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Low-carb bootcamp

Week 3 - Summer Low Carb Bootcamp - we move on to Bootcamp Light!

932 replies

BIWI · 05/06/2017 07:46

Morning all

Here's the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness once more

I hope that the scales reflect the efforts you've made over the last, strict apart from the cheating fortnight.

Now you have a choice. You can either move on to Bootcamp Light, which allows a bit of fruit (berries mainly), for you to include nuts/seeds - again, occasionally, and also a moderate amount of alcohol. Rules for Bootcamp Light are on the spreadsheet, but to make it even easier for you here they are:

1. Eat when you’re hungry - if you’re not hungry, don’t eat

In Bootcamp, you should have been eating three meals a day. The point of this being to ensure that you got used to eating proper meals, and so that your blood sugar is regulated and stable. Having achieved that, you can now relax this a little bit. If you find you’re not hungry - which often happens, because ketosis suppresses your appetite - then don’t force yourself to eat. But don’t let yourself get so hungry that you make inappropriate choices! Always make sure you have plenty of low carb food to access quickly, if you need to.

2. Avoid processed food

Focus on pure, natural protein as the basis for your meals – meat/fish/eggs.

You may include processed meats like bacon or (low carb) sausages, smoked salmon, smoked mackerel, gammon - but please don’t have these at every meal or every day. As well as being highly processed they often contain undesirable ingredients, can add unnecessary extra carbs into your diet, and often include sugar.

3. Eat lots of fat

Eating fat helps to keep you feeling fuller for longer. Fry in butter, add butter to vegetables, eat salad with a home-made vinaigrette dressing (not made with balsamic vinegar though, as this is too sweet and has too many carbs), add mayonnaise where you can (just check the carb count on your mayo first). Eat fattier cuts of meat – e.g. pork belly, roast chicken with the skin on and/or eat the fat off your lamb chops. Absolutely no low fat/light foods of any kind

4. Make sure you are eating vegetables and salads with your food

This is where the bulk of your carbs should come from, and this is non-negotiable. But choose only those vegetables that are on the allowed list. You don’t have to weigh/count carbs – this is one of the great joys of this WOE (way of eating), but if you’re new to low carbing it can be helpful to weigh your portions of veg in the early days, just so that you know how many carbs are in the sort of portions that you like to eat.
Beware that some of the veg on the allowed list can be surprisingly high in carbs once you make up a portion of it – this is because they are denser, and therefore you tend to use more – compare, for example, 100g of onion with 100g lettuce! Keep your focus on those veg which contain 3g carbs per 100g and use these as the focus of your meals. Use those over 3g per 100g sparingly.

5. You may eat some dairy

"You should aim to include plenty of butter on this WOE. Fry with it and add it to your vegetables. And if you know that dairy doesn’t impede your weight loss you may eat cheese, but don't overdo it. Full fat yoghurt is the best way to include dairy in your diet - but beware, it does contain carbs. Total Full Fat is the best.

If you’ve been cutting out tea/coffee, you can re-introduce this – but just be careful how much milk you end up drinking. You can end up adding a lot of extra carbs this way.

6. You must drink a minimum of 2 litres of water per day

Even if you’re drinking more tea/coffee than in Bootcamp, this is still a non-negotiable part of this WOE. And the more weight you have to lose, the more water you should drink. Water helps to flush out the ketones that your body will product – so flushing out the fat. However, drinking this amount of water can affect your electrolyte balance; you need to make sure that you get plenty of sodium and potassium. There is less need to worry about restricting salt if you’re eating a low carb diet. Good sources of potassium are salmon and avocado. You could also consider supplements if you have an issue with this.

7. You may drink some alcohol

But restrict this to once or twice a week max. Vodka with soda is the best thing to drink. Or Champagne, red wine or dry white wine. Absolutely no beer/lager, cider, liqueurs, cocktails or full sugar mixers. You can drink spirits with artificial sweeteners, but bear in mind that we are attempting to avoid all things artificial!

Alcohol is the easiest source of fuel for your body, and it will use this over and above anything else that is available to it. Therefore, even if you’re following the diet absolutely to the letter, including alcohol can prevent weight loss.

