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Low-carb bootcamp

Jan '20 - Week 8 Low Carb Bootcamp - Springing into March

188 replies

StuntNun · 02/03/2020 05:59

How has everyone got on this week? It's time to weigh-in and update the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness. We had a few newbies joining us last week so a quick reminder to ask any questions you might have. This Way of Eating really works but sometimes it can be hard to see the wood for the trees when you're in the middle of your weight loss journey so let's keep motivating each other.

OP posts:
prettybird · 02/03/2020 19:44

Maybe then it's just a case of following this (tasty Wink) WoE for a while and not even checking bothering about the scales. That will give you a chance to get the health benefits, hopefully stop you from being borderline diabetic, stop you from feeling hungry if you're eating enough fat Wink - and just enjoy it. Watch your shape rather than the scales. You might be pleasantly surprised Grin

Look at the scales again in a few weeks - but for the moment, just relax.

absopugginglutely · 02/03/2020 19:57

Hi all, still limping along here with the odd blip.
It’s hard to be as motivated when you hover around your target weight I’ve found. However, I love this WOE so am 99% still on board.
3L water
2xcream coffee
B:smoked mackerel with half avocado
L: buttery swede, roasted cauliflower and mozzarella
D: left over beef Bolognese with swede mash on top and a bit of grated cheddar with gravy and FLGV.
Well done on all the losses!

CheddarGorgeous · 02/03/2020 20:29

I have lost nearly 1lb which I am really happy with. Smile Down to my lowest BC weight and lowest since June last year. So even though my overall loss is minuscule I am pleased I am sticking it out.

I made a half hearted attempt to lose weight last year but gave up when the scales didn't move. So I'm really happy I have better staying power now.

CheddarGorgeous · 02/03/2020 20:33

@PinkSubscriber I did Bioprint a few years ago - description here and it changed my shape a bit (got rid of saddlebags, kept my sticky out belly) but I did it in conjunction with exercise and LC.

It can be £££ but sending it to you in case you are interested.

SophieRay · 02/03/2020 20:41

Hi, can I join you? Started today after reading loads yesterday. Starting weight 13s 4. Managed 2 litres of water today, should be having 3 for my weight but considering I wasn't having at all I think that's quite good going for day 1. Had 3 cups of green tea and 2 cups of camomile as well.

B: 2 x baby bel lights (only had lights in, but bought the original ones now)
L: 3 x eggs scrambled in butter with mushrooms and corned beef (and absolutely delicious Smile)
D: 2 x beef burgers with cheese melted on top with green veg - the green veg did have peas in and green beans, so need to choose a bit better going forward with this

Is it food with less than 3% carbs that are classed as low carb, or 4%? From what I read yesterday I wasn't quite sure. It's going to be the red wine that I miss the most.

BIWI · 02/03/2020 20:43

Welcome @SophieRay!

Anything that's around 3-4% should be fine.

SophieRay · 02/03/2020 20:51

That's great thanks BIWI Smile

ShagMeRiggins · 02/03/2020 21:13

Struckinstressville it’s always nice when the lurkers come out.

In my experience it helps to post on the thread, even if you don’t share menus (I never have, really). Sometimes the conversation is fun or motivating or inspiring.

Glad you said hello.

MrsBertBibby · 02/03/2020 21:23

Hello noobs and lurkers!

ShagMeRiggins · 02/03/2020 21:26

Pink you’re pear-shaped. Honour it. Celebrate it. Dress for it. Accept it. Acceptance and celebration makes life so much better.

Cheddar’s link might be helpful (thank you, Cheddar) and do look into it, I certainly will.

I’ve always envied pear shaped women because have massive tits, no area, and the stomach has been my problem area since puberty. I can’t change it. I have to work with it.

I do dress for it, though. Photos in a minute.

And a big howdy to everyone I meant to reply to. The Hormoaners are kicking off a bit so I’m in emotional limbo at the moment. Hmm

CheddarGorgeous · 02/03/2020 21:53

I lost half my tits along with my saddlebags so you know, swings and roundabouts Grin

NoOneCaresInRealLife · 02/03/2020 21:56

Hi all, no change for me this week but I think I've been over doing the coffee with cream, I started with 1 in the evening but lately I've been having 3 over the course of the day! Also I'm keeping well within my carb allowance but have gone over on my protein.
But on the positive; celebrated end of work campaign on Friday night- all staff, free bar and fast food type buffet - I stuck to soda water and had a couple of sausages! My staff only ever see me in my 'work clothes' but I wore fitted top, fitted trousers, sparkly boots and got my make up and hair done. I loved all the comments of how well I looked and the MD said to my daughter, "mammy has a very young face" chuffed to bits considering I'm 50.
I really love this woe. Good work all

ShagMeRiggins · 02/03/2020 22:29

Haha my next worry is how the hell am I going to maintain this loss.

Understood. But think about living in the present and not putting energy or worry into the future. This is GREAT advice and I believe in planning, but I don’t believe in future worry. I am trying to live by this idea. #zen

NoOneCares what a fab night you must have had! One question—you mentioned your “carb allowance”—you’re doing well but are you counting carbs? If that’s what you do, so be it, but Bootcamp isn’t about carb counting.

Actually, I do wonder generally whether some of us are replacing calorie counting with carb counting. I might have mentioned this before.


ShagMeRiggins · 02/03/2020 22:38

Pictures of how a simple change can make a difference to how we appear, regardless of problem areas.

Embrace your shape, make friends with it.

ShagMeRiggins · 02/03/2020 22:40

WTF, technology? Hope this works.

