consultant said O is not.

Angry Angry Angry.

There's more. But I'm sat on a bus and seething to myself.

She told me to give O regular formula. I told her over my dead body. Unless she was willing to care for him when he was in pain.

Fucking wankstain.

I am thankful I have the ability to contain my temper when I really don't want too.

O screaming throughout did not help matters really. DP was supposed to come with me but he bled from a fucking spider vein under his nose for 2 pissing hours instead Confused. He nearly ended up going to A&E because it just wouldn't stop and wasn't getting any less. Very odd.

fruitpastilles · 30/05/2013 17:14

That's what I have done kyz they are all in separate zip lock bags in the freezer and I just take a different selection out each time.
S has only had one bottle today, she refused her 11am and 3pm bottles. She took 8oz this morning and will take 9oz before bed, might up that one to 10 as she hasn't had enough milk. She has eaten though, weetabix and half a mashed banana for breakfast, nearly 5 cubes for lunch and scrambled egg and toast for tea (of which I don't think she actually ate much) should I be worried about lack of milk? I only gave her the egg and toast as she didn't have her 3 o'clock bottle.

TheDetective · 30/05/2013 17:14

*Don't want to. Not too. Stupid fucking iPhone making me look even more illiterate than usual. Hmm

fruitpastilles · 30/05/2013 17:16

Cross post det can't believe they said that, you will still be able to get his formula on prescription regardless of this though won't you? I fucking hope so.

TheDetective · 30/05/2013 17:19

Damn right I will be! I told her and she said fine if you insist. I said yes. I fucking do.

fruitpastilles · 30/05/2013 17:21

Good for you!

fruitpastilles · 30/05/2013 17:21

Not that I expected anything different Smile


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Kyzordz · 30/05/2013 17:28

Fucking hell detective that is shit as fuck! So o being in pain and very unsettled and refusing to drink is all just what babies do?

fruit im not sure about the milk, think it is 20 oz a day but I think she will probably adjust over a few days and balance milk with food

PennieLane · 30/05/2013 17:28

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fruitpastilles · 30/05/2013 17:31

Yes kyz I thought I'd read something on here about 20oz well if I give her 10 before bed that'll be 18, so it's only 2 off.

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