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Low-carb bootcamp

Week 3 - Summer Low Carb Bootcamp - we move on to Bootcamp Light!

932 replies

BIWI · 05/06/2017 07:46

Morning all

Here's the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness once more

I hope that the scales reflect the efforts you've made over the last, strict apart from the cheating fortnight.

Now you have a choice. You can either move on to Bootcamp Light, which allows a bit of fruit (berries mainly), for you to include nuts/seeds - again, occasionally, and also a moderate amount of alcohol. Rules for Bootcamp Light are on the spreadsheet, but to make it even easier for you here they are:

1. Eat when you’re hungry - if you’re not hungry, don’t eat

In Bootcamp, you should have been eating three meals a day. The point of this being to ensure that you got used to eating proper meals, and so that your blood sugar is regulated and stable. Having achieved that, you can now relax this a little bit. If you find you’re not hungry - which often happens, because ketosis suppresses your appetite - then don’t force yourself to eat. But don’t let yourself get so hungry that you make inappropriate choices! Always make sure you have plenty of low carb food to access quickly, if you need to.

2. Avoid processed food

Focus on pure, natural protein as the basis for your meals – meat/fish/eggs.

You may include processed meats like bacon or (low carb) sausages, smoked salmon, smoked mackerel, gammon - but please don’t have these at every meal or every day. As well as being highly processed they often contain undesirable ingredients, can add unnecessary extra carbs into your diet, and often include sugar.

3. Eat lots of fat

Eating fat helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer. Fry in butter, add butter to vegetables, eat salad with a home-made vinaigrette dressing (not made with balsamic vinegar though, as this is too sweet and has too many carbs), add mayonnaise where you can (just check the carb count on your mayo first). Eat fattier cuts of meat – e.g. pork belly, roast chicken with the skin on and/or eat the fat off your lamb chops. Absolutely no low fat/light foods of any kind

4. Make sure you are eating vegetables and salads with your food

This is where the bulk of your carbs should come from, and this is non-negotiable. But choose only those vegetables that are on the allowed list. You don’t have to weigh/count carbs – this is one of the great joys of this WOE (way of eating), but if you’re new to low carbing it can be helpful to weigh your portions of veg in the early days, just so that you know how many carbs are in the sort of portions that you like to eat.
Beware that some of the veg on the allowed list can be surprisingly high in carbs once you make up a portion of it – this is because they are denser, and therefore you tend to use more – compare, for example, 100g of onion with 100g lettuce! Keep your focus on those veg which contain 3g carbs per 100g and use these as the focus of your meals. Use those over 3g per 100g sparingly.

5. You may eat some dairy

"You should aim to include plenty of butter on this WOE. Fry with it and add it to your vegetables. And if you know that dairy doesn’t impede your weight loss you may eat cheese, but don't overdo it. Full fat yoghurt is the best way to include dairy in your diet - but beware, it does contain carbs. Total Full Fat is the best.

If you’ve been cutting out tea/coffee, you can re-introduce this – but just be careful how much milk you end up drinking. You can end up adding a lot of extra carbs this way.

6. You must drink a minimum of 2 litres of water per day

Even if you’re drinking more tea/coffee than in Bootcamp, this is still a non-negotiable part of this WOE. And the more weight you have to lose, the more water you should drink. Water helps to flush out the ketones that your body will product – so flushing out the fat. However, drinking this amount of water can affect your electrolyte balance; you need to make sure that you get plenty of sodium and potassium. There is less need to worry about restricting salt if you’re eating a low carb diet. Good sources of potassium are salmon and avocado. You could also consider supplements if you have an issue with this.

7. You may drink some alcohol

But restrict this to once or twice a week max. Vodka with soda is the best thing to drink. Or Champagne, red wine or dry white wine. Absolutely no beer/lager, cider, liqueurs, cocktails or full sugar mixers. You can drink spirits with artificial sweeteners, but bear in mind that we are attempting to avoid all things artificial!

