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October 2010, Here We Go Again

222 replies

LentilAsAnything · 01/01/2013 22:39

Hello, October Mamas!
Make yourself comfortable!

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TiredFeet · 31/03/2013 21:59

Wow a year already lentils! I think it takes a lot longer than that for somewhere to really start to feel like home though. And I completely get what you are saying about not putting down roots as much if you aren't sure how long term your stay will be. But it can be good to stay in different places for a bit and have the adventure, even if they never become home (well I am going to keep telling myself that anyway, as we haven't worked out where we want to settle yet!)

Happy easter everyone [busmile] we are on our way south after a lovely few days playing in the snow. No real pregnancy symptoms yet though which is starting to play on my mind (6 + 4 now, I definitely had morning sickness by this time last pregnancy).

Parents in law gave Ds marshmallows in an easter egg and he went completely hyper, it was all a bit crazy! He won't be having them again for a very long time!

LentilAsAnything · 01/04/2013 11:32

tf, I know it's a scary time, but worrying won't help! More likely than not, everything is absolutely fine.

Yeah, we are treating this as an adventure and not looking at it as a home. It can feel a little odd, it's not what most people do these days, but I think it's better to feel we can be at home wherever we end up, and that being a bit nomadic is good for our spirits! Where is home anyway? Where I grew up? I really don't like where I grew up, it never felt right for me. I will never live there again. I did love where I lived before we moved here, I was there for eight years, and it had the right vibe for me.

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Oodsigma · 01/04/2013 14:22

I hate that bit of pregnancy tired if its any help all mine were different and I got less sickness with each.

LentilAsAnything · 02/04/2013 18:47

One year anniversary of being in Germany. Where on earth does the time go?

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TiredFeet · 03/04/2013 10:43

Thanks ood that is a help, I think in my head I expect this pregnancy to be identical and am worrying about the differences, probably unneccessarily

lentils I hope you enjoyed marking the 1 year anniversary!

TiredFeet · 03/04/2013 10:45

Silly phone,was just going to say I have been living in same place for three and a bit years now and am starting to feel quite restless! I think it is because I don't want to move back to where I grew up (even though it is lovely) but I haven't yet found somewhere else that feels like home.

LentilAsAnything · 03/04/2013 21:12

Why don't you want to move back to your hometown? Where I was raised is very popular, property is pricey etc, but I just hate it! I think I'm all about the vibe of a place.
For me, I want to be free of feeling like a certain place is home. I want to release my inner nomad, and feel part of the land wherever we are. We are working towards being much freer of possessions too, really paring things down to what we need. I still have some ways to go before I am a proper minimalist, but we are headed in the right direction. I have two pairs of jeans, and one pair are now on their last legs, zip's gone, and I'm like, hurrah, chuck 'em, don't replace, and I am reducing my possessions slowly but surely. Actually, going to have a good chuck out session this weekend, I think.
That said, I am still listing after this amazing reusable Xmas tree I've found, hm, what to do! :)

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Oodsigma · 03/04/2013 21:15

I alternate between that & hoarding lentil Blush

LentilAsAnything · 03/04/2013 21:30

I used to have a lot of 'stuff'. But chucking loads of it out when we emigrated really felt freeing, and I do think it's right for me. Still working on it though, I am not as light of things as I would like to be, but the frugal careful me says 'hold on to that, it may come in handy'! So I am a little torn. I hate waste, and I hate wasting money. But I am now of the mindset of not buying anything unless I really need it or desperately want it.

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Oodsigma · 03/04/2013 21:36

I do the 'it might come in handy ' too. Current one is dh fault but we are accumulating wood for the burner ( when its fitted)

LentilAsAnything · 03/04/2013 21:51

And sometimes it does come in handy. And I do like an efficient, well-stocked home. But I also like a clear, tidy, clutter-free home!

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LentilAsAnything · 03/04/2013 21:54

Changing the subject, just wanted to share a cute-ism! DS speaks really well, he mostly has no problem pronouncing whatever I say, even long words, though L words are still mostly pronounced with a W sound, e.g. I wuv you. But my favourite mispronunciation is when I say 'okey dokey' he repeats 'onky donkey'! It brings tears to my eyes, it's so funny. Bless him!

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Oodsigma · 03/04/2013 22:05

Aww I love mispronunciations!

LentilAsAnything · 03/04/2013 22:23

Me too! What ya got?

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TiredFeet · 03/04/2013 23:19

Onkey donkey is brilliant Grin

I think I just don't want to move home because it would feel like that was 'it' , forever. The thought makes me feel a bit trapped. Its a beautiful affluent and well connected valley but I think there is something about living in a valley, that valley, that makes me feel a bit hemmed in somehow. I think I need a few more adventures before I can consider it!

TiredFeet · 03/04/2013 23:30

Can't think of any really funny mispronunciations, but ds did come out with the funniest sentence the other day "mummy I was a baby in your tummy and then I went POP out of your tummy and then we had a cuddle and then I had LUNCH!". No idea where he got it from either, I don't think we have ever discussed his birth!

LentilAsAnything · 03/04/2013 23:31

I'm going to say onky donkey from now on! Grin

I see what you are saying.

A valley does sound nice! Not sure where we will end up. I ideally would like a nice big detached property with land all around, with a beach a walk away (close enough to be able to carry a surfboard and SCUBA gear easily. Yes, I want a sea that's good for surfing AND SCUBA-diving!), and mountains the other side of the house, and woodland! :) Close to plentiful and wonderful amenities, but secluded enough to get lots of fresh air, and be able to see loads of stars.
I daydream on rightmove sometimes! Though we may well not even settle down in the UK. Think we have at least ten years of moving around though, at the minimum, all being well, and finances working.

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LentilAsAnything · 03/04/2013 23:32

Hahaha @ 'and then I had lunch'! They are so darned cute!

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Oodsigma · 04/04/2013 07:49

Not ambitious then lentil Grin

LentilAsAnything · 04/04/2013 12:39

:) I doubt such a place exists!

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TiredFeet · 04/04/2013 19:43

can I move there too please lentils??

LentilAsAnything · 04/04/2013 22:54

Of course! :)

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WaitingForPancakeDay · 08/04/2013 10:56

Roselisle on the Moray Coast Lentil. There's a wood, white sandy beach, seals and dolphins and whales, the cairngorms right behind you. Aberdeen and Inverness not too far a rise away for a touch of civilisation (although Aberdeen is 1000 times more cosmopolitan than Inverness).

DD called cardigans camels. She's been doing it for ages now and its kind of stuck, because I now call them camels too Smile. She cannot pronounce her S very well which means that snacks are nacks and thats been adopted too also calls tortillas nakes which also what snakes are. I can't quite see the correlation. She can accurately pick out a camel in a line up too!

TF, your DS's speech sounds fantastic! Such long sentences. My nephew was like that too. Fully lucid at this age. DD is like Lentil's DS and copes words really well. She's also recently started reading and singing along to familar stuff very well. There's the odd thing I have no idea about. This morning, she pointed to nothing in particular in her room and said what sounded like 'Catherine's there. I like Catherine' Confused .

WaitingForPancakeDay · 08/04/2013 10:56

rise?! drive!

WaitingForPancakeDay · 08/04/2013 10:57

sheesh! So many spelling mistakes!
Calls not called
Copies not cope

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