8. You may eat some fruit

"Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and rhubarb are all fine. But please – only once a day at the very most, and keep an eye on your portion sizes. Just for information – these are the carb counts:
Rhubarb – 0.8g carbs per 100g (but don’t forget you will need to sweeten this – and not with sugar!)
Blackberries – 4.4g carbs per 100g
Raspberries – 4.6g carbs per 100g
Strawberries – 6g carbs per 100g
Blueberries - 6.4g carbs per 100g (although this is a bit controversial - I have had differing carb counts from various sources - some saying as much as 12g carbs per 100g)

9. You may eat some nuts/seeds

Nuts/seeds can make a good snack. BUT it is incredibly easy to overdo it, and you can end up eating your bodyweight in carbs. As an occasional snack they are great, but keep it occasional and keep the portions to a small handful at most.

Macadamias are not only luscious, but they are very low in carbs.

Here are some carb counts – BUT – check the back of your packets as I don’t know if these are for raw or roasted nuts:
Brazils 3.1g carbs per 100g
Walnuts 3.3g carbs per 100g
Pistachios 4.6g carbs per 100g
Macadamias 4.8g carbs per 100g
Hazelnuts 4.8g carbs per 100g
Pecans 5.8g carbs per 100g
Almonds 6.9g carbs per 100g
Peanuts 7.1 g carbs per 100g
Cashews 18.1g carbs per 100g

10. Avoid artificial sweeteners

The aim of Bootcamp was to help reduce the stranglehold that sugar has on us – and to curb your sweet tooth. But it does make some things difficult, e.g. desserts at a dinner party, and it is undeniable that it can be enjoyable – occasionally – to eat something sweet. However, restrict such goodies. For some people, artificial sweeteners can impede weight loss.

OP posts:
boldlygoingsomewhere · 05/06/2017 08:39

Well done with all the losses.

I'm also not weighing but keeping an eye on my general shape, fit of clothes and how I feel.

My 'too tight' trousers are feeling looser this morning. Smile

wombattoo · 05/06/2017 08:40

cooking well done on your loss. I know you were a bit sceptical. 6lb is brilliant Thanks

styledilemma · 05/06/2017 08:43

Weigh in day! I thought I'd leave it till mid morning to weigh myself, so I get a truer reading.
I. always seem to be a lot lighter if I weigh myself first thing (dehydration overnight) confused
Anyway, I thought I'd take the second, heavier reading as my true loss weight.

CaptainBraandPants · 05/06/2017 08:48

style it doesn't matter when you weigh as long as you do it consistently. Most people do it first thing in the morning, partly because it is the lowest weight and we all want that but also because there tend to be less variables then. If you weigh mid morning, then you would have to ensure you ate/ drank exactly the same each week to keep the variables the same. You certainly wouldn't want a big fry up one week, then, then just a cup of tea the next.
TBH, they are just numbers anyway and it is the trend that matters, so do whatever works for you.

ASDismynormality · 05/06/2017 08:49

styledilemma I always weigh first thing, naked post wee. I don't think it really matters as long as it's the same time so you get a true reflection of weight loss.

styledilemma · 05/06/2017 08:54

I can't believe I've made it to week 3' it's definitely the support. On my own I would have given up half way through week 2.
Thanks everybody!

prettybird · 05/06/2017 08:57

3lb off so 4lb in total Smile

Pleased with that. Don't think if have got as big a water loss woosh at the beginning as I'd been easing myself in before signing up officially to the Boot Camp hate to think what my true start weight would have been Blush but over the last 10 days, I've really got back into the habit of drinking water and its corollary going to the loo Wink

Will update the spreadsheet when I'm back on the laptop.

Kleptronic · 05/06/2017 08:59

In the spirit of accountability I have weighed and found I have put 4lb on. Don't be like me, don't fall head first into a vat of Pimms!

Naschkatze · 05/06/2017 08:59

I've stayed the same. But, jeans bought post pregnancy because none of my other ones fit, feel a bit loose. I've had to put a belt on! Grin

Well done everyone, keep it up!

AdalindSchade · 05/06/2017 09:00

Weighed in - pretty disappointed. I lost 4lb in the first 2 weeks but after my carb weekend have continued to weigh 2lb heavier so only a 2lb loss overall in 3 weeks.
This is what happened to me both times before when I tried to go bootcamp, I lost 2lb then stopped. I'm following the rules more closely (apart from that weekend obviously) so would expect more loss.
Anyway I have done my foot shop for the week so I'm not giving up! Will try one more week and see if there is any shift. Although I feel the health benefits on a day to day basis I can't afford an extra £20 a week on my shopping bill if I am not going to lose weight.

bettyblueeyes83 · 05/06/2017 09:03

Hi all,

So I've missed the BC part of bootcamp, I hope it's OK to join now? Encouraging to see everyone doing so well. I had great success with BC last year but have struggled since then and regained.