Alcohol is the easiest source of fuel for your body, and it will use this over and above anything else that is available to it. Therefore, even if you’re following the diet absolutely to the letter, including alcohol can prevent weight loss.

8. You may eat some fruit

"Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and rhubarb are all fine. But please – only once a day at the very most, and keep an eye on your portion sizes. Just for information – these are the carb counts:
Rhubarb – 0.8g carbs per 100g (but don’t forget you will need to sweeten this – and not with sugar!)
Blackberries – 4.4g carbs per 100g
Raspberries – 4.6g carbs per 100g
Strawberries – 6g carbs per 100g
Blueberries - 6.4g carbs per 100g (although this is a bit controversial - I have had differing carb counts from various sources - some saying as much as 12g carbs per 100g)

9. You may eat some nuts/seeds

Nuts/seeds can make a good snack. BUT it is incredibly easy to overdo it, and you can end up eating your bodyweight in carbs. As an occasional snack they are great, but keep it occasional and keep the portions to a small handful at most.

Macadamias are not only luscious, but they are very low in carbs.

Here are some carb counts – BUT – check the back of your packets as I don’t know if these are for raw or roasted nuts:
Brazils 3.1g carbs per 100g
Walnuts 3.3g carbs per 100g
Pistachios 4.6g carbs per 100g
Macadamias 4.8g carbs per 100g
Hazelnuts 4.8g carbs per 100g
Pecans 5.8g carbs per 100g
Almonds 6.9g carbs per 100g
Peanuts 7.1 g carbs per 100g
Cashews 18.1g carbs per 100g

10. Avoid artificial sweeteners

The aim of Bootcamp was to help reduce the stranglehold that sugar has on us – and to curb your sweet tooth. But it does make some things difficult, e.g. desserts at a dinner party, and it is undeniable that it can be enjoyable – occasionally – to eat something sweet. However, restrict such goodies. For some people, artificial sweeteners can impede weight loss.

OP posts:
AdalindSchade · 12/06/2017 07:37

weight still not dropping much. I've had 2 periods in 3 weeks so I'm assuming my body is responding to the lack of carbs but fat loss isn't really happening. I'm goinf to carry on though :)

StuntNun · 12/06/2017 07:38

@littlebillie have you had gout before? Going low carb can temporarily exacerbate gout symptoms in people that are prone to it. If you haven't had gout then it's pretty unlikely.

wombattoo · 12/06/2017 07:39

Please see the link to the new thread that BIWI has posted.

random I will add you when there is room on the spreadsheet.

StuntNun · 12/06/2017 07:40

Everyone please move over to the NEW THREAD in an orderly fashion. No pushing at the back there.

glenthebattleostrich · 12/06/2017 08:20

Morning all,

Another pound off today.

I've been a bit rubbish over the last few days, to much carb creep (berries and cream mostly). All things allowed but to many. New start today, back on boot camp proper with some fasting thrown in for good measure.

Well done on the loss Kermit.

Veryflummoxed · 12/06/2017 15:15

Gingerbread green tea fizzy water 👍

Giraffeski · 13/06/2017 10:49

154.4 today (forgot to weigh yesterday) which means a loss of 2.4 lb. I can only assume my carby twatdom of last week will catch up with me next week, I have felt so horrible the last few days. Sunday morning I woke up with a migraine and I have felt just generally crap ever since. So KOKO and I have been good since Saturday!
B-creamy coffee
L- homemade guacamole and celery/cucumber sticks, few parmesan crisps (teaspoon of grated parmesan in bottom of silicone cupcake cases, microwave 30 secs at a time. Yum.)
T- fried jerk seasoned whiting, stir fried broccoli and sugar snap peas with butter. DH and DD had a mango salsa and black rice, I had extra broccoli)
No snacks, lots of water. A few black coffees. House stinks of fish today Hmm

B: scrambled egg and asparagus fried in butter, creamy coffee
L: maybe nothing, maybe a salad. Not sure.
T: chicken tacos (lettuce taco)

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