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Center Parcs & Anal sex

289 replies

shadyl · 16/01/2012 20:22

So for the past 4 years I've been badgering DH for us to go to Center Parcs. He's been reticent on account of it being 'naff' and 'like Butlins but with trees' I disagree but anyway...

Eventually we went to Center Parcs, Longleat over the Christmas period (it was great) and I noticed that he had packed a tube of KY but didn't think anything of it. So we get back home and he makes some silly joke about 'no bumfun' despite 'my promises'.

Now there is no way in hell anything is ever going up my back bottom so I questioned what he meant (assuming he was joking). And he said that "according to Mumsnet" Center Parcs =anal sex. Apparently I had told him this over 4 years ago.

I have no memory of this link between Center Parcs and anal. Can someone confirm that there is a Center Parcs/anal meme in the same vein as nice ham?

Anyway, I got the hump.
He claims he was joking and made it all up because he thought I would find it funny
It's all too weird and I'm still a bit offended. Can't tell if I'm being oversensitive and it really was all a joke or whether he really did think that bum-business was on the menu.

OP posts:
noluck · 17/01/2012 16:36

Dear beloved Mners, I have just splattered the computer screen with my tea...haven't laughed so much in this thread...still sniggering about "parcs, parcs...."

MrsMicawber · 17/01/2012 16:53

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SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 17/01/2012 17:43

For the poster who asked - My DH says he wants to take me up the OXO tower for Valentines Day.... It's a classic.

SpecialBranch · 17/01/2012 19:04

Thanks SDTG, that was me.

I rather assumed it was in Classics but I couldn't be arsed I was too busy at the time to check Grin

noluck · 17/01/2012 19:51

Oh yes please Mrs. M get the next
flight into Switzerland :)

iklboo · 17/01/2012 20:04

Heard the theme for their next ad is going to be 'Bummer Loving' Grin

PlentyOfPubeGardens · 17/01/2012 20:06

DS (looking over my shoulder): why are you reading about Center Parcs? Are we going there?
Me (stifling giggles): no ...
DS (who went once with DSis's family): we should go, it's good. It's not like Butlins, you can do what you want. You're not persuaded into anything.

LineRunner · 17/01/2012 20:15

Professor Brian Cox is currently on about black holes, for those with a low fnaaarrr threshold.

caramelwaffle · 17/01/2012 20:19
Sparkletastic · 17/01/2012 20:22

Just when I think I should cut back on MN I fall in love all over again....

LineRunner · 17/01/2012 20:24

I mean, what are the chances?

Tomorrow, Professor Brian Cox is leading a 'turn off the lights' night, and a discussion of the possibility of alien sexual experiments life.

Or loife, as Dara would chortle.

weevilswobble · 17/01/2012 20:49

Funniest thread i've read. Really laugh out loud!

fridakahlo · 17/01/2012 20:50

I've been howling with laughter and tears in my eyes!

weevilswobble · 17/01/2012 20:50

Hello Elephantsandmiasmas. You didnt reply!?.........

Zorra · 17/01/2012 20:52

Maybe he figured that as he had finally done something you desperately wanted after four years of badgering you might return the favour?

So, so hopeful Grin

VikingLady · 18/01/2012 13:41

Hmmm... DH told me last night that there were some good deals on for weekends at CP..... I think a little talk may be in order......


UterusUterusGhali · 18/01/2012 14:14

This is the most MNy thread ever.

Cantthinkofafunnynickname · 18/01/2012 15:07

u lot are lucky

I dont have a patrner so no Centre parcs or anal for me :(

LineRunner · 18/01/2012 18:57

Jeeesus I just finally read the Observer this morning and apparently Margaret Thatcher was up for a bit of the old Centre Parcs.

Waxtart · 18/01/2012 19:09

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LineRunner · 18/01/2012 19:26

Apparently Margaret Thatcher would 'open the backdoor for negotiations with the IRA' on Dennis's birthday.

According to the Observer.

BobbinRobin · 18/01/2012 20:07

Can I just say that it's threads like this that put the willies up me when the 'One Accidental Click And It's On Your Facebook 'LIKE' History' debacle took place last month.

(Thank you for rectifying the situation, MN Towers.)

That is all.


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piratecat · 18/01/2012 20:17

rofl @ LadyGahGah's 'slightly off Centre Parcs'


Waxtart · 18/01/2012 20:31

Was "putting the willies up me" an intentional pun? Either way Grin.

toddlerama · 18/01/2012 20:47

I've only been to CP once for a spa day. Later, when I was washing our cossies at home, I found a hopeful condom in DH's swimming trunks pocket. How I laughed...

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