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Do you think I should report this?

142 replies

ComeOVeneer · 17/05/2006 21:01

Haven't put this in "legal" as I don't think it warrants it. One of the parents of a child at dd's school (not in her class so I don't know them at all) comes to collect the child in their car. I notived that the tax disc expired June 2004 Shock . I was rather surprised they hadn't been caught but thought no more about it until I spoke to my father, who is a magistrate. He said I must report this guy as the car also probably isn't MOT'd or insured. Do you think I should or is it a bit "busy-body". I ask as my dad is becomimg a bit of a Victor Meldrew (?sp) these days.

OP posts:
Tiptoppop · 17/05/2006 22:11

why are you contemplating complaining about it then? do you seriously think that your child's saftey on the road is any more threatened by him than by someone who has paid their road tax?

lots of wild assumptions being made here simply by the colour of a piece of paper

i'm sorry if you are offended by my post, but i think the type of lazy stereotypical thinking you display cant go unchallenged

ComeOVeneer · 17/05/2006 22:13

Sorry what exactly is my lazy stereotypical thining?

OP posts:
Tiptoppop · 17/05/2006 22:13

and just for the record i am neither a troll or a trouble maker or a non car tax payer

i am a parent who is trying, like all other parents, to do their best in this oppressive world.

we dont need it making more oppressive

find out who's car it is and offer to pay their tax.

try that one and see how you feel

might make their day - and yours

ComeOVeneer · 17/05/2006 22:14

"thinking" even

OP posts:
fireflyfairy2 · 17/05/2006 22:14

report the Bas##rd

How dare they think they can drive on the same roads we pay to drive down????

I hate people who do this... can't you call your local station and give them their licence plate?

foxinsocks · 17/05/2006 22:14


Caligula · 17/05/2006 22:16

Lazy stereotyping? Acknowledging the statistical correlation between dangerous driving and lack of insurance/ mot etc.? Are you mad?

ComeOVeneer · 17/05/2006 22:16

Then why is this your first post? And what makes you think I have the spare cash to pay for their tax disc?

OP posts:
Tiptoppop · 17/05/2006 22:17

no i am not mad

i do however do a lot of work for my local safety camera partnership

the statistics tell me that most people have accidents because they are going too fast

nothing to do with the colour of the tax disc, surprisingly

Moomin · 17/05/2006 22:18

funny that, i accused myself of living in a parallel universe on another thread only today - you are spooky.

Tiptoppop · 17/05/2006 22:18

it is not my first post, sherlock

ComeOVeneer · 17/05/2006 22:20

Pardon me I meant to say "this is the first thread your nickname appears on".

OP posts:
Tiptoppop · 17/05/2006 22:20

i'm not assuming you have spare cash for their tax disc

i'm talking about the gesture

what did John Major say ? "we should understand less and condemn more"

look where it got him

Caligula · 17/05/2006 22:21

Most people who have accidents are going too fast, but the people who are convicted of dangerous driving (which is different from having an accident), are more likely than the average driver, not to have insurance or tax. You should know that if you work in road safety.

ComeOVeneer · 17/05/2006 22:21

So are you saying that because of circumstances it is ok to defy the law of the land?

OP posts:
foxinsocks · 17/05/2006 22:22

I'm feeling a bit oppressed at the mo. Could you send me £50? It would make you feel so much better.

Berries · 17/05/2006 22:23

It's more a point that even if they have paid their insurance, it would be invalidated if they had not paid tax. Should you be involved in an accident with an untaxed driver and end up seriously injured (or dead) your dependants would get nothing from the driver. I personally would not complain about someone paying tax if it did not also mean they had no insurance. My sis was injured by an uninsured driver & it caused no end of problems for her which would not have arisen had the driver been insured.

Tiptoppop · 17/05/2006 22:24

yes yes yes

guilty of all charged

if the law of the land says i cant do something i promise not to do it


now i have work to do - goodnight

the lack of tolerance on here for a parents site is depressing me

fireflyfairy2 · 17/05/2006 22:24

Aside from anything else.... it is the law to pay road tax!!!! She should be ashamed of herself... motoring a poor child about in a car with no tax, possibly no MOT or insurance.

I still say report them The worst that can happen is they have to tax it..and it should be taxed anyway!!

foxinsocks · 17/05/2006 22:25

I think your motivation is quite sweet actually but sadly, in the real world, it doesn't work that way

ComeOVeneer · 17/05/2006 22:26

"the lack of tolerance on here for a parents site is depressing me "

The tolerance for what exactly?

OP posts:
Tiptoppop · 17/05/2006 22:27

motoring a poor child about with no tax ....

... and Daddy couldn't find any good brie on this trip.

I think I need to go for a walk to calm down .....


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moondog · 17/05/2006 22:28

Oh ignore her Ch.mum.
She's talking through her arse.
Yes,report her.

ComeOVeneer · 17/05/2006 22:29

Fine go walk of a cliff.

OP posts:
Tiptoppop · 17/05/2006 22:29

tolerance for everything my friend, in varying degrees

surprisingly, it's the only way tolerance can really work

a bit like freedom of speech

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