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Low-carb bootcamp

Jan '20 - Week 8 Low Carb Bootcamp - Springing into March

188 replies

StuntNun · 02/03/2020 05:59

How has everyone got on this week? It's time to weigh-in and update the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness. We had a few newbies joining us last week so a quick reminder to ask any questions you might have. This Way of Eating really works but sometimes it can be hard to see the wood for the trees when you're in the middle of your weight loss journey so let's keep motivating each other.

OP posts:
Almahart · 02/03/2020 12:53

So sorry @TheClitterati take good care of yourself as that must have been a horrible shock

prettybird · 02/03/2020 13:06

Just realised that last night when my dad commented that it looked like I'd lost weight (hadn't seen him for 2.5 months), he was absolutely right: I'm over half a stone lighter than when I saw him in mid December Smile

ShagMeRiggins · 02/03/2020 13:10

Really sorry about your loss Clitterati and about your wrist HerRoyal Flowers

Since my first post I’ve had a nice bath, hair wash, and put on the whole shebang meaning my usual self of being well-groomed with some makeup and a fab outfit. Lifted my spirits no end as the weekend was me slumping around unwell and I must remember that taking the time for self care always lifts my spirits, be it like this morning or with a workout or a walk or a beautifully planned and executed lchf meal.

The sunshine helps immensely and I met friends for a quick coffee, which is always a boost when feeling low.

Very impressed by everyone’s progress, inspired, even those who have gained or lost because they KOKO.

Fasted this morning so about to have either Greek salad or tuna salad on spinach for lunch, then a chicken stir fry with ALL the veg this evening, though I’d like to find a way to fatten up my portion (other than with sesame oil). Hmmm...


venusandmars · 02/03/2020 13:35

Shag what a difference a bit of sunshine makes. I had an hour long phone call this morning and we agreed to do it while each of us was out walking. I was by the sea with the wind in my hair, the sun on my back, and gloves to protect my frozen fingers. But it was so much better than just sitting in my office. But have to be honest and say there was no fab outfit and no make up.

Do you have mayonnaise on your tuna salad? Add an avocado? How about some snack olives before your chicken? You are eating the chicken skin aren't you? I take it off half way through the cooking, crisp it in the oven and eat it before dh gets a look in

@BIWI oh yes, I so agree about February. I've always hated it and it seem that the majority of bad things in my life have happened during that month. The worst thing though is that once every 4 years they add an extra day!!! Imagine how much better we would feel if the leap year day was in June? And extra day of summer rather than an extra day of miserable winter. That Julius Ceasar knew nothing about the psyche!

DiscontentedWoman · 02/03/2020 14:11

Weight headed back downwards after a brief increase (TOTM related I think). Off to drink some water Grin

BrassicaBabe · 02/03/2020 14:26

I agree with your thoughts on self care shag. I felt so rubbish the last month I couldn't even be bothered to take my vitamins tabs (calcium, vit d, magnesium etc). Working from home there was no need to make myself presentable. I spent days in jeans and a hoody. Maybe even the same hoody! Grin

Been for my run. (Horrible but done now). Here is a photo of the daffs on my drive to add to our shared celebration of March!

Jan '20 - Week 8 Low Carb Bootcamp - Springing into March
DiscontentedWoman · 02/03/2020 14:29

Beautiful @BrassicaBabe! We've a few snowdrops up but that's it. Although the nights feel very much like they are getting lighter

prettybird · 02/03/2020 14:38

I posted this picture on Friday on FB as a conscious antidote to a dreich and dismal February day: the flowers on our Nigra cherry visible evidence that spring is springing. Flowers

Jan '20 - Week 8 Low Carb Bootcamp - Springing into March
Rshard · 02/03/2020 14:52

Another one who’s glad to be in March. We even managed to get out to a NT place yesterday and enjoyed the blue sky and sunshine. And then dh slipped on his arse in mud which was hilarious - I checked he hadn’t hurt himself before I laughed

Jan '20 - Week 8 Low Carb Bootcamp - Springing into March
Elpheba · 02/03/2020 15:38

I’ve definitely been slipping a bit- only lost a pound in the last fortnight. It’s definitely the water and being a bit more flexible with the rules so I need to GET BACK ON IT!
I’ve got three weeks til we’re on a special holiday (hopefully- coronvirus dependent I guess) so I want to make sure I’ve done the best I can do before then. I’d like to lose half a stone before we go.
KOKO everyone- and water!

Glittercandle · 02/03/2020 15:39

I’m going to the theatre with one of my DDs on Saturday. I had thought about Wahaca for lunch but it doesn’t seem to be at low carb friendly - anyone been and can recommend what I could have or an alternative place to go around Covent Garden /Strand. Thanks

BigJonn · 02/03/2020 15:48

Thanks @BIWI I'm really enjoying this and through experimentation I am eating some fabulous and interesting stuff.
Shiritaki pasta with bacon, left over roast chicken, harrissa spices, spinach and double cream or full fat mayonnaise! Garnished with some grated blue cheese is a regular favourite.

venusandmars · 02/03/2020 17:04

Gosh glittercandle that does look like a difficult menu choice, I'm sure there must be an easier place to go where you have a wider sest of options. The only thing without tacos, beans and rice is their grilled chicken / sea bream / steak. You could ask for no rice and add in tenderstem broccoli.

