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Do we have a MN Christmas threads full house yet?

307 replies

CloseEncountersOfTheTerfKind · 20/12/2019 10:33

Another thread has made me realise there are so many threads/posts about Christmas stresses and angst, and the same things seem to pop up every year. Every single year! I think we need cards and a competition to see who wins Full House first...

DH went out for his works Christmas party and has not come home yet and it's 7am - where is he?

OP posts:
ArranUpsideDown · 26/12/2019 12:21

Half the problems on MN in the world would be solved instantly

Truth and non-reconciliation, MN style.

SmuggyMcKnobson · 26/12/2019 13:47

What's going to be the hot topic going forward though?
Everyone has fretted and stressed for weeks about:

What present to buy
What to put in the advent/Christmas Eve box
What to eat.
When to eat
Where to go

Today is full of threads about the absolute shite that people have received (with the notable exception of the poster with the unwanted rugby tickets - most excellent result) and what to do with leftover turkey.

I am hoping it quickly goes back to hen parties and destination weddings , but I guess we have to get through New Year first.

ArranUpsideDown · 26/12/2019 14:07

poster with the unwanted rugby tickets - most excellent result

Ooh, I've missed an update, must look.

New Year insensitivity with musings on the next decade is a good call.

What would be a good topic? There's a lighthearted economics tweet about the risk:benefit ratio of the holiday season that I would secretly like to see developed and written up using data from MN:

Many people each year look forward to the holiday season. Should they? After controlling for time spent with family, increased spending, and consumption, I show that the so-called "happy holidays" are no happier than regular days. The rest of this paper is organized as follows:

I use flight cancellations due to inclement weather as an exogenous shock to time with family

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 26/12/2019 14:10

AIBU to think I can lose 3 stone by the end of January?
AIBU to think £1000 gym membership is a bargain because I will be there every day this year? [two posts later OP admits never having set foot in a gym before]
AIBU to have bought all next year's Christmas presents already?
AIBU to expect DCs' Christmas presents not to be broken by Boxing Day?
Anybody else spending NYE home alone? So miserable
Anybody else spending NYE home alone? What a relief
Anybody else in bed by 9pm on NYE? So knackered
Anybody else in bed by 9pm on NYE but woken up by inconsiderate wankers letting off fireworks at midnight! So angry
AIBU to be fuming to see Hot Cross Buns and Easter Eggs on the shelves before NYE?

CrocodileFrock · 26/12/2019 14:13

The New Year threads will soon be up and running:

  • DH/DP wants to go out on New Year's Eve but I don't.

"He's so selfish! Send him out while you stay and watch something good on the TV."

  • I want to go out but DH/DP doesn't.

"Controlling arse! He's clearly trying to isolate you from your friends and family! LTB!"

  • The neighbours are having a NYE party and I can't sleep.

"Call 101 and get it logged. It's antisocial behaviour!"

  • The neighbours are having a NYE party and didn't invite us. They're having a BBQ too. I can smell it in my garden.

"Disgraceful! Never speak to them again".

"Won't someone think of the environment? That BBQ smoke will be polluting the environment!

"You don't want to eat BBQ food. There's 300 calories in every wisp of smoke that's wafting over your fence. Think of the obesity crisis!"

  • AIBU? Someone's setting off fireworks outside - at midnight!

"They should think of the environment! Passing birds could be killed by a stray spark! Or a badger might eat the firework remains off the ground and die horribly!"
ManonBlackbeak · 26/12/2019 14:23

There was one the other day who’s DP hadn’t come home from a work xmas night out, it was still very early when the Op posted and yet some of the comments were saying that he either shagging another woman or doing cocaine! Not the most likely scenarios that he’d either had too much drink and passed out somewhere or was waiting for a taxi!

Just lunacy!

IceCreamAndCandyfloss · 26/12/2019 15:39

What's going to be the hot topic going forward though

I’m guessing

How far my neighbours host a NYE party
Why didn’t he propose to me on NYE
Just realised I need to lose x stone and think I can in a week
Why aren’t the children back at school yet so I don’t have to parent

ArranUpsideDown · 26/12/2019 15:59

I was just going to post, "Shops are being unreasonable by refusing to deal with time-consuming returns and refunds until the sales madness slackens" and there's a thread on a similar topic.

Yes, to anticipating "How did I gain the holiday 10lbs when I merely ate 2.5 selection boxes a day with a slug of Baileys in every coffee I drank and snacked on trifle, PiB, and stuffing". Will this year's diet preference be Keto or has that burned out/likely to fall by the wayside as credit card bills fall due?

Have we had, "How do I recycle my Xmas tree?" yet with dodgy advice about woodchippers?

LolaSmiles · 26/12/2019 18:20

CrocodileFrock Grin

Can we add:

  • AIBU to think DP has ruined the proposal. He jokes about marriage and proposing and I keep thinking each occasion will be the day. On new years eve he was down on one knee when I turned around but it turned out he was tying his shoe! I was mortified in front of all our friends.