Am just emerging from particularly crazy period at work, which has taken significant toll on my eating/exercise habits and I've gained weight in the last two weeks rather than lost, which I've diligently logged. Sad. But really determined to get back on it! I know how much better I feel when I do it but I've just been struggling for some reason.

I'll start with two weeks of BC and then switch to BC light. Haven't even had time to do my normal big shop, but will just recommit and follow the rules and manage shopping as I go!

Today so far: two scrambled eggs with cheese, half an avocado, salad, coffee with splash of whole milk (will buy cream tonight)

Iwishicouldfly456 · 05/06/2017 09:11

Morning all. Bank holiday in Ireland today- yippeeeeeeeee. Pleased to report 1.25 down this morning. I'm a daily weigher so initially was disappointed but a lb a week is gonna get me where I wannabe on no time. And I'm getting obsessive so gonna have to hide the scales until Mondays

Thanks to BIWI et Al for this!!!

JiminnyCricket · 05/06/2017 09:12

Morning :)

Well I STS at 16st 2lbs. To be fair, I had date night on Friday where we ate out and then I had Nando's and a pub meal (chicken wings) yesterday, plus AF arrived so I'm not bothered by it really.

I've also had a fab week of NSV's and have started actually seeing my body change shape finally, so I'm focusing in on that.

If I lose 1 more lb, i'll have lost 3st since new years day which isn't bad going in 5 months. Only 10lbs of that was on anything other than LCHF. I see people on the weight loss boards on here losing 6 stone in 6 months etc and some even more than that with Cambridge type diets, but I feel like this WOE is much more sustainable than that and I'm not just losing weight for the wedding, I need to maintain this long term.

However, it is time I got a bit more serious so I'm not transitioning to light this week. I'm sticking on BC strictly for 1 more week and avoiding temptations (last week involved 3 G&T's and a Mojito Blush). This should be a bit easier this week as we have nothing planned in, it's election night on Thursday so I'm off work on Friday and I plan to spend my long weekend cleaning my pig sty of a house!

Menu Today:

B: Coconut Coffee
L: Broccoli and Stilton soup with a dollop of total yoghurt t up the fat content then some cheese, chorizo and olive skewers i found in Tesco.
D: Squid, haddock and chorizo stew with spinach

styledilemma · 05/06/2017 09:12

I did bootcamp to the absolute letter

cherries Me too and it definitely works. I'm not saying I won't have a wobble eventually, but if you follow the rules and don't cheat, It Works! Smile

For 3 whole years I've been going on diets/healthy eating plans, and I find I get to a certain point and the scales refuse to budge past a certain number, but I've finally cracked it and moved down from that stubborn halfway point. I can't believe it.
I would do a naked dance as well but don't want to scare anybody Grin This body has seen better days!

bellalurgy · 05/06/2017 09:15

A pound off for me, slow and steady Grin Day 119 today and a loss of 25lb so far, not too shabby!

Will catch up with the thread, lovely to see it's so busy.

Brunch will be omelette with mushrooms and spinach
Not sure about dinner

I am going to try a cold coffee with almond milk and squirty cream - thanks to whoever mentioned that on the last thread. I couldn't find any sugar free stuff and was going to buy a gadget that makes your cream aerated but now I don't have to! Cream was delivered yesterday but will try and resist eating it for breakfast Wink

Off to catch up now, back later x

Dumdedumdedum · 05/06/2017 09:16

I've gained, my own fault, there were some excuses but no reasons for it, so starting Bootcamp proper again today. Need to eat more veg remember potatoes are not an allowed veg and less cheese.
Well done on all the losses, everyone, and thank you to BIWI and her glamorous assistants for helping us KOKO!

Playmobilpeacock · 05/06/2017 09:20

Good morning.

I'm just joining in now after 2 weeks of school holidays. I have been following bootcamp, just no time to write about it.