ShagMeRiggins · 02/03/2020 17:08

I’m really appreciating the photos of signs of Spring.

Also appreciating the “more fat” advice from venus. Plus, Julius Caesar lives in Italy—different sense of seasons the bastard and different effects in the psyche. Wink

DrJonn great job. Join the chat if/when you’re ready or able. Keep enjoying your food.

Brassica self care is something each of us should schedule into every one of our days. I used to roll my eyes at the idea of “pamper yourself” or “do something just for you!” because it sounded a bit wanky and American, but actually it makes a world of difference and there are so many options as to how it is executed.

Take care of yourselves, Bootcampers. Oxygen mask goes on you first, then you will be better prepared to help others when/if necessary.

ShagMeRiggins · 02/03/2020 17:12

glitter Mexican food is lovely and a real downfall of mine (well, Tex Mex).

I know Wahaca prides itself on being authentic, and it’s delicious, but in many parts of Mexico there are loads and loads of fresh fish options and no wraps or beans or rice, for example.

Would you consider calling the restaurant to discuss your preferences in advance?

PinkSubscriber · 02/03/2020 18:01

I’d be grateful for comments on what I’ve eaten today pls as I mentioned up thread I’ve not lost in the last fortnight.

I’m short 5ft 2 and I know I weighed 130 at start of the year I’m now 120.3. Haven’t gone down a size yet but clothes definitely more comfy.
My target is 118.

B. ff yog with 2 tsp of seeds
L. 2 black farmer sausages with salad and 4 olives
D. 3 chicken drumsticks tossed in olive oil & Tabasco swede brussel sprouts

Sugar free jelly 1 tsp cream

2 coffees each 1 tsp cream
3l of water

BIWI · 02/03/2020 18:11

@Glittercandle we were at Wahaca last week! I had the bavette steak, without the green rice and had a portion of the broccoli instead. It was lovely.

BIWI · 02/03/2020 18:14

@PinkSubscriber You only have a very small amount to lose so it really will be slow at this stage.

It's difficult to comment without seeing the size of your portions, but it does look like you're not eating very much - just 4 olives?!

Are you keeping your fat levels up? Why only a teaspoon of cream on your jelly?

I would also, if I were you, knock the jelly on the head - it's full of artificial sweeteners, and that isn't great.

Almahart · 02/03/2020 18:32

@BigJonn that sounds delicious

Loving the extra light even though it’s freezing

Dinner is going to be cauliflower rice kedgeree, really looking forward to it

PinkSubscriber · 02/03/2020 19:01

Thanks BIWI. The jelly is a recent thing normally I have half a 25g bar of dark chocolate.

I actually thought I might be eating too much and have been trying to be strict but I’m often hungry.

Could I have another coffee with cream and perhaps a snack? I’ve been out and got pork scratchings and I’ve hard boiled some eggs.

BIWI · 02/03/2020 19:07

If you're often hungry then you're not eating enough! And probably not enough fat!

Doilooklikeatourist · 02/03/2020 19:16

Go @BigJonn , that chicken mix up sounds lovely
@TheClitterati, sorry to hear of your friend , we heard this weekend the death by sudden heart attack of a chap in the village , only 58 ( younger than me )
Had a good day , made a lovely breakfast omlette , bacon , mushrooms and cheese , DH was off today , he’s decided he likes omlettes now ...
popped into town and TKMaxx had. Ore of the nice frying pans , so I bought another 2 , in the bigger sizes

Used then tonight to cook duck breasts , broccoli and spinach ( a friend suggested a squeeze of lemon juice with salt and pepper , and goodness me it was lovely )

Will have some cheese later , I have port salut and Perl las , yum

A picture of the camellia I picked last week ( to save it from the storm ) with a hyacinth , photo bombing as the colours look so good together

Jan '20 - Week 8 Low Carb Bootcamp - Springing into March

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ShagMeRiggins · 02/03/2020 19:17

Pink bloody well done. I have questions rather than answers, please indulge me.

  1. For your height you’re actually nearer the middle/lower end of Normal BMI. Why is that extra 2lbs important for you? Something to think about.

  1. I generally see nothing wrong with your menu and you haven’t stated any issues with hunger so I assume you’re eating all your good fat etc.

  1. Back to the 118lb target, is this your forever goal weight? If so, have you given thought to how you will sustain it (into old age? Wink).

  1. Please let me suggest that the 2lb difference might have something to do with dissatisfaction with body shape—problem areas, as we say—rather than weight. In which case toning exercises are useful as much as possible, and understanding more about how to dress to maximise your amazingly petite frame is equally useful.
Stuckinstressville · 02/03/2020 19:30

Huge lurker here! Was 8lbs down but the last 4 weeks sts. So I bloody caved ate pasta for dinner on Saturday, a slice of toast and drank 3 glasses of bloody wine.

4 lb gain today.

Back on it! Will be paying much closer focus as carbs were creeping in!

PinkSubscriber · 02/03/2020 19:38

ShagMeRiggins thanks for your questions.

You’re quite right I am very dissatisfied with my shape. I’m still in size 12 trousers I’m definitely pear shaped. Unfortunately I have an old injury that’s recently reoccurred so I’m having to go VERY easy with exercise.

Haha my next worry is how the hell am I going to maintain this loss. I’ve given up carbs for health reasons too. I’m borderline diabetic.

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