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Do we have a MN Christmas threads full house yet?

307 replies

CloseEncountersOfTheTerfKind · 20/12/2019 10:33

Another thread has made me realise there are so many threads/posts about Christmas stresses and angst, and the same things seem to pop up every year. Every single year! I think we need cards and a competition to see who wins Full House first...

DH went out for his works Christmas party and has not come home yet and it's 7am - where is he?

OP posts:
iklboo · 04/01/2020 20:25

We saw The Snowman live show when DS was about three. At the end, all silence, he pipes up 'Aww he's melted. Soooo sad'. Brought the house down Grin.

wanderings · 04/01/2020 20:15

Happy New Year! One last Christmas MN dilemma, before Twelfth Night, and some of us put the decorations away (the rest having done it on Boxing Day):

Is the ending of The Snowman too sad? Doing a search for this on the internet brought up a few very old MN threads (2005 or so), including a discussion of why the DVD is PG rather than U.

WeGoHigher · 30/12/2019 19:32

Some people can suck the joy out of anything

Hello, mother. Hello father,
Let's begin, the Christmas drama
I can hear the glasses clinking
And I think that we'll have fun if you stop drinking

Alsohuman · 30/12/2019 14:22

Someone’s asking if it’s OK not to let their child have their birthday and Christmas money to spend. Some people can suck the joy out of anything.

wanderings · 30/12/2019 14:10

This thread hasn't yet mentioned the ubiquitous blue lights used as decorations, which might be mistaken for the emergency services, or which look like the emergency services are in attendance. (For what it's worth, in the 1990s, German visitors to our house were horrified by the coloured lights everywhere, insisting that Christmas lights should only be white!)

LolaSmiles · 30/12/2019 13:58

Oh and what about nativity play threads?
AIBU to think school have teacher pets because the children who can speak clearly have narrator parts/ the children who can sing have singing parts? Really the teacher should cast the Nativity in a way that ignores the children's talents and also give my child the lead

AIBU to be annoyed that school is forcing religion on my child? We are atheist and have both suffered at the hands of such abusive institutions, but we sent our child to a faith school and now they're learning about the Nativity in December. Surely they should be teaching about paganism because Christmas isn't even Christian anyway.

wanderings · 30/12/2019 13:57

@CountFosco There are sometimes threads about MILs gifting things like bibles, prayer books, or Noah’s Ark toys, but I haven’t seen any Christmas threads about it this year!

ArranUpsideDown · 30/12/2019 13:54

And the one where a light hearted Christmas CFuckery with charming examples of packets of spices dated 1997 has nonetheless paralleled every dysfunctional family get together by starting in humour and spiralling out into verbal brawls.

We're so predictable. I haven't seen Snow Cats and Me - do you think they only show the cute and edit out family squabbles so other species and their social groups are really no better than us?

SmuggyMcKnobson · 30/12/2019 12:34

I am already liking the one where the OP says that she is reluctant to go because the host refuses to let anyone leave unless they are shit-faced (or WTTE).

I am quite interested to know how this works - is it a sort of reverse of the traffic cop making you walk a straight line?

Surely it is easier to feign drunkeness than sobriety?

ArranUpsideDown · 30/12/2019 12:07

Just in case this thread looks a little cynical - Tim Hayward:

You know what? Christmas is actually pretty good. It’s taken me over half a century to work this out, but I think, this year, I’ve finally learned the Real Meaning of Christmas
Our everyday lives are horrible, miserable, out-of-control and frightening and so we’ve evolved over the centuries, a perfect festival to counter this. Towards the darkest, coldest and most depressing point of the year we begin a process of slowing down..

after three or four days, even the most zealous groups begin to fragment. One or two will ‘leave’ - preventing actual death - and leaving the others to a period of contemplation in the ‘wilderness’ before the final ritual. [Thread continues with an uncannily accurate forecast of some NYE parties we shall probably read about on MN. I've already sighted, "I don't want to go because everyone will be drunk and fight."]

JohnnyMcGrathSaysFuckOff · 29/12/2019 23:31

Oh and what about nativity play threads?

Aibu that DS is not Mary, I mean he identifies as Mary so why is the school not validating him?

Aibu to bring my squawky 2yo to watch my bored shitless reception child being Fifth Angel On Right even though the email said no under 4s?

Aibu that I cannot film the entire production and put it on Facebook so grandparents can watch? Something about "safeguarding" but I call ageism in disguise Hmm

CountFosco · 29/12/2019 22:31

I can't believe no-one has mentioned the 'My proselytizing MIL insists on giving my children Christmas gifts about Jesus even though she knows I'm an atheist' threads. Or is that just my MIL me?

