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to wonder why Obama isn't running for president

342 replies

TheoriginalLEM · 22/03/2016 21:06

just that really.

he seems like the best man for the job

OP posts:
Owllady · 22/03/2016 22:00

My autcorrect is joining in. Enjoy
She is psyched :o

Ineedtimeoff · 22/03/2016 22:01

Then Marty McFly bursts in and shouts "Nobody puts Boris in the corner." That really did make me laugh out loud.

Fluffyears · 22/03/2016 22:01

If you are a former president you can still use that title. So if Hilary gets elected both her and her husband can use the title 'president Clinton' which is weird.

carabos · 22/03/2016 22:01

Presumably the OP is in a corner somewhere wearing a dunce's hat? Hmm Confused Shock.

lostincumbria · 22/03/2016 22:02

This has me doing shock and grin alternately! How old are you?!

True story: The Madness of King George III had to drop the "III" for the movie because the producers thought too many people would think they'd missed parts one and two.

RudeElf · 22/03/2016 22:02

Big Bush

to wonder why Obama isn't running for president
SuburbanRhonda · 22/03/2016 22:02

I think Michelle wants him back.

And who could blame her Blush

lostincumbria · 22/03/2016 22:02

Winks at gert.

RudeElf · 22/03/2016 22:02

Wee Bush

to wonder why Obama isn't running for president
Donge13 · 22/03/2016 22:03

My first Biscuit and Shock at the stupidity of the op

RudeElf · 22/03/2016 22:03

Bill Clinton

to wonder why Obama isn't running for president
Sprink · 22/03/2016 22:03

The term limits voted in after Roosevelt's presidency* had less to do with the job being taxing for health and more to do with Republicans not wanting a Democrat in the office of president for such a long time.

They regretted this mightily when Reagan could easily have been elected to a third term if that law hadn't been in place.

*Franklin, not Theodore (his uncle), who was also President.

RudeElf · 22/03/2016 22:03

Hill Clinton

to wonder why Obama isn't running for president
lostincumbria · 22/03/2016 22:03

Big Bush

Little Bush, cardboard Bush?

Sprink · 22/03/2016 22:04

*cousin, not uncle! Feck.

SuburbanRhonda · 22/03/2016 22:05

They were both cardboard Bush, lost

Owllady · 22/03/2016 22:05

Hill and billary are cousins?

lorelei9 · 22/03/2016 22:06

Thomas, loads of us have referenced West Wing....

SewSlapdash · 22/03/2016 22:06

Grin cumbria

ample · 22/03/2016 22:07

Some folks may not know how a president was elected but surely they can tell the difference between Bush father and son - and Clinton husband and wife??
Farking hell. This is highly entertaining and somewhat disturbing.

Watch or read the news!

Sprink · 22/03/2016 22:08

Also, President John Adams was father to President John Quincy Adams.

President William Henry Harrison was grandfather to President Benjamin Harrison.

Had it not been for the assassination, Robert Kennedy would probabl have become President like his big brother John.

Basically, America has been governed by the same 6-10 families for centuries now.

Tangfastics · 22/03/2016 22:08

This thread is the funniest fucking thing I've read on MN for ages.

It may have restored my faith Grin


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AGazeofRaccoons · 22/03/2016 22:10

Bartlett for America, all the way. Matt Santos close second.


Did you know the Santos character was based on Obama when he was still a senator?

BestIsWest · 22/03/2016 22:11

Love this thread. I was coming on to say No, wait! but remembered I was shocked only yesterday to discover Benjamin Franklin was never president so what do I know.

Sprink · 22/03/2016 22:11

If you are a former president you can still use that title. So if Hilary gets elected both her and her husband can use the title 'president Clinton' which is weird.

Fluffyears, that's not technically correct. Former presidents are formally styled by the last office they held before being elected President, so Bill Clinton is properly referred to as Governor. Hillary would be Senator, I imagine, rather than Secretary of State (possibly because that's appointed, not elected.)

Don't let the movies and ignorant media fool you.

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