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Low-carb diets

Week 4 - Summer Low Carb Bootcamp - Wherein we totes commit

440 replies

BigStickBIWI · 19/05/2013 23:49

OK. It has come to my attention that there has been a lot of slippage going on over the last few days

Low carbing is not a very forgiving way of eating. It isn't like following a low calorie diet, where one meal or one day can compensate for another.

If you're low carbing then you have to commit to low carbing all the time.

Once you reach your target weight, then this isn't necessarily the case, but whilst you're losing weight, you really do have to keep your carbs low. If you don't, then all you're doing is constantly messing with your blood sugars.

And, if you have a massive increase in carbs, you are constantly re-filling your glycogen stores, which means your weight could go up by as much as 7lbs. And you're stopping your body shifting from carb-burning to fat-burning, because you're having to deal with all those pesky carbs.

So, here is the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness for you to confess all

Let's make sure that we really commit and get shot of that weight.

OP posts:
FurryDogMother · 25/05/2013 14:38

I'm still here, although back home, where there are no scales, so will be putting myself down as STS until I get back to the UK on June 21st. Just wanted to say that the 'one-hour-window-where-you-can-eat-anything' low carb diet mentioned up-thread is the Carbohydrate Addict's Diet - wouldn't work for me, but some people have success with it.

Just ate a couple of whiting fillets (I was freezer diving and found a mystery bag from the fishmongers) baked with garlic, parsley and Parmesan with cream. Really yummy - apart from the little bones, which were a pain. Had some lambs lettuce and 3 cherry tomatoes with it. MIght have a couple of hardboiled eggs for a snack later.

BigStickBIWI · 25/05/2013 14:39

I have a wifi signal, just so you all know ...

OP posts:
IShallWearMidnight · 25/05/2013 14:41

Blush thought I might have got away with the confession as BIWI was away Wink

middleagedspread · 25/05/2013 14:42

Yikes, she'll soon be back with her carb free Limoncello & a big boot shaped stick.

JaxTellerIsAllMine · 25/05/2013 15:10

BIWI, enjoy your holiday, dont wifi. Grin

TreeLuLa · 25/05/2013 17:21

Ok so had a bit of a shock yesterday - was one of the first on the scene of a fatal collision between pedestrian and car and was quite shaken up. I am trained in 1st aid and tried to help but sadly he was past help :(.
I had 2 glasses of wine when I got home (first drink in 3 months).

kiwigirl42 · 25/05/2013 17:38

hope you are ok TreeLuLa - can't imagine how distressing this must have been. Think you well deserved the wine.

I've just made a lovely curry with just chicken fillets fried in coconut oil, 2 tsp of Bart''s Mussleman paste (spicy ie cinnamon etc rather than very hot) and the water off a can of coconut water. Simmered until reduced then added a bit of double cream and coriander (love Waitrose frozen chopped coriander). Was really tasty with boiled cauliflower and cabbage dripping with butter.

I'm saving the thick part of the water for a paleo dessert which involves melting a few squares of 85% Lindt and mixing with said coconut to make a yummy concoction.

Will be my treat tomorrow as I've been really strictly sticking to this diet since I begun, except for one Mr Whippy cone which I found overpoweringly flavoured with vanilla but really enjoyed. Amazes me how fast your taste buds improve once sugar is not masking everything you eat.

JaxTellerIsAllMine · 25/05/2013 18:46

oh treelula, hope you are ok. No wonder you had some wine, must have been such a shock. Sad

TreeLuLa · 25/05/2013 19:00

Yes, was very sad and also horrifying. I went into 'autopilot' mode while I was there - it really all hit home when I was driving home afterwards. Keep having flashbacks, but not as bad this morning as last night so hopefully will soon stop happening.

Despite the wine I have kept to it today and yesterday, and also made it through another birthday party today without giving in to crisps, cake or sandwiches.

Abouttime · 25/05/2013 23:28

Hi everyone. I'm a long time lurker & I'm finally ready to join.