... 3 pages later after only replying to the people who've agreed...
Oh he has said all along that he doesn't want to marry and I've also said I'm happy not to marry, but he is stil unreasonable for not proposing to me because I do secretly want to be married.

  • Should I go no contact with (insert relative here) for (insert trivial reason here)
Andylion · 26/12/2019 18:38

Today is full of threads about the absolute shite that people have received (with the notable exception of the poster with the unwanted rugby tickets - most excellent result)

Does anyone have a link for the rugby tickets thread?

CloseEncountersOfTheTerfKind · 27/12/2019 10:06

I've not seen the tickets thread either .

May I share another absolutely rage inducing petty MN gripe with you? I have an urgent medical, possibly life threatening problem - I think I'll post in AIBU for advice on this? (bonus points if this is about a young child or baby). Oooh I also have a very tricky legal problem which requires specialist advice - the Chat topic is obviously the best place.


(Although of course I will receive the useful advice of seeing a solicitor for my totally free 30 mins consultation which will clearly fully untangle said complicated tricky problem. So there's that).

May I just say though, there are two topics which will always give you good and correct advice - The Litter Tray and FWR. It's OK to seek, and follow, advice from them Wink

Yes, am also eagerly anticipating the influx of NYE threads! I have a good idea to spend the time at New Year, shall we set up a splinter offshoot of MN and invite some people but not others? We could cause absolute mayhem! We mustn't forget to invite Justine of course. Manners.

OP posts:
HebeMumsnet · 27/12/2019 10:53

, OP Wink.

We were just popping in to say we'd like to move this thread to Classics.

Please no NYE offshoots though! (At least not until after 10pm, when my shift ends.)

GinNsnowmen · 27/12/2019 11:00


ArranUpsideDown · 27/12/2019 11:31


Keen sense of self-preservation there and you may need to cultivate that in 2020 if the new decade-apocalypse removes your favourite food items from local shelves!

I've yet to see my first PTB in the run up to NY but with so many wretched gifts and egregious behaviour over Christmas it can't be far off. (Variation on LTB which involves patios for those who don't quite recall this one.) And, despite the surfeit of food, there will be a some unfortunate near the end of her term somewhere for whom eating the last of the Yule Log feels like a PTB offence.

SmuggyMcKnobson · 27/12/2019 11:53

Just setting my alarm for 10pm Xmas Wink

CloseEncountersOfTheTerfKind · 27/12/2019 11:55

Classics! My finest MN moment

Hebe you are definitely on The Secret Invite List Wink

OP posts:
SmuggyMcKnobson · 27/12/2019 12:33

Just tried to find the tickets link to post but it seems the thread had been removed at OPs request.

VelvetSoft · 27/12/2019 12:40

What was the outcome of the tickets thread?

^^ shining example of being overinvested in someone else's Christmas drama, tick that off yer bingo yer bastards

ArranUpsideDown · 27/12/2019 13:22

What was the outcome of the tickets thread?

I may be wrong but the OP had learned (from her father) that her DP's gift to her would be 2 tickets for a sporting event in which she has no interest (but DP does).

Somewhat miffed and disappointed the thread title indicated that she was considering how she might express her disappointment in a wholly clear way.

Cue lots of advice about how to take it on the chin/respond when given the gift in public. Some cautious voices counselling that she should wait and see what happened on the day.

On the day, the gift was not sporting event tickets but a very thoughtful holiday with all details arranged (childcare etc. - iirc). The DP had known that the DF would not be able to keep a secret so had run a story to prevent the news of the holiday from breaking and ruining the surprise.

We3kingsoforientareandabump · 27/12/2019 13:35

This thread is the best!

At work on my own having a right good laugh at some of these Grin

Alsohuman · 27/12/2019 13:44

Delighted this is going to Classics. It’s the thread that just keeps on giving.

AllergicToAMop · 27/12/2019 14:18

Another one for the bingo.
No Christmas ring.

@ArranUpsideDown I honestly wanted to comment on that at the beginning for her to wait because it can be a joke or to throw her of the scent of the real gift. My gut was correct!
Wish it was this enthusiastic about lottery numbers😐


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ArranUpsideDown · 27/12/2019 20:18

it can be a joke or to throw her of the scent of the real gift.

Well anticipated there!

I see that we're into the, "Why does any woman have a DH because they're lazy/insensitive/self-centred" seasonal reflective period (with a light seasoning of a chap reflecting that about his DW).

As ever, there seems to be an absence of conversation around what people expect from each other for set piece events (or in general). I sometimes wonder if swathes of MN have taken Trappist vows of non-communication with partners/family. I wonder what Alexa would answer if asked these burning questions (before influencing your Amazon suggestions towards self-help books, parenting manuals or divorce guides).

Andylion · 27/12/2019 20:44

Thanks for the tickets thread update, @ArranUpsideDown.

AllergicToAMop · 27/12/2019 22:03

Don't forget the "I am sad because I didn't get anything after I said not to get me anything"

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