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Low-carb bootcamp

Jan '20 - Week 8 Low Carb Bootcamp - Springing into March

188 replies

StuntNun · 02/03/2020 05:59

How has everyone got on this week? It's time to weigh-in and update the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness. We had a few newbies joining us last week so a quick reminder to ask any questions you might have. This Way of Eating really works but sometimes it can be hard to see the wood for the trees when you're in the middle of your weight loss journey so let's keep motivating each other.

OP posts:
StuntNun · 09/03/2020 06:27
OP posts:
ShagMeRiggins · 08/03/2020 21:23

It’s funny how the Fuckits are uninvited guests a few days/weeks into Bootcamp, and also appear nearer goal weights, isn’t it?

The Fuckits can be great fun, sometimes they’re really bad friends or relatives or neighbours that you just don’t want to see, sometimes they’re the life of the party.

Very tricky to deal with, those Fuckits.

Rayna37 · 08/03/2020 19:26

Welcome to the new people and that's great Riggins; while our "journeys" are quite different I think we treat bootcamp pretty similarly and actually sometimes it does good to think actually if I just dig in, I can totally do this!

I've had a terrible case of the fuck-its the last few days. A guest with chocolate and wine, office sweets and a leaving cake, and another piece Christmas cake. Tomorrow will see me pay the price, but still, I'm feeling and looking good and tantalisingly close to target (hence the fuck-it's)!

Lovely curry tonight: a tomato and aubergine one loosely based on a hairy bikers recipe and the IPD butter chicken which I hadn't realised I'd never made before. Cauli rice. Delicious.

BIWI · 08/03/2020 17:39

... and heading into (hopefully!) warmer, drier weather will also help @ShagMeRiggins

ShagMeRiggins · 08/03/2020 15:42

Just realised I’m only 20lbs off the weight I was when I got married. And I looked good when I got married.

Suddenly everything seems doable, like not much more effort at all. I’ve always known I’d get there but in my head I was thinking “just over halfway” or “gosh, three stone still to lose,” but actually...

I truly wonder, if I, for example, committed to strict BC, summer holidays would be within my grasp by August.

That’s nearly five months, so less than 5lb per month to lose. That seems absolutely achievable!

Wouldn’t put me at Normal BMI, but not far from it. Plus I’m older and we’ve discussed BMI targets for older women—the school of thought that it can and possibly should have a higher upper range for the menopausal.

Anyway, that was my bit of lightbulb whilst sitting in the sunshine enjoying the breeze and the garden and having a slimline tonic (no vodka) as a break from tap.

It’s a long road and I’m still walking it, but feeling good today. KOKO.

BIWI · 08/03/2020 14:38
ShagMeRiggins · 08/03/2020 11:27

Did okay drinks wise last night. Two small white wines (from a box Hmm) then a G&T when home later. Forgot to bring my Greek salad so had only the chicken and one chip.

Really have a hankering for Mexican food so a burrito bowl seems in the cards soon.

Scales say I’ve lost another pound. Still don’t trust it!!! Grin

Welcome. Only a couple more weeks to go here but feel free to be add yourselves to the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness and enjoy all the support.

HerRoyalCarbyLess · 08/03/2020 10:36

Morning. I'm 3lb up from yesterday Hmm
I blame TOTM. I'm due on in a few days and ways gain loads of weight just before. (I checked once and I'd gained 6lb!)
So I expect it to drop again in a week or so.

Breakfast: cheesy scrambled egg and spinach
Lunch: boiled egg and ham salad
Dinner: beef stew

Changednamealready · 08/03/2020 10:11

Please may I join?

My reasons and motivations are to lose a few pounds to help my knees (I’m not overweight on bmi chart so hope it’s ok to join, hoping to reduce bmi 21-22 (currently bmi 24) but main affects I’m hoping will be on my mood, premenstrual tension and to stop turning to carbs when stressed (I used to run but can’t any longer 😢).