Jan '20 - Week 8 Low Carb Bootcamp - Springing into March
Jan '20 - Week 8 Low Carb Bootcamp - Springing into March
NoOneCaresInRealLife · 02/03/2020 23:48

@shagmeriggins yes, I probably have! I know but hard to change habit of a lifetime albeit with a different item Hmm.
Great pics for showing the difference a belt can make.
I have a mummy tummy so for me I wore a peplum top that clinched in my (now 5in smaller Shock) waist and hid my tummy at the same time.

ShagMeRiggins · 03/03/2020 00:04

Stop counting.

Do Bootcamp.

Peplum rocks.

StuntNun · 03/03/2020 07:31


Your BMI is 22 so weight loss will be slow this close to your ideal weight. So while it's frustrating for you not to have lost weight for a fortnight, it doesn't necessarily mean you're doing anything wrong. Since you've already lost 10lb this year we know this way of eating works well for you.

When you're close to goal the things that help with weight loss are:

  1. Checking your portion size
  2. Increasing your fat macro
  3. Introducing intermittent fasting
  4. Giving it more time

Number 1 is often necessary because we get used to eating a certain amount of food and we can keep eating that amount out of habit. The way to check this is to serve yourself a smaller portion than you're used to - the old diet trick of using a smaller plate can help here. Then wait 10-20 minutes after eating and see whether you're still hungry.

If your food diary is typical then it doesn't look like you're eating too much although it is possible you aren't eating enough. It's difficult to tell without getting you to weigh and measure your food though. I will say that I achieved my target weight eating 1800 calories per day although I am a little taller than you at 5'6".

When you're close to your ideal weight you won't be using up body fat at the same rate as before so you need to increase the proportion of fat in your diet. We need fat to burn fat. You could add double cream to your yogurt, make sure you've got an oil and vinegar vinaigrette or mayo on your salad, choose higher fat meats, and make sure you've got oil or butter or your veggies. Some people use bulletproof coffee (coffee with butter and coconut oil) at this point as a way of increasing your fat macro. As with number 1 the only way to check your fat intake is by weighing your food for a few days.

Intermittent fasting, i.e. skipping breakfast, can help get the scales moving again.

There is often a pause at certain weights where we just seem to get stuck for a few weeks or even months. If you're in an extended stall then only time will make a difference.

In your specific case Pink I suggest giving up the sugar-free jelly as artificial sweeteners can cause problems with weight loss. If you're looking for something sweet then how about a herbal tea such as Buttermint or Licorice? Also the cream is potentially an issue, not the quantity but the frequency could be spiking your insulin through the day. You could reduce the frequency of dairy intake or you could introduce intermittent fasting to further reduce your insulin levels.

Hope this helps.
OP posts:
HerRoyalCarbyLess · 03/03/2020 07:34


Breakfast: natural yoghurt
Lunch: cheese, tomato and chorizo crustless quiche
Dinner: homemade chicken and soup.

venusandmars · 03/03/2020 07:41

B - boiled egg with butter
L - cheese and avocado salad
D - salmon wrapped in parma ham, broccoli, butter, tomato Oven roast in olive oil.

One of the things I find really helpful is posting my food plans on here. It makes me think in advance about where I'm getting my fats and good veg from and stops me from making panic decisions munching crisps or biscuits and cheese

CaptainofmyownShip · 03/03/2020 08:13

Hi Everyone 🙂

I've been following this thread for about four weeks and have really benefited from the tips (such as drinks loads of water) and have found it very motivating to KOKO when nothing seems to be happening on the scales, or they've shown an increase!

My story is that I had about a stone to lose. It had crept on gradually over the last three years and I felt I've reached an age whereby if I didn't do something about it, my weight trajectory would be steadily upward. I started Keto / Low Carbing on 27.01.2020. The first couple of weeks were tough with Keto flu but the early weight loss spurred me on. As of today I've lost 10lbs plus 3 ins off my waist! My goal now is to shift the remaining 4lbs.

After reading what others on here are eating I've often thought I'm eating too much 😶

B: Low carb banana waffles with blueberries and a generous dollop of thick double cream. 2 x coffees with double cream
E (Elevenses): Decaf coffee with double cream. 1 square of Lindt 90% Cocoa dark chocolate
L: Boiled egg. 1.5 Heck pork sausages. 4 x Plum tomatoes. Handful of raw spinach. Olive oil & Cyder vinegar (pre-prepped to have on the go)
D: Low carb fish casserole on a bed of sprouts & mushrooms. Broccoli. Followed by decaf coffee with double cream

Plus loads of water & fruit teas

I used to drink 1 to 1.5 bottles of white wine over a Friday Saturday and Sunday evening with dinner... I didn't drink any alcohol for the first three weeks and now buy 2 x mini (airline size) bottles of white wine, one for Friday and one for Saturday evening and tbh they knock me out!

So a big thank you to everyone on here. I love reading about everyone's progress 🙂

Btw what us NSV?

CheddarGorgeous · 03/03/2020 08:23

NSV = non scale victory i.e. when the scales are stuck (STS) but other things get better, like lower blood sugars or smaller body measurements.


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HerRoyalCarbyLess · 03/03/2020 08:24

I don't know why that says chicken and soup. It is meant to be chicken soup.

NSV is non slimming victory

Doilooklikeatourist · 03/03/2020 08:29

NSV = Non Scale Victory , eg sliding into a pair of jeans you struggled into last time
I’m about the same as you , want to lose 10 -14 pounds , and have a bit of a wine habit ( haven’t lost as much weight as you though ) I’ve given up wine for the last 10 days , and though I do fancy a glass or 2 at the weekend , which used to start on Thursday 😀 I get over it
Water is a good habit to get into though , and after a couple of weeks it’s just natural to go to the cold tap and pour a glass

Glittercandle · 03/03/2020 08:50

Thanks for all the Wahaca advice - good to know I have some options (even though limited). Seems DD isn’y totally stuck on going there so may go elsewhere!

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