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Do you think I should report this?

142 replies

ComeOVeneer · 17/05/2006 21:01

Haven't put this in "legal" as I don't think it warrants it. One of the parents of a child at dd's school (not in her class so I don't know them at all) comes to collect the child in their car. I notived that the tax disc expired June 2004 Shock . I was rather surprised they hadn't been caught but thought no more about it until I spoke to my father, who is a magistrate. He said I must report this guy as the car also probably isn't MOT'd or insured. Do you think I should or is it a bit "busy-body". I ask as my dad is becomimg a bit of a Victor Meldrew (?sp) these days.

OP posts:
Moomin · 17/05/2006 22:29

and i'm in a parallel universe?!

why should being a parent mean that i'm tolerant? tolerant of what? everything in the whole world?

Tiptoppop · 17/05/2006 22:30

"she's talking through her arse'

there you go again - making assumptions

i am a male of the species

close attention to my ridiculous moniker should have alerted you

moondog · 17/05/2006 22:31

I wasn't that interested in your provenance actually...Grin

cripcrappop · 17/05/2006 22:32

and me

Caligula · 17/05/2006 22:32

Actually, I did assume that you were male.

mrsbang · 17/05/2006 22:33

I wasn't making stereotypical assumptions - I have firsthand (professional) knowledge of some of the people who drive around with no tax (and no MOT, insurance, no licence or disqualified.)

Tiptoppop · 17/05/2006 22:34

i'm very happy for all of you

i am off to drive me car off a cliff

au revoir mes amis


expatinscotland · 17/05/2006 22:35

Bon debarras, Tiptop! :o

Caligula · 17/05/2006 22:35

Happy Motoring.

Good night all, I'm so irritated to have been deprived of sleep by this eejit! Grin

foxinsocks · 17/05/2006 22:35

as long as it is taxed Wink

ComeOVeneer · 17/05/2006 22:36

I apologise for my last post. It was rather petty. However I am shocked at how someone can post so strongly that I am the one in the wrong as opposed to the "law breaker" .

OP posts:
expatinscotland · 17/05/2006 22:38

Report 'em and be done w/it, COV.

I was once hit by a motorist w/no tax (it's called vehicle registration in the US). And of course, as had no proof of tax, had no insurance.

He made my life a misery and I was lucky I had my life intact at all, but my car sure wasn't intact anymore. Nothing 'positive' or 'zen' about it.

cheeseypeas · 17/05/2006 22:39

I still think it would be a good idea to report it annonimously through the school - asking them to let them know it's been noticed and they are concerned that the child is being transported in a potentially un-mot'd car. This would give the family a brief chance to get it sorted without all the heavy fines and potential licence points.

edam · 17/05/2006 22:43

Glad tiptoeblokeything's off.

If an uninsured driver runs you over and kills you, your family could be left with no redress at all. The guy who ran me over got away scott free, the creep (although luckily I wasn't permanently disabled). And he was driving a BMW and living at an expensive address so clearly not short of a bob or too!

Avalon · 17/05/2006 22:53

An uninsured, untaxed, MOT-less car was driven into our garden wall by a mother on the school run. She didn't bother stopping. (Was witnessed by other people.)

I got a quote today for redoing the whole wall - £2,376 ex VAT. No hope of getting anything off the driver.

ThePrisoner · 18/05/2006 00:14

Rumour has it (will check local paper in morning) that loads of cars in our town were clamped last Friday night because of having no tax, MOT etc.

It's all to do with everything being computerised now, so that The Powers That Be know everything about everything.

Isn't there an ad on TV that has been warning us about being "found out" this way?

Apparently, most cars will be home on Friday nights, so it's the ideal time to do it!

oops · 18/05/2006 09:33

ok, i have changed my mind- i would report it after having read all of the problems that can be associated with it.

cherryberry · 18/05/2006 13:47

Flippin heck,just put a note on their car saying you'll report them if they don't get any tax ok?Have you ever been a bit poor before?I'd give them a chance.

Bozza · 18/05/2006 14:00

I was hit by a an untaxed, uninsured, unMOTed car (while driving with my Dad) the day before my driving test. It took a lot of hassle and put my parents seriously out of pocket and involved having to go to court to get any redress as their car was written off. And my parents were far from wealthy.

Freckle · 18/05/2006 14:06

A bit poor since 2004? That's stretching it a bit. If you can't afford to run a car, don't have one. The laws are there for a reason and, if we let one person break them, shouldn't everyone be allowed to break them. And what is a bit poor? Too poor to tax your car, but able to use it for the school run every day?

If it were just a month or two out of date, I'd stick a note on, but nearly 2 years is taking the p.

heavenis · 18/05/2006 14:10

Report them. The car has not been taxed since 2004. No tax = no insurances. You can also put the registration number in on the dvla web site and it will tell you if it has been recently taxed.

ggglimpopo · 18/05/2006 14:17

Tiptoppop - you're not my xh are you? You've just reminded me why I divorced him Wink


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cherryberry · 18/05/2006 14:31

They're hardly not getting any tax because they are rich are they?Go on then be a busy body.

expatinscotland · 18/05/2006 15:03

Wow, cherry, I was far from a little bit poor when I was hit by a motorist who had no tax, and therefore no insurance. I was on my way to temp job. Getting hit by that asshole meant I wound up in bankrupcy court.

If I hadn't been able to pay the tax I'd have been walking or taking a bus.

I went from poor to bankrupt thanks to him.

happybebe · 18/05/2006 15:06

i agree with cherryberry give them a chance to sort it first before you report them put a note on the car, what is it with people sticking their noses into other peoples business these days? you have no idea what the situation is but instead of finding out (why dont you ask them???) you want to know if you should report them? well i dont think you should. people are too quick to report others without first giving them a chance and i think thats underhand.

i fully agree with reporting them however if you give them the chance to renew it and they dont.

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