Planning to do it through a med type of approach. I’m almost vegetarian (will eat chicken and fish on occasion).

Thank you Flowers

CaptainofmyownShip · 08/03/2020 09:01

Might have to give that a would also mean shedding 1 x creamy coffee, which is probably no bad thing!

prettybird · 08/03/2020 08:45

Glad you like the Buttermint tea - if was someone on here who recommended it to me initially Smile

A wee possibly dangerous suggestion: if you eat mindfully of course Wink your square of Lindt 90% chocolate at the same time as having a cup of Buttermint (or other mint) tea, it tastes like you are having a mint chocolate Grin

CaptainofmyownShip · 08/03/2020 08:31

Morning All

Yes, deep sleep is an unexpected bonus on this woe and, I too, now have weird, intense dreams.

prettybird I bought some Twinings Buttermint tea yesterday after reading your recommendation and it is lush! Like drinking a bag of Werthers butter mints.

Groundhog B: Homemade low carb banana waffle with blueberries and a splodge of thick double cream. 2 x coffee with cream
Groundhog E: Decaf coffee with cream. Square of 90% Lindt
L: Tuna salad with avocado
D: We went out for an Indian: Shami kebab. Butter chicken. Saag bhajee. Small white wine. Waiter offered us a Baileys on the house and we both declined. Then another waiter came whilst we were waiting for the bill and offered again, and I cracked and had one...totally delicious!

2 x fruit teas. Loadsa water

B & E: No prizes for guessing..Blush
L: 2 x fried eggs with spinach
D: Salmon, kale, broccoli

Water. Fruit teas

Next weigh in will be Tuesday morning when I can get on the electronic scales.

Hope you're feeling better athelstane

venusandmars · 08/03/2020 08:17

weegierama Bullet proof coffee is OK if you need to up your fats. However they don't have much nutrition. You'd be better eating broccoli, spinach or cabbage cooked in a similar amount of butter. And don't forget to drink lots of water.

The aim of this woe is to eat healthily in a way that is sustainable and interesting over the long term. A strict keto diet might include a lot more bullet proof coffee, but not so many veg.

Sometimes when people are very close to target and weight loss has stalled, bullet proof coffee might help, but otherwise stick to the bootcamp rules.

At an event all day, which makes the water drinking a bit of a problem.
Brunch (before I go) - creamy scrambled egg, crispy pancetta, a little bit of black pudding, mushrooms
Snack - avocado
D - pork belly, green beans, butter

weegierama · 08/03/2020 08:02

Today is my day one. Have meal planned, had shop delivered a d done a ton of inspirational lurking in bootcamp threads

This WAO worked for me 5 years ago and k lost around 2 stone. About half that back in I suspect. Can't actually find my scales following some recent home improvements but am not a big weigher anyway. I will trust in the process!

Quick q. Have Bullet proof coffees fell out of favour. They were popular in sure when I last did this but I can't see any mention on more recent threads.

HerRoyalCarbyLess · 07/03/2020 20:51

Feeling quite pleased with myself.
My DS1 bought fruit pastilles for everyone from the shop and I shared mine out between the kids instead of eating any HaloGrin

BIWI · 07/03/2020 16:44

I hope he takes it away as a positive learning experience rather than “Jocasta’s mum is an absolute bitch.”


ShagMeRiggins · 07/03/2020 16:44

Ps—my daughter is not named Jocasta. In case anyone wondered. Wink

ShagMeRiggins · 07/03/2020 16:43

I don't believe you. You are my role model assertive person, and I don't believe that when you stare down your nose and say you don't want chips, people don't back away flapping their hands, to run for salad.

Ha ha ha. Yes, I’m assertive, but when faced with a village quiz run by mostly (very long) retired volunteers for a twinning association, I tend not to assert. They are lovely and doing a good thing.

I asked, they said sorry, we don’t think we can because we’re ordering it in, then offered all sorts like a crap iceberg with one cherry tomato, no dressing, and a chunk of cheddar. Bless them.