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 29/12/2019 18:47

NC ... Give it another go ... sadly all the old problems recur .. no alternative. Amy knew. Back to Block.

ArranUpsideDown · 29/12/2019 18:28

Oh I love that song by The Sweet.

But does it fade to black in comparison to Metallica's "Fail to Block"?

iklboo · 29/12/2019 18:25

Smuggy Grin

SmuggyMcKnobson · 29/12/2019 17:54

will MN have to provide NC facilities in the form of a 'Block Poster' button?

Oh I love that song by The Sweet.

ArranUpsideDown · 29/12/2019 17:38

How lovely - and I didn't even know I had a sister

You've suppressed the memory of the grey rock for so long that you may as well realise this has fossilised into NC.

How many MNers will discover the need to be NC with every friend and family member for 2020?

Will MN have to provide NC facilities in the form of a 'Block Poster' button?

IceCreamAndCandyfloss · 29/12/2019 17:19

Has anyone started a thread for tips on how to use up the turkey leftovers

Bit early yet given the MN chicken lasts a huge family for weeks, the turkey surely will still be going until Easter surely.

LolaSmiles · 29/12/2019 16:30

Of course you're not! My mum used to leave the half-eaten carcass and all the other Christmas foods uncovered on the dining room table for two weeks after Christmas until the last scraps were gone and none of us were ever the worse for it. No wonder we have so many allergies these days

SmuggyMcKnobson · 29/12/2019 16:13

Has anyone started a thread for tips on how to use up the turkey leftovers?

Yes. Many, many, many people Xmas Hmm

Of course you're not! My mum used to leave the half-eaten carcass and all the other Christmas foods uncovered on the dining room table for two weeks after Christmas until the last scraps were gone and none of us were ever the worse for it.

How lovely - and I didn't even know I had a sister Xmas Grin

Gasp0deTheW0nderD0g · 29/12/2019 16:02

I strongly recommend the Hairy Bikers' bang bang turkey salad recipe for next year. Makes a small amount of breast meat go a long way.

AIBU to eat leftover turkey four days after Christmas?

  • Of course you are! Any turkey not eaten five minutes after it came out of the oven should have been doused with Dettol, triple bagged and binned.

  • Of course you're not! My mum used to leave the half-eaten carcass and all the other Christmas foods uncovered on the dining room table for two weeks after Christmas until the last scraps were gone and none of us were ever the worse for it. No wonder we have so many allergies these days.
LolaSmiles · 29/12/2019 15:55

It's 29th December.
Has anyone started a thread for tips on how to use up the turkey leftovers?

I had 12 people over for Christmas, have been eating turkey for days and probably still have enough left for tonight's tea if anyone has suggestions. I hear MN turkeys are like mythical MN chickens.


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LittleBearPad · 29/12/2019 13:17

The threads about is it too early to take down the decs are in full swing now.


Take them down, don’t take them down. Make your own decision! You’re an adult

Sorry - rant over

SmuggyMcKnobson · 29/12/2019 10:52

Well I was hoping not to have to come back on here, but I need to let you all know that I am fucking outraged - outraged I tell you.

I have been browsing MN this morning and it appears that there are these things called "sales" on immediately after Christmas, and all of the lovely gifts that you splashed out on have had their prices slashed. SLASHED.

When did this become a "thing". Is it maybe regional? Xmas Smile

really only posting to ask why I don't appear to be on The Secret Invite ListXmas Sad

JohnnyMcGrathSaysFuckOff · 29/12/2019 10:15

12 pages and I cannot believe all you neglectful bastards forgot the Xmas office do threads!!

  • aibu not to go to my office Christmas do? I am the team leader and everyone else has clubbed together to pay for my meal but it involves socialising with workmates Sad one of them is my DH, but still Sad

My officemates have bullied me horribly throughout the year, including locking me in a cupboard and posting photoshopped images of me on the co. website. Wibu to leave the office party a couple of minutes early?

OP: oooh I think I embarassed myself at the works Xmas do.
MN: oh, it's okay we've all been there.
OP: yeah, thing is, I sort of broke into my boss's office and crapped on his chair whilst filming it on his webcam and then sent it to our global client distribution list.
MN: oh, um.
OP: also, teensy bit awks, he's my DH. But everyone does it, right?

Aibu to be outraged that my work Christmas party invited me along/ didn't invite me/ wanted me to pay 50p towards the cost of the meal/ expects me to stump up for a the Fat Duck when I am on NMW/ had an office party next to my desk whilst ignoring me?*

* that last one is genuinely real Xmas Shock
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