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Do you think I should report this?

142 replies

ComeOVeneer · 17/05/2006 21:01

Haven't put this in "legal" as I don't think it warrants it. One of the parents of a child at dd's school (not in her class so I don't know them at all) comes to collect the child in their car. I notived that the tax disc expired June 2004 Shock . I was rather surprised they hadn't been caught but thought no more about it until I spoke to my father, who is a magistrate. He said I must report this guy as the car also probably isn't MOT'd or insured. Do you think I should or is it a bit "busy-body". I ask as my dad is becomimg a bit of a Victor Meldrew (?sp) these days.

OP posts:
Twinkie1 · 17/05/2006 21:37

Report it - fucker is using the road and hasn't paid to do so - I am such a saddo aren't I but I am soooo cross that we have let the lead slip and now they are winning!!!!!

And say he hits your car - he won;t be insured and that will be a nightmare!!

Tiptoppop · 17/05/2006 21:50

have you not got anything better to do than make someone elses life even more of a misery? just leave it alone for gods sake. put you energy into something more positive

what were you doing nosing at his windscreen anyway?

mrsbang · 17/05/2006 21:51

Report it.

As has been said, if they've no tax (from 2004 fgs) there is quite a high probability that they've "forgotten" the MOT and/or insurance.

This could have serious consequences for someone.

Tiptoppop · 17/05/2006 21:54

what consequences could have it for someone? could someone die? be impoverished? or merely inconvenienced?

wake up

there's a world out there - a real one.

SaintGeorge · 17/05/2006 21:56

Tiptoppop you don't have to stare at a windscreen to figure out that tax is out of date. The discs are different colours for every year so one 2 years old is a bit glaring.

There is nothing wrong with putting energy into being a law abiding citizen and caring about the community you live in.

maddiebean · 17/05/2006 21:56

Report it. This live and let live b*llocks makes me mad. It's not responsible, it's not fair and it's always the people who do the right thing who end up paying. Report it anonymously and go to bed and sleep well.


Caligula · 17/05/2006 21:57

Oh bog off triptraptrop, the real world is that it costs about £120 a year to tax a car and if that would "impoverish" someone, they wouldn't be able to run the bloody thing would they? And if they could do so only by having no MOT or insurance, then they are dangerous to other people on the road. People who are cavalier about things like insurance, MOT and tax, tend also to be cavalier about other road-user's safety - including our children's.

Wake up.

rummum · 17/05/2006 21:57

I'm sure the DVLA must know about this as if you don't renew your tax disc it must be sorn... Isn't there an advert at the moment... We Know Where You Are... or did I dream that!

SaintGeorge · 17/05/2006 21:59

They chase the registered keeper - that might not be the owner/user of the car.

If it is reported as spotted on the road then they can send an enforcement officer.

Tiptoppop · 17/05/2006 21:59

You dont have to put energy into being a law abiding citizen. You just have to go about your business and dont worry about what everyone else is doing or might not be doing or might have paid for or forgotten or whatever. What you are describing is a policeman. And unless you are one, stop behaving like one.

Colour coded tax discs indeed.

cheeseypeas · 17/05/2006 21:59

Have an idea...

I agree that the responsible thing to do would be to report it. You would feel bad if they did have a preventable crash because of a fault or cause an innocent party to suffer due to lack of insurance etc.

The only thing is, it's a shame that you have to do it through offical lines. Yes, is their responsability but my worry would be that they may have not done it because they are having financial problems. It would be a shame, if this is the case, to see the get stung and fined for being 'caught'. Think it can be about £1,000 now and possibly 6 points on your licence.

Slightly off-the-wall idea, but maybe you could phone the school anonamously and ask them to contact the family and tell them that their out of date tax has been noted and they are concerned that the child is being transported in an unsafe vehicle?

maddiebean · 17/05/2006 22:00

Tiptoppop, we're the grown ups, we know what the consequences could be if lack of tax means lack of insurance etc etc. Come on, how would you feel if they ploughed into your car and then said 'oh sorry no insurance, I'm not paying, what? you can't afford a new car, can't get to work now...well sooooooorrrrry....hmmmm.

maddiebean · 17/05/2006 22:00

Tiptoppop, we're the grown ups, we know what the consequences could be if lack of tax means lack of insurance etc etc. Come on, how would you feel if they ploughed into your car and then said 'oh sorry no insurance, I'm not paying, what? you can't afford a new car, can't get to work now...well sooooooorrrrry....hmmmm. It's boring but it is the REAL world.

maddiebean · 17/05/2006 22:01

Ooops, mistakenely sent message, thought I'd stopped it and then sent again....duuuur. Need to sleep and stop ranting! sorry all!

Tiptoppop · 17/05/2006 22:02

I wish I could know all about a persons character and intent just by the colour of their tax disc.

I'd make friggin millions

Moomin · 17/05/2006 22:03

yes i fully agree tiptaptop. so when i see a young lad being kicked in the head by a gang, or an old lady having her bag snatched, i shall put my hand up to the scene, jerry springer styley, walk on by and mind my own business. why can't everyone be more like us?

Moomin · 17/05/2006 22:03

or whatever your name is

SaintGeorge · 17/05/2006 22:05

No I'm not a cop, don't need to be. I own a car, I walk past cars every day, I have eyes.

I don't honestly care about their character or intent, they are brazenly breaking the law.

Now bog off.

Tiptoppop · 17/05/2006 22:06

if you are seriously equating someone not paying their car tax with an oap being assaulted then you are obviously living in some sort of weird parallell universe.

mrsbang · 17/05/2006 22:06


No MOT - possibility the car is unfit for the road (and yes I do know that having an MOT is not a guarantee that it is fit for the road).

No Insurance - financial consequences for anyone involved in an accident with an uninsured car.

If they've "forgotten" to renew their licence, have they "forgotten" to take their test? Or "forgotten" that they've been disqualified from driving?

All assumptions - not every untaxed vehicle is driven by someone of this nature - but far too many are.

ComeOVeneer · 17/05/2006 22:08

By Tiptoppop on Wednesday, 17 May, 2006 9:50:26 PM

have you not got anything better to do than make someone elses life even more of a misery? just leave it alone for gods sake. put you energy into something more positive

what were you doing nosing at his windscreen anyway?

Actually I take offence at your post Tiptoppop. I am not contemplating doing it to make their life more miserable (whose to say it is miserable atm anyway). Plus I wasn't "nosing at his windscreen", I just noticed it as I was standing behind my car getting the pushchair out the boot and happened to look in the direction of his windscreen.

OP posts:
Tiptoppop · 17/05/2006 22:08

"brazenly breaking the law"


good god

i wish i lived where you live


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cheeseypeas · 17/05/2006 22:08

My car is currently off the road because I can't afford to get it through the MOT, taxed and insured any more. But I've been sooooo tempted to use it for quick errand. I cant help but have a bit of empathy for people in a similar position. We get so taxed in this country,

ComeOVeneer · 17/05/2006 22:10

Tiptoppop are you a regular with a name change or just a trouble maker?

OP posts:
SaintGeorge · 17/05/2006 22:10

I'm bloody glad you don't live where I live. Far too tempting to punch you in the mouth.

Now go back under your bridge.

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