I've 2 stone to lose, tried every diet going & think this is the one for me. I have PCOS, IBS & high end of normal fasting blood sugars & a sister with type 1 diabetes.

My biggest problem is that I'm a very, very fussy eater & drinker. I also have a sweet tooth that I just cannot get control of.

I don't like tea, coffee or plain water only fizzy flavoured water, coke zero, Pepsi max, & orange juice. I really struggle to drink much of anything I don't like because it makes me gip :(

The same goes for food. I hate mushrooms, broccoli, courgette, cauliflower, Parmesan cheese, fat on meat except chicken skin, olives & lots of other stuff.

Basically I love cereal, rice, pasta, cakes, fruit & all the other bad foods.

I do like eggs but can't eat lots of them or I feel sick. Mayonnaise & butter are ok.

Please help me. I work p/t and have no access to a microwave etc, 2 dc & a partner.

JaxTellerIsAllMine · 25/05/2013 23:28

yes I understand the autopilor mode for trauma. Is there someone you can offload on mentally.

I know that, especially in the case of serious injury, flashbacks are quite common. Sending you a big hug, because it isnt an easy thing to do - and move forward. I know that probably reads as being callous, but the 999 people I know use very dark humour to get them through, otherwise it becomes an emotional nightmare for them. Not that they dont 'feel' of course they do, but they have learned to switch off as much as possible after their shift. Sad

MrsHerculePoirot · 26/05/2013 09:12

treelula that sounds horrible - hope you re feeling a but better today. Big hugs.

abouttime welcome. You will probably find that in a few weeks time actually you do like lots of those things you think you don't like now. It is amazing the things I eat now I am not just filling my plate with beige carbs (plus lots of things taste nicer smothered with butter or cream!). Read through all the info on the spreadsheet, especially the rules and plan thoroughly. If you are cooking carbs for others it is easy to adapt your meals, but you have to be organised! Make sure you have lots of snacks in the early days (low carb obvs) to have if hungry and you have to drink enough water (fizzy or still). It is a great woe!

maidofmuss · 26/05/2013 09:18

treelula think jax is right - hope you are doing okay and the flashbacks are stopping. Sending hugs

about welcome! I'm new to this diet too (started on 29th April) but you will get lots of support. Sounds like you will need to force yourself to drink water though - maybe you cd squeeze in a tiny bit of lemon or lime at the begeiing to give it some flavour while you go through the first few days of carb flu and wean yourself off the pepsi? See what some of the long-time bootcampers say...
Are you starting tomorrow?

Am away for a few days, prob no wifi (or scales, dodgy or otherwise). Will def keep sticking with it even if STS as feel body shape is slowly changing - haven't eaten bad carbs (no crisps, cake etc) but know I've had a bit too much wine over last couple of days (and nuts) and the odd bowl of ff total with bit of vanilla paste and strawberries, which feels like a decadent treat. Still not missing rice or pasta at all...

Have a good day/bank holiday!
The pork stroganoff from the recipe thread is fabulous by the way - had with courgette strips sautéed in butter two Evesham in row - delish!

maidofmuss · 26/05/2013 09:28

evenings even... (!)

CiderwithBuda · 26/05/2013 09:37

Treelula - hope you are ok today. It sounds shocking.

Abouttime - welcome. I suggest having a really good look at all the rules and resources linked to. Check out the recipe thread too. If you really don't like so much of the stuff that you mentioned you might really struggle. You will need a menu plan that you know you can stick to. Your really sweet tooth is a result of sugar addiction. And it will go but it will be hard initially. And you will need to drink lots of water which sounds like it might be a problem. How about making up a jug of water and adding a few slices if lemon and/or lime and keeping it in the fridge? You could maybe have a few bottles of it on the go too for when you are out and about.

This way of eating will really help you but as BIWI said in her OP it's not a very forgiving way of eating. You do need to commit to sticking to it or your cravings will still be there. And you won't lose weight.

I think if I were you I would spend this week stopping all the sweet drinks as that alone will be tough. And cut out as much other sweet stuff as possible. Or maybe it would be better to go completely cold turkey. I suppose only you know how determined you are! There is a supplement you can get from holland and barret that helps with cravings - I think it is L-Carnitine.

