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to wonder why Obama isn't running for president

342 replies

TheoriginalLEM · 22/03/2016 21:06

just that really.

he seems like the best man for the job

OP posts:
ample · 22/03/2016 21:30

Term limits. See The West Wing for further details.

Wish we had term limits.

PurpleDaisies · 22/03/2016 21:30

If I lived in the US I'd vote for that Colonel Sanders bloke off of the Chicken adverts.

Vote Bartlett all the way in this house.

Owllady · 22/03/2016 21:31

We're the two George Bush's ever seen in the same room at the same time though?
That's the decider for me

Owllady · 22/03/2016 21:32


LimitedSedition · 22/03/2016 21:32

There's that Bill Cljnton Air Traffic control story- Air Force one is requesting clearance to land 'The President of the United States is about to arrive, and she's bringing her husband with her.'

Waltermittythesequel · 22/03/2016 21:34

Owl Grin

lostincumbria · 22/03/2016 21:35

Exactly Owllady, exactly.

lertgush · 22/03/2016 21:35

Obama's actually quite popular again, relatively. His approval ratings are over 50% which is higher than most presidents at this point in their presidency. I don't think in the UK you see much of the good news, but actually economic growth is good, unemployment is very low, wages are starting to rise, interest rates are very low so mortgages are vaguely affordable, Obamacare is actually helping a fair few people (including me). It's not all hunky dory but it's a lot better than it's been for a long time.

ChameleonCircuit · 22/03/2016 21:36

if we're going for fictional characters, can we have a "Vote Fitzgerald Grant" group? Because I'll join! Grin

Owllady · 22/03/2016 21:37

Doc Brown was an actual real person you know, friends with George in the 50s

RudeElf · 22/03/2016 21:37

I think an exception should be made for Obama. He seems quite nice. Grin

lurked101 · 22/03/2016 21:38

Well never have I seen a AIBU that displayed this level of ignorance.. Jesus wept.

lertgush · 22/03/2016 21:38

I think the more interesting question is this.

If Trump is the Republican nominee (likely) and loses to Clinton (likely) AND as a result of his nomination the Democrats regain the House and Senate (people are starting to contemplate this as vaguely likely) then will they make Obama a Supreme Court justice?

Unlikely but fun to contemplate.

PurpleDaisies · 22/03/2016 21:39

Do you really rate fitz chameleon? I think he's sleazy. I actually prefer mellie.

ample · 22/03/2016 21:39

Fitzgerald Grant running a country? Noooo.
Bartlett for America, all the way. Matt Santos close second.

lurked101 · 22/03/2016 21:40

You know, its only been the law since FDR and such, people didn't know there were 2 Bush presidents?

And you people feel qualified to comment on anything? Flipping hell time to leave...

SurferJet · 22/03/2016 21:40

I don't know much about American politics but what has he actually done? I've heard him described as the most useless president ever.

wasonthelist · 22/03/2016 21:40

I am quite surprised that people didn't realise there George bush & George w bush are different people!

Surprised? - I am fucking terrified.

lostincumbria · 22/03/2016 21:42

Sorry lertgush that's far too intelligent for this crowd.

Some people on here think Americans could be fooled by one man pretending to be his son to get re-elected.

RudeElf · 22/03/2016 21:43

Some americans would be fooled

ample · 22/03/2016 21:44

Having a good larf at two Georges vs one Grin Grin

Ohfourfoxache · 22/03/2016 21:45

IIRC Roosevelt was elected 4 times, but he didn't complete 4 terms in office - he died during the 4th term and Truman took over.

It was decided after that that, as the job of President is so taxing, there would be a limit of 2 elected terms per person partly for health reasons. But that's from GCSE Hostory so could well be wrong or misremembered Blush


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Tangfastics · 22/03/2016 21:45

Well this has cheered up my evening!

cdtaylornats · 22/03/2016 21:46

The 22nd amendment (made law in 1951) set the 2 term limit, maximum 8 years in total. George Washington did 3 terms and some others tried but failed to get elected.

lertgush · 22/03/2016 21:46

I don't know much about American politics but what has he actually done? I've heard him described as the most useless president ever.

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