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Low-carb bootcamp

Week 5 - Low Carb Bootcamp - almost half way through!

316 replies

BIWI · 08/06/2015 07:50

Morning all - lovely sunny day here!

Here's the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness for your confessions

It sounds like some of us have been struggling recently, so I hope that the scales have been kind to you this morning.

If the scales aren't your friend, then don't forget to take your measurements, or to try on that dress/those jeans that were too tight 5 weeks ago - the results here are more meaningful than the scales anyway.

I put some new trousers on yesterday that I bought a couple of weeks ago, and find that they are now too big. Which is both pleasing and annoying at the same time Grin

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George80 · 13/06/2015 17:57

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CobbOnn · 13/06/2015 18:49

Thank you Smile. Dinner today was chicken fajita with lettuce wraps. Sour cream, avocado and jalapeños. Was so lovely. Only thing I slightly dislike about this woe is I fill up so quickly so I can't have seconds or thirds!

Patapouf · 13/06/2015 19:34

Back in the UK finally and I think I'm about 6lbs up. Very lax couple of days coupled with minimal water intake/sleep has done me in. Very happily back on the LC wagon now and look forward to losing again!

mrswhiskers · 13/06/2015 19:37

Just had my first lettuce wrap with chilli. can't believe how tasty and filling it was. think I'm going to have to buy more lettuces!
what other fillings can I try?

trashcanjunkie · 13/06/2015 19:38

What on earth is going on with the deleted messages? Shock

Just checking in quickly. Had bacon and eggs, then lunch was rollmops, dinner bbq rib eye steak with green salad and mayo. Going to have a bp tea in a minute.

HemanOrSheRa · 13/06/2015 19:42

Oh I say! We've had an Indian Takeaway for dinner tonight and I tried Sag Paneer for the first time. It is bloody gorgeous!

I haven't eaten much all day today. I'm just not feeling hungry and haven't been for the last few days. When I'm working I'm trying to eat at 'normal' times as I am hungry by evening and don't want to eat late lunch and then be preparing food late in the evening IYSWIM.

No breakfast. Black coffee.

No lunch.

Snack at about 4ish - small chunk of cheese and a handful of pork scratchings.

D - Tandoori mixed grill, chicken dupiaza (easy on the onion), sag paneer and salad.

Not enough water - I went to hairdressers and food shopping to difficult to get enough water on board and be able to find a toilet when out and about. 3 cups of black coffee.

blessedenough · 13/06/2015 20:03

Mrswhiskers - I had lettuce wraps for dinner -mine were filled with corned beef, cheese, mayo, onion - tiny bit and a tiny bit of tomato, yummy. Even though its basically a salad and something I have regularly it feels different as a wrap than flat on a plate! Would love some new suggestions.

I have been rubbish with food today - out and about and then at mils and only options were carby so I declined.

D- Corned beef lettuce wraps. Then yoghurt with cream and a few strawberries.

I did manage loads of water and a few decaf coffees.

Kleptronic · 13/06/2015 20:05

Send me some strength please lovely people. I'm premenstrual and I WANT CARBS. I haven't. I won't. I mustn't. Aaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhh! My progesterone ate all my serotonin!

ditavonteesed · 13/06/2015 20:11

klep, have some strenght, and maybe some strawberries and cream, thats my go to feels naughty food.

Hissy · 13/06/2015 20:22

Omg! Meatzza! #stuffed

Kleptronic · 13/06/2015 20:24

Oh I have those for the boy but have been swerving berries as I'm still on bc proper. At this point though I'm going in, thanks dita!

CobbOnn · 13/06/2015 20:29

I'd like to make a sort of yuk sung dish. It's minced pork with chopped up water chestnuts and that is eaten wrapped in lettuce leaves. I imagine there is sugar or corn starch when bought from takeaway but I bet a lc homemade option would work. I've meal planned for the week but this might be my project for next weekend. That and almond flour pizza base.

Gcalgske · 13/06/2015 20:52

Cobb the BEST low carb pizza in my humble opinion is fathead crust.
It's 200g shredded mozzarella, 3/4 cup group almonds. 1 egg and 2 heaped tbsp cream cheese. You microwave the cheeses until the mozzarella goes stringy then beat in the egg/ almond. It's like a proper dough. I've made Stromboli and sausage rolls and even had s go at a pasty with the dough. It's devine!

plumstone · 13/06/2015 21:54

Hi all, today has been pretty good:

B - eggs and bacon in butter and a BPC
L- three slices on Oz tongue spread with Boursin and lettuce and rolled with some pork crackling
D total ff Greek yogurt flax seeds double cream and blueberries
W just about to finish third liter

Felt I need flax as the old toilet habits are still a bit sporadic! Tmi? Sorry


LexLoofah · 13/06/2015 23:29

Take care romey

Well dinner out last night was a success, we did a build your own charcuterie board to start so had Serrano ham, chorizo, Manchego, smoked salmon, olives, chicken liver pate which they even brought out lettuce leaves for instead of bread. I then had wahoo which is a lovely firm white fish, not much fat except some sauted aubergine and cherry toms.

I didnt order dessert and was happy not to then the waiter brought over a big selection tray of Their made in house ice cream sent over by friends at another table, that was demolished -- but not by me, I had a camomile tea

Meals today, nothing new really so won't post, the only new things are a) have snacked a few times on some lovely thick jersey cream that I found In the shop and b) I couldn't get almond milk but got flax milk that is 1g carbs per cup, not bad to drink on it's own but even better warmed in a pan with a vanilla chai tea bag

Kleptronic · 14/06/2015 01:02

I swerved the carbs. Via the medium of roasted celeriac and chicken, asparagus, cauliflower and carrots (!risky). Finally full now Smile

LexLoofah · 14/06/2015 02:07

Well done klept

CobbOnn · 14/06/2015 08:37

Gcal the cheese makes sense. I've made oopsie rolls and almond flour pancakes and I think pizza crust needs to be somewhere between the two. Looking forward to pizza night. It's always been an absolute favourite. If I can get this to work then it's another step towards eating family meals rather than separate lchf meals.

Gcalgske · 14/06/2015 08:56

It's yummy Cobb, my hubby is very very fussy and a proper foodie snob. Prides himself on having an excellent palate, won't touch mashed cauli/ celeriac etc (even when loaded with cheese of bacon etc and genuinely difficult to tell its not potato) and his judgement on the fathead crust was 'hey, that's alright' which is like the highest praise. X

Hangonaminutewillyou · 14/06/2015 11:26

hmm scales appear to be going in the wrong direction despite best behaviour (including major swerving of carbs whilst out)...could this be related to doing exercise for the last 3 days in a row? muscles weigh more than fat don't they...I have been doing my Davina 7 minute fit DVD every day since I got it! Feeling good but would like the scales to reflect this!!

BIWI · 14/06/2015 11:30

Gcalgske - that sounds lovely! Any idea how many grams 3/4 cup of almonds would be? I don't have any cup measurements, but would love to have a go at that.

(And who is/was George80 and what was he/she saying?!)

OP posts:
BIWI · 14/06/2015 11:30

Hangon - it could be. Have you been drinking enough water?

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ditavonteesed · 14/06/2015 11:36

george80 was offering us healthy ice cream that had no sugar or fat his friend makesHmm

Gcalgske · 14/06/2015 12:01

Biwi I have a good conversion thing printed out from delia on line but out and about (Playbarn Sunday hell)

A rule of thumb is that 1/4 cup is 60ml so 4 level tbsp.
12 level tbsp would give you 3/4 cup.

I'll post gram weight later x

BIWI · 14/06/2015 12:04


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