Good luck. Keep posting. Lots of support here when the going gets tough.

Busy day planned here. We are having all the white gloss paintwork redone at the moment and decorator has done spare room and a few doors on the landing. I need to put spare room back together, repack airing cupboard and then start clearing out main bedroom so he can start that tomorrow. DH also wants to tackle our overgrown and mossy driveway today. BBQ for dinner.

B - a cold sausage so far! About to have yoghurt and flaxseeds.
L - maybe a fry-up or smoked mackerel and salad
D - BBQ. Bought lots of nice prepared kebabs etc from Waitrose yesterday. Nothing sugary obv. All low carb. Will have with salad.

HeirToTheIronThrone · 26/05/2013 09:42

tree that is awful, I hope you are ok

30th birthdays party last night - damage report is two ciders and a handful of pretzels, so I think it could be worse. All lovely LC BBQ meat and homemade coleslaw apart from that. As of yesterday I was 0.8 of a lb from the next stone bracket, so am off for a long walk :)

maidofmuss · 26/05/2013 09:42

Good advice from MrsHP there
Agree totally about the planning - I'm much more organised about family meals now and try to do things everyone will like and that I can eat (without the potatoes/rice etc). Eldest now loves celeriac and cabbage, which I may not have served before thinking would get wasted. Waiting for youngest to develop a passion for veg but only likes peas, carrots and sweetcorn, which I'm avoiding, and cauli cheese!
about do you dislike all tea? I don't like black tea like pg but get through a lot of Jasmine, camomile etc and am trying to develop a taste for redbush - may be worth trying?
Good luck with it / first few days are hard but it does get much, much easier if you stick with it !

maidofmuss · 26/05/2013 09:48

And from cider!
heir that's great - I'll be dancing round the room when I finally get below 12st mark....
Hope walk does it!

NewStartNewStory · 26/05/2013 11:15

treelula what Jax Said. Take care of yourself.

couch25cakes · 26/05/2013 11:41

Hello all
My dinner on Friday was lovely, the food was yummy and low carb, I resisted the chic mousse but not the wine alas :(

Yesterday I felt really rough but stayed on track. I had a bit of cheese for breakfast (before going back to bed) and then had roasted veggies, chicken and chorizo for lunch. We went out for curry so had lamb chops and a paneer shaslick which was delicious.

Today I had scrambled eggs with cream for breakfast and no doubt will carry on finishing off the chicken and chorizo for lunch. We're having a BBQ later on, which should be nice and easy.

I'm officially weighing in tomorrow but the scales show a 5lb loss today which I'm delighted with.

BlackAffronted · 26/05/2013 11:54

Where's the recipe thread?

decaffwithcream · 26/05/2013 13:19

Recipe thread doesnt seem to have made it into the new low-carb section so you probably need to do a search for it. I just use the low-carb section of the mumsnet recipe section (under the food tab) - loads of the recipes have been put in there.


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MrsHerculePoirot · 26/05/2013 13:21

recipe thread here

If you think any are fab please add them as proper individual recipes in the recipe section - and rate them! They are much easier to find on a phone!

kiwigirl42 · 26/05/2013 15:43

Hello everyone

all going fine here - eating left over chicken curry with cauliflower and cabbage. Surprisingly yum without rice etc. In fact, I don't even miss it.
The only thing I think I miss is a nice, unladylike hunk of cake but funnily enough I'm surviving without it!

Quite like the Lidl greek yogurt I bought. Not quite as nice as Total but for the price difference I think I can cope with it.
The only cheat I do is putting a tsp of honey in my yogurt so once thats in there is hardly any difference

CiderwithBuda · 26/05/2013 17:20

Long hard afternoon in the garden cutting back the overgrowth along our driveway and clearing up the debris and moss. Two years worth of everything. Lost count of how many wheelbarrows I filled and emptied. Good workout although I will ache tomorrow.

Kiwi girl - the honey really won't help to kick sweet cravings! do you really need it?

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