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October 2010, Here We Go Again

222 replies

LentilAsAnything · 01/01/2013 22:39

Hello, October Mamas!
Make yourself comfortable!

OP posts:
Oodsigma · 17/01/2013 05:56

Just seen that springflowers had a baby boy yesterday :)

SpectresandSpooks · 17/01/2013 07:18
LentilAsAnything · 17/01/2013 14:35

A fourth child?! Is she crazy! Oh wait! Wink

Congratulations, Spring, if you are reading! Well, congrats anyway, even if you're not! :)

OP posts:
Oodsigma · 17/01/2013 14:43
SpectresandSpooks · 18/01/2013 07:54

Random day off because nursery is closed due to the snow. Pah! I thought at 0630 when it wasn't snowing. 3 inches now. Will not be travelling oop north this weekend? No point being stuck in a long commute. dD currently clopping around in my work court shoes...

SpectresandSpooks · 18/01/2013 11:58

Might be my Scottish roots, and the fact that I have just scrubbed a turnip, but with this weather, I really fancy haggis, neeps and tatties. Just missing the haggis and its not the weather to venture out for unnecessary cravings!

FloozieTinsel · 19/01/2013 00:53

Congrats Spring! Am I right in thinking she had three girls prior to this?

I did survive the party, but only because I have some great mum friends and fellow parents at ds's school who mucked in and took over helped out when we were a bit behind with the setting up. And did loads of clearing up too. Seriously, women should rule the world. Everything would be sorted out within an afternoon.

Brilliant snow day today. Went sledging in the park with kids, then later on me and ds built a snowman (ok, I built the snowman while ds threw snowballs at me - he's not very good at making them so not much damage done Grin) and then had an organised snowball fight. I have to be honest, I was quite bah humbug earlier this week about the snow, but I really enjoyed it. It's much easier now ds is more stable on his feet. Have you had much snow in Germany, Lentil?

Oodsigma · 19/01/2013 08:56

Yes spring was similar to me with two older ones and the toddler. All girls.

LentilAsAnything · 19/01/2013 11:36

I don't know why 'I have just scrubbed a turnip' made me chuckle, but it did! :)

Not much snow here, you lot seem to be having more. Not fair! I moved to Germany partly because I thought we'd have lots of lovely snow. Germany is getting snow, just not so much in our area. Hopefully soon!

Glad you had a good party, FT, well,, survived it, anyway!

OP posts:
Oodsigma · 19/01/2013 11:56

I've no snow, though I don't mind as dh is driving home from work at 11:30pm and our roads aren't great!

SpectresandSpooks · 19/01/2013 17:41

We have about 7 inches, but round Winchester, all the roads have been cleared, so we went out today and, not haggis, but I had a lovely artichoke and spinach pizza. Sounds awful but it tasted lovely.

Well, it's not everyday you scrub a turnip is it?? Very puritanical as well, shades of Blackadder.... I've got a Macsween's veggie haggis. Apparently they now sell one for every 4 meat ones. My friend is Orcadian and has a great toasty oat recipe that I need to get off her to make it all lovely.

LentilAsAnything · 19/01/2013 21:49

I love artichoke and spinach on pizza! We have that a lot! Yum!

Am envious of all your snow.

Haha, yeh! Very puritanical! We have the Simon Howie vegetarian haggis from Sainsbos, it is fab! MIL is from the Outer Hebs and prefers it to the meat one. She never has the meat version now.

Ood, hope your DH got home safely.

OP posts:
Oodsigma · 19/01/2013 21:59

He's not finished yet but no snow still so we are ok.

What's in the veggie haggis?

LentilAsAnything · 19/01/2013 22:02
OP posts:
Oodsigma · 19/01/2013 22:09

That's what I hoped. Will have to look out for one!

Oodsigma · 19/01/2013 22:09

That's what I hoped. Will have to look out for one!

LentilAsAnything · 19/01/2013 22:21

Well, I've never had meat haggis so can't compare, but this one is lovely, we really like it.
We had vegan haggis as one of the options at our wedding meal! :)

OP posts:
SpectresandSpooks · 19/01/2013 22:42

Sounds like my kind of wedding Smile. Meat haggis (dredging up memories here) tastes overwhelmingly of pepper.

Hope your DH gets home ok Ood. How's DD3's oom?

Oodsigma · 19/01/2013 23:28

I've never had haggis in either form. V hungry now though.

Dd3 loves her oom. Keeps taking dd2 to play/read stories before bed but half way through turns the light off and says night night. Dd2 is just left sitting in the dark! She can't get in bed on her own so if she gets out someone has to put her back in.

Oodsigma · 19/01/2013 23:29

I've never had haggis in either form. V hungry now though.

Dd3 loves her oom. Keeps taking dd2 to play/read stories before bed but half way through turns the light off and says night night. Dd2 is just left sitting in the dark! She can't get in bed on her own so if she gets out someone has to put her back in.

LentilAsAnything · 20/01/2013 01:39

It is yum! MIL usually does it with baked beans and potato: a fab combo!
I've done it in pastry, which is how we had it at the wedding. It's all good!

Aw, DD2! :)

OP posts:
SpectresandSpooks · 22/01/2013 19:36

It's freeeezing here! Off to have a bath to warm up!


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SpringFlowers · 23/01/2013 01:43

Hello - I do have a baby boy - thank you for the messages! We didn't know what we were having and I'm quite surprised that it wasn't a girl. We've been shopping now so he does have some clothes Smile. My labour wasn't great, the worst of the lot but it was quick so that was good. So far (today will be day seven) he is very lovely, no bouts of crying at all and feeding well. And sleeping well too.

I would agree with Ood regarding the teenage years. It can be fierce here. I have girls who are 14 and 12 and it is hard work. Really tough sometimes. I'd rather a toddler any day!

It's lovely to read the new thread and catch up on everyone's news.

LentilAsAnything · 23/01/2013 19:28

I love a bath to warm up!

Hi, Spring, and congratulations again! Glad all is well with the little one and you. Enjoy your boy. xx

OP posts:
NoBusinessLikeSnowBusiness · 24/01/2013 00:01

It's FT here! Felt like a bit of a seasonal name change. It has been snow business too, very unusual for here. I've become a bit of a winter convert in fact (for proper winter). Aw, Spring, he sounds lovely. I watched Call the Midwife on catch up the other day and got a bit broody looking at the little babsies. However, the thought of having a two-year-old running around in three years or so definitely quelled the broodiness. She's lovely but oh my goodness. I do agree though that toddlers are probably less stressful than teenagers because at least you can pick them up and take them if necessary. I'm a bit fearful of the teenage years....

I wish I could give DD her own oom. She's currently not going to sleep easily at all and I think would be easier apart from ds as he now has a nightlight and she doesn't seem to settle while it's on unless she's completely shattered. To be fair, neither of them have had much outdoor exercise in the past few days, so she might be better tomorrow as it's dry and I'm off work and can run her ragged Grin.

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