I've had no losses and I think I need to cut out dairy Sad

I find low carb quite easy but that's probably because I just eat huge portions of cauliflower cheese Blush. So I'm going to cut dairy (except some butter) and see if that makes a difference.

styledilemma · 05/06/2017 09:24

I need to buy some more butter. A block lasted me two weeks. I'm going to do a hybrid version. Two light days in the week (coinciding with gym class days) and one light day on the weekend, (so I can have a vodka and soda)

I'm not sure how I will get on with the vodka and soda. I'm more of a dry white kind of gal. I want to stay away from the vino as its that that seems to make me have poor food choices and I don't want to undo all the good work.

C4pinkwheels · 05/06/2017 09:24

Just weighed in, I've lost another 3.9lbs making a total loss of 7.6lbs so far. I cannot describe how happy I am. I'm seeing 10st on the scales for the first time since 2013, the sobering side of this is that I have to be 9st3lb to hit the upper end of the acceptable BMI for my height.

One of my DS is getting married next July, I want to look as good as a woman in a wheelchair can look on the day, that and the obvious health benefits are my motivation. BIWI please use this to beat me over the head with if I waver.

Giraffeski · 05/06/2017 09:32

Mines for the full two weeks as I was unable to weigh last week due to being away- 156.8 which means 6.2 lb loss over the fortnight.
I feel like thats about right, DH has noticed loss on my face and décolletage, and I have definitely felt like my blood sugars have been more stable. I had a couple of small cheats while we were away, namely gin and slimline, which I shouldn't have had on BC proper, so I'm going to try and do another week or so of full on BC and now I'm back at home will find it easier.
We sold our house yesterday and I haven't even had a drink to celebrate!

cathyandclare · 05/06/2017 09:43

Well done losers!
I'm 0.4lb up, which frankly after the rollercoaster on the scales this week is a miracle. I'm refusing to write it down though, going hard core and cutting dairy today and weighing in officially tomorrow (pathetic manipulation of the stats I know, i should be a politician Grin )

Sipping an earl grey tea with almond milk, which is actually pretty pleasant.

B: tea, may have an oopsie roll a little later
L: Chicken and bacon salad
D: Asparagus frittata

cabbage67 · 05/06/2017 09:44

Well done to all you losers and everyone who has made it to week 3.

Only 1.6lb this week so am a little disappointed, especially as i gained slightly in the first week. I'm certain I'm doing this properly and haven't gone off piste once this week. I do, however, notice a change in by body and have lost inches of my waist, hips and and right calf (?).

I can't get my head round the fact that I've only lost a very small amount of weight, but measurements say does that work?

Not sure if I've reached ketosis. It mind sound a stupid question, but will it be obvious?

Thank you to BIWI and all you other LCHF experts


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FallenMadonnawiththeBadBoobies · 05/06/2017 09:45

1.6 lbs off for me this week, making a total of 6.1 lbs over the two weeks. I'm a little disappointed that I didn't lose more, as I have so much to lose, but I did go out for a curry on Saturday night and had wine, so I can't really complain. I'm now just 1 lb heavier than my pre-chemo weight, and I put over a stone on over the 16 weeks, so I'm quite happy with that.

I can really see and feel the difference though, which is very inspirational. I have hated clothes shopping for many years, and I am sick to death of wearing the same clothes day in day out. However, I have drawers of much nicer clothes, some of which have never been worn, which are 14s or small 16s and I can see that a few more pounds off would put me in with a fighting chance of fitting into some of them. I'm hoping I can do that before going off on holiday just as boot camp draws to a close.

I'm going to try sticking with the tougher regime as much as I can for the time being, as I don't really feel like I'm dieting at all. I'm aiming for 2lbs a week in order to get to my dream total loss of 1.5 stones over the 10 weeks.

Keep going everyone.

ilovecherries · 05/06/2017 09:56

Madonna, 1.5 stones off is my 10 week target as well. That would move me into the high 13s. I'm fairly tall, so that would move me from obese to overweight, and looking at photos of myself on the way up, I know that a) I looked a 'sturdy woman' rather than a fat one at that weight b) I'd have a complete new wardrobe from what I have in storage (hoping at least some of it is classic enough not to have dated horribly and will see them through to my next target without a lot of expense) c) I can easily shop on the high street.

HemanOrSheRa · 05/06/2017 10:02

I can't get my head round the fact that I've only lost a very small amount of weight, but measurements say does that work? I'd like to know too cabbage.

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