I politely declined and thanked them, but I’d rather bring my own lush Greek salad with kalamata olives from the farm shop.

I did have a weird exchange at the corner shop the other day where the fellow at the till gave me a pack of cigarettes (sigh, yes, smoking again) that didn’t have the shrink wrap around it.

So I asked for a different pack (because of potential tampering), and he got that pack but by that point he had become a bit flustered, hadn’t given me my change, and I suggested he should void the sale and ring up my purchase again with the proper items.

By that time there was a queue of three behind me (with small items) and bless him, he started to serve the person behind me!

I said “Why are you doing this, we haven’t finished.”

He said, “I’m serving the customers.”

I said, “Yes, but I am your customer.”

I did check with those behind me that they were—God forbid—happy to wait an additional 30 seconds. They were, but one dick of a guy purchasing two cans of beer at 10.00am Hmm said “well I can see his point”

Anyway, I guess that makes me assertive. Just so y’all know, the guy at the till is young and new, went to school with my kids, and was flustered but fine about it all. I reassured him he’d done a great job and understood why it all seemed too much. They’re not well-trained in customer service and he’s a lovely young man. I hope he takes it away as a positive learning experience rather than “Jocasta’s mum is an absolute bitch.” Blush

venusandmars · 07/03/2020 14:40

athelstane I'm a fan of kimchi, find it easier to eat than sauerkraut.

At an event all day today and tomorrow, free sandwiches and coke. Luckily I brought my own.
B - boiled eggs with butter
L - salad with cheese and avocado
D - chicken satay with Asian pak choi, mushrooms and broccoli

BIWI · 07/03/2020 14:27

I'm convinced @AthelstaneTheUnready that several long-term courses of antibiotics as a teen (for acne) wiped out my positive/good gut bacteria, which ultimately led to my IBS and also very-difficult-to-treat (and long running) candida/thrush.

So definitely worth investing in stuff to help your gut. It's also worth considering getting some decent probiotics - if you have a good health food shop ask their advice. Don't get something like yakult/actimel as they're just full of sugar. Also, live (natural) yoghurt will help you.

AthelstaneTheUnready · 07/03/2020 13:11

I couldn’t get them to substitute the chips with anything friendlier.

I don't believe you. You are my role model assertive person, and I don't believe that when you stare down your nose and say you don't want chips, people don't back away flapping their hands, to run for salad.

In sick-bed news, I have been reading up on the effects of antibiotics on gut health and am pretty Shock let's not even go there with the steroids

So have been gulping kefir, and made some sauerkraut with added ginger and garlic at the beginning of the week, and it is frankly gopping. I definitely used too much salt. It's christ-on-a-bike levels of gopping. I have to keep it in the shed because it stunk out the fridge.

However. I do feel much chirpier within an hour or so of eating it, craving it in fact.

Still not weighed, don't dare, but very glad to be back on LC wagon for all the healthy reasons.

CheddarGorgeous · 07/03/2020 11:32

I've apparently gained 2lb since Monday Hmm could be cycle related but also acknowledge that I have been exercising less (work and home life busy) and eating off plan - sugar demons still being exorcised. Never mind. KOKO.


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ShagMeRiggins · 07/03/2020 09:16

Charity quiz night tonight. I’ve ordered the chicken chips on the advice of my husband who suggested it would be better than the fish and chips or sausage and chips. He’s sitting here eating toast and butter so not sure why I deferred to his opinion. Hmm

Anyway, I’m thinking of taking along a little tub of Greek salad as I couldn’t get them to substitute the chips with anything friendlier.

Mostly I’m going to try not to drink too much. Might not be difficult—the wine at these things is usually crap. Grin

absopugginglutely · 07/03/2020 09:14

Thank you 😊😊 chuffed!

ShagMeRiggins · 07/03/2020 09:13

I appear to have lost 3lbs overnight. I don’t trust it. Angry Grin

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